Forex Dealer Job Description - Métodos de comercio de moneda extranjera
Forex es la versión más corta o el título popular del mercado de divisas. Se refiere generalmente como FX. Este antiguo y más importante mercado principal de divisas funciona durante 24 horas al día y posee la mejor liquidez.
Jan. 14, 2011 - PRLog - Descripción del puesto del distribuidor de Forex
Forex es la versión más corta o el título popular del mercado de divisas. Se refiere generalmente como FX. Este antiguo y más importante mercado principal de divisas funciona durante 24 horas al día y posee la mejor liquidez.
Los comerciantes, los agentes de corretaje, y las instituciones como bancos y diversas compañías monetarias diferentes funcionan el mercado. Las instituciones monetarias suelen manejar un billón de dólares cada día. El mercado funciona casi a través de Internet y el teléfono. Cada corredor de divisas e inversionista necesita algunos Métodos de comercio de Forex confiable y buenos sistemas de comercio de dinero extranjero.
Forex forex no es un proceso sencillo, tiene ingresos y pérdidas junto con una buena cantidad de riesgo. Como un nuevo participante en el mercado de divisas, se le puede sugerir para interactuar con un corredor de divisas con experiencia para lograr beneficios. Asegúrese de que el distribuidor aplica buenas estrategias de comercio de divisas para que simplemente gane más a través de su decisión de inversión.
El corredor de divisas le informará a través de diferentes métodos de comercio exterior de dinero extranjero y tácticas. Es una necesidad de ser exhaustivo, mientras que la contratación de su corredor de divisas. Él es el vínculo entre sus ingresos y el mercado de divisas. Las personas que son novatos están inclinados a gastar más dinero en una búsqueda para hacer un ingreso extra.
Esto se debe en verdad a la falta de conocimientos técnicos y de conciencia del mercado. El distribuidor guía a su comprador con toda la información importante del mercado. Te ofrece una evaluación técnica y te hace un análisis de mercado. El objetivo de su corredor probablemente será darle más beneficios. Buenos métodos extranjeros de comercio de divisas también hacen que el trabajo sea sencillo e indoloro. Obtener Internet # 1 - Forex Dealer Job Description @ http://forexcure01.webs. com y ser exitoso para siempre!
Al principio, los bancos nacionales y las corporaciones multinacionales se habían dedicado a negociaciones gigantes y eso también con volúmenes excesivos. Ellos han sido los que realmente influyeron en los mercados de divisas. Con la introducción de la última ley en 1980, los comerciantes menores comenzaron a tomar parte aquí. La Web y los métodos en línea extranjeros de comercio de divisas hizo este mercado disponible para todo el mundo alcanzable por las plataformas.
Dentro del mercado de divisas, las transacciones primarias son las monedas, es decir, la venta y compra de divisas. El comercio de dinero extranjero se termina en dúo. Por ejemplo, GBP / USD denota la libra como la base de dinero extranjero y el dólar como la moneda del país.
En los métodos de comercio de divisas, usted tendrá la capacidad de comprar una moneda, mientras que la promoción de la opuesta. Sin embargo, se basa en la fluctuación del valor de la moneda. Algunas de las parejas principales establecidas son Euro y USD - EURO / USD; USD y Libra Esterlina - GBP / USD; USD y Yenes Japoneses - USD / JPY; Franco Suizo - USD / CHF
El objetivo principal del mercado cambiario es obtener ingresos vendiendo la moneda adecuada. Para esto es una necesidad de hacer una investigación intensiva, análisis y planificación y métodos de comercio exterior de divisas y buenos sistemas de comercio exterior de dinero extranjero.
En general, una persona particular tiende a enfrentar la pérdida, mientras que las inversiones como resultado de la ignorancia del mercado y la falta de tácticas extranjeras extranjeras adecuadas de comercio de dinero. El secreto de ser un comerciante rentable de divisas debe ser conocer los horarios exactos y excelentes de compra y venta, la cantidad de inversiones y el momento en que tirar de su auto del mercado.
Además, usted tiene que tener el derecho de los sistemas extranjeros de comercio de divisas. En el caso de que pueda comprender todos estos métodos, el comercio de Forex es una excelente estrategia para obtener beneficios agradables. Obtener Internet # 1 - Forex Dealer Job Description @ http://forexcure01.webs. com y ser exitoso para siempre!
Siempre sueño de ser rico? Nunca capaz de hacer un beneficio consistente a través de comercio? Obtener Internet # 1 - Forex Dealer Job Description @ http://forexcure01.webs. com y ser exitoso para siempre!
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Manager - Distribuidor Forex
Calificación: Post Graduación - MBA / PGDM (Marketing) Escuela & amp; Graduación - cualquier graduado
Descripción del trabajo:
Descripción del puesto: - Interactuar con los clientes corporativos senior para aumentar la participación de la cartera - Construir y mantener relaciones estratégicas con los clientes actuales y potenciales - Actualización de la información del mercado y las tendencias a los clientes respectivos y proponer mitigants adecuado para la cobertura de riesgo de Forex
- Aumento de la cuota de cartera de los clientes mediante el intercambio de ideas de comercio / cobertura y la construcción de relaciones
- Cumplimiento estricto de las regulaciones RBI en la ejecución de operaciones y asesoramiento a los clientes - Responsable de todas las documentaciones transaccionales para los negocios de FX
Descripción de la compañía:
Manager - Distribuidor Forex
Calificación: Post Graduación - MBA / PGDM (Marketing) Escuela & amp; Graduación - cualquier graduado
Descripción del trabajo:
Descripción del puesto: - Interactuar con los clientes corporativos senior para aumentar la participación de la cartera - Construir y mantener relaciones estratégicas con los clientes actuales y potenciales - Actualización de la información del mercado y las tendencias a los clientes respectivos y proponer mitigants adecuado para la cobertura de riesgo de Forex
- Aumento de la cuota de cartera de los clientes mediante el intercambio de ideas de comercio / cobertura y la construcción de relaciones
- Cumplimiento estricto de las regulaciones RBI en la ejecución de operaciones y asesoramiento a los clientes - Responsable de todas las documentaciones transaccionales para los negocios de FX
Descripción de la compañía:
Deberes de trabajo de un distribuidor de divisas
Artículos relacionados
Un comerciante de divisas, a menudo conocido como un comerciante de divisas o un operador de divisas, investiga las economías locales e internacionales y los mercados financieros para determinar el valor de las monedas. Los distribuidores de divisas usan su investigación para comprar y vender fondos para clientes que quieren ganar dinero con inversiones en divisas. Los comerciantes de divisas son similares a los comerciantes de acciones, sólo su mercancía es la moneda en lugar de las acciones de inversión en una empresa.
Teléfono Bliss y las malas
Un distribuidor de divisas pasa una gran cantidad de tiempo en el teléfono con los clientes que quieren invertir en divisas y divisas. De acuerdo con The Princeton Review, un distribuidor de divisas gasta hasta el 80 por ciento del día en el teléfono haciendo llamadas comerciales. Debido a las diferencias de tiempo entre los países, los comerciantes de divisas a menudo trabajan horas inusuales e impredecibles o trabajan para las empresas que contratan a los empleados para trabajar turnos. Los principales acontecimientos mundiales, las crisis financieras, las turbulencias internacionales y los levantamientos gubernamentales pueden afectar rápidamente a los mercados mundiales, por lo que los comerciantes deben estar preparados para reaccionar y tomar decisiones.
Investigación, Investigación, Investigación
Los mercados financieros y las economías internacionales se encuentran en un estado constante de flujo, por lo que los comerciantes de divisas deben mantenerse al día con las tendencias del mercado, la carga de la deuda, los tipos de cambio, las tasas de interés, mercados de valores, factores de estabilidad económica, Los comerciantes de divisas se aprovechan de valores de moneda incorrecta o engañosa y compran o venden en consecuencia. Según The Princeton Review, los distribuidores de divisas con los datos estadísticos más actualizados, los mejores contactos financieros y las habilidades de toma de decisiones más eficaces son adecuados para el trabajo.
Haciendo el comercio
Los distribuidores de divisas usan su investigación para asesorar, negociar y finalizar operaciones de divisas con los clientes. Los distribuidores deben usar su estilo confidente de la comunicación, capacidad de persuadir, instinto de la tripa y confiabilidad general para convencer a clientes de seguir su consejo. Hacen su dinero en honorarios de la transacción y un porcentaje de los beneficios ganados de inversiones de la moneda, así que tienen un interés invertido en asegurar su consejo financiero es sano y provechoso. Los negocios de divisas generalmente se procesan en línea, por lo que los distribuidores de divisas deben tener conocimientos técnicos, software de computadora y capacidades de Internet a nivel mundial para procesar fondos, completar transacciones y emitir operaciones, a menudo involucrando la seguridad de las cuentas bancarias de los clientes.
Tooting tu propio cuerno
Los comerciantes de divisas deben mantener una fuerte base de clientes, por lo que no tienen una caída en su práctica de compra y venta de divisas. Como resultado, deben tener excelentes habilidades de servicio al cliente y atender las necesidades o quejas de los clientes de la manera más rápida y eficaz posible. A menudo se basan en los clientes actuales para difundir la palabra a sus colegas de negocios, amigos y familiares con la esperanza de ganar nuevos clientes. Algunos comerciantes de divisas también hacen llamadas de ventas frías a clientes potenciales y detallan sus experiencias, calificaciones y éxitos en la industria.
Sobre el Autor
Como desarrolladora de currículos y educadora, Kristine Tucker ha disfrutado de la plétora de tareas en inglés que ha leído (y calificado!) A lo largo de los años. Sus experiencias como vicepresidenta de una firma de consultoría energética le han dado la oportunidad de explorar la escritura de negocios y los recursos humanos. Tucker tiene un BA y tiene credenciales de enseñanza de Ohio.
Créditos fotográficos
Comstock Images / Stockbyte / Getty Images
Manager - Distribuidor Forex
Calificación: Post Graduación - MBA / PGDM (Marketing) Escuela & amp; Graduación - cualquier graduado
Descripción del trabajo:
Descripción del puesto: - Interactuar con los clientes corporativos senior para aumentar la participación de la cartera - Construir y mantener relaciones estratégicas con los clientes actuales y potenciales - Actualización de la información del mercado y las tendencias a los clientes respectivos y proponer mitigants adecuado para la cobertura de riesgo de Forex
- Aumento de la cuota de cartera de los clientes mediante el intercambio de ideas de comercio / cobertura y la construcción de relaciones
- Cumplimiento estricto de las regulaciones RBI en la ejecución de operaciones y asesoramiento a los clientes - Responsable de todas las documentaciones transaccionales para los negocios de FX
Descripción de la compañía:
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Estamos tratando de emplear a una persona dinámica para asumir el papel de Forex Dealer.
• Obtención de precios FX de proveedores de liquidez y ejecución de operaciones de clientes
• Mantenimiento del sistema de negociación de la empresa
• Responsable de ejecutar informes complejos como lo requiere la gestión de la empresa
• Interactuar con los proveedores y agregadores de liquidez con el fin de obtener los mejores precios y la ejecución de la empresa y sus clientes
• Citar, confirmar y transmitir los oficios del cliente en línea con la política y los procedimientos de la compañía
• Proporcionar una visión general de todas las actividades relevantes del mercado a la.
El contenido de este anuncio de trabajo, incluidas las imágenes asociadas, es & copy; Sitio web de empleo en Chipre 2016
Trabajos Relacionados
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Chipre Empleo
Dealer - Forex - Limassol - Chipre HE912314
Dealer - Forex - Limassol - Chipre
Estamos buscando un concesionario con experiencia para unirse a una compañía de servicios financieros internacionales con sede en Limassol Central. Nuestro cliente es un proveedor líder de servicios de comercio en línea y está operando en más de 100 países en todo el mundo. Esta empresa ofrece un excelente ambiente de trabajo con grandes oportunidades de crecimiento profesional.
Para atender a los clientes con respecto a sus necesidades comerciales: Cotizar precios y proporcionar información de mercado
Gestionar las relaciones de los clientes privados en curso y tomar medidas proactivas para maximizar la satisfacción del cliente.
Actualizar la información de mercado en la plataforma de negociación.
Para monitorear la calidad de las tarifas de la empresa comparando / benchmarking con las de otros proveedores.
Para abrir y cerrar la sala de negociación a horas especificadas.
Manténgase al día con la información del mercado y vigile las tendencias en todos los pares de divisas principales.
Brindar capacitación a los clientes sobre el uso de los productos y plataformas de la Compañía.
Para ayudar con todos los asuntos de postventa que pueden incluir: recolección de documentos, retiros, depósitos, transferencias de fondos y asuntos de cuentas y operaciones, etc.
Un mínimo de 2 años de experiencia en una organización financiera
Licenciado en Finanzas o Economía o campo relacionado.
La fluidez en Inglés
Altamente numerado
Capacidad de análisis
Una sólida comprensión de Fundamental & amp; Análisis técnico
Tenga en cuenta debido a la naturaleza de la posición que el exitoso será solicitado a los turnos de trabajo
Debido al gran volumen de solicitudes que recibimos en GRS Recruitment, solo se responderá a los candidatos preseleccionados.
Para solicitar este puesto, envíe un correo electrónico a su CV, junto con los requisitos de salario y la disponibilidad de Hayley Evans, hayley@grsrecruitment. com o llame al +357 25 342720 para obtener más información.
Descripción del puesto de comerciante de divisas
Un operador de divisas, o FX, aplica la perspicacia financiera y el conocimiento de los mercados de valores para comprar, mantener o vender activos en nombre de una institución financiera. Un operador de divisas tiene un horario de trabajo flexible como los mercados de divisas están abiertas continuamente de lunes a viernes. Un comerciante de divisas normalmente tiene una licenciatura en negocios.
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La descripción del trabajo de un distribuidor FX
Júnior Trader Job Description
Un operador de divisas puede invertir en mercados de valores en nombre de un cliente o su empleador. Un comerciante de FX que compra, mantiene o vende monedas con fondos corporativos se conoce como un comerciante propietario. Por ejemplo, un operador de divisas puede recibir $ 100 millones en efectivo negociado de un banco de inversión al principio del año. Al final del año, la cartera crece a $ 115 millones. La firma registra $ 15 millones en su estado de resultados y el comerciante recibe una bonificación.
Educación y entrenamiento
Negociación de divisas no requiere ninguna formación o educación formal. Sin embargo, los empleadores a menudo piden a los comerciantes de FX tener, como mínimo, un título universitario de cuatro años en negocios, finanzas, contabilidad o economía. Un comerciante con un fondo de artes liberales no es infrecuente en el campo, aunque ella recibe el entrenamiento práctico antes de realizar sus deberes. Un comerciante de FX con responsabilidades significativas de gestión a menudo puede tener un grado avanzado, como una maestría, en economía o matemáticas.
Los niveles salariales de los comerciantes de divisas generalmente dependen del desempeño, ya que los bonos en efectivo y en acciones son parte sustancial de su remuneración. Otros factores que pueden afectar los niveles salariales incluyen el tamaño de la empresa, la industria y la antigüedad del empleado o la formación académica. El Departamento de Trabajo de los Estados Unidos informa que la mediana de los salarios anuales de los comerciantes de divisas fue de 68.680 dólares en 2008, excluyendo acciones y bonos en efectivo, con la mitad de la ocupación ganando de $ 40.480 a $ 122.270.
Desarrollo de carrera
Las oportunidades de crecimiento de carrera de un operador de divisas suelen depender de la economía, las necesidades de personal corporativo, la evolución de los mercados de valores y el tamaño de la empresa. Un comerciante novato FX puede mejorar las posibilidades de promoción al inscribirse en un programa universitario de postgrado en economía y recibir un título de maestría. Un comerciante de divisas competente y productivo puede pasar a un cargo superior después de tres a cinco años, iniciar su propio fondo FX o el comercio en nombre de otros clientes como comerciante independiente.
Las condiciones de trabajo
Un comerciante de FX tiene un típico 8 am a 5 p. m. horario de trabajo, pero su horario por lo general depende de su turno. Esto se debe al hecho de que los mercados de divisas están generalmente abiertos desde las noches de los domingos hasta los viernes por la tarde. Por ejemplo, un comerciante con sede en Nueva York que quiere comprar y vender dólares australianos y yenes japoneses puede trabajar en la noche y el comercio cuando los mercados asiáticos están abiertos.
Distribuidor FOREX de tiempo completo FOREX Trading
Descripción del trabajo
Directamente responsable de cotizar precios y ofrecer información actualizada y precisa a los clientes que desean operar.
La posición le verá asumir la responsabilidad directa de cotizar ofertas de precios ofreciendo información actualizada al cliente que desee comerciar.
Servicio a los clientes con respecto a sus necesidades comerciales: Cotizar precios, proporcionar información de mercado, cambiar S / L y T / P aceptar órdenes de límite.
Actualización de la información de mercado en la plataforma de negociación (Actualizar el calendario financiero, Forex Outlook, etc).
Seguimiento de la calidad de las tarifas de la empresa comparando / benchmark con los de otros proveedores como Reuters / Saxo / UBS
Apertura y cierre de la sala de operaciones a horas especificadas.
Ayudar a los clientes con las preguntas relacionadas con el comercio.
Ayudar a los clientes con depósitos manuales
Servicios internos: Proporcionar información de mercado a las ventas y otros colegas durante la perspectiva de la mañana.
Número de personas requeridas: 1
Para ser un éxito en esta posición usted:
O poseen una licenciatura en Finanzas o Economía o tienen experiencia relacionada que va a compensar por esto.
Idiomas Inglés y árabe o chino.
Esté preparado para trabajar en un patrón de cambio giratorio.
Además, estará bien presentado, profesional y poseerá una excelente atención al detalle. Usted tendrá excelentes habilidades de comunicación y será capaz de trabajar bien con clientes y colegas.
Cómo aplicar
Persona de contacto: Lisa Madden Dirección de correo electrónico: Lisa@grsreceruitment. com
954 vistas totales, 1 hoy
Aplica para este trabajo
Manager - Distribuidor de Forex - BFSI
Gerente - Distribuidor de Forex Entregables. - Interactuar con los clientes corporativos senior para aumentar la participación de la cartera - Construir y mantener relaciones estratégicas con los clientes existentes y potenciales - Actualizar la información del mercado y las tendencias a los respectivos clientes y - Proponer mitigants adecuados para cubrir el riesgo de Forex. - Aumentar el porcentaje de cartera de los clientes compartiendo ideas de negociación / cobertura y creando relaciones. - Cumplimiento estricto de las regulaciones de RBI en la ejecución de operaciones y asesoramiento a los clientes y responsable de todas las documentaciones transaccionales para los negocios de FX. Habilidades: - Buenas habilidades analíticas - Buenas habilidades de comunicación - Buenas habilidades de negociación y colaboración - Orientación de ventas - Conocimiento y comprensión de los productos de tesorería. - Conocimiento de los mercados globales (Forex, remesas, servicio comercial garantizado, es decir, comercio de divisas, etc.).
Trabajos similares
Las personas que buscaron este trabajo también buscaron las siguientes palabras clave:
Cursos para usted:
Trabajos guardados
Empleos aplicados
Mi tablero
título modal
Ahora es miembro de Trabajo de Sabiduría.
Distribuidor FX
Deberes de trabajo & amp; Responsabilidades:
Ejecutar transacciones relacionadas con FX para clientes y supervisar las posiciones generales
Supervisar el flujo del mercado de divisas
Proporcionar información de mercado y servicios de trato a los clientes
Monitorear el comercio para asegurar su cumplimiento de las directrices internas y las regulaciones cambiarias
Desarrollar opiniones de mercado e ideas comerciales para unidades de marketing
Trabajar estrechamente con otros distribuidores & amp; Personal interno para obtener ingresos de la empresa
Licenciado con al menos 3 años de experiencia en negocios relacionados con FX
Familiarizado con el mercado FX y el conocimiento de los clientes & rsquo; negocio
Buen dominio de inglés y cantonés, mandarín es una ventaja
Buenas habilidades interpersonales y de comunicación
Responsable, auto-motivado, flexible, independiente
Competente en el uso de la oficina de PC y MS
Capacidad para trabajar hasta altas horas de la noche
P Lease se aplicará con un currículum detallado que indique el salario más reciente y esperado al Departamento de Recursos Humanos, Unidad 508, Torre 2, Centro Lippo, 89 Queensway, Hong Kong o por fax al 2530 9211 (fax confidencial) o por correo electrónico a support @ idsgfx. com.
Los detalles de la solicitud de empleo se mantendrán confidenciales y se utilizarán únicamente para propósitos de reclutamiento. Los solicitantes pueden solicitar el acceso a, y la corrección de los datos personales en relación con sus solicitudes por solicitud escrita a nuestro Departamento de Recursos Humanos. Todos los datos personales de los solicitantes no seleccionados serán destruidos después del ejercicio de reclutamiento.
Η σελίδα δεν βρέθηκε
Απατα του κου κου κου του του του του του επισκέπτη, η ιστοσελίδα μας μόλις επωφελήθηκε απο μια σημαντική αναβάθμιση. Για την βελτίωση της παρεχόμενης υπηρεσίας και την μεγιστοποίηση της θετικής εμπειρίας σου, αποφασίσαμε να διατηρήσουμε το αρχείο των παλαιότερων αγγελιών ξέχωρα απο τις αγγελίες που δημοσιεύονται μετά την Κυριακή, 01/11/2015.
Εάν έφτασες στην σελίδα αυτή μέσω κάποιου enlace στα μέσα κοινωνικής δικτύωσης (Facebook y Twitter) ή μέσω μηχανών αναζήτησης, τότε πιθανό να εντοπίσεις την αγγελία που έλπιζες να βρείς, στον ακόλουθο σύνδεσμο http://aggeliesergasias. com/old (αρχείο παλαιότερων αγγελιών) , Χρησιμοποιώντας τις ανάλογες λέξεις κλειδιά στα φίλτρα αναζήτησης.
Εναλλακτικά, μπορείς να χρησιμοποιήσεις το κυρίως μενού (στο πάνω μέρος της σελίδας), το βοηθητικό πάνελ με τους χρήσιμους συνδέσμους eta τα πιο κάτω enlaces για γρήγορη περιήγηση.
Για να επιστρέψεις στην αρχική σελίδα πάτα εδώ.
Απολογούμαστε για την ταλαιπωρία. Για οποιαδήποτε βοήθεια μην διστάσεις να επικοινωνήσεις μαζί μας.
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Δημοφιλείς Σελίδες:
Χρειάζεστε βοήθεια; Καλέστε 99907736
Chipre Empleo
Concesionario Junior de Forex
· Obtención de precios FX de proveedores de liquidez y ejecución de operaciones de clientes
· Mantenimiento del sistema de negociación de la empresa
· Responsable de ejecutar reportes complejos requeridos por la gerencia de la empresa.
· Interactuar con los proveedores y agregadores de liquidez para obtener la mejor fijación de precios y ejecución para la empresa y sus clientes
· Citar, confirmar y transmitir las operaciones de los clientes de acuerdo con la política y los procedimientos de la compañía
· Proporcionar una visión general de toda la actividad relevante del mercado al equipo de inversión
· Manténgase al día con la información del mercado y las tendencias de monitoreo en todos los principales pares de monedas
· Actualización de colegas y colegas de apoyo de otros departamentos
· Licenciatura en Finanzas, Economía / Matemáticas / Estadística / Actuarial u otro campo relacionado, preferentemente de una reconocida Universidad Británica / Americana
· La experiencia previa en una posición similar se considerará una ventaja
· Titulares de certificados CySec relevantes, por ejemplo, Ejecución, Tratar Cuenta Propia
· El conocimiento de la plataforma MT4 será considerado como una ventaja
· Debe ser fluido en el idioma Inglés
· Excelentes habilidades numéricas y estadísticas
· Capacidad para trabajar bajo presión
· Capacidad para trabajar en un ambiente de ritmo acelerado
· Buen conocimiento de los Mercados Financieros
· Excelente conocimiento de MS Excel
· Excelentes habilidades de comunicación oral y escrita
· Capaz de trabajar en un patrón de cambio de rotación
Remuneración: Se ofrecerá al candidato seleccionado un atractivo salario, bonificación y paquete de beneficios.
Condiciones de empleo: Tiempo completo
Ubicación: Head Office, Limassol
Empleo del distribuidor del mercado monetario
En busca de comerciante del mercado de dinero que tienen 1 o 2 años de experiencia.
Puede proporcionar tarifas y asistir al cliente para las actividades del mercado de dinero.
1.Generar la hoja de tarifas diarias y enviar al cliente.
2.Calling y actualización del cliente.
3.Execute ofertas en nombre del cliente y cerrar las ofertas.
4. Conocimiento de la divisa, las tasas de interés, Repos y Reverse Repos, T-Bonds, T-Bills, Sukuk bonos.
* El conocimiento informático debe
* Puede manejar MSWORD, powerpoint
Continental Interbank Brokerage ofrece las tasas interbancarias FX y las tasas del mercado de dinero. Una de las principales empresas de corretaje lincesed por StateBank de Pakistán. Más
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Empleos en Chipre
Dealer - Forex - Nicosia - Chipre AP912075
Dealer - Forex - Nicosia - Chipre
En la actualidad, estamos tratando de reclutar a un distribuidor en nombre de nuestro cliente una compañía de reputación CySEC regulada en Nicosia. Esta excelente oportunidad ha surgido como parte de la expansión de la compañía y ofrecerá al individuo ideal la oportunidad de utilizar y aportar sus habilidades y conocimientos. Si está interesado, solicite ahora!
Supervisión del funcionamiento de las plataformas de divisas en lo que respecta a la recepción, transmisión y ejecución de órdenes de clientes.
Gestión del riesgo para la empresa desde posiciones abiertas de clientes abiertos
Ofrecer apoyo a clientes en temas relacionados con el uso de plataformas de negociación
Mantener al día la información de los mercados financieros
Licenciatura en Finanzas o Economía o cualquier otro campo relevante
Por lo menos 1 año de experiencia relevante de la sala de operaciones de trabajo en Servicios Financieros
La certificación de los organismos reguladores de FSA y CySec se considerará un plus.
Habilidades excelentes del idioma inglés. Cualquier otro idioma se considerará como ventaja
Debido al gran volumen de solicitudes que recibimos en GRS Recruitment, solo se responderá a los candidatos preseleccionados.
Oficina Limassol: Edificio Hawk, 124 Gladstonos Street, 3er piso, Limassol CY-3032
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Encontrar trabajo en Chipre
Ofertas de empleo en Chipre εδώ. Ofertas de empleo en Chipre εδώ. Ofertas de empleo en Chipre εδώ.
Manager - Distribuidor Forex
Entregamos: - Interactuar con los clientes corporativos senior para aumentar la participación de la cartera - Construir y mantener relaciones estratégicas con los clientes existentes y potenciales - Actualizar la información del mercado y las tendencias a los respectivos clientes y - Proponer mitigants adecuados para la cobertura del riesgo de divisas. - Aumentar el porcentaje de cartera de los clientes compartiendo ideas de negociación / cobertura y creando relaciones. - Cumplimiento estricto de las regulaciones de RBI en la ejecución de operaciones y asesoramiento a los clientes y responsable de todas las documentaciones transaccionales para los negocios de FX. Habilidades: - Buenas habilidades analíticas - Buenas habilidades de comunicación - Buenas habilidades de negociación y colaboración - Orientación de ventas - Conocimiento y comprensión de los productos de tesorería. - Conocimiento de los mercados globales (forex, remesas, colateralized trading service, es decir, el comercio de divisas, etc). Gama de sueldos: 7-14 LPA
Los puntajes de Pragnya Meter en las siguientes habilidades clave son obligatorios para aplicar para este trabajo: Treasury
Trabajos similares
Las personas que buscaron este trabajo también buscaron las siguientes palabras clave:
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Empleos aplicados
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título modal
Ahora es miembro de Trabajo de Sabiduría.
Estamos tratando de emplear a un individuo dinámico para asumir el papel de distribuidor de Forex Junior.
• Obtención de precios FX de proveedores de liquidez y ejecución de operaciones de clientes
• Mantenimiento del sistema de negociación de la empresa
• Responsable de ejecutar informes complejos como lo requiere la gestión de la empresa
• Interactuar con los proveedores y agregadores de liquidez con el fin de obtener los mejores precios y la ejecución de la empresa y sus clientes
• Citar, confirmar y transmitir los oficios del cliente en línea con la política y los procedimientos de la compañía
• Proporcionar una visión general de todas las actividades relevantes del mercado.
El contenido de este anuncio de trabajo, incluidas las imágenes asociadas, es & copy; Sitio web de empleo en Chipre 2016
Trabajos relacionados
Una empresa líder en JSE con sede en Stellenbosch es l ooking para los servicios de un Concesionario de Forex con una fuerte relación con el cliente y habilidades de marketing con especial atención en el sector agrícola y alimentario.
Áreas de rendimiento clave:
Gestión de relaciones con clientes y bancos
Recibir solicitudes de transacción y ejecutar a mejores precios de mercado
Construyendo una base de clientes leales en los sectores de enfoque; Acceso a una base de clientes existente será un beneficio
Manténgase al día con los nuevos desarrollos económicos y otros estudios de mercado publicados
Creating and capturing of orders from mandates received from clients
Reconcile open orders/contracts
Ensuring good customer service and communication
Resolve customer queries timeously
Willingness to travel and market the GroCapital product offering
Visit clients and banks to create long term working relationships
BCom or relevant degree
At least 3 Years of experience in deal execution and position management
Representative Exam (RE5) will be advantageous
Working knowledge of IT2 will be advantageous
Job Description & How to Apply Below
Our client a leading a leading & licenced Foreign Exchange Dealer in Limassol, is seeking to hire an Arabic speaking dealer. The ideal candidate will have a degree in Finance or Economics or alternatively proven experience in FX dealing with a minimum of 2 years’ experience in a financial organisation. Job Responsibilities • Quoting prices and offering up to date information to clients wishing to trade • Updating market information on the companies Trading platform • Assisting clients with trading queries • Providing internal market information to other colleagues within the company
Skills / Industry Qualifications Required:
The ideal candidate must fulfil the following criteria • Fluency in Arabic and English – additional languages an advantage • Prepared to work a 9 hour day on a shift pattern beginning 8.00am – 11.00pm • University degree in economics or Finance or proven previous experience in FX dealing • Minimum 2 years working experience in a financial organisation • Numerical and mathematical skills • Excellent written and oral communication skills in Arabic & English • Computer literate • Sales skills • Good analytical skills • Excellent communicator • Team player Remuneration • Good basic salary • Excellent commission potential • Good benefits
Required Language Skills:
fx dealer Jobs in London
Trainee Forex Broker - Foreign Exchange Sales - FX Junior Dealer
London - £18,000-100,000 per year
Apply now Trainee Forex Broker - Foreign Exchange Sales - FX Junior Dealer My client is the leading Commercial Foreign Exchange brokerage in Europe and one of the largest Financial Services companies on the world with a turnover of over 10 billion. They work in beautiful Cit.
www. reed. co. uk - Mar 26
FX Dealer - Private Clients
World First UK Ltd - London
World First is a market-leading, award-winning, bank-beating, rapidly growing, fun-loving international payments company and we are looking to hire a FX Dealer for our Private Client desk. The role: The World First Private Client team is looking to expand its desk with a high.
www. efinancialcareers. co. uk - Mar 26
FX Dealer (Financial Services / Foreign Exchange)
Easyweb Recruitment - London
FX Dealer (Financial Services / Foreign Exchange) Our client is the world's leading foreign exchange and international business Payments Company. Through its subsidiaries and branches, our client operates in the Americas, Asia, Europe, Australia, the Middle East and Africa and.
www. totaljobs. com - Mar 24
Corporate FX Dealer OTE 60k
London - £30,000-70,000 per year
Apply now 30-40k basic OTE 60k The purpose of the Corporate Dealing team is to assist corporate with their foreign exchange trades and implement strategies in order to mitigate their risk and manage their transactions more efficiently. The Corporate Dealer may additionally be.
www. reed. co. uk - Mar 24
Trainee Forex Broker - Foreign Exchange Sales - FX Junior Dealer
London - £18,000-100,000 per year
Trainee Forex Broker - Foreign Exchange Sales - FX Junior Dealer My client is the leading Commercial Foreign Exchange brokerage in Europe and one of the largest Financial Services companies on the world with a turnover of over 10 billion. They work in beautiful City offices an.
www. reed. co. uk - Mar 7
FX Options UK Corporates Dealer
Gresham Search - London
Our client is a tier one international payments corporate broker looking to hire an FX options dealer to cover the firm's premium clients. This candidate will have direct experience either dealing FX in an international payments broker or in a bank selling FX to UK SMEs. This c.
www. efinancialcareers. co. uk - Feb 28
Trainee Forex Broker - Foreign Exchange Sales - FX Junior Dealer
London - £18,000-100,000 per year
Trainee Forex Broker - Foreign Exchange Sales - FX Junior Dealer My client is the leading Commercial Foreign Exchange brokerage in Europe and one of the largest Financial Services companies on the world with a turnover of over 10 billion. They work in beautiful City offices an.
www. reed. co. uk - Feb 28
Binary Options/ FX Broker - Senior Account Manager - Forex Dealer
Binary Options/ FX Broker - Senior Account Manager - Forex Dealer Location London, City. Salary From £27,500 basic. Quarterly bonus & uncapped monthly commission= £100,000 OTE The Company My client is a binary options brokerage who are expanding in the UK with beautiful.
www. reed. co. uk - Feb 20
FX Options Dealer, Dutch Corporate Clients, London
London - £40,000-60,000 per year
Salary: £40 - 60,000 FX Options Dealer, Dutch Clients, London A well-established FX House is looking to add an additional FX Dealer to one of its teams, due to expansion plans. A successful applicant will have 2+ years of experience working with corporate clients in the Dutch.
www. selbyjennings. com - Jan 20
Graduate FX Sales/Dealer Business Developer
London - £20,000 per year
We are a treasury solutions company, based in Victoria, London, specialising in foreign exchange trading and risk management, built upon cutting-edge technology. Led by a highly-driven and entrepreneurial team with a track record of success, we are looking for driven, bright, hig.
www. simplysalesjobs. co. uk - Nov 13
Graduate Trainee Mandarin speaking FX Nightshift dealer
Henyep Capital Markets (UK) Limited - London - £20,000 per year
Henyep Capital Markets (UK) Ltd ('HYCM') is a leading provider of foreign exchange and derivatives products on a diverse range of global capital markets such as FX, commodities, futures, indices and equities. With Group offices in London, Hong Kong, Cyprus and Dubai, the Company.
www. efinancialcareers. co. uk - Mar 23
Relationship Manager (FX Trader / Dealer)
London - £32,000-34,000 per year
My client is an International banking and financial services company, with a very large and growing presence in London. They are looking for a Relationship Manager (FX) for the Central London Head Office. Area of Responsibility Responsible for Acquiring SME customers for Tran.
www. reed. co. uk - Mar 9
FX Dealer Support Associate
Western Union Business Solutions. - London
Western Union Business Solutions ('WUBS') is the world's leading foreign exchange and international business Payments Company. Through its subsidiaries and branches, WUBS operates in the Americas, Asia, Europe, Australia, the Middle East and Africa and the United Kingdom. It offe.
www. efinancialcareers. co. uk - Mar 18
PM/ BA - FX, Investment Banking, Product Implementation, PMI/ Prince
Kite Consulting Group - London - £55,000-65,000 per year
PM/BA - FX, Investment Banking, Product Implementation and Client Management, PMI/Prince We are currently representing a leading financial services institution who provide post-trade and information services for global banks and trading institutions. This is a permanent positio.
www. jobsite. co. uk - Mar 20
PM/BA – FX, Investment Banking, Product Implementation and Client Management, PMI/Prince
Kite Group - London - £55,000-65,000 per year
We are currently representing a leading financial services institution who provide post-trade and information services for global banks and trading institutions. This is a permanent position based in the City of London, joining the project management function you will be responsi.
www. efinancialcareers. co. uk - Mar 20
FX Openers - Junior Brokers
Numex Foreign Exchange Corporation UK ltd - London
Numex Foreign Exchange are a fast growing FX company, we are looking for an enthusiastic, passionate FX Account Openers to generate new business for the company’s Sales team by generating leads which can be developed into regularly trading clients. We are now in the process of.
www. junior-broker. com - Mar 16
eFX Project Manager-eTrading-FX-IT-Front Office-ldn-£750pd
McGregor Boyall Associates - London - £750 per day
eFX Project Manager-eTrading-FX-IT-Front Office-ldn-£750pd eFX Project Manager-eTrading-FX-IT-Front Office-ldn-£750pd McGregor Boyall is currently recruiting for an eFX Project Manager for a leading investment bank in the heart of central London. The Lead project Manager will.
www. monster. co. uk - Mar 6
Binary Options/ FX Broker - Senior Account Manager - Forex
Binary Options/ FX Broker - Senior Account Manager - Forex Dealer Location London, City. Salary From £27,500 basic. Quarterly bonus & uncapped monthly commission= £100,000 OTE The Company My client is a binary options brokerage who are expanding in the UK with beautiful.
www. reed. co. uk - Feb 28
This role sits at the heart of the SVB EMEA FX team involved in understanding, delivering and executing the full range of FX and MM products to meet identified customer needs and achieve growth across SVB's markets business in EMEA. As well as developing and managing their own.
www. svb. com - Feb 26
FX Sales Executives
London - £18,000-40,000 per year
We are currently offering a number of exciting career opportunities within FX currency markets based on some of the most vibrant sales trading floors in the City. Our selected clients aspire to the highest standards and pride themselves with unique values, market experience and r.
www. reed. co. uk - Feb 13
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Financial Dealers
Foreign Exchange Dealer
Foreign Exchange Dealer Jobs Australia
Australia seeks Foreign Exchange Dealer to live and work in Australia. If your occupation is Foreign Exchange Dealer, as described in the Australian and New Zealand Standard Classification of Occupations (ANZSCO) 222211, then your skills are currently in Demand.
Foreign Exchange Dealer Job Description
Buys and sells securities within financial markets, and trades and distributes financial securities on behalf of financial institutions. Registration or licensing is required.
Derivatives Dealer Fixed Interest Dealer Foreign Exchange Dealer Securities Dealer
Foreign Exchange Dealer is not your occupation?
If your occupation does not match the Job description above, your occupation may be a closer match to one of the jobs listed below:
Do I Qualify For A Work Visa To Australia (Foreign Exchange Dealer)?
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Investment Analyst
Login to view salary
Responsibilities: Being part of the investment team, your main objective shall be to conduct investment research on various asset classes such as Commodities / Precious Metals / Forex / Indices. Generating credible market commentaries and providing market outlook to internal staff shall also be.
Banking/Financial | Industry: Stockbroking / Securities • 19 Mar - 12:00 AM
Senior Business Administrator - Business Control, Project Reporting - (204414)
Singapore - Singapore
Siemens is a global technology powerhouse that has stood for engineering excellence, innovation, quality, reliability and internationality for more than 165 years. The company is active in more than 200 countries, focusing on the areas of electrification, automation and digitalization; and employs.
Clerical/Administrative | Industry: Electrical & Electronics • 17 Mar - 12:00 AM
What's a Job Description of a Day Trader?
Tips on Being a Stock Day Trader
Job Description of a Fixed Income Trader
How to Train as an Online Stock Trader
Average Income of a Day Trader
How to Become a Currency Broker
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Commodity broker: job description
Traditionally, commodity brokers buy and sell goods such as oil, grain, metals, sugar and coffee on behalf of their clients. However, many commodity brokers now also trade complex financial products (derivatives) based on a wider range of assets, including shares and bonds. Typical responsibilities include:
monitoring international market performance
providing investment advice and market recommendations to clients
trading on behalf of clients
liaising with transport, shipping and insurance companies
devising ‘hedging strategies'
visiting international suppliers
meeting with clients
interpreting market reports
negotiating price, specification and delivery details
investigating new business openings
Employers of commodity brokers include investment banks, commodity brokers, financial clearing houses and exchanges such as The London Metal Exchange (LME), ICE Futures and The London International Financial Futures and Options Exchange (LIFFE).
Commodity brokering is a career that offers high levels of responsibility, good opportunities for promotion and impressive financial rewards including generous salaries and large bonuses. However, long working hours and high levels of stress are common.
Most opportunities arise in London and other major cities. Vacancies are advertised by careers services, financial recruitment agencies, in The London Evening Standard . The Financial Times . national newspapers, and specialist publications such as The Economist . Early applications to major employers are advisable. Undertaking relevant sector/company research, attending presentations, and networking is essential.
Qualifications and training required
Any degree discipline (min 2.1) is acceptable for entry into the profession, although employers may prefer qualifications in management, business, financial or numerate subjects. A number of institutions offer specialist postgraduate qualifications, which can be advantageous, as can relevant work experience gained via job shadowing, placements or vacation work (internships). Computer literacy is essential as the majority of trading is now automated.
Key skills for commodity brokers
Recruiters commonly have a lengthy and rigorous application procedure designed to identify motivated graduates who possess outstanding personal qualities and intellectual abilities. To succeed, candidates need to be ambitious, competitive and determined. On top of this you need to be quick witted, numerically capable and able to negotiate.
Next: search graduate jobs
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Payment Specialist
The FXTM Payment Specialist will work closely with the Customer Relations Division Project Coordinator to support our current Payment Service Providers and develop new payment solutions for the Company.
University/College degree; Degree in Economics/Accounting/Finance/Law or in a related field will be considered as an advantage;
Fluency in English and an additional language will be considered as an advantage;
Computer literate –very good knowledge of MS Excel, Word and PowerPoint;
Excellent oral and written communication skills, as well as the ability to effectively network with stakeholders, handle multiple tasks and track and report on progress;
Previous experience in the forex industry will be considered as an advantage;
Be proactive and show initiative;
Ability to follow processes and procedures;
Must be detail oriented, analytical, and organized as well as a self-starter with the ability to think creatively;
Ability to work collaboratively within a team environment, to work in a high pressure environment and to meet aggressive goals with multiple competing priorities.
Responsibilities & Duties
Reviews, analyzes and resolves simple – complex payment processing issues;
Analyzes, identifies, and communicates Payment system issues;
Partners with multiple internal departments and external Payment providers/stakeholders regarding setup details and resolve issues;
Prepare reports/analysis on several Payment issues;
Performs regular competition research and analysis;
Identifies innovative ideas to improve the customer journey and increase efficiency;
Other duties as assigned by Supervisor and Head of Division.
The successful candidate will receive a competitive remuneration package including private medical insurance and a company-wide provident fund.
FT Global Limited is regulated by the IFSC with License numbers IFSC/60/345/TS and IFSC/60/345/APM.
Card transactions are processed via FT Global Services Ltd, Reg No. HE 335426 and registered address at Tassou Papadopoulou 6, Flat /office 22, Ag. Dometios, 2373, Nicosia, Cyprus, a wholly owned subsidiary of FT Global Ltd.
Trading Forex y CFDs implica un riesgo significativo y puede resultar en la pérdida de su capital invertido. Usted no debe invertir más de lo que puede permitirse perder y debe asegurarse de que entiende completamente los riesgos involucrados. Los productos de apalancamiento comercial pueden no ser adecuados para todos los inversores. Antes de operar, tenga en cuenta su nivel de experiencia, objetivos de inversión y busque asesoramiento financiero independiente si es necesario. It is the responsibility of the Client to ascertain whether he/ she is permitted to use the services of FT Global Limited based on the legal requirements in his/ her country of residence. Please read FXTM’s full Risk Disclosure .
FT Global Limited does not provide services to residents of the USA, Belize, Japan, British Columbia, Quebec, Saskatchewan and the countries of the European Economic Area.
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Forex Signs Interview Questions
I applied online. The process took 5 days. I interviewed at Forex Signs (Beijing, Beijing (China)) in October 2011.
in Beijing office, not too much interview. company will provide many trainning sessions about FX trading. there are a lot of expoerienced trader and managers in that office. they will ask something about trading and FX to test the candidate's understanding about both tech analysis and fundamental analysis.
what technical indicators are used in your analysis? 1 Answer
Forex Signs 2015-07-21 21:56 PDT
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Forex Signs Response
Anonymous Interview Candidate in New York, NY
I applied online. The process took a week. I interviewed at Forex Signs (New York, NY) in August 2011.
Group Interview. Asked many questions regarding the current global economy and change of value of foreign currencies. Will benefit if you have knowledge of macro-economics. Few nontechnical questions, e.g. what is the last time you failed a task; when is your last vacation.
What are the positive impacts to the domestic economy if China is going to increase the value of Chinese Yen? Answer Question
What is the correlation between interest rate and the value of currency? Answer Question
Reasons for Declining
The Junior Trader Program provides good training. However, after a week in the company you will definitely feel that this company needs further development. The receptionist disappeared the 3rd day. Junior staff, or interns appear very unprofessional. Very few senior staff were there. The company is a chaos.
Forex Signs 2011-09-25 07:20 PDT
Flag as Inappropriate
I applied through a staffing agency. El proceso duró 1 día. I interviewed at Forex Signs (New York, NY) in July 2011.
6 candidates with 1 interviewer. Asked you to introduce yourself, why are you feel interest in this position, It was pretty easy, some macro eco questions, some IQ questions(tell me 4 ways to use a knife beside cutting)
What is the economic impacts of RMB revaluation in U. S. economy? Answer Question
If you have 1 million, which country will you invested your money Answer Question
Reasons for Declining
sounds weired, they want you to use your own money(10K) to open an account to demonstrate your ability to earn profit
Forex Signs 2011-08-19 21:06 PDT
Flag as Inappropriate
The process took 2 days. I interviewed at Forex Signs in May 2011.
First go through my resume and ask some question on the interview, and then ask some questions about Why do you want to be a trader? Why do you think you'll be a good trader? Then ask some questions about the currency market, your understanding about the currency trading. It was not too hard, but you have to show your passion.
Forex Signs 2011-10-03 14:00 PDT
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Forex Signs Response
Anonymous Employee in New York, NY
El proceso duró 1 día. I interviewed at Forex Signs (New York, NY) in April 2011.
4 candidates with 1 employee. Group interview style Pretty laid back. If you know the current issues on macro economics, won't be that hard. (What is the economic impacts of RMB revaluation in U. S. economy?)
What is the economic impacts of RMB revaluation in U. S. economy? 1 Answer
What kind of macro economic indicators are useful to analyze the currency? 1 Answer
Forex Signs 2011-04-19 07:26 PDT
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Forex Signs Response
Anonymous Interview Candidate in New York, NY
I applied online. The process took a week. I interviewed at Forex Signs (New York, NY) in March 2011.
Group Interview, everyone take turns to answer questions.
What's the impact of the RMB appreciation to China? Answer Question
Forex Signs 2012-04-11 13:44 PDT
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Forex Signs Response
Anonymous Interview Candidate in New York, NY
El proceso duró 1 día. I interviewed at Forex Signs (New York, NY) in February 2011.
If you are interviewing for a "currency intern" position it doesn't exist, you are really interviewing for a prop trading position in which you will have to supply 10g of your own capital and they will supposedly then train you for the position. They make a big deal in interview asking you questions and stuff and telling you they don't give a lot of offers. I interviewed with one other kid who was straight out of college, real smart kid but didn't know anything about currency's or fiscal/monetary policy. They offered him the gig also i found out and that's when i knew they will basically take anyone who has the 10 gs
Why would it be good for china to let their currency appreciate? 1 Answer
Forex Signs 2011-03-12 07:26 PST
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Forex Signs Response
Anonymous Interview Candidate in New York, NY
El proceso duró 1 día. I interviewed at Forex Signs (New York, NY) in September 2010.
It was pretty chill. Started with a brief intro from every one, then the interviewers started to question the related experiences on their resume. Every one was given an article on currency market intervention of different countries, then the interviewer went around and asked for factual and opinion questions. Ended with asking interviewees to raise any question they have.
Forex Signs 2010-09-30 18:12 PDT
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Forex Signs Response
Anonymous Employee in New York, NY
The process took 2 days. I interviewed at Forex Signs (New York, NY) in June 2010.
I walked into a room full of NYU and Columbia University students. There were 30 students in total. The firm asks you about the market and why currency research analyst. They ended up picking 8 out of 30 students. Overall, I love the working environment because the firm is located on Wall St.
Forex Signs 2011-01-31 20:19 PST
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Forex Signs Response
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Account Service Manager (Indonesian Speaker)
The ideal candidate will join a dynamic and fast paced working environment. The candidate should be a motivated sales individual, goal oriented, self-driven and a team player who works well under pressure. The successful candidate’s aim will be to create and maintain a portfolio of client accounts and to provide excellent customer service for the lifetime of the client.
Languages required: English and Indonesian, other +
Minimum university education or higher.
Preferably 1-2 years work experience in a sales environment, preferably in the financial sector
Excellent Communication skills (over the phone, one on one and in writing)
Excellent numerical/mathematical abilities
Excellent oral and presentational skills
Excellent networking skills
Very good organizational and administration skills
Ability to multi task
Ability to work, interact and communicate with other team members and other departments
Basic knowledge of technical and fundamental analysis
Responsibilities & Duties
Handling new client leads on a daily basis
Maintaining contact with clients to ensure high levels of customer satisfaction
Following up on contacts for future business prospects
Building and maintaining a client portfolio
Assisting customers who wish to open or are managing a trading account
Actively following up on queries and providing feedback to customers in a timely manner
Effectively handling the existing client base (general customer service assistance and dealing with issues and complaints)
Following contact with partners, updating CRM with accurate information
Knowledge of the company’s products and services
Informing clients of any new products and promotions that the company is offering
Meeting company core values on a daily basis inside and outside the office
Ability to reach monthly targets
The company shall provide valuable training for:
Financial Markets Products and Services;
Customer Sales Approach;
Internal systems required for handling daily duties.
The successful candidate will receive a competitive remuneration package including private medical insurance and a pension provident fund.
FT Global Limited is regulated by the IFSC with License numbers IFSC/60/345/TS and IFSC/60/345/APM.
Card transactions are processed via FT Global Services Ltd, Reg No. HE 335426 and registered address at Tassou Papadopoulou 6, Flat /office 22, Ag. Dometios, 2373, Nicosia, Cyprus, a wholly owned subsidiary of FT Global Ltd.
Trading Forex y CFDs implica un riesgo significativo y puede resultar en la pérdida de su capital invertido. Usted no debe invertir más de lo que puede permitirse perder y debe asegurarse de que entiende completamente los riesgos involucrados. Los productos de apalancamiento comercial pueden no ser adecuados para todos los inversores. Antes de operar, tenga en cuenta su nivel de experiencia, objetivos de inversión y busque asesoramiento financiero independiente si es necesario. It is the responsibility of the Client to ascertain whether he/ she is permitted to use the services of FT Global Limited based on the legal requirements in his/ her country of residence. Please read FXTM’s full Risk Disclosure .
FT Global Limited does not provide services to residents of the USA, Belize, Japan, British Columbia, Quebec, Saskatchewan and the countries of the European Economic Area.
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Job Description * To support the initiative of CBMS Treasury Sales towards furtherance of the Bank's objectives. * To support UAE, Oman, Qatar & Bahrain SME Banking, Private Banking, Premium Banking & Personal Banking segment for fulfillment of FX Spot, Forward, NDF, Fixed Income & Structured Products (DCI &PPCI) requirements.
Key Roles & Responsibilities * To help Treasury Sales team develop a robust and loyal core CBMS customer base by building relationships with key decision-makers to grow business in line with and to understand customer needs. * To strengthen the Bank's CBMS customer penetration in the increasing important foreign exchange, Fixed Income and structured products area. * To all segments in promoting cross-sell of FX products & referrals from other units within CBMS by announcing various campaigns, incentives structures, training support etc. * To contribute, provide inputs in the new product development tailor made for CBMS segment * Roll-out ""E-Channels"" for Treasury Products for enquires and booking of deals. * To maintain a high standard of customer service in order to increase Bank's market shares vis-à-vis existing customers and enlarging the customer base. * Ensure that customer queries in relation to Fixed Income are effectively handled with complete customer satisfaction. * To maintain a professional service & high profile to enhance the reputation of the bank in the Fixed Income market. * Provide quality economic information to CB frontliners and customers as part of education and promotion of Fixed Income. * Source appropriate Fixed Income instruments depending on customer requirements. * Provide competitive pricing for FI RMs and customers. * Executing FI transactions with approved external counterparties. * Provide regular product training and support to all RMs * Maintaining FI & DCI trade MIS on an on-going basis. * Generate new business by working closely with RMs. * Ensure FIS list are uploaded regularly on iConnect and should include only approved FIS. * Ensure FI & DCI deals are tracked and regular follow ups are conducted for pending trades and roll over. * To keep abreast of the latest market developments, and market intelligence. * To coordinate with other internal departments like Central ops, CMO, reconciliation on Forex issues. * Help / guide the client in completing the transaction (TT, internal transfer, trade trx) * Support Service unit on Foreign Exchange matters / complaints, (Wrong Rate applied) * Conclude the FX deals (sale or purchase currencies) with clients on phone. * Take inward calls to guide various sales channels (RMs, PFCs, and Priority Centers) for Foreign Exchange Transactions of CBMS clients. * Responsible for monitoring the performance & productivity of the assigned desk developing and rolling-out requisite MIS. * To follow up on Outstanding FX deals with segmental RM's / clients. * To support the Head CB Market Sales for centralization of Jordan FX spot & Forward booking in UAE. * To support Head CB market sales in overall business development in the direction of the medium term business strategy. * To support the Head CB Market sales in achieving the CBMS 2014 budget.
Policy & Control * To ensure control requirements of the business are adhered to in line with Group policies. * The job holder must ensure he/she is fully aware of all the policies and procedures issued in relation to money laundering prevention and Group Sanctions policy. He / She must ensure compliance with these policies and procedures on an ongoing basis. Any suspicious transactions must immediately be reported to the supervising officer. * Must comply with all compliance requirements with high attention on a) alertness to AML procedures and take the lead at all times to be alert to unusual or possibly suspicious customer activity. Job holder must report any suspicious transaction to respectively Unit MLPO via LINE MANAGER (reporting manager), observant of reputation risk c) strict prohibited from miss-selling activities.
How To Apply Please apply online. To help speed up your application, please note the following:
- You will need to log in (or register if you are visiting our careers site for the first time) before you can apply for a specific role
- Some roles may require you to undertake an online talent assessment in addition to completing the application form (to facilitate this process it is preferable that you provide us with an email address as part of your contact information) - We will ask you about your education, career history and skills and experience, it may be helpful to have this information at hand when completing your application
It usually takes 15 - 20 minutes to complete the application form; you can save your application at any time and return to complete it at your convenience. Closing Dates The closing date for applications is 01/04/2014. Please note all closing dates are given in Hong Kong time (GMT + 8 hours). We aim to respond to successful applicants within four weeks and will keep a record or your application in our database so that we can contact you when suitable vacancies arise in future. Diversity & Inclusion Standard Chartered is committed to diversity and inclusion. We believe that a work environment which embraces diversity will enable us to get the best out of the broadest spectrum of people to sustain strong business performance and competitive advantage. By building an inclusive culture, each employee can develop a sense of belonging, and have the opportunity to maximise their personal potential.
Qualifications & Skills * Graduate/CA/MBA/TFM * Knowledge of Foreign Exchange and Fixed income markets. * Relevant dealing experience of 5 to 6 years. * Ability to work quickly and accurately under pressure. * Must be an effective communicator and presentable. * Good analytical Skills. * Overall understanding of the Commercial Banking business preferably in Wealth and SME in the Market portfolio in UAE.
Standard Chartered Bank started in 1958 in UAE with its first branch in Sharjah. The Group\\'s business gradually increased in Dubai with the opening of several branches and today, Dubai is the administrative hub of the Middle East and South Asia Region. In its 43rd year, the Bank enjoys the position of having the most extensive branch network among foreign international banks in UAE with 10 branches emirate-wide.
Standard Chartered is an international bank, focused on the established and emerging markets of Asia, Africa, the Middle East and Latin America with an extensive global network of more than 600 offices in over 50 countries. The three principal business groups are Global Markets, Personal Banking and Corporate and Institutional Banking.
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Number of positions: 1
Duties and Responsibilities:
Manage performance of Forex business & Forex counters, Initiating and managing relationship with individuals / corporate.
Applying different hedging strategies in tune with industry movements. Designing hedging strategies, setting of benchmark rates and risk adjustment market rates
Generating business through acquisition of new clients and managing relationships with existing clients
Develop ideas for Forex business. Tap maximum potential from existing customers and target segments
Adhering to Sales processes, (To have completed MIS on customers). Meet existing as well as target clients on an on-going basis.
Strengthen relationships with customers and maintain customer loyalty
Adherence to limits and efficient Communication with other internal departments.
Experience Band – 3 to 10 Years
Job Title / Designation: Sr. Sales Executive / Sales Executive - MTSS
Location - Mumbai, Hyderabad, Nizamabad. Razole, Cudappah, Pune, Ludhiana, Delhi, Kerala ( Trivandrum / Trichur / Kannur / Calicut / Kanhangad / Palakkad ). West Bengal, Bihar, Lucknow, Gorakhpur Number of positions: 1 Qualification: Graduates (any discipline)
Duties and Responsibilities: Agent sourcing / business development Experience Band - Minimum one to six years of field channel sales / field knowledge
Job Description (in detail) Appointment of new dealer / distributor / franchisee Management & supervision of distribution & franchisee network Must have thorough understanding of franchisee & distribution network Responsible for meeting sales targets within assigned area Responsible for product promotion & ROI
Candidate Requirement Must be conversant with English, Hindi & local language
Target Oriented Possesses good interpersonal skills Confident Team Player, positive approach and high energy levels Must be computer literate
Foreign Exchange Dealer Umjikelo Recruitment Services - Stellenbosch Client & Bank Relationship Management More than 30 days ago
Foreign Exchange Dealer Umjikelo Recruitment Services - stellenbosch, Western Cape · B. Com (Investment Management/Financial Management/Economics) or similar Key Performance Areas · 3 Years experience More than 30 days ago
Foreign Creditors Clerk Progressive International - Sandton Ensure that all internal controls required for foreign payables are operating effectively and efficiently, and are in compliance with group and company policies. An understanding of exchange rates and. More than 30 days ago
Foreign Creditors Clerk Career Staffing Solutions - East Rand Month end routine (rollovers, invoicing, reporting); Buying of forward cover; More than 30 days ago
Foreign Creditors Clerk Hoaeane Consulting - Johannesburg Monitors Foreign exchange commitments and orders forward contracts accordingly. Instructs Banks on under-utilised contracts at expiry date 5 years’ experience in Foreign Creditors Follow up on Excon Information. More than 30 days ago
Dealing and Forex Manager - Killarney DAV - Killarney An international family office is hunting for a dynamic and well-presented senior associate to join their prestigious organisation and be involved in trade execution, cash administration and foreign exchange. 5 days ago
Specialized Payments Processing Settlement Kabetech (Pty) Ltd. - Johannesburg Foreign Exchange Fundamentals knowledge - Foreign Exchange understanding Basic Accounting principles 12 days ago
Accountant Communicate Centurion Finance - Sandton We also invite you to contact us to discuss other exciting career opportunities in Finance! Qualification 4 days ago
Specialized Payments Processing Settlement Officer Cozens Recruitment Services (Pty) Ltd - Johannesburg A leading financial institution is seeking a Specialized Payments Processing Settlement Officer for a 3 month assignment. Rate: Market related (overtime is a possibility). (d) CFC (Customer Foreign Currency. 12 days ago
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Training coordinator job description
This training coordinator job description template is optimised for posting in online job boards or careers pages and easy to customise for your company.
Job brief
We are looking for a professional Training Coordinator to ensure the smooth and effective functioning of training events and special projects. You will manage, design, develop, coordinate and conduct large or small scale training programs.
Map out training plans, design and develop training programs (outsourced or in-house)
Choose appropriate training methods per case (simulations, mentoring, on the job training, professional development classes etc)
Market available training opportunities to employees and provide necessary information
Conduct organisation wide needs assessment and identify skills or knowledge gaps that need to be addressed
Use accepted education principles and track new training methods and techniques
Design and prepare educational aids and materials
Assess instructional effectiveness and summarise evaluation reports determining the impact of training on employee skills and how it affects KPIs
Partner with internal stakeholders and liaise with matter experts regarding instructional design
Maintain updated curriculum database and training records
Provide train-the-trainer sessions for internal subject matter experts
Manage and maintain in-house training facilities and equipment
Proven working experience in coordinating multiple training events in a corporate setting
Extensive knowledge of instructional design theory and implementation
Adequate knowledge of learning management systems and web delivery tools
Proven ability to complete full training cycle (assess needs, plan, develop, coordinate, monitor and evaluate)
Familiarity with traditional and modern training methods and techniques
MS Office proficiency
Advanced organisational skills with the ability to handle multiple assignments
Strong communication skills
BS degree in Education, Training, HR or related field
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Senior Dealer jobs in London
Motor Trade Jobs / Automotive Vacancies: Discover an amazing opportunity with a busy Prestige main dealer Automotive Senior Technician in Bromley. Our client is seeking a fully trained Technician to join their already successful motor trade team working within a busy prestige main car dealer. Tú.
City of London
Permanent, full-time
£50,000 - £80,000 per annum, negotiable
25 applications
Binary Options/ FX Broker - Senior Account Manager - Forex Dealer Location London, City. Salary From £27,500 basic. Quarterly bonus & uncapped monthly commission= £100,000 OTE The Company My client is a binary options brokerage who are expanding in the UK with beautiful City offices. <.
Permanent, full-time
£65,000 - £75,000 per annum
11 applications
An exciting new position has been created at our client, a leading international Fortune 500 retail company. The successful candidate will be responsible for restructuring and organising the international treasury Front Office procedures and reporting systems, and will help drive changes in the business.
City of London
Permanent, full-time
£48,000 - £60,000 per annum
40 applications
Prestigious West end banking organisation is seeking a Treasury specialist to monitor and measure utilisation of Intra Day, Overnight and Bank FX Limits and ensure business is conducted within established operational and market risk parameters. Report daily to Senior Management on Treasury activity and.
Senior /Principal Associate | Financial Services | City Firm £90,000+ One of the leading UK Law firms is seeking to recruit a senior lawyer with upwards of 5 years PQE to join its hugely successful Financial Services Regulatory Group. The group advises a broad range of clients ranging from clearing.
North London
Permanent, full-time
£50,000 - £55,000 per annum
13 applications
Job Details Sales Controller/Assitant Manager ( Senior Sales Exec looking for promotion) Location: North London Salary: £50000 to £55000 Vacancy Reference: 10194 This vacancy is being handled by Andy Clark, Telephone Number: Job Description My Client, a privately owned dealer group. Hav.
Brent Cross
Permanent, full-time
£40,000 - £50,000 per annum
19 applications
Senior Sales Executive required for Automotive Dealership in Brent Cross, North West London Basic £18,000 - £22,000 + Bonuses £45,000+ OTE + Car We are currently seeking to recruit an experienced Car Sales Executive to join our Client's Main Dealer Sales Team. Experience in a Motor-trade Sales Executive.
Permanent, full-time
£28,000 - £30,000 per annum
14 applications
Assistant Service Manager Croydon, London £28-30,000 basic salary, plus Bonus We are looking for an experienced and enthusiastic automotive Assistant Service Manager for our client, a volume brand main car dealer in Croydon. If you are currently an Assistant Service Manager, Service Reception Manager.
Permanent, full-time
Competitive salary
6 applications
Our client is a vibrant marketing agency with a stellar list of clients and a bright, energetic and talented team. They are looking for a Senior Account Executive to work on a luxury brand automotive dealer marketing account. You will work within the automotive dealer Marketing Service team in implementing.
East London
Permanent, full-time
£28,000 - £31,000 per annum
22 applications
Senior Warranty Administrator/Warranty Clark (Main Dealership) - East London Salary: £28,000 OTE £31,000 Per Annum - Full Time, Permanent Senior Warranty Administrator required for this well established and highly successful Dealership based in East London. You must be a Warranty Administrator who is.
South East London
Permanent, full-time
Salary negotiable
21 applications
An opportunity has risen to work with my client, a dealer group representing a fantastic prestige brand, looking to develop their marketing department across all sites in the South East of England This is an exciting opportunity for a Marketing professional within the automotive industry to come in.
Permanent, full-time
£12,000 - £120,000 per annum, OTE
10 applications
My client is seeking experienced dealers / closers that want to start a career within the Regulated markets as a dealer within Bonds, Listed Positions & IPO's. If you have two years closing experience within the Financial Services and have a goal to work within a regulated company and obtain your.
- To maintain and improve profitably with Corporate customers portfolio and all clients dealing directly with contacts and dealings as per the assigned job description. - Revenue generation, selling FX and structured products to both new and existing clients. - The job includes structuring the hedging strategy and providing solution / pricing to meet clients need. - The job requires frequent traveling within the country to meet clients. Therefore, a valid driving license is a must - The effective and efficient management of all the Corporate Sales desk activity, that involves managing an outstanding relationship with all the clients. - Interaction with clients on daily basis and commitment to deliver best services in this competitive environment - Effectively maintain a portfolio of corporate and FI clients as per assigned mandate. To call and meet clients regularly for business liaison and to advise the markets expected FX and interest rate movements and discuss their hedging requirements. - Responsible to generate business revenue as per set targets. - To provide market commentary, including FX/Interest rates and charts, and sends to selected group of customers via Fax or E-mail on daily basis. - To prepare the meeting plan in coordination with the relationship officers in the respective BU, to visit them on regular basis, and to write visit reports and follow-ups actions. Client meetings are integral part of the assignment. - To provide the customers/ branches FX rates and to execute the deals either directly or through inter-bank dealer. - To establish / follow /maintain customer Forex limits on transaction basis. - Working closely and in tandem with other group alliance banks
- 5 years in corporate treasury sales - Finance Graduate. - Masters degree - Full understanding of FX and Capital markets. - Understanding of structured FX / commodity and interest rate derivatives is mandatory - Capable of understanding /selling the complex derivative products and able to provide appropriate hedging solution - Good analytical skills - Result and target oriented - Passion for sales - Talkative and persuasive - Ability to understand and explain risk. - Ability to structure the hedging solution
Mackenzie Jones Middle East has decades of recruitment expertise in various industry sectors. Along with a deep understanding of key market sectors and regions, we never forget to treat clients, companies and candidates as individuals who have unique needs.
So we always listen, constantly learn, occasionally challenge and frequently advise. Its all part of a service renowned for its courtesy, consideration and dedication. Based in Dubai since 2006, our office covers the GCC and Levant countries and with the right regional expertise, we are the leading specialists.
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Branch Manager Job Description - $30.00
Job Description Summary
The Branch Manager is responsible for the administration and efficient daily operation of a full service branch office, including operations, lending, product sales, customer service, and security and safety in accordance with the Bank's objectives. Develops new deposit and loan business; provides a superior level of customer relations and promotes the sales and service culture through coaching, guidance and staff motivation; achieves individual and branch sales goals through new business sales, referrals and retention of account relationships. Provides leadership, training and supervision; delegates day to day operations to the Operations Officer or other branch personnel. Responsible for attaining established Bank and branch goals through active participation in sales management and officer call programs. Participates in community affairs to increase the Bank's visibility and to enhance new and existing business opportunities. May perform duties in the absence of the Operations Officer or other such management capacities as directed by the Regional Manager.
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Senior Broker Account Manager job in London at Workcircle
Location: London UK
Date Posted: Mar 14, 2016
Senior Broker / Account ManagerThe CompanyA regulated Forex and CFD brokerage based in the city of London is seeking to recruit an experienced Account Manager / CFD brokerThe RoleWorking within this globally operational brokerage, you will be a talented and organised Account Manager who is highly adept at developing new business opportunities into a long-lasting and active client base, whilst bringing fresh ideas to the table. Requirements - Qualified and FCA approved person (CF30)- Industry relevant degree / finance related qualification preferred (e. g. CISI, IMC, CFA)- Must have a minimum of 5 years industry experience within CFDs, or FX (Trading experience preferable)- Must have a minimum of 2 years experience as an account manager or senior broker - You must have an in depth understanding of how the derivative markets work.- Transferable client base Ability to work to tight deadlinesResponsibilities will include:- Maintaining frequent and proactive client contact. [Click 'apply' for more information] View full job description
JobCentre Plus - 2 weeks ago
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Senior Broker Account Manager jobs in London
Workcircle - London UK
Senior Broker / Account ManagerThe CompanyA regulated Forex and CFD brokerage based in the city of London is seeking to recruit an experienced Account Manager /
From JobCentre Plus - 2 weeks ago - save this job - more.
Senior Broker / Account Manager The Company A regulated Forex and CFD brokerage based in the city of London is seeking to recruit an experienced Account Manager
From JobSite - 4 weeks ago - save this job - more.
Workcircle - London UK
Binary Options/ FX Broker - Senior Account Manager - Forex DealerLocationLondon, City. SalaryFrom £27,500 basic. Quarterly bonus uncapped monthly commission= £1
From JobCentre Plus - 1 month ago - save this job - more.
Online Fx Trading uk. co
Forex Usd To Php Often times you pay attention to news about the currency market with the main words most likely to sound like Forex USD/EUR. Partially, the fun of Online Foreign Exchange trading is being able to choose the currency pairs that you wish to make a trade with. There are a number of worldwide currencies that are floated on the Foreign Exchange market. Even though there are exotic and uncommon currencies, it is suggested to trade with one of the main currency pairs.
The most important currencies include the US Dollar (USD), the Great British Pound (GBP), the Euro (EUR), the Japanese Yen (JPY), and the Swiss Franc (CHF). These currencies are very liquid (they often change price to keep the market moving), presents tight spreads (indicates that the broker does not charge exorbitant fees), and are very much available from main Foreign Exchange brokers.
The US Dollar, as the biggest single currency worldwide, was confronted with a new trial when online trading started in 1994. The European Euro is the single currency of sixteen nations in Europe and it has swiftly become a main currency. This also indicates that the Euro has become a huge player against the US Dollar since 2002. Nowadays, with Forex EUR vs. USD, online Forex trade open to all traders and the main currencies competing for the top position, the USD has to fight a little harder for it to remain at the top.
Forex Usd To Php The most important factors that affect the Forex EUR/USD pair include the comparative strength of both economies. Just like in any country, if the country's economy decelerates then that country's currency will weaken. For instance, if the European Union was increase in strength, then the USD would weaken, and vice versa. Another major factor is interest rates. Let's say the US has higher interest rates than the European countries then the USD becomes strong, and vice versa.
Politics is another main factor on the strength and weakness of this favorite currency pair. Since the European Union is composed of a number of nations, political disagreements and conflicts may arise. In case the political disagreement becomes very grave and irreparable, then the Euro's stability would be severely endangered but basically is means that the US Dollar would be able to gain additional strength.
Forex Usd To Php
These factors alone make it important that Foreign Exchange traders keep a very close eye on the EUR/USD currency pair. Besides the technical analysis, any information of economic or political disturbances will be generally available and should be closely observed if this is your chosen currency pair. If any of the European countries exhibit any signs of instability due to economic or political issues, the Euro then becomes weak thus making it inevitable for the USD to strengthen in value, resulting to an increase in the chance for an increase in profit. Forex EUR/USD or Forex USD/EUR are important words to remember.
The reality that the Forex USD/EUR pair is the most extensively traded in the Foreign Exchange market makes it a perfect place to start for currency trading beginners. Sticking to the combination of Forex USD/EUR and making use of all the technical knowledge you have learned, should help you in making a significant profit from this option, particularly if the political affairs and economic reports seem to be causing some problems in Europe. Forex Usd To Php
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As a stockbroker, you would manage investments for your clients. It would be your job to get the best financial returns by buying and selling stocks, shares and other. There is a number of qualifications available and the one you do will depend on your exact duties and your employer. 10th Floor, One Canada Square The course requirements vary depending the Stockbroker's job responsibilities. For instance, if you trade on the non-retail side of the business, only the. Brokers buy and sell stocks, bonds, commodity futures, foreign currencies and. Securities agents and investment dealers perform some or all of the following duties. training programs and completion of the Canadian Securities course and the. province of employment is required for securities agents, investment dealers.
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Brokers buy and sell stocks, bonds, commodity futures, foreign currencies and other. For the full and official description of this occupation according to the National. According to census data, women held about 42% of the jobs in this. In Canada, a stockbroker is called a "Registered Representative" or an " Investment. and the one a trainee does will depend on their duties and their employer. Products include securities and other assets such as futures, options and commodities. Work activities of a flow or proprietary trader typically include speaking.
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Average Securities Agents, Investment Dealers and Stock Broker's Salary in. Job titles and exact duties vary in this occupation and examples of some job titles. Search Stock broker jobs with company reviews & ratings. Company DescriptionNational Securities Corp. is a rapidly-growing financial services company.
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Bank dealer Job at Cooperative Bank
Job Description
Job Title. Bank dealer
About Are you a highly motivated professional looking for an opportunity to build your career in a fast-paced treasury environment? This position presents you with the opportunity to grow and develop an exciting career that will allow you to utilize your knowledge of the financial sector and banking services, capital markets and all key relevant stakeholders.
The role holder will be responsible for effective delivery of the full range of retail & SME forex products to customers with a view to growing revenues and maintain continuous engagements so as to create synergies and wider product reach.
Job Description Specifically, the successful jobholder will be required to:
Support the Head, Retail & SME Forex Unit in the implementation of the Treasury Sales Plan covering all Treasury products.
Actively contribute to improvements in quality/efficiency of treasury products delivery process and support product development and sales initiatives by other business units
Enlarge customer base by acquisition of new business in Foreign exchange trading and maintain existing client relationship through effective client calls and visits
Assist in developing and maintaining client telesales and visits schedule and follow up on reported action points.
Continuously engage the branch network through regular visits and telephone calls and build a network of relationships across all economic sectors
Track overall retail and SME forex performance
Ensure high standard of customer service to both internal and external customers
Qualifications, Skills required for this Job
A Bachelor’s degree in a business related field.
MBA will be an added advantage.
ACI Dealing Certificate.
At least 3 years’ experience in a busy Dealing environment, two of which must be in Forex sales.
Excellent analytical & presentation skills.
Self-motivated, team player with an outgoing Personality.
Ability to work under pressure and meet challenging targets.
Good oral and written communication skills.
Excellent knowledge of treasury products with a thorough knowledge of end to end processes for treasury products and services.
A good knowledge of other bank’s products and services, the financial sector, banking services, capital markets and key relevant stakeholder organizations.
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10 November 2015
Additional Benefits: Attractive
Executive recruitment specialists Monroe Consulting Group is recruiting on behalf of an international bank in Thailand, which provides commercial banking and finance-related products and services that offer funding and lending, and offshore banking services to publicly listed corporations and related entities. Our respected client is seeking a banking professional of the highest professional standing for the job of Treasury Interbank FX Dealer Job. The job is based in Bangkok, Thailand.
The Treasury Interbank FX Dealer will manage liquidity funding and treasury services to daily branch operations.
Key job responsibilities include: - Provide competitive price of FX to customer dealer - Conduct interbank FX dealing to cover the bank’s position - Monitor FX daily, FX option and limit - Conduct Proprietary FX trading to maximize FX profit - Provide daily treasury P&L/daily transaction and other report related to FX to H/O - Support MM desk
Key job requirements include: - Qualified/license to do MM and FOREX Dealing - Sound knowledge on economic condition affecting liquidity or interest rates movement, - IT knowledge.
INTERESTED? All applications will be treated in the strictest of confidence . If you are a suitable match for this position please just simply click the APPLY button below and follow the instructions. Please ensure your CV is a WORD document and not a PDF.
About Company Follow
Monroe Consulting Group is a leading provider of executive search and recruitment services, focusing more. Monroe Consulting Group is a leading provider of executive search and recruitment services, focusing on executive jobs and executive candidates in emerging markets. We commenced trading in Australia in 1998 and have grown to become one of Southeast Asia’s leading executive search and recruitment specialists, handling executive jobs in Thailand, Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore and the Philippines. Our success in Asia and our depth of knowledge of working in emerging markets led us to increase our reach by establishing offices in Mexico and Chile.
Working in the executive search market, you have to focus on quality and professionalism. That’s why our Recruitment Consultants are all highly trained and work unique specialist markets, focusing on executive jobs in their specialist field. This allows them to understand the executive recruitment needs of both our clients and candidates and by using a host of internal systems that support our recruitment activities; we are retained as the preferred executive search recruitment partner by many of the leading companies in the world.
In a business where quality attracts quality and results can be all that matter, Monroe Consulting Group becomes your committed advocate and external ambassador, striving to give you a personalised executive recruitment solution in tune with your goals and ambitions. Monroe handle a great deal of assignments in our major cities. We have an extensive amount of executive jobs and search assignments in Bangkok, Jakarta, Kuala Lumpur, Manila, Singapore, Mexico City and Santiago.
Posted On: 19th Nov 2015
Money Market Dealer
Job Description
Our client, a growing establishment in the financial sector, has a vacancy for a dealer. Job Purpose: – To ensure daily balancing of the institution’s cash book and that liquidity ratios are profitably maintained. Specifications are as follows: – A relevant degree in finance or banking, an MBA and ACI dealing certificate. & # 8211; At least 3-5 years front office experience in a top notch institution – Must be a committed team player who is analytical and forward-thinking, with extensive knowledge of investment and treasury functions. Key Results Areas – Ensure compliance to the dealer’s code of conduct and other policies to ensure legal dealings. & # 8211; Selling treasury products – Maintaining a treasury relationship with clients (portfolio management), to ensure growth of money market and forex client investment portfolios and advisory services. & # 8211; Client needs assessment and policy formulation with respect to financial markets. & # 8211; Preparation of market commentary and sending out informative bulletins daily. & # 8211; Client visits, presentations and cross-selling products. & # 8211; Research on up to date economic conditions and market trends. Attractive prospects are on offer for successful incumbent.
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Stock Broker Job Description
Stock brokers are the professionals who execute the 'buy' and 'sell' orders of shares and securities, given by the investors, who are their clients. They have the latest and precise information about the bonds and stocks and their task is to find those people who will carry out the buy and sell transactions of the shares and the securities. The challenge for every budding stock broker is to increase the number of clients by providing them good service and proper guidance on investments in the stock market. Though this profession pays well, there is a lot of struggle involved in the initial stages of the business. There are many stock brokers who work in brokerage firms, investment firms and banks.
We all know that the income of a stock brokers is in the form of the brokerage which they receive after every transaction made in the stock market. Apart from executing the orders given by the clients, stock brokers also guide them about the various investment strategies, which can fetch them great returns in the market. They are completely aware of the major as well as the minor financial news, trends and highs and lows in the market due to proper stock research and they revise their strategies as per the prevailing conditions. They keep an eye on the international stock markets along with the stock market of their country, as the market of a country can influence the trends of the other. They inform the investors about the various risks and sudden changes and fluctuations in the market. Stock brokers are known to cater to a variety of clients - retail or local clients, corporate clients and also the institutional clients.
Stock brokers give all the details of the rules and regulations of the market to their clients. They sign an agreement with the client in accordance with the rules and regulations of the stock exchange. They express their opinions about the price at which one can buy the shares of a particular company, based on the data provided by the technical analysts of the stock market.
Portfolio management and reviewing is one of the most important feature of the job description. Stock brokers suggest the clients to include certain shares in their portfolio, by considering their risk taking abilities. For a high net worth individual, who is an old player of the stock market, aggressive and volatile stocks may be suggested to maximize the profits. However, in the case of a retail or small investor, defensive stocks, that are known to outperform the market, are recommended. The portfolio management of clients is done considering their investment time horizon. Generally, experienced stock brokers suggest their clients to have a diversified portfolio to minimize the risk of losing a huge capital during the phase of a stock market crash. Many stock brokers are agents of mutual fund companies and do the job of explaining the advantages of various mutual funds in the market.
Educational Qualifications and Skills Stock brokers, should ideally have a bachelor's or master's degree in finance or accounting. A degree in business management with finance as the specialization, would prove to be very useful. Stock brokers should have the requisite licenses and membership and agreement with the stock exchange and are expected to follow all the rules of the stock exchange.
The skills required to succeed as a stock broker are numerical ability, logical thinking ability, excellent communication and interpersonal skills, attentiveness, interest in the happenings in the financial world, profound knowledge of the market and decision-making abilities. In the initial stages of their careers, stock brokers should be ready to work for long hours to win the investor confidence.
Salary According to various surveys, the median salary of stock brokers is around USD 70,000 a year. The average annual salary is pegged at USD 90,000, while there are many experienced brokers earning more than USD 100,000.
The job description of a stock broker suggests that there is a great opportunity for deserving candidates to make a good career in this field. However, people interested in pursuing this profession should be ready to learn new things and work hard for success.
trader jobs in Gauteng
Company specializing in Rental, Repairs and Sales of Platforms, Telehandler and accessories requires a Hire Desk Trader in the Midrand area.
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Company specializing in Rental, Repairs and Sales of Platforms, Telehandler and accessories requires a Hire Desk Trader in the Midrand area.
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Junior Accounts Trader (Hire Resolve)
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A very well-known investments company is currently looking a Junior Accounts Trader . with only 2 – 3 years equities/ trading experience.
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Licensed/Accredited Forex Traders
Examination (RPE) 2. Introduction to Financial Markets 3. JSE Registered securities trader exam 4. Tertiary Qualification in Finance or related.
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Licensed/Accredited Forex Traders
Examination (RPE) 2. Introduction to Financial Markets 3. JSE Registered securities trader exam 4. Tertiary Qualification in Finance or related.
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Company specializing in Rental, Repairs and Sales of Platforms, Telehandler and accessories requires a Hire Desk Trader in the Midrand area.
www. justthejob. co. za - Mar 4
Hire Desk Trader (Internal) Sales -)
Midrand, Gauteng - Northern Cape - R12,000 per month
Leading Automated Lifting Company requires a Hire Desk Trader (Internal Sales) for branch in Upington This position is focused. of orders whilst ensuring excellent customer service 1. JOB DESCRIPTION The Internal Sales Trader is responsible for the following: AREA.
www. pnet. co. za - Feb 27
Hire Desk Trader (Internal) Sales - Midrand
Midrand, Gauteng - R12,000 per month
Leading Automated Lifting Company requires a Hire Desk Trader (Internal Sales) for branch in Midrand This position is focused. of orders whilst ensuring excellent customer service 1. JOB DESCRIPTION The Internal Sales Trader is responsible for the following: AREA.
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Company specializing in Rental, Repairs and Sales of Platforms, Telehandler and accessories requires a Hire Desk Trader in the Midrand area.
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Hire Desk Trader (Secunda)
Company specializing in Rental Repairs and Sales of Platforms Telehandler and accessories requires a Hire Desk Trader in the Midrand area.
www. pnet. co. za - Jan 16
SA Sales Fraternity - Gauteng
This position is focused on maximizing revenue by turning every call received into an order. This includes continuous communication and follow-up with all clients. This position is vested with the full accountability and responsibility of the Internal Sales function including.
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Junior Accounts Trader ( Hire Resolve )
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Overland Steel Trader
East Rand, Gauteng
Must have recent trading experience in the steel industry. Strong negotiating and trading experience must be familiar with market trends and have experience trading with African countries.
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What we hire for. (Job Description)
We are hiring for the following divisions at HDFC Bank
Retail Branch Banking
Business Banking
Retail Assets
Corporate Banking & Tesorería
Recursos humanos
Please check with your Campus Placement Officer the profiles that have been shared for your campus.
Please Note: Based on your performance in our recruitment process and business requirement, you will be offered a suitable position from the job roles stated above.
Please find below brief of some of the profiles being offered
Profile 1. Relationship Manager – Ecommerce
RM - Ecommerce Payments will be responsible for all E com business primarily from payment perspective including managing the alternate channel partners (Merchant service providers, DSA and alternate channels).
Growth in Business Throughput, New acquisitions, Revenue/Income through Merchant discount rate, AMC and integration fee, new MSP and channel partners.
This role would require one to have to work closely with the Ecommerce team and ensure the success of all Ecommerce initiatives in the channel
The role has to work require one to closely with all departments within the Payments team and other departments to ensure the success of portfolio activities and higher penetration of Bank cards and other payment products in the portfolio
Acquire new Ecommerce merchants
Grow Ecommerce Volumes with a YOY growth of 30%
Drive HDFC Bank card Spends
Ensure penetration of Payment products
Profile 2: Market Risk Analyst
VaR & back-testing
Stress Testing
Portfolio Analysis
Risk MIS
Review of regulatory requirements
Profile 3: Relationship Manager – Financial Institution Group
Responsible for the growth of the portfolio of Institutional/NBFC/corporate clients allocated.
Acquisition of new clients and managing existing relationships. Both liability and asset business
Identifying cross sell & revenue increasing opportunity: Cross-sell of products like CMS, ENET, FX, POS, PG, salary accounts, FDs etc.
Credit Management, Compliance & Housekeeping: Includes preparation of CAMs, SRMs, timely renewals, call memos, quarterly results, etc.
Documents – Pre-sanction and post-sanction etc.
Effective client management and resolution of customer queries/ complaints
Profile 4: Analyst - Basel II / III
The person's primary responsibility will be to assist in the implementation of the advanced approaches of Basel-II, Basel-III.
The implementation would require working on building and implementation various models for risk grading borrowers ( pooling / rating models)
Working on risk estimation models to compute Probability of Default, Loss Given Default and Exposure at Default
Working on the capital computation process to determine the amount of capital to be held by the Bank under the advanced approach
Reporting the capital requirements to Senior Management and RBI
Ensuring end to end documentation of the entire process
Working on automation projects to automate capital computation / risk estimation process
Ensuring ongoing compliance of the Standardized Approach computations with new regulations, through system enhancements or system changes, or introducing new processes etc.
Profile 5: Relationship Manager - Merchant Services (Cards ME Sales)
Handling assigned Merchants with the help of a team of HBL executives and Z category Merchants himself
Acquiring New relationships for the bank.
Responsible for managing and growing the profitability of the portfolio.
Ensuring retention of the Merchants with the bank and growing business on the Merchant counters.
Launching Bank's initiatives with these ME's
Working as a Defacto Service Manager and ensuring all Audit requirements pertaining to the department are met
Will be a custodian of the Bank's stocks in up country.
Will need to Liase with the other departments of the bank viz. Business Banking/Cards Marketing/Branch Banking/2 and 4 Wheeler Loan Departments etc to increase business
The candidate will be required to travel extensively to upcountry locations. Will be managing a team of Relationship Officers and Service engineers at all locations and will operate as a Business Manager responsible for managing profitability of the business.
Profile 6: Relationship Manager - CPS and Product
Identify & target large Corporates for various Commercial Card products including Corporate Card, Purchase Card, Dealer Card, etc.
Collaborate & work closely with Wholesale Banking Group & Retail Branch Banking in order to enhance and further strengthen existing relationships.
Ensure Credit Underwriting & Exposure Limit set up at a corporate level, necessary documentation and Corporate Card sourcing thereafter, along with spend activation and maximum penetration.
Identify & propose other Commercial Cards like Purchase Cards, Dealer Cards, etc. for larger relationship opportunity.
Overall, achieve the desired Card Spends & Relationship Acquisition on newly acquired accounts.
Do bulk sourcing by initiating enquiries from the corporates followed by presentations and then closures.
Excellent academic background, preferably Management education
Candidate must possess strong analytical, presentation and communication (oral / written) skills.
Additionally Relationship Management skills needed with a flair for marketing to senior levels in corporates
Responsible for managing a team of HBL sales executives to achieve budgeted sales targets on a monthly basis following laid down processes and policies and ensuring that login and disbursal productivity parameters of HBL team are met in order to give excellent customer service.
Engaging with the branch teams to increase origination of business by activating every resource in the branch. Also increasing distribution by adding new DSA’s and bringing them up the curve on business
Timely updating of LTS/CRM. Follow up with credit for timely decision and disbursal within TAT
Engage with every branch resource to ensure good lead flow. This will lead to branches meeting their budgets and better conversion ratios
Understand customer requirements and bundle the offering so as to meet customer expectations and help delivering on OBOS
Profile 8: Relationship Manager - Consumer Durables Loans
Achieve business plans set for financial year.
Ensure the productivity benchmarks are achieved at a resource level.
Ensures cross sell is done as per defined targets.
Dealer Sign Up, Dealer On boarding &Training, Dealer Activation, Dealer Complaint and Query Management
Responsible for hiring & training as per the budgeted manpower allocated.
Responsible for FOS productivity defined as per business KRA.
Profile 9: Cards Product
Re-engineering & digitize the current bundling processes
Tracking the approval rate & fine tuning the same with other stakeholders of credit card business
Working on creating incremental opportunity base/Channel for sourcing credit cards through Bundling
Responsible for alliances with aggregators for incremental digital business
Digital social media and other Campaigns for credit cards portfolio
Driving digital sourcing through Branch& Phone banking Channels
Design & Improve processes of sourcing through Mobile Application & Net banking
Conceptualize straight through process for Open Market Customers
Conceptualizes and does end to end management of analytical campaigns (one-on-one) e. g. design, execution, offer & channel management, response tracking / reporting & gift fulfillment
Engages with business to understand their requirements and translate these business objectives into campaign ideas. concepts, segmentation & campaign frameworks
Conceptualizes Customer Centric frameworks & works on Segmentation based differential Communication, Offer and Channel mix
Works with Marketing Communication team to develop segment/channel specific communication & executes the same
Tracks and evaluates the performance of the campaigns across customer segments and channel
Liaises with the respective channels for feedback, closes the loop and analysis
Benchmarks & publishes campaign results & analyzing the same - Recommends Performance Improvement
Campaign Optimization recommendations through rigorous analysis of mid campaign and post campaign analysis
Conduct Dipstick on campaign non-responders
Acquisition, Cross sell, Activation, Usage, Balance build-up, Retention, Value adds like Newsletters
Works closely with Campaign Head to aggressively push through new initiatives
Engages with business to scope out /budget / estimate revenue, P&L and feasibility of new initiatives
Make sure that the Campaign Processes are being adhered to as per the Process Manual
Profile 11: Personal Loan and Business Loan
Responsible for Sourcing of Personal Loans / Business loans in assigned locations.
Accountable for Sales Targets, Lead Management & BDR's productivity.
Responsible for Branch Displays and Lead Generation Activities.
Responsible for Branch Targets and various Cross sells.
Responsible for Channel Management and generating biz from approved Channel partners.
Building Proper Distribution in his locations for BDR’s, Channels.
To Source Business from Branches (Internal Customers, ADM Channel, ABM Channel etc), Phone Banking Channel, Open Market (Catchment areas Near Branches)
Preparation of Notes / Policies to be rolled out to the market.
Conducting Test of Line Team to train them on the ongoing policy changes and new schemes - 250 + people across India between two products.
Clarifying the stand on Policies to Line on an ongoing basis.
Preparation of various MIS, maintenance of E-assets guru with updated policy and publishing portfolio MIS.
Compilation and extraction of data for various analysis and put them in structured way for meaning full interpretation
Publishing monthly newsletter and following with Line on various reports / data / deliverables and then follow up for improvisation.
Monitoring various triggers as mentioned in LPOs and other schemes and update, follow with Line Credit / sales for adherence / exceptions.
Identifying and reporting the key trends in various markets - in case of high delinquency, engage in first level dialogue and identify the erring segments.
Ensuring Policies as laid out are implemented with true spirit in association with PAR Team.
Model testing before all new roll outs in the system and ensuring the maximum deviations are automatically triggered in front end system.
Profile 13: Campaign Operations
Programming/Analysis for Campaign evaluation of Assets, Cards and Liability campaigns rollout.
Work directly and constantly with Campaign/Product Management teams to define campaign key performance metrics and design measurement plans
Assist Campaign Management team with tracking strategy and data requirements to meet measurement needs
Organize post-campaign data and insight into compelling wrap up reporting
Liaise with IT/Product/Fincon for campaign related issues.
Quality checks on the campaign reporting done by vendor resources.
Automate and optimize the campaigns through programming.
Profile 14: Analytical Marketing
Performing data-mining and statistical analysis, including predictive modeling, to develop database-marketing strategies that improve customer acquisition/ retention, enhance customer experience, and maximize customer lifetime contribution.
Developing clear, concise, and actionable insights into customer characteristics and behavior
Understanding diverse product sets that HDFC Bank offers across its Asset, Liability and Card business
Designing and implementing meaningful tests and analytical approaches to address business needs
Analyzing and measuring the business impact of analytical scorecards and other customer communications.
Engaging with business teams in the bank for the development and implementation of data-driven strategies.
Profile 15: Brand Communication
To implement a regular research study to track brand salience on a regular basis. To ensure tracking effectiveness of periodic brand campaigns through this track
To ensure consistency of brand salience metrics across our various surveys
To conduct dipstick surveys to understand consumer reactions to new product or communication concepts
To track competitive activity in media and understand their strategies
To drive implementation of marketing campaigns in media
To track innovations in media and present a monthly report on the same with the marketing team
Ensure adherence to commercial process
Expand the Banks Social Media footprint & increase engagement & monetization through our fans & seguidores
Track competitive activities in social media and arrive at innovative ideas / campaigns to enhance our presence and effectiveness in the social media space
Leverage Social Media platforms through paid media to enhance visibility and drive cost-effective acquisitions
Create and manage content on social media platforms
Online Reputation Management, ensuring response to customer posts within one hour (maintain the existing TAT)
Social listening on bank's and competition product launches
Profile 16: Human Resource
Candidates selected through the selection process will be absorbed as Management Trainee. They would be given on-the-job induction training for 3 months and placed in Business Partnering roles described below.
The incumbent will be the owner of HR service delivery for the region and manage about 500 employees in assigned business units / geographies. The position will be responsible for employee connect activities and monitoring the pulse of the assigned
Business / geography. The role involves a significantly high degree of interaction with internal and external stakeholders, and requires the incumbent to be strongly solution oriented. The incumbent will be expected to travel within the assigned geography
Manpower productivity monitoring, sourcing and managing the on-boarding process
Driving Structured Inductions and mentoring programs for new joinees
Function as the Single Point of Contact (SPOC) in the region for employees HR concerns / issues
Develop and run employee engagement activities across assigned businesses
Partner with line to create and implement capability building initiatives
Exit interviews and Employee exits management
Monitor HR operations support through a dedicated backend team
Drive training initiatives, both Technical and Behavioural
Ensuring adherence to Turn Around Times (TAT) on all HR services matters in sync
Dockets for campaigns
Campaign roll out
Tracking of leads
Tracking of displays
Tracks the performance of the campaigns across customer segments and channel
Liaises with the respective channels for feedback, closing of the loop and analysis
Benchmarking & publishing campaign results & analyzing the same - Recommend Performance Improvement
Ops for existing campaigns execution for: Liabilities, HNW
Generating leads through the digital medium for products of the bank ie PL, CC, AL, HL etc. via paid and non-paid media
Responsible for achieving monthly Lead targets for these products
Vendor management / negotiation with partners / agencies for best rates on leads
Effectively use our website to generate leads
Creative development / web form development with internal teams
Optimize media sources basis CPL (cost per lead)
Ensure good quality leads are passed to channel, sharing of feedback with publishers and improving lead quality
Responsible for a select of branches.
Train and support the regional teams on process migration for Digital Initiatives defined by the bank from time to time. As on September 2015 – it includes Digital Application Platform and NetBanking, ZIP Drive for Auto Loans and Zip Ride for Two wheeler Loans.
Conduct class room trainings and on the job sessions for Digital Initiatives primarily Branch DAP, Net Banking.
Drive usage and adoption at branches through knowledge transfer sessions.
Visit branches – all branches in the base location and upcountry branches to be supported / handheld over calls / interactions with stakeholders.
Ensure implementation of Digital initiatives. For Branch DAP –migration branch by branch to Digital platform over the traditional lead generation would be the monitoring parameter. For Netbanking target vs achievement of the activation of inactive base and growth of demo / usage over the previous financial year would be the key actionable.
Increase usage and business throughput through digital at branches assigned.
Query resolution and support to branches / branch staff for Branch DAP, Net Banking and act as bridge between branch / Digital Banking Product teams for any other digital initiatives eg. Netbanking, Mobilebanking, SB Process team and Credit Cards (for Payzapp)
Co-ordinate with central Digital Acquisition team for training material, support on queries, and other development related assistance.
Report uptake in digital business and share success stories with other Regional Managers.
Provide update to regional branch banking seniors on Digital Initiatives and progress month on month.
This role reports to Head Digital Implementation (Branch Channel).
Manager - Social Business
Social Analytics - Portfolio Management, Segmented Interventions, Optimal mix of segments. Triggers for Relationship Teams
Agencies Management - Managing overall relationship with Social Media companies, Services providers, Vendor Management. Interaction with relevant product teams for developing social selling tools and techniques.
Source and manage relationships with social monitoring platform partners to support and develop commercial opportunities.
Act as the advocate of social business integration within company, influencing overall site and business strategies.
Monitor the competitors and be aware of market changes and development.
Research and understand impact of new social digital tools on leadership and innovation.
Measure and report ROI
Monitor competitors and brands
Product Manager – Portfolio Management-Net Banking
Portfolio Usage (Metrics)
Activation (NTB, Dormant)
Usage (Stock/repeat)
Migration to Financial Txns
Segment wide increase: HNW, Corp Sal, CASA Accounts, retention
Campaign Management
Identification of the appropriate channel of communication for each triggers / campaign
Track implementation of campaigns to be in line with the business objectives set
Social Media Campaigns
Website Campaigns
Offer Management
Product Manager-Mobile Banking 1. Manage Marketing Activities - Initiate and manage all Communication & Design related activities with marketing like providing content, providing creative briefs, review creatives etc
2. Drive App Design Enhancements - Work with the design agency to create cutting edge and contemporary app designs and Review competition and adopt best practices from across the industry
3. Product Development - Getting customer feedback, insights through research in order to enhance the functionality and work with BPRG & IT to ensure timely completion of all projects
Product Manager –Net Banking
Data Analysis
Tracking progress on:
Demo Update
Trend Update
Branch Interaction on data and MIS analysis
OPS Interactions
Designing and facilitate delivery of training modules, covering:
o Content development for central & regional training programs o Process support such as nominations process and co-ordination for cross-functional trainers etc. o Ensuring comprehensive feedback from channels in terms of gaps in content / delivery and ensuring continuous improvements in the training module.
Competition benchmarking
Campaign Management
Track implementation of campaigns to be in line with the business objectives set
Social Media Campaigns
Website Campaigns
Offer Management
Vendor payment
Profile 18: Product Manager - Equities Private Banking
Working closely with vendor to work on training contents and ensure implementation across all channels and personnel.
Ensuring that the process of sending letters to Bank customers is following within the timeliness in close coordination with Ops and vendor.
Ensuring that product content is prepared in coordination with vendor for monthly magazines and for research team and shared every month post vetting from supervisor
Ensuring that website and all external link contents are updated with all product features
Objective is to ensure that TPP strategy and objective is reiterated at branch/channel level.
Objective is to ensure branch/channel outstation visits every month.
The branch/channel actionable visit with timeliness are documented post the visits and reviewed by respective product heads.
Actively working with other divisions across operations, IT, Reg Heads, RPMs. vendors for closure of laid down process
Profile 19: Relationship Manager - Equities Private Banking
Offer Private Banking/ wealth management services through products like mutual funds, structured products, insurance, asset allocation, bonds and derivatives.
Managing relationships of super HNI clients, retaining & enhancing advisory relationships.
Service the banking requirements of the super HNI clients.
To achieve sales targets in terms of income generated across all advisory products basis revenue slabs.
To acquire new clients in the targeted HNI segment from outside the bank.
Profile 20: Sales Manager – SPC
To sell Super Premium Credit Card to niche customer base
The candidate would be responsible for sourcing Premium cards for our top end clients in co-ordination with PBG Advisors, Imperia and Preferred RMs
Focus on exclusive customers segment for higher credit card penetration as well as activation
To have a complete knowledge on Product, Policy and competition offerings
To ensure Target achievement on core product (credit cards) as well as cross-sell products
To ensure that the customers are offered superlative services
Manage FTNR and dip rejects
Profile 21: Relationship Manager - Business Banking Working Capital 1. Business Development
Regular Branch interaction for lead generation for BBG and updates on the leads
Documentation pre-disbursement (Doc collection, legal & TSR, Valuation etc.) and post disbursement, including deferral closure
Updating LTS and conversion of leads generated by the branches
Cross sell of various asset products, other liability accounts, TPP products to the existing Relationships and its group accounts raised as HNW
Increasing the IPH and CTG to ensure revenue maximization
2. Customer relationship management
Cam Preparation & query resolution
Customer negotiation on rates and other issues relating to charges
Daily servicing of customer – Issuance of Cheque books, DDs, cash deposition / withdrawal issues, solvency certificates, RTGS, trade & fx transaction, etc
Preparation of customer profiling sheet and identifying cross sell and revenue increasing opportunities
3. Coordinating with internal and external stakeholders
Co-ordination with credit for CAM approval, deferral waiver / extension & other customer requirements like Buyers credit, TOD’s
Co-ordination with local Ops for disbursement of a case, TOD limit setting, submission of Stock Statement
Housekeeping including CAM renewals, deferral closure, Call memos, stock statements, insurance renewals, Plant visit, Site visit etc
Stressed accounts / Exit account management, follow-up and regularization of TOD’s
Profile 22: Relationship Manager - Rural Initiative Group
Responsible for handling all activities related to financial inclusion as per RBI/Govt mandate.
Responsible for developing business in rural markets under corporate agri value chain.
Appointment of Business Correspondents as per the requirement and goals set by the respective Cluster Head
Opening of Savings Accounts and Current Accounts and Cross sell of loan products in the assigned geography
Ensuring quality of accounts sourced by the team.
Resolve customer related complain related to sales & servicios
Identification of Corporate entities dealing with farmers and acquiring Business from the same
Scoping of the assigned region for New Customers in the Agri space
Identification of KGC customers, generate leads and passing on the same to the KGC team for conversion
Coverage of all assigned Villages by the SLBC/RBI as part of the FI mandate for the Bank
Conduct Survey under the PM Jan Dhan Yojna for all allocated villages
Ensuring Sales executives / reportees adher to bank policy and standards.
Supervising, mentoring, driving, motivating and monitoring sales executives.
Profile 23: Relationship Manager - Commodities Finance
1. Business Development
Sourcing Agri Commodity Finance Business ( Pledge/Working Capital), Trade Finance, Cross Sell & Liability in Nagpur Cluster and meeting set targets
Documentation pre-disbursement (Doc collection, legal & TSR, Valuation etc.) and post disbursement, including deferral closure
Deepen the relationship by Cross selling Banks Products and Services according to Customer Needs
Profiling Customers and provide financial products to meet customer needs.
Responsible for building up quality Asset portfolio of Commodity Finance Assets, apart from Non Fund based credit lines
To Enhance & Retain customer profitability by capturing larger share of Wallet Ensure profitability of the portfolio
Generate high Income per Customer Acquire new customers who meet product criteria through cross-referencing
2. Customer relationship management
Cam Preparation & query resolution
Customer negotiation on rates and other issues relating to charges
Daily servicing of customer – Issuance of Cheque books, DDs, cash deposition / withdrawal issues, solvency certificates, RTGS, trade & fx transaction, etc
Preparation of customer profiling sheet and identifying cross sell and revenue increasing opportunities
Responsible for monitoring profitability of the portfolio by closely tracking the yield,
3. Coordinating with internal and external stakeholders
Co-ordination with credit for CAM approval, deferral waiver / extension & other customer requirements like Buyers credit, TOD’s
Co-ordination with local Ops for disbursement of a case, TOD limit setting, submission of Stock Statement
Housekeeping including CAM renewals, deferral closure, Call memos, stock statements, insurance renewals, Plant visit, Site visit etc
Stressed accounts / Exit account management, follow-up and regularization of TOD’s
Coordination with Collateral Managers, Govt Authorities
Profile 24: Retail Branch Banking (RBB)
Personal Banker – Welcome Desk
To be the first point contact with the customer in the branch, provide customer service and product information
Responsible for account opening bothcurrent & Saving account and Fixed Deposits
Customer acquisition through sales to walk in customers, referrals from walk-ins for current account, saving account and Demat accounts
Deliverables Custodian, Handle balance enquiries of walk-in customers, Collection of Foreign Currency Cheques
Obtain referrals from walk-in customers for current account, Saving account and Demat accounts, Generation of referrals from internal database
Cross sell of direct banking channels to walk-in customers to deepen relationships
Responsible for report generation & presentación
Retention of accounts: Enhance the value of existing portfolio of current account & saving account customers.
Responsible for cash and customer transactions
Handles cash receipts, deposits &payments, Cash balancing
Handling the Banking System and is Vault custodian
Filing of End of day (EOD) Reports
Handling Non-Cash transactions like DD/MC/TC, Fund transfer etc
Register updation on EOD Cash position, Instruments Issued etc
Responsible for high quality service, customer relationship management, Queue Management & Branch Audit & Compliance
Personal Banker - Sales
Responsible for relationship management for a portfolio of customers
Responsible for Cross Sell, enhancing relationship with existing customers, Customer service to walk in customers
Selling of Investment products like Mutual Fund, Insurance & Current account & Saving account
Managing Operations like A/c opening, Fixed Deposit, Lockers, and Forexetc
Responsible for generation of referrals from internal database and newCustomer acquisitions
Responsible for Report Generation & filing, Review all critical reports, monitor cash levels, fraud control, etc.
Generating business through cross sell of all products and services of the Bank
Retention of accounts: Enhance the value of existing portfolio of current account & saving account customers.
Overall Cost Management and staff productivity
Also, responsible for Branch administration & ATM (onsite) management, Branch Operations and Audit Compliance
Relationship Manager (RBB)
Managing the High Net Worth customers of the Bank
Acquisition & Servicing of High Net Worth customers
One point contact for all requirements of High Net Worth customers in the Branch
Achieving the Business targets assigned in terms of cross selling, enhancing and upgrading the High Net Worth relationships.
Profiling Customers and provide financial products to meet customer needs
Ensuring the highest levels of service to the High Net Worth customers
Providing Financial planning & Investment Advice
Responsible for all targets spread across Liabilities, Retail Assets, Business Banking, Forex, Credit Cards, Online trading etc
Stock broker assistant duties, stock market team names.
Job Description of a Broker Assistant. Broker assistants work for licensed real estate, insurance and stock brokers. As brokers focus on closing deals for clients. Assigned to help the stock brokers, trading assistants perform a number of important. and they perform numerous tasks with a wide range of responsibilities. Apply to 471 Broker Assistant jobs on LinkedIn. Regístrate. Summary Provides administrative support. of the broker by purchasing and selling securities within. lines wholesale insurance. brokerage sales support assistant role provides.
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A broker assistant resume must demonstrate skills in reducing the workload of. huge experience in performing several duties such as writing orders for stock. A stock brokerage sales assistant, also called a brokerage clerk or broker's assistant, is an administrative professional who supports a team of stockbrokers in. Job Description of a Broker Assistant. Broker assistants work for licensed real estate, insurance and stock brokers. As brokers focus on closing deals for clients.
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To manage a large book of business, a skilled broker sales assistant or. a registered sales assistant who can accept and process unsolicited securities trade orders. Duties and Responsibilities A sales assistant screens telephone calls to. Financial dealers' assistants assist stockbrokers and stockbroking firms in. and undertake electronic transfer of securities; reconcile differences in data from.
Junior Dealer
Company: CySec Regulated Forex Company
Salary: Salary to 1,800 Gross + medical.
Summary of job requirements
Our client, a well-established CySEC regulated investment firm is seeking to recruit a high calibre and ambitious individual to assume the role of Junior Dealer within their Dealing Department.
The key responsibilities of the role include:
FX trading on a day-to-day basis in accordance with established rules and regulations
Handling client requests promptly
Carrying out Forex rate surveys
Updating FX trading systems and records
Keeping abreast with market and economic developments
BSc/MSc in Mathematics, Statistics, Finance or any other relevant field (first or upper second class honours)
Must be available for shifts 24/5 Monday to Friday
CySEC certification will be a plus
Experience in a similar position will be a plus
Strong analytical skills
Organized and detailed oriented
Excellent verbal and written communication skills in English
Strong IT skills
The company is offering an attractive remuneration package based on qualifications, skills and experience.
To apply for this position, please remember to include the vacancy's reference number.
Job Requirements
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Jobs on NCFM Certification
recruiting NISM / NCFM Certified candidates Freshers & Experienced in the organization. Walk-in drive on 26/02/2016
Some positions: 27.
Contact: D Daniel Chowdary Human Resources-Andhra Pradesh Mobile: 9154605055
1.Job Description: Reputed Broking Firm is looking for Equity Dealer
To operate the Terminal and trade on behalf of clients. To be involved in buying and selling of Equities.
Candidates who have at least six months of experience working as a Dealer / Fresher may apply. NCFM Certification mandatory. Right regarding communication and interpersonal skills.
Additional Information Last updated: 26/07/2015
Position type . Permanent
Minimum experience . Fresher/ One year
Educación . Compulsory Education & NCFM Certification
Category: Jobs in Banking / Financial Services
Contact Info: Provost Solutions 402, Prashanthiram Towers, Besides Sri Chaitanya School, Yousufguda Road, Opp to Maitrivanam Building Ameerpet. Hyderabad 9700732647 040 66741212
Equity Dealer - Various Location
Experience:1 – 5 Years Ahmedabad, Bengaluru/Bangalore, Chennai, Delhi/NCR(National Capital Region), Hyderabad / Secunderabad, Kolkata, Mumbai ApplyPosted: 24-01-2015
One of our reputed clients is looking for Equity Dealer (retail/HNI)
Locations Open - Ahmedabad, Kolkata, Hyderabad, Bangalore, Chennai, Delhi, Mumbai
Responsible for generating brokerage primarily through advising clients on their equity portfolio for long term investments, as well as positional trading ideas in stocks for a short/ medium term. 2. Develop and maintain a long-term relationship with customers to maintain a high level of retention of the existing customer and also focus on generating new business. 3. To maintain a collaborative relationship with Relationship Managers, by supporting their efforts to enhance business. 4. To keep abreast with the market knowledge and market intelligence. 5. Responsible for ensuring all activities are in adherence as per Compliance & Riesgo. 6. Provide regular updates to the immediate superior as and when required.
For more details Visit: jobs. krmglobal. com
Position: Equity Dealer
Must have certification in NCFM and AMFI Six months to 1yr experience is required.
Salary range: ₨ 1,50,000 – ₨ 2,00,000 / Yearly (Gross Pay)
Visit for more info at: www. liveconnections. in
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Job for Foreign Currency Dealers at AA Exchange Company Multiple Cities Pakistan
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JOB DESCRIPTION. Maverick FX, established in 1997, is an award-winning trading firm that focuses primarily on trading short to intermediate time frames in the spot. The forex markets can be both exciting and lucrative. Find out what jobs exist in this space and how to get them.
Join FOREXYARD exclusive team of professionals. Get forex trading jobs with great benefits for the right candidates. Digital Online Trader £30,000 - £35,000k London Looking to join a rapidly. Forex Dealer/Trader/Broker – FX Solution Sales 25-30k Base, 40-45k OTE +.
FX Dealer - Treasury - UAE National Only (closed)
Job Title: FX Dealer - Treasury - UAE National Only!
IRIS Executives, leader in the Emiratisation market is urgently looking for a FX Dealer - Treasury for one of its largest Banking clients in Dubai (Only UAE Nationals are considered for this role).
& Middot; 1. To support the initiative of CBMS Treasury Sales towards furtherance of the Bank's objectives. 2. To actively support the defined product offering e. g. in Spot and Forward to CBMS clients and enhance the business turnover and profitability. 3. To help Treasury Sales team develop a robust and loyal core CBMS customer base by building relationships with key decision-makers to grow business in line with and to understand customer needs. 4. To strengthen the Bank's CBMS customer penetration in the increasing important foreign exchange area. 5. To support Treasury Sales team in promoting cross-sell of FX products & referrals from other units within CBMS. 6. To contribute in the new product development tailor made for CBMS segment 7. Roll-out E-Channels for Treasury Products for enquires and booking of deals. Migrate existing customer base to the OLT platform. 8. To maintain a high standard of customer service in order to increase Bank¿s market shares vis-à-vis existing customers and enlarging the customer base. 9. To keep abreast of the latest market developments, Competitors tactical mapping and market intelligence. 10. To coordinate with other internal departments like Central ops, CMO, reconciliation on Forex issues. 11. Help / guide the client in completing the transaction (TT, internal transfer, trade trx) 12. Support Service unit on Foreign Exchange matters / complaints, (Wrong Rate applied) 13. Conclude the FX deals (sale or purchase currencies) with clients on phone. 14. Take inward calls to guide various sales channels (RMs, PFCs, and Priority Centers) for Foreign Exchange Transactions of CBMS clients. 15. Responsible for monitoring the performance & productivity of the assigned desk developing and rolling-out requisite MIS. 16. To support the Head CB Market Sales in overall business development in the direction of the medium term business strategy.
Qualifications & Skills
& Middot; 1. Graduate/CA/MBA/TFM 2. Good knowledge of movements in Foreign Exchange and interest rate markets. 3. Relevant experience on FX dealing. 4. Ability to work quickly and accurately under pressure. 5. Must be an effective communicator and presentable. 6. Good analytical Skills. 7. Overall understanding of the Commercial Banking business preferably in Wealth and SME in the Market portfolio in UAE
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Banking/ Financial Services
You will spend 16 weeks (Weeks 1-8:Theory, Weeks 9- 12 Trading a real time simulator, Weeks 13-16 Trading Real Account) at our academy completing our intensive trading education program designed to fully prepare you for a trading career. Your progress will be closely monitored and your performance assessed at regular intervals. Upon successful graduation from the program you will be offered your own live trading account. AKFinancials traders are trained and mentored by experienced tra more.
You will spend 16 weeks (Weeks 1-8:Theory, Weeks 9- 12 Trading a real time simulator, Weeks 13-16 Trading Real Account) at our academy completing our intensive trading education program designed to fully prepare you for a trading career. Your progress will be closely monitored and your performance assessed at regular intervals. Upon successful graduation from the program you will be offered your own live trading account. AKFinancials traders are trained and mentored by experienced trainers and traders.
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AKFinancials LTD. is a global investment firm catering to international remote traders. AKFinancials more. AKFinancials LTD. is a global investment firm catering to international remote traders. AKFinancials LTD trades forex, futures, cfd’s and commodities.
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Description of indicators Forex
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Margin call on Forex
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Margin call on Forex
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