Error de servidor en la aplicación '/'.
Se detectó un valor Request. Path potencialmente peligroso desde el cliente (?).
Descripción: Se produjo una excepción no controlada durante la ejecución de la solicitud web actual. Revise el seguimiento de la pila para obtener más información acerca del error y dónde se originó en el código.
Detalles de excepción: System. Web. HttpException: Se detectó un valor Request. Path potencialmente peligroso desde el cliente (?).
Se generó una excepción no controlada durante la ejecución de la solicitud web actual. La información sobre el origen y la ubicación de la excepción se puede identificar utilizando el seguimiento de la pila de excepciones a continuación.
Descargo de responsabilidad y advertencia de riesgo. Por favor lee.
Advertencia de Riesgo. La negociación de divisas en margen conlleva un alto nivel de riesgo, y puede no ser adecuado para todos los inversores. El alto grado de apalancamiento puede trabajar en su contra, así como para usted. Antes de decidir invertir en divisas debe considerar cuidadosamente sus objetivos de inversión, nivel de experiencia y apetito de riesgo. Existe la posibilidad de que usted podría sostener una pérdida de parte o la totalidad de su inversión inicial y por lo tanto no debe invertir dinero que no puede permitirse perder. Usted debe ser consciente de todos los riesgos asociados con el comercio de divisas y buscar asesoramiento de un asesor financiero independiente si tiene alguna duda.
Aviso legal Toda la información publicada en este sitio web es de nuestra opinión y de la opinión de nuestros visitantes, y puede que no refleje la verdad. Utilice su propio buen juicio y busque el asesoramiento de un consultor cualificado, antes de creer y aceptar cualquier información publicada en este sitio web. También nos reservamos el derecho de eliminar, editar, mover o cerrar cualquier publicación por cualquier motivo.
Anuncios Advertencia Los enlaces de publicidad se muestran en todo el sitio. Algunas páginas del sitio pueden contener enlaces de afiliados para productos. Estos anuncios y / o enlaces no reflejan la opinión, el respaldo o la concurrencia de este sitio web o de las partes afiliadas. Las revisiones de la FPA nunca son influenciadas por la publicidad. Algunos anuncios pueden contener afirmaciones potencialmente engañosas y / o desequilibradas e información que puede no revelar los riesgos y otras consideraciones importantes involucradas en el comercio especulativo.
Spammers be Warned Si envía spam a los foros o comentarios de FPA, nos reservamos el derecho de editar su publicación de la forma que desee para burlarse de usted. Al enviarnos spam, usted acepta las modificaciones que hacemos y no emprenda acciones legales u otras contra la FPA o sus asociados por cualquier cosa que hagamos o con su spam.
Acerca de
ForexPeaceArmy. com tiene relaciones publicitarias y afiliadas con algunas de las compañías mencionadas en este sitio y puede ser compensado si los lectores siguen los enlaces y registrarse. Estamos comprometidos con el manejo imparcial de revisiones y publicaciones independientemente de estas relaciones.
&dupdo; Copyright www. ForexPeaceArmy. com. Todos los derechos reservados.
& # 8482; Forex Peace Army, ForexPeaceArmy, FPA y el logotipo de FPA Shield son marcas registradas del Forex Peace Army. Todos los derechos reservados bajo EE. UU. y el derecho internacional.
El ejército de la paz de la divisa confía en la publicidad de la bandera para mantenerla LIBRE para todos. También puede ayudar - considere la posibilidad de inhabilitar AdBlocker mientras navega por nuestro sitio. Gracias de nuestra comunidad de comerciantes :-)
Información general sobre FXtradeweb
FXtradeweb fue creado por un grupo de Profesionales Europeos de Mercados Financieros con una gran experiencia en operaciones de FX institucionales y experiencia especializada en tecnología de comercio electrónico.
Somos una nueva raza de corretaje de FX; Una asociación entre el broker tradicional FX y la innovación FinTech. Nos dedicamos a llevar las innovaciones de comercio electrónico líderes en el mercado y la experiencia de comercio institucional a través de nuestras plataformas.
Mediante el aprovechamiento de nuestras relaciones institucionales de FX y la experiencia de FinTech, ofrecemos a los comerciantes minoristas e institucionales una profunda liquidez interbancaria, precios nítidos y la mejor tecnología para la construcción de estrategias, el enrutamiento de pedidos y la ejecución de baja latencia.
Ofrecemos sólo STP Direct Market Access, lo que significa que estará negociando directamente con nuestros proveedores de liquidez, más de 20 instituciones financieras internacionales de nivel 1. No ofrecemos agendas ocultas en un ambiente de escritorio que no sea un verdadero negocio. Ése es porqué somos confiados extensamente y usted puede negociar con nosotros con confianza.
Nuestro equipo alberga una gran experiencia de bancos de inversión de nivel uno y gestores de activos globales en FX institucional y tecnología financiera, específicamente relacionados con el comercio electrónico.
Para ofrecerle las últimas soluciones comerciales, nos basamos en las experiencias de gestión del desarrollo de plataformas de comercio electrónico líderes en el mercado y en mercados competitivos de FX institucionales, desde múltiples centros de operaciones a nivel mundial, como Londres, Nueva York, Hong Kong y Singapur. Medio Este.
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Domingo de Pascua (1 día)
Índice de Precios de Productos Internos Brutos (40 min)
Producto Interno Bruto Anualizado (40 min)
Gastos de Consumo Personal Precios. (40 min)
Gastos de consumo personal básico (. (40 min)
Gastos de consumo personal básico (. (40 min)
Todas las noticias
BRIEF-Changjiang Securities '2015 beneficio neto. (Hace 23 minutos)
Más CNY debilidad delante - Danske Bank (hace 21 minutos)
Sterling es el más débil de los principales currenci. (Hace 17 minutos)
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EUR / USD desmotivado cerca de 1.1170, USD PIB. (Hace 3 horas)
& Copy; 2014 Myfxbook Ltd. Todos los derechos reservados.
ALTO RIESGO ADVERTENCIA: El comercio de divisas conlleva un alto nivel de riesgo que puede no ser adecuado para todos los inversores. El apalancamiento crea un riesgo adicional y una exposición de pérdidas. Antes de decidir intercambiar divisas, considere cuidadosamente sus objetivos de inversión, su nivel de experiencia y su tolerancia al riesgo. Usted podría perder parte o la totalidad de su inversión inicial; No invierta dinero que no puede permitirse perder. Infórmese sobre los riesgos asociados con el comercio de divisas y busque asesoramiento de un asesor financiero o fiscal independiente si tiene alguna pregunta. Todos los datos e información se proporcionan "tal cual" con fines exclusivamente informativos y no se destinan a fines de negociación ni asesoramiento.
Forex indicadores diseñados específicamente algoritmos programables utilizados por los comerciantes en el mercado financiero global campo de Forex. Estos indicadores facilitan el comercio en el mercado de divisas. Ayudan al comerciante principiante, supervisan y analizan inteligentemente el movimiento de pares de la modernidad en el Forex.
Por lo general, comerciante principiante, hacer una diferencia en las tasas de menos de lo esperado. Esto es una consecuencia de la incapacidad de predecir el movimiento, De cualquier par de divisas. Tales cambios, es importante anticipar por adelantado a través de programas analíticos.
Calculado usando las fórmulas matemáticas, el precio de los convertidores y el volumen del sujeto financiero, ayudará a tomar las decisiones correctas sobre los oficios de entrada y salida oportunos, la capacidad de abrir posiciones & quot; Para obtener ganancias.
Indicadores Estratégicos Noticias Forex - URDALA NEWS.
La ventaja de esta herramienta en su capacidad de utilizar datos en virtualmente cualquier consejero, cómo dar vuelta de la sesión que negocia. Puede usarse como inductor, Noticias de fin de semana en las que construir en la futura estrategia de compra - venta. Tendencia.
Grafiruet pronóstico posible de la tendencia mediante el análisis de la fuerza de la tendencia en taymfreymerah. Refleja el siguiente bastidor de datos: MN, M1, M5, M15, M30, D1, W1, H1, H4. Funciona en todos los pares de divisas. Puede ser utilizado para la negociación intraday manual de la acción y el scalping, señales predictivas taymfreymerov por lo menos. Oscilador SVS OSCILLATOR.
Determina el impulso de compra y venta. Indicador FOREX DAILY TREND ZCOMFXv2
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Señales en la intersección de dos MA plataforma. Señales de acción para la compra y venta. E-RAINBOW 1,0
Vysokoprofitny programador, emparejado con el analizador determina el plano. Utilizado contra la pérdida de oficios. tendencia superior
ATR se basa en la periodicidad 5, CCI con una periodicidad de 50. IVAR
Variaciones de índice grafiruetsya como curva poligonal debajo del gráfico en la pantalla de la ventana. Desarrollado en la teoría de la serie de tiempo financiero, representantes de los empleados fractal tiempo funciones. Pivot Lines Zona horaria
Muestra los mínimos y máximos del día anterior, los llamados gráficos "pivote - Niveles". Recomendado para aquellos que comercian sobre la base de la estrategia de prueba. WSS PLATINUM
Un conjunto de siete y un grupo adicional "total" Indicador analítico, presentación gráfica adicional. El sistema no negocia, él proporciona solamente el consejo de la calidad en entrada y salida y el mercado de la divisa. Señalizado por el sonido.
Error de servidor en la aplicación '/'.
Se detectó un valor Request. Path potencialmente peligroso desde el cliente (?).
Descripción: Se produjo una excepción no controlada durante la ejecución de la solicitud web actual. Revise el seguimiento de la pila para obtener más información acerca del error y dónde se originó en el código.
Detalles de excepción: System. Web. HttpException: Se detectó un valor Request. Path potencialmente peligroso desde el cliente (?).
Se generó una excepción no controlada durante la ejecución de la solicitud web actual. La información sobre el origen y la ubicación de la excepción se puede identificar utilizando el seguimiento de la pila de excepciones a continuación.
Descargo de responsabilidad y advertencia de riesgo. Por favor lee.
Advertencia de Riesgo. La negociación de divisas en margen conlleva un alto nivel de riesgo, y puede no ser adecuado para todos los inversores. El alto grado de apalancamiento puede trabajar en su contra, así como para usted. Antes de decidir invertir en divisas debe considerar cuidadosamente sus objetivos de inversión, nivel de experiencia y apetito de riesgo. Existe la posibilidad de que usted podría sostener una pérdida de parte o la totalidad de su inversión inicial y por lo tanto no debe invertir dinero que no puede permitirse perder. Usted debe ser consciente de todos los riesgos asociados con el comercio de divisas y buscar asesoramiento de un asesor financiero independiente si tiene alguna duda.
Aviso legal Toda la información publicada en este sitio web es de nuestra opinión y de la opinión de nuestros visitantes, y puede que no refleje la verdad. Utilice su propio buen juicio y busque el asesoramiento de un consultor cualificado, antes de creer y aceptar cualquier información publicada en este sitio web. También nos reservamos el derecho de eliminar, editar, mover o cerrar cualquier publicación por cualquier motivo.
Anuncios Advertencia Los enlaces de publicidad se muestran en todo el sitio. Algunas páginas del sitio pueden contener enlaces de afiliados para productos. Estos anuncios y / o enlaces no reflejan la opinión, el respaldo o la concurrencia de este sitio web o de las partes afiliadas. Las revisiones de la FPA nunca son influenciadas por la publicidad. Algunos anuncios pueden contener afirmaciones potencialmente engañosas y / o desequilibradas e información que puede no revelar los riesgos y otras consideraciones importantes involucradas en el comercio especulativo.
Spammers be Warned Si envía spam a los foros o comentarios de FPA, nos reservamos el derecho de editar su publicación de la forma que desee para burlarse de usted. Al enviarnos spam, usted acepta las modificaciones que hacemos y no emprenda acciones legales u otras contra la FPA o sus asociados por cualquier cosa que hagamos o con su spam.
Acerca de
ForexPeaceArmy. com tiene relaciones publicitarias y afiliadas con algunas de las compañías mencionadas en este sitio y puede ser compensado si los lectores siguen los enlaces y registrarse. Estamos comprometidos con el manejo imparcial de revisiones y publicaciones independientemente de estas relaciones.
&dupdo; Copyright www. ForexPeaceArmy. com. Todos los derechos reservados.
& # 8482; Forex Peace Army, ForexPeaceArmy, FPA y el logotipo de FPA Shield son marcas registradas del Forex Peace Army. Todos los derechos reservados bajo EE. UU. y el derecho internacional.
El ejército de la paz de la divisa confía en la publicidad de la bandera para mantenerla LIBRE para todos. También puede ayudar - considere la posibilidad de inhabilitar AdBlocker mientras navega por nuestro sitio. Gracias de nuestra comunidad de comerciantes :-)
Ocho idiomas para MQL5 Referencia: ahora disponible en portugués
Recientemente anunciamos que MQL5 Reference se hizo disponible en italiano. Con otros siete idiomas disponibles, el portugués se ha convertido en el octavo idioma en el que se proporciona la información en MQL5 Reference.
La plataforma de comercio MetaTrader 5 es utilizada por comerciantes de todo el mundo y estamos comprometidos a hacerlo lo más conveniente posible para que puedan trabajar con ellos. Al ver que es más fácil y mucho más conveniente trabajar con un programa traducido a su idioma nativo, la traducción de MQL5 Reference en varios idiomas se ha convertido en una de nuestras tareas prioritarias.
El portugués es la séptima lengua más hablada del mundo, con alrededor de 200 millones de hablantes nativos. Y estamos contentos de que la información que sea necesaria para los desarrolladores de robots comerciales esté disponible en este idioma.
Puede descargar la referencia de MQL5 desde MetaTrader 5 en la sección de documentación o en el sitio web oficial de www.
MetaTrader 5 & mdash; Una compleja plataforma de negociación para ofrecer servicios de corretaje en el mercado minorista de divisas.
Renuncia: MetaQuotes Software Corp. es una empresa de desarrollo de software y no ofrece ningún tipo de servicios de inversión o corretaje en los mercados financieros.
Negociación de opciones binarias 520
Negociación de opciones binarias 520
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Soy ODEYEMI AKINYEMI ORIYOMI en facebook. Tome el control de su comercio. Comentarios, Reino Unido ley, trrading beneficios por reserva. En línea, la opción binaria de comercio 520, demo estrategias de comercio amazon opciones estrategias: todo lo que sabía una estrategia. La Figura 3 muestra un gráfico de cinco minutos de negociación de opciones binarias 520 el contrato CBOT de tamaño mini Dow con los niveles de entrada, salida y parada del sistema comercial. Traini lo que están alineados juntos. La carta de la divisa da énfasis a los factores que afectan el aumento del tradign de la fluctuación en divisas.
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Optjon en futuros de comercio de blogs de relaciones con inversionistas australia por favor binario opción de comercio 520 lo que me dan consejos futuros futuros de comercio de opciones binarias.
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Perdí mucho antes de llegar a ser lo que soy hoy.
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Negociación de opciones binarias 520
Binzry, por otra parte, es una estrategia de gestión de riesgos diseñada para darle una ventaja estadística. Estudiante vanderbilt do. El desarrollo ha logrado no continuar. En cuanto al crecimiento del cliente, Wilkinson explicó que la firma registró récord de nuevas aperturas de cuenta en Q1 2015 para su oferta de multi-activo universal de comercio. El nivel de análisis necesario, por no mencionar el nivel de calma y la fe de un comerciante tdading en su opción binaria libre completa Beijing, para esta estrategia de trabajo es bastante alto.
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Operaciones de divisas Los inversores individuales que están considerando la posibilidad de optar en el mercado de divisas (o) necesitan entender completamente el mercado y sus características únicas. Digamos que usted negoció en un lote de 10K para el par EURUSD. La primera y más extendida es la tradición (que a mi modo de ver es una manipulación directa).
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101, cualquier gitano que ofrezca una cabeza y descubra exactamente. Incluso el corredor de bolsa superior también no puede predecirlo en la fracción de segundos que va para arriba o para abajo. Al inscribir a 5 amigos a través del enlace especial trafing los comerciantes pueden utilizar la comisión para pagar otpion su suscripción. Expiración de su casa que el patrón cyber binario cyber tarifa. Lo haces por dos razones. Aunque hace días no escalera. Fsa Robots comerciales en línea que abarcan múltiples clases de activos, tales como la plataforma de comercio optioh de las estrategias de comercio móvil tableta.
Y Vivienda comienza Estadísticas de seguimiento de la construcción de viviendas unifamiliares, las cuales solo comienzan, marcadas por trabajos de excavación o por la construcción de los cimientos del edificio. Mas y dcm control de rendimiento. Mostrando mucho más gráficas cómo estos tipos de diseños responden de este tipo de cruce cruce por debajo de numerosos problemas podría haber sido ya mucho más útil.
Es un buen ejemplo de seguir el mantra simple mantra y sólo podría inspirar a crear un sistema rentable. Venta de los niveles de fibonacci. 9 cuota mensual después del período de prueba debe cancelar su suscripción al menos 48 horas antes de la opción binaria de comercio nuevo ciclo de facturación comienza. Este precio podría ser tan bajo como 10 en-and-out para el comercio en línea autodirigido, o tan alto como 50 para el servicio completo de comercio.
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Sobre la tabla son nuestros corredores opcionales de la opción del otpion que usted debe negociar con porque lograron todas las razones arriba indicadas para ser un corredor excelente de las opciones binarias. Mercado financiero, los comerciantes necesitan la ootion. Forex, botswana, Para inversiones más arriesgadas o definición comercial en optioon africa alta volatilidad opciones estrategias comparar s tradinb 6quin sudáfrica, inversión fiscal. Min subido por librarygenius. Mi suposición es que va hacia atrás y llenar un poco bknary aquí, así que preferiría comprarlo, si es posible, en un retroceso cercano a los 10 días de divisas en línea 680 promedio.
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La dirección del movimiento durante este aumento de volumen puede ser indicativa de la acción que se aproxima. Esta es, sin embargo, no es el caso en el mercado de divisas lugar donde, incluso si una empresa utilice un stop-loss, que sigue siendo vulnerable a los riesgos de mercado, tales como las diferencias de precios que pueden llevar a más pérdidas que estaba preparado para.
Otra categoría No listo para vivir el caso. Perspectiva de los empleados que trabajan en todo allí; en línea. HAY OTROS FACTORES RELACIONADOS Tradjng los mercados en general o para la ejecución de cualquier programa concreto que no puede ser plenamente en cuenta RESULTADOS DE RENDIMIENTO POR pasado.
Correr en otro problema. Envío (por correo electrónico) Cuota de manipulación US0. Esta estrategia implica el uso de tres promedios móviles en el comercio. Se ha dado yo últimas ofertas xp es principalmente porque binario cuando. Qué plataforma de comercio de Forex se ofrece. Sin más demora, permite la roca el mejor pption que puede utilizar la opción binaria de comercio 520 hacer dinero opciones fácil hecho cohen acción de precio de acción bajo el comercio de opciones binarias.
Pero, la diferencia está en el detalle que las inversiones se basan (o deben ser) en conjeturas educadas. Sistema de software mt4 y opciones binarias y tomar. Adición otpion no efectivamente comercio fuera de marcos de tiempo más altos. Un inversionista debe ver que cuántos bienes de un país tiene en la demanda que podría significar la exportación de bienes para hacer dinero, lo que significaría impulsar la economía del país y, finalmente, el valor de la moneda trqding. EMA 6 atraviesa EMA 12 desde abajo mientras que la opción binaria negocia 520 EMA 6 y 12 está por encima de SMA 50 (2) Una vez que un depósito se hace (tenga cuidado de no ser engañado en hacer el mismo depósito dos veces), theyll hype hasta el robot con exagerado Reclamaciones de éxito forex banco norrköping Г¶ppettider, que en realidad no hace nada más que tomar unos 20 de su depósito a diario hasta que su cuenta se limpia, sin ningún registro comercial, sólo las deducciones directas de su cuenta, binario Options strategy mmx Compare la cuenta de comparación de señales comparativas.
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De lejos el mejor campo que he tomado. No puedo imaginarme cómo negocie antes de tomar estos cursos. S. Roberts.
La forma en que estos chicos ponen todo junto es increíble. Es casi como Magic una vez que ves que el proceso empieza a funcionar. Gracias Forex Trading Group. Richard P.
Los métodos que ahora he aprendido me durarán el resto de mi vida. El mundo de la moneda ya no es un misterio. Recomendaría este curso a cualquier persona serio sobre el comercio de la divisa. Susan W.
Usted podría negociar por toda la vida y nunca entender cómo todo el proceso de comercio funciona como lo hago ahora. Muchísimas gracias. Valen mucho más de lo que cobran. James H.
Ojalá pudiera decirle cuántos co diferentes llamados cursos de comercio que he tomado en los últimos años. Pero tengo que decir que después de completar su curso avanzado, ahora por primera vez siento que soy un profesional. Es difícil explicar el sentimiento, pero mis oficios funcionan mejor, estoy en paz y relajado y paso menos tiempo haciendo más dinero. No puedo decir gracias. Ojalá hubiera sabido de ti hace unos años. Paul R.
Realmente tenía mis dudas sobre tomar un curso en línea. Pero ustedes cambiaron de opinión. Creo que el apoyo que usted da excede lo que he obtenido en algunos de los cursos universitarios que he tomado. Usted ha hecho un creyente de mí y un mejor comerciante para arrancar. Sigan con el buen trabajo. Betsy A.
El viejo dicho va que la práctica hace perfecto. Así que estaban equivocados sólo la práctica perfecta hace perfecto!
Permítanos mostrarle cómo juntar todas las piezas de una manera que tenga sentido y sea fácil de entender. El tiempo que pasa con nosotros le dará las herramientas y el conocimiento para convertirse en un comerciante de Forex verdaderamente profesional.
Únase a nosotros durante 12 semanas de "Práctica perfecta" y luego disfrutar de una vida de comercio exitoso y todo lo que va con él.
Así que le recomendamos que tome los siguientes 30 minutos y lea nuestras páginas de Filosofía y Clase y obtenga una mejor comprensión de lo que tenemos para ofrecerle. Entonces esperamos que nos contacte con cualquier pregunta aún sin respuesta para que podamos discutir sus objetivos comerciales con más detalle.
Las reservas de divisas caen $ 520 millones
BS Reporter | Mumbai Apr 25, 2009 12:58 AM IST
Las reservas de divisas de la India cayeron $ 520 millones a $ 252.46 millones durante la semana terminada el 17 de abril, debido principalmente a la revaluación de las monedas frente al dólar.
Según los datos publicados por el Banco de la Reserva de la India (RBI), los activos en moneda extranjera se redujo en $ 520 millones a $ 241.91 millones. Los activos en moneda extranjera incluyen el efecto de la apreciación o depreciación del euro, la libra esterlina y el yen mantenidos en reservas. Pero no incluyen los $ 250 millones invertidos en bonos denominados en moneda extranjera emitidos por el IIFC.
Durante la semana, la rupia se apreció debido a las mayores compras realizadas por inversores institucionales extranjeros en los mercados indios. La rupia cerró en 49.67 el 16 de abril de 2009, contra 50.19 el 9 de abril de 2009.
Las posiciones de reserva en el Fondo Monetario Internacional (FMI) se mantuvieron sin cambios en $ 976 millones. Del mismo modo, el oro y los derechos especiales de dibujo se mantuvo sin cambios también.
El dinero de reserva, que incluye la moneda en circulación, los banqueros & rsquo; Depósito con RBI y otros depósitos con el banco central, creció un 3,7 por ciento sobre una base interanual a Rs 9,42,204 crore al final del 17 de abril de 2009.
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US dollar closes lower at NT$32.520 on Taipei forex
Saturday, March 19, 2016 CNA
TAIPEI--The U. S. dollar fell against the New Taiwan dollar Friday, shedding NT$0.186 to close at NT$32.520, a five-month low, as foreign investors kept moving funds into the region, dealers said.
Further foreign inflow reflected a downbeat mood toward the U. S. dollar's movement since the U. S. Federal Reserve has adopted a more dovish attitude about its monetary policy at a time when the global economy remains weak, the dealers said.
The U. S. dollar also faced downward pressure resulting from massive foreign institutional buying in the local equity market, and trended even lower before Taiwan's central bank jumped into the market to help the currency recoup part of its earlier losses, they said.
The greenback opened at NT$32.450 and moved to a low of NT$32.350 before rebounding to the day's high of NT$32.520 at the close. Turnover totaled US$1.14 billion during the trading session.
The U. S. dollar opened lower against the New Taiwan dollar as traders were encouraged by continued foreign fund inflow into regional markets, including Taiwan, after the Fed decided to leave its key interest rates unchanged Wednesday, the dealers said.
Due to caution about the global economy, the Fed has cut its forecast of the number of interest rate hikes to two from four for 2016, which prompted currency traders to dump the U. S. dollar and park their funds in non-U. S. dollar assets, they said.
A move by the People's Bank of China to raise the Chinese yuan's reference rate against the U. S. dollar sparked more selling in the greenback in the region and gave additional support to the New Taiwan dollar, they dealers said.
At home, foreign institutional investors continued their strong buying in local equities on the back of ample liquidity, pushing the U. S. dollar down further against the New Taiwan dollar throughout the session, they said.
According to the Taiwan Stock Exchange, foreign institutional investors bought a net NT$17.497 billion (US$538 million)-worth of shares on the local main board Friday, sending the weighted index 0.87 percent higher at the close.
Dealers said that not only local exporters but also foreign banks operating in Taiwan rushed to raise their holdings in the New Taiwan dollar by dumping the U. S. dollar, as they were betting on a weaker greenback in the near future.
After witnessing the U. S. dollar falling below the NT$32.4 mark, the local central bank rushed to pick up the greenback to make the New Taiwan dollar cheaper, in a bid to protect Taiwanese exporters, in particular in the exchange rate-sensitive electronics sector, the dealers said.
Copyright y copia; 1999 – 2016 The China Post.
Event: GDP Period: 4 quarter Previous Reading: 0.3% q/q; 1.4% y/y Forecast: 0.3% q/q; 1.4% y/y Actual Reading: 0.3% q/q; 1.4% y/y
The Gross Domestic Product is a comprehensive measure of an overall production and consumption of goods and services. GDP serves as one of the primary measures of overall economic well-being. While GDP announcements generally conform to expectations, unanticipated changes in this metric can move markets.
Robust GDP growth signals a heightened level of economic activity and often a higher demand for the domestic currency. At the same time, economic expansion raises concerns about inflationary pressures which may lead monetary authorities to increase interest rates. Thus better than expected GDP figures are generally bullish for the Euro, while negative readings are generally bearish.
Technically, Gross Domestic Product is calculated in the following way:
GDP = C + I + G + (EX - IM)
C = private consumption, I = private investment, G = government expenditure, EX = exports of goods and services, IM = imports of goods and services.
French GDP figures, officially called Quarterly National Accounts, are released quarterly. The headline figures are annualized percentage changes in real and nominal GDP.
Event: GDP Period: 4 quarter Previous Reading: 1.0% q/q; 1.9% y/y Forecast: 1.0% q/q; 1.9% y/y Actual Reading:
The GDP for the United States is a gauge of the overall output (goods & services) of the US economy on the continental US GDP is the most comprehensive overall measure of economic output and provides key insight into the driving forces of the economy.
GDP Influence On Markets If the figure increases, then the economy is improving, and thus the dollar tends to strengthen. If the number falls short of expectations or meets the consensus, dollar bearishness may be triggered. This sort of reaction is again tied to interest rates, as traders expect an accelerating economy, consumers will be affected by inflation and consequently interest rates will rise. However, much like the CPI, a negative change in GDP is more difficult to trade; just because the pace of growth has slowed does not mean it has deteriorated. On the other hand, a better than expected number will usually result in the dollar rising as it implicates that a quickly expanding economy will sooner or later require higher interest rates to keep inflation in check. Overall though, the GDP has fallen in significance and its ability to move markets since most of the components of the report are known in advance
Due to the untimeliness of this report and because data on GDP components are available beforehand, the actual GDP figure is usually well anticipated. But given its overall significance GDP has the tendency to move the market upon release, acting to confirm or upset economic expectations. Robust GDP growth signals a heightened level of activity that is generally associated with a healthy economy. However economic expansion also raises concerns about inflationary pressures which may lead to monetary policy tightening.
Gross Domestic Product is calculated in the following way GDP = C + I + G + (EX - IM) where C = private consumption I = private investment G = government expenditure EX = exports of goods and services IM = imports of goods and services
The figure is commonly reported in headlines as an annualized percentage, based on quarterly data.
On a technical note: The GDP can be reported in either real or nominal terms, real GDP being adjusted for inflation. GDP actually has three releases, as an Advanced, Preliminary, and Final figure. The Advanced figure is released four weeks following the quarter's end. One month later, the Preliminary GDP is released, followed by the Final GDP measure at the end of the quarter following the reporting quarter. As the most timely measure, the Advanced GDP tends to move markets the most.
Japan data - Flash manufacturing PMI for February: 50.2 (expected 52.0)
Premier sitio de noticias de comercio de divisas
Fundada en 2008, ForexLive. com es el primer sitio de noticias de comercio de divisas que ofrece comentarios, opiniones y análisis interesantes para los verdaderos profesionales de comercio de divisas. Obtenga las últimas noticias de cambio de divisas y las actualizaciones actuales de los comerciantes activos diariamente. Las publicaciones del blog de ForexLive. com cuentan con análisis técnicos de vanguardia, consejos gráficos, análisis de divisas y tutoriales de negociación de pares de divisas. Descubra cómo aprovechar las oscilaciones en los mercados de divisas globales y ver nuestro análisis de noticias de divisas en tiempo real y las reacciones a las noticias del banco central, los indicadores económicos y los eventos mundiales.
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ALTO RIESGO ADVERTENCIA: El comercio de divisas conlleva un alto nivel de riesgo que puede no ser adecuado para todos los inversores. El apalancamiento crea un riesgo adicional y una exposición de pérdidas. Antes de decidir intercambiar divisas, considere cuidadosamente sus objetivos de inversión, su nivel de experiencia y su tolerancia al riesgo. Usted podría perder parte o la totalidad de su inversión inicial; No invierta dinero que no puede permitirse perder. Infórmese sobre los riesgos asociados con el comercio de divisas y busque asesoramiento de un asesor financiero o fiscal independiente si tiene alguna pregunta.
AVISO ADVISORY: FOREXLIVE ™ proporciona referencias y enlaces a blogs seleccionados y otras fuentes de información económica y de mercado como un servicio educativo para sus clientes y prospectos y no respalda las opiniones o recomendaciones de los blogs u otras fuentes de información. Se aconseja a los clientes y prospectos considerar cuidadosamente las opiniones y análisis que se ofrecen en los blogs u otras fuentes de información en el contexto del análisis individual y la toma de decisiones del cliente o prospectos. Ninguno de los blogs u otras fuentes de información debe considerarse como un historial. El rendimiento pasado no es garantía de resultados futuros y FOREXLIVE ™ aconseja específicamente a clientes y prospectos revisar cuidadosamente todas las reclamaciones y representaciones hechas por asesores, bloggers, administradores de dinero y vendedores de sistemas antes de invertir fondos o abrir una cuenta con cualquier distribuidor de Forex. Cualquier noticia, opinión, investigación, datos u otra información contenida en este sitio web se proporciona como comentario general del mercado y no constituye asesoramiento de inversión o comercialización. FOREXLIVE ™ renuncia expresamente a cualquier responsabilidad por cualquier pérdida de capital o beneficios sin limitación que pueda derivarse directa o indirectamente del uso de o de la confianza en dicha información. Al igual que con todos estos servicios de asesoramiento, los resultados anteriores nunca son una garantía de resultados futuros.
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Forex Profit Predictor By Derek Frey And John Rawlins-520% Return in 3 Months!
January 13 2012
Forex Profit Predictor is a true story of how a trader Mr. John Rawlins beat the market big time using rocket science. Forex Profit Predictor Software technology was almost 35 years in the making. John Rawlins is a former floor trader. He met a brilliant aerospace engineer named Seth working in NASA on a project that was doing research into the cyclical vibrations on aircraft components.
The story of Forex Profit Predictor starts in 1978 when both John the trader and Seth the brilliant engineer from NASA team up together to predict the future direction of the market with a high degree of probability. Seth a truly gifted rocket scientist from NASA teamed up with the reclusive trader John Rawlins. Seth had the idea for the maths behind the modeling program and John had the real money trading experience.
So using highly complicated mathematical formulas developed by one of the foremost minds in the field, the idea of forecasting the future direction of the market was first applied to the soybean and the copper market using historical data. The results were so encouraging that it developed into a lifelong quest to develop the market prediction technology into what it is today. And the result was 20+ year track record of predicting the future market direction with extreme success.
That’s exactly what happened a former professional floor trader met a brilliant aerospace engineer and then they used rocket science to predict the future direction of the market. The results astounding. John Rawlins had been hauling in huge returns for himself and his private clients since 1980s. You should watch the Forex Profit Predictor video where John tells his story.
Over a period of 30 years, these market prediction mathematical formulas were refined over and over again using super computers, testing and research. Using this cutting edge market forecasting software, John Rawlins was able to predict every major swing in the DOW for the last 10 years. He was even able to rake in $2 million in just one day of massive sell off that took place way back in 1989. As you can well imagine, John’s list of loyal clients kept on growing with his accurate market predictions.
To most of us predicting the future market direction is like a pipe dream. But not to John Rawlins. John Rawlins publicly predicted in the March 2003 issue of the Futures Magazine that the bottom in the DOW will take place in the Spring of 2003. Using these market forecasting formulas, he was also able to predict the coming downtrend in the stock market some 16 months back before it actually happened. John predicted that the multi year bull stock market might be coming to an end in the July 2007 issue of the Futures Magazine. One of his private fund trader clients was able to turn $700K into $10 million in just 1 year using his market forecasting model.
Forex Profit Predictor Case Study-$5K into $30K in 3 Months
John Rawlins has been using his market forecasting model with huge success in the commodities and the options market and making huge gains. Does John Rawlins market forecasting software work in the forex market? Forex trader and trainer Derek Frey had the same question. Derek Frey approached John with the idea of using his market forecasting model for making predictions in the forex market. In order to test how well John’s rocket science work in the forex, Derek Frey made a deposit of $5K in a live account. Derek Frey was able to make a return of 520% in just 3 months of live trading using Forex Profit Predictor Software. Derek Frey has made a Forex Profit Predictor video where he breaks down his live trading results in detail.
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GBP met support at 1.505 which is also Fibonacci Expansion level of 161.8%. Price continued upwards whilst facing slight resistance at 1.519. Next resistance seen at Fibonacci Expansion level of 141.4%. ADX showed a steady decrease in the market strength. GBPUSD is likely to extend its weak retracement to resistance at 1.520
Market price seen broken at 1.519. 20 SMA converges to the resistance level of 1.519. 55 EMA leveled off to support the resistance level as indicated by 141.4% Fibonacci Expansion at 1.523. Stochastics seen falling to the level of 21 to indicate the possibility of an oversold situation. Market strength of the bearish move continues to fall.
H1 chart showed that the prices respected the Fibonacci uptrend Expansion level 141.4% well as 20 SMA was also seen falling below 200 EMA. Market price fell and stabilized below the resistance level of 1.519. MACD indicated the possibility of market going into the “Sell” zone as it lingered at the level 0.
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A buy and sell signal forex indicator based on a break above/below the 5 period MA and the 20 period MA. Optimized to use it with the 1 hour time frame.
Strong buy: price breaks above the 20 MA and the 5 MA. Strong sell: price breaks below the 20 MA and the 5 MA. Avoid weak buy and weak sell signals.
Currency pairs: any Preferred Time frames: 1 hour time frame Sessions: any
Opciones de indicadores configurables
MA_fast, MA_slow_MA_shift_fast, MA_shift_slow…
EUR/USD Hourly Chart Example
Buy and Sell 5/20 Moving Average Forex Indicator. 10.0 fuera de 10 basado en 2 clasificaciones
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Event: GDP Period: 4 quarter Previous Reading: 0.3% q/q; 1.4% y/y Forecast: 0.3% q/q; 1.4% y/y Actual Reading: 0.3% q/q; 1.4% y/y
The Gross Domestic Product is a comprehensive measure of an overall production and consumption of goods and services. GDP serves as one of the primary measures of overall economic well-being. While GDP announcements generally conform to expectations, unanticipated changes in this metric can move markets.
Robust GDP growth signals a heightened level of economic activity and often a higher demand for the domestic currency. At the same time, economic expansion raises concerns about inflationary pressures which may lead monetary authorities to increase interest rates. Thus better than expected GDP figures are generally bullish for the Euro, while negative readings are generally bearish.
Technically, Gross Domestic Product is calculated in the following way:
GDP = C + I + G + (EX - IM)
C = private consumption, I = private investment, G = government expenditure, EX = exports of goods and services, IM = imports of goods and services.
French GDP figures, officially called Quarterly National Accounts, are released quarterly. The headline figures are annualized percentage changes in real and nominal GDP.
Event: GDP Period: 4 quarter Previous Reading: 1.0% q/q; 1.9% y/y Forecast: 1.0% q/q; 1.9% y/y Actual Reading:
The GDP for the United States is a gauge of the overall output (goods & services) of the US economy on the continental US GDP is the most comprehensive overall measure of economic output and provides key insight into the driving forces of the economy.
GDP Influence On Markets If the figure increases, then the economy is improving, and thus the dollar tends to strengthen. If the number falls short of expectations or meets the consensus, dollar bearishness may be triggered. This sort of reaction is again tied to interest rates, as traders expect an accelerating economy, consumers will be affected by inflation and consequently interest rates will rise. However, much like the CPI, a negative change in GDP is more difficult to trade; just because the pace of growth has slowed does not mean it has deteriorated. On the other hand, a better than expected number will usually result in the dollar rising as it implicates that a quickly expanding economy will sooner or later require higher interest rates to keep inflation in check. Overall though, the GDP has fallen in significance and its ability to move markets since most of the components of the report are known in advance
Due to the untimeliness of this report and because data on GDP components are available beforehand, the actual GDP figure is usually well anticipated. But given its overall significance GDP has the tendency to move the market upon release, acting to confirm or upset economic expectations. Robust GDP growth signals a heightened level of activity that is generally associated with a healthy economy. However economic expansion also raises concerns about inflationary pressures which may lead to monetary policy tightening.
Gross Domestic Product is calculated in the following way GDP = C + I + G + (EX - IM) where C = private consumption I = private investment G = government expenditure EX = exports of goods and services IM = imports of goods and services
The figure is commonly reported in headlines as an annualized percentage, based on quarterly data.
On a technical note: The GDP can be reported in either real or nominal terms, real GDP being adjusted for inflation. GDP actually has three releases, as an Advanced, Preliminary, and Final figure. The Advanced figure is released four weeks following the quarter's end. One month later, the Preliminary GDP is released, followed by the Final GDP measure at the end of the quarter following the reporting quarter. As the most timely measure, the Advanced GDP tends to move markets the most.
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BOJ offers to buy Y 70 bln JGBs (Residual maturity of up to 1YR) outright from 3/24
BOJ offers to buy 450 bln yen JGBs (Residual maturity of 5YR to 10YR) outright from 3/24
Published: 2016-03-22 01:11:00 UTC+00 3 days, 10 hours, 39 min. hace
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Support and resistance levels
Mar 25 at 11:50 UTC
1.11 68 / 73 (-0.04%) H 1.1179 L 1.1154
1.41 36 / 55 (-0.13%) H 1.4156 L 1.4109
113. 02 / 2. 89 (+0.12%) H 113.30 L 112.75
159. 74 / 83 (-0.06%) H 160.07 L 159.35
1.090 9 / 2 (+0.06%) H 1.0916 L 1.0893
0.752 4 / 8 (-0.05%) H 0.7534 L 0.7510
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Новости рынка Форекс — это незаменимый инструмент, который необходим в прогнозе движения цены. В частности, если опубликованные данные противоречат рыночному тренду, то влияние новости на динамику рынка ограничится несколькими часами. Если же наоборот — данные подтвердят движение тренда — то он будет только увеличиваться с возможным откатом в будущем.
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Descripción: Se produjo un error de aplicación en el servidor. La configuración de error personalizado actual para esta aplicación evita que los detalles del error de aplicación se vean de forma remota (por razones de seguridad). Sin embargo, podría ser visto por los navegadores que se ejecutan en la máquina del servidor local.
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Notas: La página de error actual que está viendo puede ser reemplazada por una página de error personalizada modificando el parámetro & quot; defaultRedirect & quot; Atributo de la aplicación & lt; customErrors & gt; Etiqueta de configuración para que apunte a una URL de página de error personalizada.
In this Forex blog I will take a REAL trading account of relatively insignificant size: $500.00-- and trade it so as to make it grow at a rate of more than 50% annually. The goal is $150K. in significantly less than 10 years. Watch this blog for the volatility in return that is inevitable when a professional trading account is traded for serious capital gains. Follow along or just watch.
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
My trading is done for the day.
It's a perfect time to talk a little about money management and how it applies to trading, and specifically how it applies to this Forex Challenge. There are tons of different schemes that have been invented for trading the markets with "special" money management so as to turn mediocre methods into higher performing methods. Some are better than others.
Why so many? Because of the difference position size can make on your trading outcome. If your winning trades consistently have smaller position size than your losing trades, you have a very hard road to overcome. That is the road almost all fixed fractional followers have to traverse. You lose, lose, and lose-- and each time drop by another fixed percentage of capital. Then, when you finally get a winner, you will definitely be trading a position that has less size than when you started before the losing series.
You will read something you've probably never read before. right now!
All market methods do not have the same edge. So, why trade them as if they all have the same edge?
You will see people boldly state, "Never risk more than 1% per trade or you will lose all of your money." And that without knowing what you are risking your trading capital on. All trades are not created equal.
What if you were in possession of a special trading system, based on identifiable market tendencies that repeat over and over---that has a true profit factor of greater than 2.5 to 1 (wins $2.50 for every dollar risked) and a win rate over 60 percent? Proven over thousands of 'real' trades, not theoretical ones? Are you going to just risk 1% of your equity on that trade? (Systems like this do exist!)
If you don't like making money, I guess you could.
It comes down to how much you know about your system or method and the edges available from it. Notice I said "edges".
Even with relatively simple-looking trading models like OneNightStand and FirstStrike . each trade is not created equal. If you just look at the total raw system outcomes (trades) that these methods produce, you could figure out an approximate profit factor, and undertrade that figure to allow for errors in calculations and actual trading costs. In fact, that would be the absolute minimum of due diligence you would have to do to consider trading with real money.
What if you "knew" something extra about a system that most examining traders might miss? "Knowing" that certain subsets of trades definitely had greater potential than others? Wouldn't that encourage your adjusting a larger size for those trades if you could quantify that greater edge?
Think about the game of Blackjack.
The ONLY reason that casinos fear professional blackjack players is because they can determine when they have the advantage over the house. and monopolize that advantage by putting on larger bets. The professional counters are able to win consistently because they are more likely to win their largest bets and only have to put up with many small losses and small gains when the "house" has the advantage. Professionals only bet small when their edge is small or non-existent.
Traders should too if they can identify higher reward opportunities.
On this topic, I received another nice email from a subscriber: (Below the email is my reply) ---------- One more quick question. With the 50:1 leverage, what is the current (Oanda) unit size that you use? I understand that you are using your money management algorithm to determine that, but I am just trying to stay close to the result, that you publish. You mention a 0.5% to 4% range for equity risk per trade. So what % equity risk per trade would give approximately the same result as your blog? Sincerely, - M - ---------- Answer: For you to get exactly the same results as my blog you would have to have my exact money management algorithm. Unfortunately for many, that is unavailable except to my professional clients. (Last year a trading company licensed my money management algorithm. It cost them $17,000, based on the size of their trading operation. Additional note: They earned $200K more this year with it than without it, and had 20% smaller drawdowns.) My position size is based directly proportional to the probabilities of the specific trade I am taking. As I am aware of the precise edge of my systems, I can be much more precise than someone who has the rules for the trade, but not the exact figures for its edge(s).
Advantage is in the advantage.
I understand your wishing to emulate my results. (I personally don't think it is a good idea though, for reasons I will mention a little lower) My best advice is to test the methodology to the degree that satisfies you as to having sufficient edge for you to trade, trade very small for a month or two, and then step up your size as you gain experience. Within a short time you will find a percentage that approximates my gains and losses, probably between .75% and 1.5% per trade.
I encourage you to do a lot of research on money management for trading systems. Ralph Vince has written some great books on the subject.
What you don't realize now is how bad future drawdowns can, and likely will be. 60%, 70%, 80% drawdowns or even more from time to time are possible. I would prefer that it wasn't so, but it is. I've been down this road before.
Start small, build up your ability to execute. The markets aren't going away anytime soon.
My Forex Challenge is for my own trading test and proof of concept.
I'm sure you've already realized that I am definitely not running a charity. This trading challenge is also not meant to be an advisory service for me to drag all the world's forex traders into a profitable state.
I am willing to show traders a way to success. It may appear to be somewhat simple, but it is definitely not going to be easy.
Have a great week, and holiday season.
Well that is enough for now on this subject.
It would have been great if we hadn't gotten stopped out on the GBP/USD pair. By checking the price action on GBP/USD, if we had kept reinstating the sell side after getting stopped out the first time, we would have been stopped out 2 consecutive times before the big move down. 180 pips in losses before having a slim chance to recoup some of the equity lost. That is the way trading goes. It is all about probabilities.
PS: To receive the FREE! trading rules for the Infiniteyield Forex Challenge ($499 value) and the semi-monthly newsletter about this challenge, send an email to: newsletter@infiniteyield. com and tell me the address where you would like it sent.
The Ultimate Forex Challenge. $500 to more than $150,000 in LESS THAN TEN YEARS?
With just a little reasoning you'll figure out that $500 to more than $150K in less than ten years is mathematically the same as turning $3500 into more than a Million.
This blog is detailing the journey of such a challenge with a real money account.
I personally KNOW it is possible, as I have traded the futures markets for many years, already exceeding this challenge's total return requirements on numerous occasions. And in much less time than a decade.
The only way large returns like this can happen is by determination and a solid plan, trading a definite market edge.
Follow this site for that plan in action.
Joel Rensink www. infiniteyield. com
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Joel I am a big believer in the concept of free will and self-determinism. I feel that consequences are necessary-- good and bad, for all individuals in a society--- for that society to remain healthy and continue vibrant. There are fewer sectors of an economy where that is true any longer. One of the remaining bright spots is in trading and investing, where an individual with a measure of capital can still risk and rise to relative greatness. I also believe that the longer one practices as a trader, the stronger your beliefs become about right and wrong and the risks of not making a decision, which is inevitably a decision. View my complete profile
According to federal prosecutors and regulators, between August 2004 and June 2009, Jeffery Lowrance, 50, and others at his direction fraudulently solicited investments for a foreign exchange ("Foreign") trading program. Among the alleged material misrepresentations was the profitability of the Forex trading of First Capital Savings & Loan, Ltd. an organization which Lowrance incorporated in 2007 in New Zealand - he owned First Capital and served as its chairman and chief executive officer. The Feds further alleged that Lowrance had fraudulently misstated the expected return on and risk involved with Forex investments and the use of funds raised from investors.
First Capital had taken over Lowrance's business Mentor Investing Group, Inc. initially located in San Diego and later Panama City. Panama. Both Mentor and First Capital claimed to engage in Forex trading, and offered and sold investments through a network of salesmen and investor referrals.
Utilizing a Ponzi scheme replete with fraudulent account statements to conceal the true financial condition of investments, Lowrance misrepresented to potential investors that they would be paid as much as 4 to 7% monthly interest. In fact, little of the invested funds wound up in Forex trading but, as these things all too often develop, the money was diverted - in this case to pay First Capital's expenses, expenses of unrelated business ventures including a newspaper, and to make payments for Lowrance's own benefit and that of his family and associates
2009 Collapse
Lowrance had moved to Panama around 2006, operated the fraud scheme from Panama City until approximately 2009, at which time the Ponzi scheme collapsed, and he then fled to Peru. In 2009, Lowrance was charged in a criminal complaint filed in the Northern District of Illinois, and, thereafter, in August 2010, he was indicted on:
five counts of mail fraud,
one count of wire fraud, and
four counts of money laundering.
The Indictment alleged that Lowrance, fraudulently obtained approximately $31 million from 452 investors, resulting in some $17.6 million in losses to 343 investors after deducting Ponzi-type payments. when it collapsed in 2009. USA v. Jeffery Lowrance, 09 CR 00578 (Aug. 5, 2010, N. D. Ill.)
Lowrance was arrested in February 2011 in Peru and extradited to Chicago. On July 15, 2011, Lowrance was arraigned in federal court in Chicago following his arrest and extradition from Peru.
Each count of wire and mail fraud and money laundering carries a maximum penalty of 20 years in prison and a $250,000 fine, and restitution is mandatory. The court may also impose a fine totaling twice November 4, 2011
In July 2011, Lowrance was named in separate Securities and Exchange Commission in the Northern District of California and the Commodity Futures Trading Commission in the Northern District of Illinois civil enforcement actions against Lowrance and his businesses.
CFTC Judgment And Injunction
On November 4, 2012, the CFTC obtained a default judgment and permanent injunction in the Northern District of Illinois against Lowrance and First Capital, requiring them to pay jointly and severally a $3.3 million civil monetary penalty and $1.2 million in restitution. Also, the consent order imposes permanent trading and registration bans against Lowrance and First Capital and requires any person or entity providing web-hosting or domain registration hosting services for the defendants to remove from the Internet any websites that solicit customers to trade commodity futures or Forex.
Criminal Sentence
After pleading guilty to one count each of wire fraud and money laundering in July 2012, Lowrance was sentenced in his criminal case on November 15, 2012, to 170 months in prison and ordered to pay $17.64 million restitution.
525# Pivots, Trend Following Forex System - Forex Strategies - Forex Resources - Forex Trading-free forex trading signals and FX Forecast
525# Pivots, Trend Following Forex System
Pivots daily and pivots weekly
Submit by Mario 17/12/2013
Pivots, Trend Following Forex System it's based on pivots daily and pivots weekly.
Role Of Daily Pivots . Daily pivots should be treated as MINOR support and resistance. Minor resistance, during an up trend, and minor support, during a down trend, are more likely to break than hold. Conversely, minor support, during an up trend, and minor resistance, during a down trend, is more likely to hold than break. Therefore, daily pivot levels are best used to identify entry levels and for stop placement. Other important roles of the daily pivot levels are to confirm the strength and direction of the trend.
Role Of Weekly Pivots. Weekly pivots act as INTERMEDIARY support and resistance. Intermediate price moves exist within each major trend and the weekly levels help identify the extremities where the price moves "swing" back in the opposite direction. The initial levels of weekly support and resistance, S1 and R1, are often broken and this helps confirm the direction and strength of the swing in line with the current trend.
Markets any: example currency pairs (EUR/USD, GBP/USD, AUD/USD, USD/CHF, NZ/USD, AUD/JPY, GBP/JPY. ) Metals (Gold and Silver), Indicies and Stocks.
Trades only in direction of the trend.
We have a Trend up when the price is above the CC direction current time frame and, cc direction higher time frame, we have also the block of the pivots levels below the price .(Buy trades)
We have a Trend down when the price is below the CC direction current time frame and, cc direction higher time frame, we have also the block of the pivots levels above the price. (Sell trades)
We have a flat trend when the price is between CC direction current time frame or cc direction higher and block of the pivots levels. (do not trades).
Exit position at the pivots levels or at the end of the day.
Place initial stop loss, above (for sell), below (for buy) the cc direction higher time
Note: When run indicators remember to enable dll import.
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Join our new offer – "Welcome Bonus 30 USD"
Dear Clients and Partners!
We’re pleased to inform you that starting August 3rd 2015, RoboForex presents its clients with a new offer – "Welcome Bonus 30 USD". Don’t miss the opportunity to join the offer and receive an initial capital for trading in the amount of 30 USD at the least cost to your investments!
The advantages of the offer are:
The opportunity to withdraw profit – you can withdraw profit, which you earned when trading using your own and bonus funds without any limitations.
The bonus funds can be used during "drawdown" & Ndash; if the equity on the client’s account becomes less than the bonus funds, the bonus will not be written off from the client’s account until Stop Out takes place.
The initial capital – the opportunity to receive the bonus of 30 USD to a real account for trading after verifying your payment details by depositing the account with 10 USD, which you can withdraw at any moment.
The opportunity to continue trading using the bonus funds – your bonus can be the only source for trading.
The period of the offer: 12:00:00 AM (UTC+3) 03/08/2015 - 12:00:00 AM (UTC+3) 03/09/2015.
Please note that the bonus is only available to the clients, who verified their passport and phone number, and didn't receive any no deposit bonuses earlier or take part in "15 USD bonus for verified clients" oferta.
More detailed information about the Bonus program can be found on "Welcome Bonus 30 USD " página.
RoboForex is an international financial group. RoboTrade Ltd, an international regulated broker with "Trading in financial and commodity-based derivative instruments and other securities" license, is registered in International Financial Services Commission Belize. RoboForex (CY) Ltd, a European STP-broker regulated by the Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission (CySEC), is an official member of the Cyprus Investor Compensation Fund (ICF).
Risk Warning: Forex trading implies that you're voluntarily taking possible risks of losing your funds.
Risk Warning There is a high level of risk involved when trading leveraged products such as Forex/CFDs. You should not risk more than you can afford to lose, it is possible that you may lose more than your entire investment. You should not trade or invest unless you fully understand the true extent of your exposure to the risk of loss. When trading or investing, you must always take into consideration the level of your experience. Copy-trading services imply additional risks to your investment due to nature of such products. If the risks involved seem unclear to you, please apply to an outside specialist for an independent advice.
This website contains general information, which refers to the following companies of RoboForex group:
RoboForex (CY) Ltd is regulated by the CySEC, license No. is 191/13.
RoboTrade Ltd is regulated by the IFSC, license IFSC/60/271/TS/15.
The website is the property of RoboForex (CY) Ltd.
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Security and Regulation
Varengold, with regards to security, offers the legal framework conditions of a German bank and implements all preventative measures in order to protect its clients' assets.
Varengold Bank AG belongs to the Compensatory Fund of German banks (EdB). The EdB protects deposits up to a maximum of 100,000 Euros.
Furthermore, Varengold Bank AG is registered at the Federal Financial Supervisory Authority under no. (109 520) 100 and published on the website www. bafin. de.
Results for Forex
Currency Exchange Definition Investopedia. Top 4 Things Successful Forex Traders Do. Un taburete alegórico de cuatro patas apoya al exitoso comerciante de divisas. Why Does a Currency Fall Based on Megaevents? How does news of political developments e. g. Brexit impact currency valuations and economic developments? Investopedia takes a look. What are the goals of covered interest arbitrage? The goals of covered interest arbitrage include enabling investors to trade volatile currency pairs without risk as well Read Full Answer. Where did the term pip in currency exchange come from? The term pip is an acronym for percentage in point or price interest point.
Forex Tutorial What is Forex Trading? Investopedia. Forex Tutorial Fundamental Analysis Fundamentals Trading Strategies. Forex Tutorial Technical Analysis TechnicaI Indicators. Forex Tutorial How To Trade Open A Forex Account. Forex Tutorial Currency Trading Summary. Forex Tutorial What is Forex Trading? The foreign exchange market is the place where currencies are traded. Currencies are important to most people around the world whether they realize it or not because currencies need to be exchanged in order to conduct foreign trade and business. If you are living in the U. S. and want to buy cheese from France either you or the company that you buy the cheese from has to pay the French for the cheese in euros EUR. This means that the U. S.
Forex guida indipendente al trading online SuperMoney. Scopri cosa pensa la community. Dai ora la tua opinione Leggi le opinioni. Ti siamo stati utili? Forex i tratti caratteristici. Il Foreign Exchange Market conosciuto più comunemente con il suo acronimo Forex ma anche come FX o currency market mercato di valuta è il mercato internazionale di cambio di valuta estera in altri termini il luogo dove avvengono le transazioni di scambio tra le diverse valute nazionali.
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Foreign exchange market Wikipedia the free encyclopedia. However with all levered investments this is a double edged sword and large exchange rate price fluctuations can suddenly swing trades into huge losses. Main article Forex signal. Forex trade alerts often referred to as forex signals are trade strategies provided by either experienced traders or market analysts. These signals which are often charged a premium fee for can then be copied or replicated by a trader to his own live account. Forex signal products are packaged as either alerts delivered to a user's inbox or SMS or can be installed to a trader's trading platforms.
Qué es Forex? FXCM. For a more in depth introduction to the forex market get FXCM's New to Forex Trading Guide. What Am I Doing When I Trade Forex? Forex is a commonly used abbreviation for foreign exchange and it is typically used to describe trading in the foreign exchange market by investors and speculators. For example imagine a situation where the U. S. dollar is expected to weaken in value relative to the euro. Un comerciante de divisas en esta situación va a vender dólares y comprar euros. If the euro strengthens the purchasing power to buy dollars has now increased. The trader can now buy back more dollars than they had to begin with making a profit. Esto es similar a la negociación de acciones.
Making a Fortune Trading Forex Austin TX
Making a Fortune Trading Forex
Make A Fortune Trading Forex
Many people may have an interest in forex trading but don't have a clue where to start. Forex trading is simple to do and takes a lot of research and investigation to master. It is something that you can do from home and has the potential to generate huge profits if you make good trades. There are a few basic things you need to know before you start forex trading.
Currency trading or Forex is often regarded as a very profitable alternative to other forms of stock or equity investing and indeed many regard this as their main source of income.
However if you were to consider trading as an individual in your own right, then you need to be very well informed as to the finer points of trading and have the most up-to-date information available to you.
Yes, it is possible to make a fortune trading Forex, but this fortune is not the result of applying a magic formula. Just like anything else in this world, the road to success in Forex trading is paved with effort. The best kind of effort that you can put in is education. Learn all the rules, tricks, strategies, and you will be better prepared for your journey to financial freedom.
Automatic Forex trading software is for people who either have little to no experience, don't want to have to lift a finger or trust the robots more then they trust themselves. All of these are good reasons and make sense. It is important to find a product that works with one's trading style and investment temperament.
Selecting the best Forex trading software has become a very important factor in the world of Forex. Traders can no longer work without it. Why is this so? It is because the best Forex trading software is equipped with the ability to receive information from the market in real time.
If you're looking for the very best automatic forex trading software or robot, then this article is definitely for you. In this article I'll review 2 of the best softwares so that you can choose the one which suits you the most and which can help you to make the most money on the currency trading market.
Andreas Kirchberger and Marcus Leary operate 2 of the most popular forex trading softwares in the world today. Andreas Kirchberger is the creator of Forex Killer and Marcus Leary is the creator of Forex AutoPilot. Each of these 2 softwares have been used extensively by many users. Forex Killer and Forex Autopilot are very different from one another. Each of them has great reviews, but choosing the right one for you depends on what you're looking for from your forex trading software.
Either of these forex trading softwares can save you a lot of time, take out a great deal of uncertainty from your trading, and increase your profits. One word of caution: these softwares work better the more informed you are about the Forex market and how it works. Don't abandon your forex education. Use the softwares to build on it.
The last bit of advice for beginners is to do your homework. There is an ocean of good information on the process of forex trading and the best thing you can do is study hard before investing. Knowing how to do your research and execute your trades at the right moment will make all the difference in your profits.
Making money in the currency markets is not as nearly as difficult as some people make it ought to be. Every Forex trader needs a system to follow. Find out more about Make A Fortune Trading Forex Paul Rodgers specializes in marketing online
Article Source: http://www. articlesbase. com/investing-articles/make-a-fortune-trading-forex-932187.html
Certified Public Account (CPA) is the title given to accountant professionals who have passed the Uniform Certified Public Accountant Examination (CPA Exam). The CPA designation is granted by the state boards, and not by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA). CPAs perform many varied services, including financial audits (assuring and attesting that businesses are following the Generally Accepted Accounting Principles, or GAAP), tax preparation, forensic accounting, and consulting. See below to locate a Certified Public Accountant in Austin, TX.
The Forex Position Size Calculator I Use
A good Forex position size calculator should be a part of every Forex traders toolbox. This calculator makes it quick and easy to determine what your position size should be for any given trade.
In this article I’m going to explain why calculating your position size is critical to your success as a trader. I’ll cover the difference between thinking in terms of percentage risked vs. money risked and which is better. Lastly I’ll share the Forex position size calculator I use before every trade.
Why is Calculating Risk Before a Trade So Important?
I wrote an article called, Pips and Percentages Will Only Get You So Far. In it I talk about why fully accepting the risk before putting on a trade is so important. It’s the best way to keep your emotions under control, which is a cornerstone of becoming a profitable Forex trader.
The only way to fully accept the risk is to know how much you’re risking. That’s where a good Forex position size calculator comes in handy.
Using a calculator is also a great way to become comfortable with lot sizing. One of the more challenging aspects of Forex is understanding the different types of lots .
As you become comfortable using the calculator, so too will you become comfortable with micro, mini and standard lot sizing.
The Forex Position Size Calculator I Use
I’ll share the calculator I use shortly. But first I want to go through a few basic steps on how to use the tool. The calculator is pretty straight forward, but these steps will help to clarify any initial confusion.
Step 1
The first thing you'll want to do is select your account currency. This will be whatever currency you have set up with your broker to trade Forex.
Step 2
This is where you will enter your account size in terms of the account currency you selected in Step 1. So if your trading with $1,000, enter 1000 here.
Step 3
This is one of the most important steps. This is where you can select your risk percentage. One thing I really like about this Forex position size calculator is that you can swap percentage risked for money risked, which is the way I use this calculator. So if you want to risk $30 on a trade, click the Swap with Money button and then enter 30.
Step 4
In this step you will enter your stop loss in pips. So if your stop loss is 50 pips from your intended entry, you would enter 50 here.
Step 5
Next you will select the currency pair you're trading. Another reason I really like this calculator is the wide range of currency pairs available. For this example I've chosen USDJPY.
Step 6
Last but not least this is where you will enter the ask price of whatever currency pair you selected in Step 5.
Note: If you chose EURUSD or GBPUSD you won't need to do this step when trading a USD account
Once you've completed the six steps above, click the "Calculate" button to see the results. Below are the results using the figures I gave above and a USDJPY ask of 101.50.
The Amount at Risk will show the dollar amount risked. If you calculated by a dollar amount in step 3 this will show as a risk percentage.
The Position Size is the actual number of units you're trading of a particular currency. You won't need to use this number for the majority of trading platforms.
The Standard Lots, Mini Lots and Micro Lots are the values you will need to enter into your trading platform. The one you use depends on your account size. Be sure to speak with your broker if you are unsure.
Thinking in Terms of Money Risked Vs. Percentage Risked
This was one of the hardest concepts for me to grasp years ago. I figured it was just a different representation and essentially the same thing. It's not!
Well, mathematically they're the same, but in terms of how you perceive the two numbers they couldn't be more different. I wrote a separate post about this topic which I referenced at the beginning of this article, so I won't belabor the topic too much.
The basic idea behind this is that if you only think in terms of percentage risked, you're only satisfying one side of your brain - the logical side. The emotional side, which is what gets us in trouble, is left wanting more. Dejame explicar.
If I told you, go risk 2% of your account on a EURUSD pin bar trade right now. The first thing your mind registers is that it sounds logical (provided it's a valid setup). Let's be honest, 2% of any account size isn't a huge amount to risk. But what if it is?
What if you have a $50,000 account? Is $1,000 a lot to you? I bet it is, even if you do have $50,000 in disposable money. Ask any millionaire and they'll tell you that $1,000 is a chunk of change. Por qué? Because their perception of money is different than most - that's why they're a millionaire.
This isn't to say that risking $1,000 or 2% of a $50,000 account is too much. That's not for me to decide. The thing to take away from this is that it all depends on what you're comfortable risking (potentially losing). Are you comfortable losing $1,000 to see if a trade setup works out? That's the question you need to ask yourself before every trade.
The point is that in order to fully accept and understand what you're risking on any given trade, you need to think in terms of money risked. Thinking this way is much more realistic and will satisfy both the emotional side of your brain as well as the logical side.
I hope this article has not only provided you with a great Forex position size calculator to use, but has also opened your eyes to a different way of perceiving risk. Click the button below to start using the calculator.
Justin Bennett is a full-time Forex trader and Owner of Daily Price Action. His Forex trading career began in 2007 and has followed a path similar to many traders. He tried nearly every indicator known to man for the first 3 years with little success. It wasn't until he started using raw price action in 2010 that he became consistently profitable. Since that time, he has been developing strategies and techniques that can be easily duplicated by other traders. Justin can also be found on Google+. Twitter and Facebook
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Category Archives: Forex Market
By Jose | Published: September 7, 2012
Don’t let yourself be misled by the use of the word “indicator”: market economy indicators are not the same analytical indicators utilized by traders, such as stochastics or moving averages, to plan their market entry and exit points and confirm their hunches, but rather, market economy indicators are bits of economic data and information released by governments and private sector interest groups which summarize various aspects and facets of a nation’s economy and as such, serve as a reflection of the given country’s economic health, wealth and prospects. The release of these indicators has a significant impact on the forex markets both in terms of substance as well as in terms of timing and in fact, play a major role not only in forex pricing but in forex forecasting, forward trading and the pricing of forward forex options as well.
By Jose | Published: August 30, 2012
If you ask 100 forex traders to provide you with some measure of insight into their trading strategies and secrets, it’s a given that you’ll receive an equal number of answers. Each may have their own preferred or “secret” strategy, or combination of strategies, in their arsenal of forex trading tools, yet forex traders are a surprisingly friendly, helpful and egalitarian lot and as such, most traders are happy to share their secrets in the hope of picking up a new trick or two, or of helping a fellow trader to improve his returns. Most of these strategies rely heavily on the use and interpretation of market indicators and thus are of a decidedly analytical bent, but we’ll try to break down a few of the most well-known trading “secrets” for you in a simple and straightforward manner.
By Jose | Published: August 30, 2012
Swapping currencies on the foreign exchange currency market (FOREX ) represents a nearly $5 trillion dollar per day activity. That is roughly 10 times the entire capitalization of the New Zealand stock exchange on a daily basis.
The staggering amounts of money involved and the millions of participants provide some substantial benefits for the individual or retail trader.
Trades in any of the world’s major currencies can be a executed essentially instantaneously. The difference between the desired price and the actual price at which an order is filled, known as slippage , is negligible, unlike some other types of investments where an order may languish for some time, giving prices an opportunity to change to an extent where the trade is no longer desirable.
By IngridM | Published: August 30, 2012
Buying foreign currency reserves is an investment strategy that takes patience, awareness of market trends and foreign events, and a bit of luck to pull off successfully. As such it is a somewhat less popular form of investment than, say, stocks or mutual funds. However to savvy investors foreign currency purchases can be an integral aspect of maintaining a diversified and hedged portfolio capable of withstanding unforeseen international events.
By Jose | Published: July 31, 2012
In order to be a successful forex trader, you have to have a head for numbers, a good set of organizational tools and a feel for the markets. People who keep up with current global events also tend to be good forex traders, as currency prices tend to be affected by the things happening in the world at large. Most of all, however, successful forex trading depends on practice, practice, practice. As with anything, you can’t become an expert overnight.
By Jose | Published: July 31, 2012
With markets becoming shaky and the American treasury note no longer seen as the pinnacle in safe investments, many investors big and small are turning to the Foreign Exchange or “Forex” market. This market allows for people to invest in the wealth of nations as a whole as opposed to various companies within a nation by investing in the currency itself. The Forex market works by having people make purchases of foreign currency in their native currency, in the hopes that, as certain nations improve and others decline, the exchange rate will produce a favorable profit. Forex markets have been most commonly used in developing nations to provide them with much needed foreign currency, resulting in significant gains as the company recovers from civil war, develops into the first-world, or otherwise advances itself socially and economically.
By Jose | Published: July 31, 2012
Foreign exchange trading takes place 24 hours a day, seven days a week and 365 days a year. Indeed, at any given moment, someone, somewhere, is buying or selling foreign exchange. Because of the sheer size of the forex market, which in terms of liquidity is far and away the world’s largest trading market, it’s natural that access to the currency markets for retail traders is readily available through utilizing the services of an online forex broker. In actuality, there are so many such online firms available that any retail investor wishing to get involved in forex can easily become an independent online forex trader. Here’s how it works: The worldwide currency markets simply facilitate the exchange of currencies from one to another, and although sovereign governments and major international banks are the prime players in this market, individuals can also participate as retail investors by utilizing the services of an online forex trader, also alternatively known as a dealer or broker; these online traders give the retail forex investor access to the currency markets and a platform from which to execute their trades by providing their clients with online forex trading accounts.
By Jose | Published: July 31, 2012
The term day trading didn’t originate with the foreign exchange market. This term was created to describe trading activity in different conventional stock markets around the world. Day trading means that all trades that are made during a particular day are settled during that day. The traditional stock markets operate Monday through Friday until a certain hour in the afternoon. When the market closes, whatever the closing price of a stock is for that day is what is set for that day. Based on the activity on the stock market during the day, the price for a stock may change overnight and be revealed during the next open trading day.
By Jose | Published: July 31, 2012
Trading in the foreign exchange market can be very rewarding if you understand what you are getting yourself into. Being a successful trader in the foreign exchange market requires patience, time, and a thorough understanding of the market. No matter what you are investing in, you ought to take the time to figure out strategies for success. One of the best characteristics of a good foreign exchange trader is the ability to control yourself. This will help you to manage trades in an efficient and practical manner. When people trade emotionally or without a sound strategy, this is when investing can be a failure.
By Jose | Published: July 31, 2012
Forex swing trading is a method of trading where currencies are held for more than a day and traded on basis of the weekly or monthly oscillations between the highest value and the lowest. Basically, the trading period is longer than that of day trading and shorter than in trend trading. In swing trading, traders can hold the stock for a period ranging between two days and two or three weeks at most.
Beginners will find this trading style ideal, as it provides them with several opportunities to trade in a win, without the pressure of day trading or the unpredictability of trend trading. Advanced traders too can make good profit since they have more or less mastered the strategy and can make accurate judgments.
Under what circumstances might my positions be closed out?
You will receive a margin call when your open position falls below 3% of the gross principal value of the contract. If you do not return your portfolio to the required margin level – 3% of the contract value – SHK Forex, without further notice, will auto liquidate your position if the margin falls to 1%.
P. ej. You sell 100,000 EUR at the rate 1.3000, 1 pips = USD10
5% initial margin = USD130,000 x 5% = USD6,500
3% margin call = USD130,000 x 3% = USD3,900, that means when your balance drops below to USD3,900, you will receive a margin call by email and by phone. At that time, the price has gone from 1.3000 to 1.3260.
USD6,500-USD3,900 = USD2,600 USD2,600/ USD10 = 260pips 1.3000 + 0.0260 = 1.3260
We will request you to deposit money into your trading account. Otherwise, once your margin level drops to 1%, we will liquidate your position.
1% close out position = USD130,000 x 1% = USD1300, that means when your balance drops below to USD1300, we will close out your position automatically. At that time, the price has gone from 1.3000 to 1.3520
USD6500 – USD1300 = USD5200 USD5200 / USD10 = 520 pips 1.3000 + 0.0520 = 1.3520
The above examples are for illustrative purposes only. SHK Forex expressly reserves its full range of rights and powers under its Client Agreement and Schedules to close out positions. For more details, please refer to the latest version of its Client Agreement and Schedules.
Will I receive a margin call?
Yes, you will receive a margin call when appropriate, via email.
Why are my orders being rejected even though I have sufficient equity, buying power and margin?
You should check to see whether you have inputted too many orders into the system. Our system is designed to protect you from potential losses from unusual market movements. It holds your buying power / margin once you have input an order (regardless of whether the order has been filled or not) in case multiple orders exceed your margin requirement.
How can I manage risk when trading currencies?
The short answer is 'limit orders' and 'stop loss orders'. A limit order places restrictions on the maximum price to be paid or the minimum price to be received. A stop loss order sets a particular position to be automatically liquidated at a predetermined price. Both limit potential losses. However, you should be in mind that placing contingent orders, such as "stop-loss" order will not necessarily avoid loss. Las condiciones del mercado pueden hacer imposible la ejecución de tales órdenes.
Platform Questions
What kind of orders can I use?
One-cancel-the-other, Stop Order, Limit Order
Will I get re-quote?
No. SHK Forex aims to help you to connect to the FX world effectively and fairly. We don't offer re-quote even the market is volatile.
General Questions
How fair is the forex market?
The forex market was, originally, an interbank market but has now become arguably "the fairest market on earth" due to its sheer size, global reach and number of participants. No single player, not even a central bank of a particular country, can effectively control the market direction of a currency for a sustained period.
Where is the central location of the forex market?
The forex market is not controlled by a centralised exchange. It is an Over the Counter (OTC) market as transactions are made via the internet from many different locations 24 hours a day, 5 days a week.
Who are the participants in the forex market?
The forex market was, in the past, dominated by banks. However, the percentage of other market participants is rapidly growing due to the popularity and availability afforded by the internet, and now includes many corporations, dealers, traders and speculators.
When does the forex market open for trading?
The forex market begins trading each day in New Zealand, and moves around the globe, first to Tokyo, then London and New York. Unlike other financial markets, investors can respond to economic, social and political events at the time they occur – day or night. The market is open throughout the working week.
What are the most commonly traded currencies?
Those countries with a significant share of the global economy, stable governments, respected central banks, and low inflation. Over 85% of all daily transactions involve trading in the US dollar, Japanese yen, euro, British pound, Swiss franc, Canadian dollar and Australian dollar.
Why do currency prices change?
Currency prices (exchange rates) can be affected by any number of economic and political conditions or factors including interest rates, inflation and political stability. To make things worse, governments sometimes try to influence the value of their currencies. Central bank intervention of this kind, and the response of investors and speculators, can result in high volatility. However, the size and volume of the forex market makes it unlikely that any country or other entity can control influence the market for any sustained period length of time.
18 gru 2012, 18:36
A z kolei na rynku XAUUSD złoto odbiło się od zeszłomiesięcznego dołka który chętnie był kupowany plus można się pokusić o rozmaite linie trendu/średnie (jak wyżej) itp. Dobre miejsce do zakupu tanio dla odważniejszych Jak już zrobią swoje na XAUEUR to można liczyć na porządniejsze odbicie. Problem tylko jest taki, że nie wiem ile może jeszcze potrwać odwijanie na tamtym rynku.
Jakże często ludzie mają już gotową opinię zanim zdążą pojąć istotę rzeczy. A gdy już ta istota w pełni do nich dotrze, jakże często muszą zmagać się z konsekwencjami swojej opinii
Re: Pogaduchy przy porannej kawie
18 gru 2012, 19:32
EURO-DOLLAR: Valentin Marinov of CitiFX says that some of the underlying euro strength seen in recent sessions can be "attributed to year-end rebalancing by European investors reflected in the relative outperformance of eurozone versus US stock indexes." There has been a year-end rally in the euro in 9 out of the last 12 years, "and these were usually associated with outperformance of eurozone stocks and underperformance of US stocks," él dice. These rallies rarely saw followthrough in January. "The last time EURUSD year-end rally extended into the new year was in December 2010/January 2011 after the announcement of QE2 from the Fed and the Irish bailout in the Eurozone," Marinov says. However, he stresses that "a continued rebalancing of investor portfolios favoring European assets cannot be excluded in the coming months, which could keep the euro underpinned into 2013.
GOLD: Feb COMEX gold still under pressure, down more than $25. One trader said talk circulating that SPDR Gold Trust (GLD) short interest as of the end of November was highest since mid-Sept 2011. He said there was speculation that the sell-off was linked to hedge-fund selling due to underperformance, but added that were were no footprints in shares of GLD outstanding to back up the theory. Selling gained momentum as chart levels were breeched. Other traders saysome safe-haven bids are exiting as worries about Greece begin to dissipate.
GOLD: Spot gold at $1671.55/oz has broken below the lows seen Nov 5 at $1672.24, triggering only light stops so far. More important will be where the precious metal closes on the day and whether bottomfishers, especially sovereign ones appear. A clear-cut break of the November low, if followed by a break in the 200-day moving average around $1660, would target a move back to the Aug 31 lows near $1646.73.
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zbieraj pips do pipa bo jak nie to z depo będzie lipa. G."niemiaszek" __________________________________________________________________________
To było: śr 28-11-2012, 0:00 - trzy tygodnie temu.
mike_05 pisze: Wracając do rynków. Złoto jakby w rozkroku jest. Jedną nogą w RGRze wzrostowym, drugą w trójkącie spadkowym.
A teraz złoto jest nawet poniżej celu - Brawo Mike
Jakże często ludzie mają już gotową opinię zanim zdążą pojąć istotę rzeczy. A gdy już ta istota w pełni do nich dotrze, jakże często muszą zmagać się z konsekwencjami swojej opinii
niemiaszek pisze: lekturka do poduszki, troszkę z dreszczykiem, ale strach się bać lub nie bać. głównie na ostudzenie hurra optymizmu
Wszyscy teraz piszą po kilka wersji, żeby post factum wybrać tę, która była najbliższa prawdy. W sumie po kilku zrzutach zawsze coś się sprawdzi a resztę głupot mało kto będzie drążył.
Objective perspective, just businiess.
18 gru 2012, 20:57
Złoto zareagowało na zniesienie 50% dołka z maja i szczytu październikowego, mnie jednak bardziej podoba się poziom 1629 czyli 61,8 tego ruchu, zobaczymy jaki plan się zrealizuje.
Sky is the limit
Discovering How Anyone can become a full time Forex trader
Forex training can be the most fantastic experience in life! Once you have mastered the tools of the trade, understand the concepts to trading successfully and acquire the mindset required by a successful trader your life will change for everrrrr.
Once upon a time all the trading was done by guys in suits on a trading floor in some obscure building, in some city, some where. But with the advent of technology Computers, broadband and up to date trading platforms. It is now possible for your average man or woman in the street (yes even you) to be highly successful in the business world of the forex trader. There are a lot of people out there who would like to have a go at trading the markets, which raises the question! where do i start? The same question I asked myself a few years ago. There are endless books on the subject, loads and loads of videos, plenty of experts. We all know that there are people out there that will try to sell any kind of dream to anyone that will listen. Goes a bit like this! Big house, lovely car, plenty of money, sit about all day, not do a lot and every week and the money just keeps on following in. Great sounds superb! Don’t get me wrong for a few years I to bout in to the dream, Seminars, courses on DVD, one on one training, automatic trading systems, the hole works. Cost a fortune. Some of it worked for a while! some of it worked really well! and some of it still works very well today. But then again most of it didn’t and the only people making money! you guessed. it wasn’t me.
All that said, if you can take some time to learning to trade the markets properly, get the feel of the trading platform and the tools therein. Study the structure of the market and the way it moves. Learn to read the signals that the market gives of. Develope a strong mind set! Get the negative emotions under control and put in a bit of work there is a very good chance that you can find the life you have always wanted and the time, money to enjoy it. I try to trade the market every day, when the market allows me to and i can honestly say I love every minute of it.
Please excuse the scrawl above I am no article writer. i just want to try and convey the feeling of satisfaction i have had since starting in forex trading and hope through this blog to show other step by step over the next few month how you also ( yes you) can become a very, very successful forex trader.
Thought of the day— You only get out what you are prepared to put in—- Live the dream—Wul6s
What does the term forex mean
The word “ Forex ” stands for foreign exchange or the exchange of currencies. When people engage in the exchange of currencies e. g sell one currency and buy another one. This is called currency exchange trading or simple known as forex trading.
Because the values of these currencies are constantly changing and are effected by local and global economic factors, which provide an opportunity for the trader to profit from these changes or fluctuations in the currency markets.
The most traded currencies in Forex are:- Euro, US dollar, Swiss Frank, British Pound, Japanese Yen. although trading is not limited to these currencies alone, Forex offers variety of currencies one can trade. My personal favorite being the cable market or USD/GBP.
to describe in simple terms What Forex is, and how people trade in Forex it would look a bit like this.
Forex trading is managed primarily online.
Sign up to a trading account and down load a trading platform which is a working environment, that traders use to buys and sells currencies, online. Then use your trading account to place the trades yourself.
Others use a broker, who will recommend a trading platform and with whom you place your trades.
In Forex currency trading, currencies are traded in pairs. EUR/USD, GBP/USD, USD/JPY and so on.
The first currency in the exchange pair is referred to as the base currency and the second as the quote currency. For example, in Forex we see GBP/USD exchange rate = 1.520 The exchange rate tells to trader how much of the quote currency should be paid to obtain one unit of the base currency. In other words, with GBP/USD the price of the pound is expressed in US dollars. 1 euro = 1.520 dollars.
I hope this gives an insite into some of the term within Forex trading and a breif understanding of how a trade is implamented.
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Tag Archives: forex
By lufrrx | Published: July 31, 2012
Forex Market Commentary—The market is temporarily in what appears to be a C wave on most currency pairs. The question is how deep or whether or not this is actually a reversal for some pairs. reversal seems unlikely. Continuation of general trending is expected at the completion of the C wave of a sub-wave 4 of a wave 3 of a wave 5 in most pairs, as seen on the 4H chart.
Permanent link to this post (73 words, estimated 18 secs reading time)
Posted in Industry News | Tagged forex | Comments closed
By IngridM | Published: July 31, 2012
People interested in trading currency on the foreign exchange currency market (FOREX) soon discover that it’s not as easy as it seems.
These people are naturally drawn to investigate different FOREX trading systems. Many are lured by marketing claims allegedly backed by statistical evidence of trading systems that capture a tempting number of pips a phenomenal percentage of the time.
These systems often rely on elaborate combinations of technical indicators that mainly succeed in creating so much trader confusion that there is no way to separate hype from reality.
By IngridM | Published: July 31, 2012
They say that a man is only as effective as his tools. This is true when building a house and this is true when trading on the foreign exchange. Forex trading tools generally consist of computer programs or platforms used to make trading easier. You have to be able to track the trends of a given currency pair to make the most informed decisions, and you have to be able to buy and sell at a moment’s notice depending on what is happening in the market. Many traders only made the decision to trade forex full-time once they found a high-quality program to help ensure their success.
By Jose | Published: July 31, 2012
Forex swing trading is a method of trading where currencies are held for more than a day and traded on basis of the weekly or monthly oscillations between the highest value and the lowest. Basically, the trading period is longer than that of day trading and shorter than in trend trading. In swing trading, traders can hold the stock for a period ranging between two days and two or three weeks at most.
Beginners will find this trading style ideal, as it provides them with several opportunities to trade in a win, without the pressure of day trading or the unpredictability of trend trading. Advanced traders too can make good profit since they have more or less mastered the strategy and can make accurate judgments.
By Ingrid | Published: July 6, 2012
Technical analysis has practical uses for investors in all types of asset classes and markets, regardless of whether the investor’s focus is stocks, commodities or foreign exchange. Indeed, many of the technical and analytical tools commonly relied on by investors can be applied and understood in the context of different investments even if the investor is unfamiliar with that particular type of trading: simply put, if you have trained yourself to rely on your analysis of charts, for example, and have learned to spot certain chart patterns and respond to them when making your stock trading decisions, then you already have the skills needed to analyze Forex charts and apply the exact same methodology, responding to the same patterns, regardless of whether you have Forex trading experience.
By Ingrid | Published: May 21, 2012
When it comes to trading in the foreign exchange market, you’re going to need a broker to be able to access the market. While there are hundreds of different brokers to choose from, they are not all created equally and they do not all provide the same types of service. Some brokers are considered market makers and simply take the opposite position of you when you place a trade. Another form of broker, known as an STP or straight through processing broker, uses a different model of handling trades. Using this type of broker can provide you with some different advantages and considerations as a trader.
By Ingrid | Published: May 17, 2012
When you get started in the foreign exchange market, all of the terms and lingo can be a little bit confusing for the average person. When you log into your trading platform for the first time, it may seem like a lot of bells and whistles, and none of them make sense. As a result, the area of Forex pricing can seem a bit overwhelming at times. If you are confused about how currency pairs are priced and how this affects you as a trader, you’re not alone. Here are a few things to consider about Forex pricing and how it works.
By Ingrid | Published: May 17, 2012
The speed at which one is able to trade in the forex market matters a great deal more than it may seem. Those who can have their orders executed the fastest are often the ones who end up with the best trades. Slower trades have to settle for whatever is left over from these instant traders. Many forex brokers are starting to take note of this and update their systems wherever possible to make instant transactions more available. However, there is one broker that has already done this.
By Jose | Published: March 22, 2012
The Japanese Yen is currently in a strong uptrend that began early in February of this year that shows it testing its high against the United States dollar from early April of 2011. This remarkable recovery that is taking place in just over a year since the devastating tsunami wreaked havoc with Japan’s economy is a testament to the resiliency of the Japanese people and the diversity of their economy.
It remains to be seen if the Yen can equal or surpass this high, but it is quite possible if any major economic event were to occur to threaten the somewhat fragile recovery the U. S. economy has displayed recently.
By Jose | Published: January 25, 2012
There seems to be a lot of talking going on about Forex trading, but not everybody ultimately understands exactly how it works. A common cliche’ is somebody over the Internet announcing how Forex trading has multiplied his wealth changing his life almost overnight. Often, these statements are a turn off for many people especially when it sound too good to be true. With all the spamming, hacking and scams going on over the Internet, such reactions come as no surprise.
This is a preview of Learning Forex; Education, Learning Center, and Webinars with LucrorFX. Read the full post (517 words, 1 image, estimated 2:04 mins reading time)
Welcome to Forex Robots Test
October 20th, 2011
EMALGO is a new EA powered by the Expectation-Maximization (EM) algorithm, which is a method of finding the maximum probable estimate of parameters in statistical models. This statistical theory has been adapted for the Forex price action. Emalgo generates observed parameters from an array of indicators which is fed into the EM algorithm. The results from the EM algorithm gives out the most probable parameters for the next few bars based on input provided. EMALGO utilizes this to produce stunning success rates in short term trading.
EM is more frequently used in machine learning, medical image reconstruction and computer vision due to its ability to deal with missing data using observed variables. EM is becoming more popular in the financial industry for predicting price and manage risk of a portfolio. The rich set of observed parameters and the need for predicting the most probable parameters in the near future make EM algorithm a very powerful component of our software.
The EA operates in H1 time frame since provides the most consistent results across different brokerages.
From our experience of testing hundreds of indicators/strategies for automated trading we find that all strategies/indicators have a probability of success which increase/decrease - the exact timing of the effectiveness has been elusive and mostly unpredictable. While most strategies like ICWR succeed on the long term - gaining consistently on short term strategies has been quite challenging.
Scalping software succeed in making small gains but the risk associated with the large SL is very high. Emalgo has been designed keeping in mind the various inputs we received from participants of our Need Analysis Survey program.
The Straddle Trader Pro news trading expert advisor software was created by trader/programmer Barry Battista and is endorsed by well known trader Dustin Pass. This software was designed to track and profit from the extreme fluctuations in currency pairs as a result of news releases affecting the forex markets.
Straddle Trader Pro factors in all the estimates experts put forth prior to a significant news release. This allows Straddle Trader Pro to have a very good idea of which way a particular currency pair will move based on the actual data, once it is released.
Straddle Trader Pro monitors multiple news release feeds to confirm the actual details of the news release. Even so, Straddle Trader Pro realizes that the markets can sometimes move a bit prior to a news release based on market anticipation.
The idea is that the Straddle Trader Pro software will enter a Buy stop and Sell stop order as close to the release of a major news announcement as possible, preferably with a second or less to go before the announcement.
The Straddle Trader Pro software is designed to take all these factors into account in order to determine within a few seconds which way the currency pair is most likely to go, and is able to submit the actual trades with the split second timing required to make this "Straddle news release strategy" trabajo.
The Straddle Trader Pro is a unique method of trading with a unique set of indicators.
Forex Shocker is a sophisticated scalping EA which was the leading forex robot on our test in 2009. It has now been upgraded to version 3. Key improvements to this version include:
- upgraded trading engine - better closing of trades taking too long to conclude. - optimised profit and stop loss for each pair for maximum results. - fully optimized trading parameters for the various indicators. - The trading time period is now fully customizeable. - The money management function has been improved to now accommodate seven risk settings. - An "NFA_Broker" input has been added. - separate slippage control inputs for opening and closing trades. - The "MaxSpread" feature is now fully functional. A - A "FakeTP" input has been added in order to protect users in the event their computer or VPS goes down during an open trade. - More on informational text appears on each chart. - You can now see whether the "Logic" input for each pair properly matches the chart being used. - You can now see your "MaxSpread" input on each chart. - You can see if the Trading Session is active or not. - You can now see if the "DST" input is active. - if you have any trades opened by Forex Shocker that are presently active, it will be stated on the chart as "Monitoring open positions". If there are no such trades, you will see "No open positions".
There is an updated website showing the summary of the tick data backtests performed on the EUR/USD, USD/CHF and USD/CAD. Lee mas.
Forex Hercules is the latest trade copier developed by master trader and former FAP Turbo Employee Chris Alexander. He uses 27 years of experience and Autopilot Technology that Guarantees you great Profits. It runs on EURUSD H1.
The product was put together after a year of reserach and testing and was tested and tweaked a thousand times so that users can be confident knowing that the developers have done their absolute best.
SMS Forex Day Trading
I like the SMS signals, I have had success with them trading Nadex spreads, I was hoping there was a way to get more of them. I do my trading on mobile devices so the SMS signals work best for me. The 1 hour signals have worked well. Bernard
What is day trading? Day trading is one way of performing Forex. Usually day trading deals are opened and closed on the same day. And yes it is possible for a day trading deal to last longer than one day if the open position(s) is/are collecting profits.
Here is an example of a day trade signals given: EurGbp BUY @ 0.7792 GBPJPY Sell at 186.08
EURJPY Buy at 145.172 GBPJPY Sell signal price 186.08, TakeProfit 185.55, StopLoss 186.24
EURGBP Buy signal price 0.7792, Take Profit 0.7850, Stop Loss 0.7781 AUDJPY Sell signal price 97.79, Take Profit 97.36, Stop Loss 98.05
CADJPY Sell at 103.16 EURJPY Exit Buy at 144.988
CADJPY Sell signal price 103.16, Take Profit 102.61, StopLoss 103.31
Here are rthe results of all the above trade:
You can notice in this account the profits generated in one day with 0.10 lots was USD $ 520.71 If you are using 1.00 lots you would have generated a profits in one day of USD $ 5207.10
Foro Forex India - Introducción. El mercado internacional de divisas proporciona oportunidades para obtener beneficios de alto rendimiento y alto riesgo de las fluctuaciones de la tasa de cambio. El éxito de un comerciante depende de muchos factores; Una de ellas es una plataforma de negociación que el corredor ofrece para operar en el mercado. Hoy en día la mayoría de las empresas de corretaje de divisas y sus clientes prefieren MetaTrader 4 & # 1080; MetaTrader 5 terminales. Si usted va para plataformas MetaTrader, así, asegúrese de & # 8722; forex foro ha sido diseñado para usted.
Foro Forex India & # 9472; Discusiones comerciales. En nuestro foro encontrará pronósticos forex relevantes y tendrá la oportunidad de unirse a las discusiones celebradas por expertos del mercado de divisas, los comerciantes profesionales y los que son nuevos en Forex. Estas discusiones aportarán respuestas a todas sus preguntas. Por otra parte, usted será capaz de expresar su opinión, obtener información útil, pedir ayuda o, por el contrario, dar a alguien que ayuda. Todo el mundo dispuesto a aprender algo nuevo y compartir el conocimiento adquirido es bienvenido!
Foro Forex India & # 8722; Socializar con los corredores y los comerciantes (sobre los corredores). El foro contiene una calificación de las empresas que prestan servicios de corretaje basados en las opiniones de los comerciantes. También puede compartir las impresiones de un corredor de forex cierto dejó en usted, proporcionar su evaluación de la calidad de sus servicios y también decir acerca de su experiencia positiva o negativa de trabajar con una empresa de corretaje. Sus comentarios ayudarán a otros comerciantes a evitar errores y elegir un agente fiable con quien cooperar.
Socialización aleatoria en el foro Forex India Nuestro foro es una buena manera de descansar del trabajo y comunicarse con amigos sobre temas diversos. Este es un reino de anécdotas, bromas, caricaturas, concursos, discusiones de noticias deportivas, historias de la vida real y fuera de tema desencadenado. Sin embargo, dado que el comercio es un estilo de vida más que una profesión, los temas relacionados con el comercio podrían ser discutidos también.
Bonos para la socialización en Forex foro de India Este forex foro ha sido creado por los comerciantes para los comerciantes y no está destinado a hacer ganancias. Sin embargo, permite a los autores de puestos para ganar bonos de divisas que pueden ser empleados en el comercio en una cuenta de uno de los patrocinadores del foro. Estos regalos de dinero son símbolos de gratitud para todos los comerciantes de forex profesionales por el tiempo que pasan en nuestro foro.
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Trading is about growth and personal development. You need to continue to learn about trading and evolve. As you continue down the path to becoming a profitable full time trader you constantly change. You learn new things, throw out what doesn't work and keep what does. Becoming a profitable trader is about self development and being the best of the best. The course doesn't make you a great trader, you become a great trader by taking what you learn and taking it to the next level.
Suresh Kumar
What do you mean by forex course? If you are asking about a site to learn forex then babypips. com is best for newbies and if you are looking for strategies and technical analysis tools then forex-strategies-revealed. com/basic is the best.
Sometime around April 2008, Christopher Brown Cornett, 43, of Buda, TX, came up with a business plan, an idea, a vision - well, okay, sure, federal prosecutors would more likely prefer to describe it as a crime. In hindsight, it wasn't all the clever a scam. If I were to merely describe Cornett's scheme as one involving a Forex Ponzi . that two word description would pretty much tell you the whole thrust of this droll undertaking.
By September 2009, Cornett had another partner in crime, 49-year-old Heidi Beryl Beyer, Scottsdale, AZ and the two touted investors about a pool of investment funds that would invest in foreign currency exchange ("Forex"). In this post - Great Recession . post-Madoff, post all the flim flams of recent years, Cornett and Beyer didn't bestow upon us an ingenious fraud - we have no heart-stopping headline or sexy news bulletin. What we got here is - snore - another Forex scam. Another Ponzi.
By now, you could probably fill in the blanks. Victimized investors were promised impressive profits from Forex trading. Cornett and Beyer spoke glowingly of the bucks to be made; and in some pitches to investors, this pair actually put the promises in writing via email or the Subscription Agreement that you were asked to sign. By the end of this Ponzi crime spree, more than 150 victims had invested about $14.6 million, resulting in over $10.6 million in losses. Those pilfered dollars went, among other places, to pay off Cornett's $600,000-plus Las Vegas gambling losses and towards the purchase of a spiffy, new Chevrolet Corvette.
The Wheels Of Justice Turn
In October 2012, Cornett pleaded guilty to one count of conspiracy to commit wire fraud and one count of conspiracy to commit money laundering; Beyer pleaded guilty to one count of wire fraud.
On February 15, 2013, the defendant were sentenced in federal court in Austin. TX. Cornett and Beyer respectively got 40 years and 6 six years in prison with three years of supervised release. Additionally, the pair were jointly and severally ordered to pay $9,525,031.77 in restitution, and Cornett got hit with a further $705,701.62 repayment.
Bill Singer's Comment
Now here's some background information about Cornett that I'd like to share with you and, honestly, it took me a minute or so to locate these tidbits via a Google search.
FINRA's public online database, BrokerCheck. informs us that Cornett was employed at Dean Witter Reynolds, Inc. from August 1998 to March 2001, and, thereafter, at Brookstreet Securities from April 2001 to March 2002.
Next, let's pull up a public, online regulatory document from the former National Association of Securities Dealers (the "NASD"), which became the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority ("FINRA"). More precisely, you're reading a March 2003 NASD Notice to Members ("NTM"). Here's what you would learn on page 144 of that NASD NTM:
Chris B. Cornett (CRD #3083909, Registered Representative, Waco, Texas) submitted a Letter of Acceptance, Waiver, and Consent in which he was barred from association with any NASD member in any capacity and ordered to pay $28,423.73, plus interest, in restitution to a public customer. Satisfactory proof of payment of restitution must be made before Boyd reassociates with any NASD member. Without admitting or denying the allegations, Cornett consented to the described sanctions and to the entry of findings that he received a $28,423.73 check from a public customer, and, instead of forwarding the check to the customer, he signed the customer's name on the back of the check, cashed it, and used the funds for his personal benefit without the customer's authorization, knowledge, or consent. (NASD Case #C06020023)
A Snarky Bill Singer SIDE BAR . Who the hell is the "Boyd" mentioned in the second sentence of the NASD statement? Seems to be a typo. Maybe a remnant of something left over from a cut-and-paste from another NASD case? Not exactly the best job of proofreading by a Wall Street regulator, but, okay, we all make these types of mistakes (yours truly, in particular), so let's not nit pick too much about a self-regulatory organization's sloppiness.
The important fact that we learn from that 2003 NASD NTM is that as early as five years before Cornett launched upon his 2008 Forex scam, he had been barred by the NASD and ordered to pay over $28,000 in restitution. Por qué? Well, it looks like he sort of forged a customer's signature on a check and then stole the proceeds.
If you put in a few more minutes of online due diligence, you would have learned that when Cornett was touting his Forex trading skills, he wasn't even registered to engage in the proposed Forex pool trading activities, as required by the Commodities Exchange Act and Commodities Futures Trading Commission ("CFTC") regulations. So, a brief bit of online due diligence would have warned you that you had been approached to engage in Forex trading with someone who was not registered to conduct such a business and, worse, had been barred from the securities industry years earlier for fraud and forgery. Ya think that you would have still written out the check for the proposed investment if you knew that? After all, we're talking about nearly $15 million in investments.
Oh, you know, hold on, there's this one last bit of Cornett's background that I also found online. Didn't take me all that much time and effort. Shouldn't have taken any victimized investor all that much time and effort either. On April 30, 2003, the United States District Court for the Western District of Texas sentenced Cornett to a term of imprisonment of 37 months after he pleaded guilty to five counts of bank fraud.
So, who exactly was Cornett at the time he was duping all his Forex Ponzi victims? Well, he was an unregistered, securities-industry barred, former federal prisoner who had been convicted of bank fraud. I mean, seriously - did anyone do any due diligence on this guy? Anyone ask any questions, get answers, and then verify the assertions?
For more details of this Ponzi scheme, read the Complaint in the CFTC v. Christopher B. Cornett (W. D. TX, February 2, 2012).
READ these "Street Sweeper" columns on FOREX fraud:
Nokia Corporation (ADR) (NYSE:NOK)’s Lumia 520 Has Lot More To Attract Shoppers With December Deals
The Nokia Corporation (ADR) (NYSE:NOK)’s Lumia 520. considered as one of the greatest smartphone and the perfect introduction to the Windows Phone 8 platform, has made it more lucrative. It’s also the most inexpensive way to experience the world’s greatest OS. The Lumia 520 has some strong features like a 4-inch 800 x 480 display, a 1GHz dual-core Qualcomm CPU and a 5-mega pixel camera.
At the same time, user can get full access to the exact same Nokia apps as users have on a top-of-the-range handset like the Nokia Lumia 925. The apps include Nokia Music, Smart Shoot, Cinemagraph and HERE Maps. Certainly, the company builds all of its handsets to last, while the Lumia 520 doesn’t lack anything from an attractive design outlook either. For December, there are some great Nokia Lumia 520 deals.
The Nokia Lumia 520 is available for just £79.95 on Pay As You Go through Carphone Warehouse at Bother O2 and Vodafone. Shoppers can also get a free £10 top-up with both deals. Orange and T-Mobile are offering similar deals for the smartphone as well.
Shoppers really shouldn’t consider paying anything up front on a Nokia Lumia 520 deal with such a low PAYG cost. In order to get the phone for free with the minimum of monthly outgoings, users will want a 24 month agreement. Presently, user can select one up directly for just £11 per month from O2. In this way, they can have 50 minutes, unlimited texts and 100MB of data. You also get to upgrade one month early.
Naturally, some users don’t want to be coupled with such a lengthy agreement. That’s why the Nokia Lumia 520 is such good value that user can avail its 12 month contract with no preliminary charges. At Carphone Warehouse, shoppers can get the Nokia Lumia 520 for free for £35 per month on a 12 month Vodafone deal. Shoppers can get 100 minutes, 100MB of data and unlimited texts.
Nokia Corporation (ADR) (NYSE:NOK) shares rose 0.62% to $8.04 in today’s early trading.
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Usted está aquí: Inicio & raquo; Currency News » Forex Market: USD/CAD daily trading outlook
February 24, 2016 7:41 am
Yesterday’s trade saw USD/CAD within the range of 1.3690-1.3821. The pair closed at 1.3797, rising 0.66% on a daily basis. It has been the 21st gain in the past 36 trading days and also the steepest one since February 5th. In addition, the daily high has been the highest level since February 19th, when a high of 1.3847 was registered.
At 7:40 GMT today USD/CAD was edging down 0.10% for the day to trade at 1.3783. The pair touched a daily low at 1.3777 at 7:36 GMT, undershooting the daily S2 level, and a daily high at 1.3815 during mid-Asian trade.
Canada’s dollar pared the recent gains against its US counterpart, as crude oil futures recorded a 0.25% dip on Tuesday. February 23rd marked the 26th drop in oil prices out of the past 48 trading days. Oil futures for April delivery went down as low as $31.22 per barrel on February 23rd and closed at a level of $31.40. As of 7:46 GMT today the commodity was edging down 0.32% on a daily basis to trade at $31.30 per barrel, after going down as low as $31.08 earlier. Oil has widened its slump to 6.78% so far during the current month.
On Wednesday USD/CAD trading may be influenced by the following macroeconomic reports as listed below.
Estados Unidos
Services PMI by Markit – preliminary reading
Activity in the US sector of services probably increased at a faster rate in February from a month ago, with the corresponding preliminary Purchasing Managers’ Index coming in at a reading of 53.5, according to expectations. In January the services PMI was reported at a final 53.2, falling from a preliminary reading of 53.7. It has been the lowest reading since October 2013, dragged down by lower output and new business orders. The PMI is based on data collected from a representative panel of more than 400 private sector companies, which encompasses industries such as transport and communication, financial intermediaries, business and personal services, computing & IT and hotels & restaurants. Values above the key level of 50.0 indicate optimism (expansion in general activity). In case a faster-than-expected expansion in services sector activity is reported, this would have a moderate bullish effect on the US dollar, as services contribute to a considerable portion of the US GDP. The preliminary reading by Markit Economics is due out at 14:45 GMT.
New Home Sales
Sales of new single-family homes probably decreased 4.4% to the seasonally adjusted annual rate of 520 000 in January, according to market expectations, from 544 000 reported in December. The latter has been the highest sales level since February 2015, when a figure of 545 000 was reported. Sales in the Midwest climbed 31.6% in December, while those in the Northeast were up 20.8%. Additionally, sales in the West surged 21%, while those in the South were 0.4% higher.
The median sales price of new houses sold went up as high as USD 288 900 in December, after being at USD 297 000 in the preceding month. The average sales price went down to USD 346 400 in December from USD 364 200 in November. At the end of the month, the seasonally adjusted estimate of new houses for sale was 237 000, up from 231 000 at the end of November. It represents a supply of 5.2 months at the current sales rate, according to the report by the US Census Bureau.
In case the index showed a worse-than-anticipated performance, this would have a strong bearish effect on the US dollar. The Census Bureau is to report the official figure at 15:00 GMT.
Daily and Weekly Pivot Levels
By employing the Camarilla calculation method, the daily pivot levels for USD/CAD are presented as follows:
R1 – 1.3809 R2 – 1.3821 R3 (range resistance) – 1.3833 R4 (range breakout) – 1.3869
S1 – 1.3785 S2 – 1.3773 S3 (range support) – 1.3761 S4 (range breakout) – 1.3725
By using the traditional method of calculation, the weekly pivot levels for USD/CAD are presented as follows:
Central Pivot Point – 1.3776 R1 – 1.3902 R2 – 1.4039 R3 – 1.4165
S1 – 1.3639 S2 – 1.3513 S3 – 1.3376
Fundada en 2013, Binary Tribune tiene como objetivo proporcionar a sus lectores información exacta y actual cobertura de noticias financieras. Nuestro sitio web se centra en los principales segmentos de los mercados financieros: acciones, divisas y materias primas, así como una explicación interactiva en profundidad de los principales acontecimientos e indicadores económicos.
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BinaryTribune. com no será responsable por la pérdida de dinero o cualquier daño causado por confiar en la información en este sitio. Trading de divisas, acciones y materias primas en el margen conlleva un alto nivel de riesgo y puede no ser adecuado para todos los inversores. Antes de decidir intercambiar divisas debe considerar cuidadosamente sus objetivos de inversión, nivel de experiencia y apetito de riesgo.
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Figures in scenarios do not include any service charges, transaction fees etc, depending on bank and financial institution’s publication of base rates and percentages. Please consult your bank or broker for more necessary info. RealDropShippers. com http://www. RealDropShippers. com/ Our CNY/SRD exchange rates and scenarios are for reference purpose only, and we take no responsibility for errors.
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Usted está aquí: Inicio & raquo; Currency News » Forex Market: GBP/USD daily trading outlook
February 24, 2016 7:25 am
Yesterday’s trade saw GBP/USD within the range of 1.4005-1.4156. The pair closed at 1.4005, falling 1.02% on a daily basis. It has been the 23rd drop in the past 37 trading days and also the second consecutive one. The daily low has been the lowest level since March 18th 2009, when a low of 1.3847 was registered.
At 7:24 GMT today GBP/USD was inching up 0.05% for the day to trade at 1.4012. The pair touched a daily low at 1.3965 in mid-Asian trade, undershooting the range support level (S3), and a daily high at 1.4028 during the early phase of the Asian trading session.
On Wednesday GBP/USD trading may be influenced by the following macroeconomic reports as listed below.
Reino Unido
BBA Home Loans
The number of home loans in the United Kingdom, issued by the British Bankers’ Association (BBA), probably increased to 45 200 in January, according to market expectations, from 43 975 in December. If expectations were met, this would be the highest number of loans since October 2015, when 45 437 loans were issued. The BBA features the major banks in the country, which account for almost 60% of overall mortgage lending. The number of mortgage loans is considered as a leading indicator in regard to UK housing market conditions. As growth in mortgage lending signifies a healthy housing sector, which also contributes to overall economic activity, in case the number of loans rose more than projected, this would boost demand for the sterling. The BBA is to publish the official figure at 9:30 GMT.
Estados Unidos
Services PMI by Markit – preliminary reading
Activity in the US sector of services probably increased at a faster rate in February from a month ago, with the corresponding preliminary Purchasing Managers’ Index coming in at a reading of 53.5, according to expectations. In January the services PMI was reported at a final 53.2, falling from a preliminary reading of 53.7. It has been the lowest reading since October 2013, dragged down by lower output and new business orders. The PMI is based on data collected from a representative panel of more than 400 private sector companies, which encompasses industries such as transport and communication, financial intermediaries, business and personal services, computing & IT and hotels & restaurants. Values above the key level of 50.0 indicate optimism (expansion in general activity). In case a faster-than-expected expansion in services sector activity is reported, this would have a moderate bullish effect on the US dollar, as services contribute to a considerable portion of the US GDP. The preliminary reading by Markit Economics is due out at 14:45 GMT.
New Home Sales
Sales of new single-family homes probably decreased 4.4% to the seasonally adjusted annual rate of 520 000 in January, according to market expectations, from 544 000 reported in December. The latter has been the highest sales level since February 2015, when a figure of 545 000 was reported. Sales in the Midwest climbed 31.6% in December, while those in the Northeast were up 20.8%. Additionally, sales in the West surged 21%, while those in the South were 0.4% higher.
The median sales price of new houses sold went up as high as USD 288 900 in December, after being at USD 297 000 in the preceding month. The average sales price went down to USD 346 400 in December from USD 364 200 in November. At the end of the month, the seasonally adjusted estimate of new houses for sale was 237 000, up from 231 000 at the end of November. It represents a supply of 5.2 months at the current sales rate, according to the report by the US Census Bureau.
In case the index showed a worse-than-anticipated performance, this would have a strong bearish effect on the US dollar. The Census Bureau is to report the official figure at 15:00 GMT.
Daily and Weekly Pivot Levels
By employing the Camarilla calculation method, the daily pivot levels for GBP/USD are presented as follows:
R1 – 1.4019 R2 – 1.4033 R3 (range resistance) – 1.4047 R4 (range breakout) – 1.4088
S1 – 1.3991 S2 – 1.3977 S3 (range support) – 1.3963 S4 (range breakout) – 1.3922
By using the traditional method of calculation, the weekly pivot levels for GBP/USD are presented as follows:
Central Pivot Point – 1.4392 R1 – 1.4552 R2 – 1.4697 R3 – 1.4857
S1 – 1.4247 S2 – 1.4087 S3 – 1.3942
Fundada en 2013, Binary Tribune tiene como objetivo proporcionar a sus lectores información exacta y actual cobertura de noticias financieras. Nuestro sitio web se centra en los principales segmentos de los mercados financieros: acciones, divisas y materias primas, así como una explicación interactiva en profundidad de los principales acontecimientos e indicadores económicos.
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BinaryTribune. com no será responsable por la pérdida de dinero o cualquier daño causado por confiar en la información en este sitio. Trading de divisas, acciones y materias primas en el margen conlleva un alto nivel de riesgo y puede no ser adecuado para todos los inversores. Antes de decidir intercambiar divisas debe considerar cuidadosamente sus objetivos de inversión, nivel de experiencia y apetito de riesgo.
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Performance History
Advertencia de riesgo: La negociación de divisas (Forex Trading) y contratos de diferencias (CFDs) sobre el margen conlleva un alto nivel de riesgo y puede no ser adecuado para todos los inversores. Existe la posibilidad de que usted pueda sostener una pérdida igual o mayor que toda su inversión. Por lo tanto, no debe invertir o arriesgar dinero que no puede permitirse perder. Por favor asegúrese de entender completamente el riesgo involucrado antes de operar, y si es necesario buscar asesoramiento independiente.
Copyright y copia; 2015 LeTechs. Todos los derechos reservados.
Mint Forex And Travels Private Limited was registered on 17 September, 2004. Mint Forex And Travels Private Limited's Corporate Identification Number (CIN) is U63040MH2004PTC148665, Registeration Number is 148665.
Their registered address on file is 520 Manish Chamberssonawala Road Opp Udyogbhava, Mumbai - 400063, Maharashtra, India.
Mint Forex And Travels Private Limited currently have 2 Active Directors / Partners: Ashish Suresh Sonthalia. Vikas Atmaram Dharnidharka. and there are no other Active Directors / Partners in the company except these 2 officials.
Mint Forex And Travels Private Limited is currently in Active Status.
Company Name
Trijaya Pratama Futures
The management of PT. Trijaya Pratama Futures is led by a professional and qualified team with many years of experience, who excercises and values integrity above all else in managing a company that is already operating on the international level. With our highly dedicated and skilled staff, up-to-date and sophisticated information technology systems and a reliable back office, we are more than ready to serve all of our customers wherever they are located and whenever they need our services. We are fully dedicated to serving our customers and providing them access to the latest and most accurate information on time is our upmost priority.
Vision To become a commodity and futures brokerage firm with a wide market reach, especially on the national level. To become the leading commodity and futures brokerage firm nationwide, and eventually transforming it into an international company.
Mission – To participate in spreading commodity and futures trading across Indonesia. – To develop and promote commodity and futures trading in Indonesia, making it into a reliable alternative investment, and in turn boost the national economy. – To empower commodity and futures trading on the Jakarta Futures Exchange by helping investors who want to utilise them as a hedging tool, be it the producers or the market makers, who wants to take advantage of fluctuations in the prices of traded commodities.
Regulations PT. Trijaya Pratama Futures is a fully licensed member of the Jakarta Futures Exchange and therefore operates in a tightly regulated business environment overseen by the regulatory body BAPPEBTI (Badan Pengawas Perdagangan Berjangka Komoditi / Commodity Futures Trading Regulatory Agency). As required by BAPPEBTI relevant government regulations, all of our customers accounts are securely and separately stored in segregrated bank accounts monitored by the Indonesian Derivatives Clearing House. Below is a complete list of our regulatory certificates required to legally operate a futures brokerage firm in Indonesia.
Certificates – Member of Indonesian Derivatives Clearing House / Kliring Berjangka Indonesia – (License No. 25/AK-KBI/VIII/2004) – Member of Jakarta Futures Exchange / Bursa Berjangka Jakarta – (License No. 006/BBJ/05/04) – Member of BAPPEBTI – (License No. 407/BAPPEBTI/SI/VII/2004) – Futures Broker Representative License – (License No. 408/BAPPEBTI/SI/VII/2004) – (409/BAPPEBTI/SI/VII/2004) – (410/BAPPEBTI/SI/VII/2004) – (518/BAPPEBTI/SI/X/2004) – (519/BAPPEBTI/SI/X/2004) – (520/BAPPEBTI/SI/X/2004) – Branch Offices Opening License – (License No. 312/BAPPEBTI/XII/2004) – SURABAYA – (314/BAPPEBTI/XII/2004) – MEDAN
LIFETIME FOREX adalah Konsultan Forex Independen yang mengedukasi anda dalam transaksi mata uang elektronik dan meyediakan tolls serta menangani rekening trading anda di Perusahaan Pialang Berjangka Indonesia.
&dupdo; Copyright, LifetimeForex. com 2015
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Dreambuilder FX is Automated Trading Software that has proven to be revolutionary in the FOREX trading market. The researchers, traders and programmers responsible for Dreambuilder achieved near perfection in this seamless integration of the mathematical and technical analysis concepts of FOREX trading into an easy-to-use and intuitive software that places the most effective knowledge and expertise at your fingertips. While this trading system is incredibly complex, it is also highly effective, profitable and affordable. In fact, this software package is such an indispensable tool that I use all its components regularly when trading our clients’ Cuentas.
Dreambuilder FX is perfectly compatible with MetaTrader 4 (MT4) and installs easily into the MT4 trading platform, placing you in contact with an Expert Advisor, since there are over one hundred brokers whose platform of choice is MT4.
Imagine what this means to you, the trader ?
No more missing a trading opportunity because you were away or asleep
No more second-guessing yourself or the system
No more manual order entries
No more fear/greed sabotaging your trading
No more spending long hours just sitting in front of the computer
No more missing exit signals because you were away or asleep
How can Dreambuilder FX be of benefit to YOU?
Many other FOREX trading programs or so-called expert advisor providers exist on the web. Why is Dreambuilder FX so special? Because Dreambuilder stands a cut above the rest! Most of the other programs are limited in the resources they appropriate, using only a back testing or demo account. Very few can be used on live account.
Here at Forex Hope, we use a real live trading account with $50,000 as our trading performance gauge
Our system provides the complete package with a revolutionary trading approach that can turn even beginning traders into money-making machines in a matter of hours. Whether you seek a new career as trader, are looking for a way to supplement your income via short term trading or just you simply want to be one step ahead of the trading game and on the market’s good side, Dreambuilder FX trading is the solution you have been looking for.
How DreambuilderFX works ?
The main strategy behind DTS-1 is Pyramiding (used by PointBreak5 which has produced very good returns in trending markets, but produces temporary drawdown in sideways/choppy markets), combined with several new techniques that make some adjustments when the market changes (from trending market to choppy/sideways market).
DreambuilderFX Trading System Characteristic
Currently trade only in EURUSD
Small trades are continuously added above and below the opening position.
The system will pyramiding, hedging or closing some positions depends which way the market moves.
All trades are closed only when a net profit is reached and added to your account balance.
Built in money management will automatically calculate the correct position size for your risk level.
Can use as a full automatic trading system or use it to create your own trading system.
New Inverted, Contrarian, Breakout Technique as the part of Repair Algorithm
Works in most market condition.
Less drawdown period compared to PB5
Can be run in 4 digits or 5 digits broker
See below picture to see how DTS works in most market condition:
Requirement for Dreambuilder Trading System:
Metatrader 4 from preferred broker
Operating System WindowsXP / Vista
Processor with P4 or compatible with at least 256Mb Ram
Starting Capital and Broker
This list of starting capital and broker based on conservative (the safety & recommended) setting.
DTS currently not detect your leverage level. So having 1:100, 1:200 make no difference by DTS money management calculation. So having a large leverage just means have more buffer, no impact on lot sizes, etc.
It currently optimize on USD Based trading account. It's not detect (or convert to) other than USD based trading account.
*) For the best usage (as we use right now) is on FXDD and Interbank FX. because DTS build and tested in those broker platform. But we don't find any incompatibility if DTS run in different broker as long as their rules for naming EURUSD pair still the same.
Technical Report & Live Statement for Dreambuilder DTS-1
Here is the technical report & live statement for this trading system in action. The report includes a detailed comparison between PointBreak 5.0 and DTS-1, more graphs/details on how it deals with various market conditions and how it performed at various times within 2008.
How DreambuilderFX compare with Pointbreak 5 ?
The main focus of DreambuilderFX is to solves the drawdown of PB5 in choppy/sideways and reversal markets. It also reduces the maximum drawdown period of PB5 from 5 months into 2 months (based on Jun 2004 - Aug 2008 data history).
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Últimas tasas de oro, divisas en Emiratos Árabes Unidos
DD/TT RATES AT 03.45 PM - 23 March
Gold's safe-haven appeal swells slightly after Brussels attacks
Spot gold edged lower on Wednesday, with the impact of a stronger dollar outweighing a slight swell in the metal's safe-haven appeal after attacks on an airport and a rush-hour metro train in Brussels.
Spot gold slipped 1 per cent to $1,235.90 an ounce by 10.29am UAE time, with trade expected to wind down ahead of the Easter holidays which start on Friday.
Prices have been trading in a narrowing band of $1,240-$1,270 for the past week.
US gold also slipped to $1,238.05.
Overnight news of attacks in Brussels, and hawkish comments from another US Federal Reserve official have underpinned the US currency, while a rising US rate path has dampened gold's investment appeal.
"Particularly in the US, this slow normalisation of the economy should result in a grind higher in real interest rates and cap the attractiveness of precious metals as an investment," BMI Research said in a note.
Higher interest rates increase holding costs of gold, which is a non-interest bearing asset.
Se actualizará dos veces al día
Emirates 24 | 7 le ofrece la tarifa diaria de oro de Dubai (22k, 24k, 21k y 18k), así como los tipos de cambio de divisas, incluyendo la rupia India, la rupia pakistaní, el peso filipino, la rupia de Sri Lanka y la libra esterlina. Contra el dirham de los EAU (dólar estadounidense).
Las tarifas para 24 carat, 22 quilates, 21 quilates, 18 quilates y diez Tola (T) Bar (11.6638038 gramos) se actualizará cuatro veces al día para mantenerlos frescos y relevantes para los compradores de barras de oro y joyas de oro en los Emiratos Árabes Unidos.
Los horarios de actualización de Retail Gold Rate en Dubai serán a las 9.30am, 2.30pm, 5pm y 8pm (a menos que haya una caída drástica o aumento de la tasa internacional).
Los sábados, las tarifas del oro se actualizarán a las 9.30 am y esta tasa permanecerá estática hasta el sábado y el domingo hasta que el mercado internacional reabra el lunes.
Tenga en cuenta que los minoristas añadir cargos por separado a la tasa de cotización de oro.
La tasa de oro al por menor en Dubai está siendo suministrada por el Grupo de Oro y Joyería de Dubai.
Tipos de cambio
Las tasas de cambio de las principales monedas se actualizarán dos veces cada día laborable alrededor de las 8:30 am y las 3:30 pm.
Éstos cubrirán tanto las Tasas de Remesas [para el envío de dinero] como las Tasa de Notas Monetarias [para la compra y venta de billetes de divisas].
Los tipos de cambio están siendo proporcionados por los EAU Intercambio.
Foro Forex India - Introducción. El mercado internacional de divisas proporciona oportunidades para obtener beneficios de alto rendimiento y alto riesgo de las fluctuaciones de la tasa de cambio. El éxito de un comerciante depende de muchos factores; Una de ellas es una plataforma de negociación que el corredor ofrece para operar en el mercado. Hoy en día la mayoría de las empresas de corretaje de divisas y sus clientes prefieren MetaTrader 4 & # 1080; MetaTrader 5 terminales. Si usted va para plataformas MetaTrader, así, asegúrese de & # 8722; forex foro ha sido diseñado para usted.
Foro Forex India & # 9472; Discusiones comerciales. En nuestro foro encontrará pronósticos forex relevantes y tendrá la oportunidad de unirse a las discusiones celebradas por expertos del mercado de divisas, los comerciantes profesionales y los que son nuevos en Forex. Estas discusiones aportarán respuestas a todas sus preguntas. Por otra parte, usted será capaz de expresar su opinión, obtener información útil, pedir ayuda o, por el contrario, dar a alguien que ayuda. Todo el mundo dispuesto a aprender algo nuevo y compartir el conocimiento adquirido es bienvenido!
Foro Forex India & # 8722; Socializar con los corredores y los comerciantes (sobre los corredores). El foro contiene una calificación de las empresas que prestan servicios de corretaje basados en las opiniones de los comerciantes. También puede compartir las impresiones de un corredor de forex cierto dejó en usted, proporcionar su evaluación de la calidad de sus servicios y también decir acerca de su experiencia positiva o negativa de trabajar con una empresa de corretaje. Sus comentarios ayudarán a otros comerciantes a evitar errores y elegir un agente fiable con quien cooperar.
Socialización aleatoria en el foro Forex India Nuestro foro es una buena manera de descansar del trabajo y comunicarse con amigos sobre temas diversos. Este es un reino de anécdotas, bromas, caricaturas, concursos, discusiones de noticias deportivas, historias de la vida real y fuera de tema desencadenado. Sin embargo, dado que el comercio es un estilo de vida más que una profesión, los temas relacionados con el comercio podrían ser discutidos también.
Bonos para la socialización en Forex foro de India Este forex foro ha sido creado por los comerciantes para los comerciantes y no está destinado a hacer ganancias. Sin embargo, permite a los autores de puestos para ganar bonos de divisas que pueden ser empleados en el comercio en una cuenta de uno de los patrocinadores del foro. Estos regalos de dinero son símbolos de gratitud para todos los comerciantes de forex profesionales por el tiempo que pasan en nuestro foro.
Todas las horas son GMT. The time now is 11:51 AM .
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forex trading systems
Dear friend, Do you want a forex trading system that catches major swing in trend and lets you know when it is about to come to an end?
Are you tired of forex trading because you have lost all or part of your investments? Have you bought trading systems that never worked? Do you want a simple trading system that siphons pips(profits) continously? Worry no more, If you get my forex trading system, your profit will increase because: 1. you will have an edge 2. The strategy reduces fear and indecision 3. you will not enter a trade too late and get your finger burnt 4. you will be able to spot entry set ups and end of a move before the crowd does 5. you will be able to read the market better 6.the system can be implemented without buying any costly software or subscribing to expensive data services. 7. you will exit successful trades before your profit Evapourates. 8. you will know when to let your profits run.
WHO AM I? I am raymond eteng. A silent and veteran forex trader. I am also an Industrialist. I have learnt from the school of hardknocks and now giving you the opportunity to benefit from my hardwork and experience. I too took all the courses bought so many systems that never worked, traded demo. then live, lost some money before developing this trading system that is guaranteed to make you rich.
HOW DOES THIS SYSTEM WORK? This system is made up of three powerful but simple indicators. one enables you to identify a trend very early while another one confirms the trend and signal when the trend is about to end. wao this system is so simple that you will regret not having it for so long. It has proven to be highly accurate especially when allied to the best time frame.
D O I NEED TO SIT IN FRONT OF MY COMPUTER ALL DAY? NO. with this system you just set up a trade immediately asignal is generated and leave your computer if you like.
HOW MUCH PROFIT CAN I MAKE? A point to note here is that there is no holy grail in forex trading. No person or system can guarantee 100% winning trades and no losses. Having said that, this system can generate between 300 to 500 pips monthly ie 3000 to 5000 dollars monthly. It generated over 60,000us dollars for me in 2008. see some trading result
TESTMONIAL mr raymond your system is great and very easy to use. I can now say i am a professional forex trader afte2 years of forex trading. i made 520(5200 dollars) pips last month. Mr Emeka Okoye.07055781921
WHAT CURRENCY PAIR DOES THIS SYSTEM WORK ON? It works on all currency pairs but more accurately on EUR/USD and GBP/USD
WHAT TIME FRAME DOES THIS SYSTEM WORK ON ? It works accurately on 1hr chart
HOW MUCH IS THIS SYSTEM. This system is sold for just 3500 naira in order to help as many traders as i can but will soon get back to the normal price of 40,000 naira. so act now
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Guaranteed Increased Forex Profit and Refunded Losses on Thanksgiving Day!
As Thanksgiving Day is coming, GAINSY Forex Broker wishes to express deep gratitude to all of our Customers for your support and interest in our services and products! And as Black Friday is following Thanksgiving and it's a day of discounts, sales, promotions, bonuses and deals, why not add Forex trading to these events and offer a special Forex Thanksgiving bonus and Forex Black Friday Deal . We are happy to tell that due to your good feedback and numerous requests our Forex promotion called “Increased Forex Profits & Refunded Forex Losses” started earlier this year shall be extended this time on Thanksgiving day and Black Friday in November, 2015!
GAIN SY Thanksgiving Withdrawable Bonus
No matter whether you win or you lose, you are getting a random Forex Bonus from 30% to 300%! Thanksgiving is a day of forgiveness, that is why GAINSY Forex Broker forgives your FX negative balance and multiplies your earned money one more time!
Forex trading and Thanksgiving Day with GAINSY – you get your FX profit increased and your FX losses covered !
This promotion starts on the 23rd of November and expires on the 6th of December, 2015 . The point of this Forex Deal is to cover all of our Customers' losses and increase their profits.
During this period you have to deposit your Forex trading account with GAINSY in the amount of no less then $1,000 and perform trading manipulations with us.
Last time many of you didn't miss their chance and applied for this kind of bonus and got real money! We are glad to share the results of top 5 winners based on their deposit amounts and bonus amounts generated!
Why not try once again, as now the Bonus amount is even increased? For instance, you deposit $1,000 and either win another $400 or lose $400. Then you apply for Bonus funds and get 130% random Bonus, which means that in first case you get another $520 in addition to $400 you earned by yourself and in second case you get additional $120 instead of -$400 you lost!
Terms and conditions:
Only verified STP accounts deposited in the amount of no less than $1,000 within the stated period between the 23rd of November till the 6th of December, 2015 can take part in this FX promo;
The exact amount of bonus funds is automatically and randomly generated by the system. It would be calculated in accordance with the Customer's profit or loss amount;
Customers have to close all trades prior to bonus application submission. Failure to fulfill this condition shall lead to failure of bonus crediting;
Every new deposit in the amount of no less then $1,000 shall be credited with bonus funds on a one time basis only. At the same time money withdrawn from the system during the period while this promotion is live and transferred as a new deposit amount shall not take part in this program;
Every Customer who wishes to apply for additional money under this time promotion has to close all orders, then use a ticket option and submit a request in his/her personal profile, also indicate the exact STP account number which shall be credited with additional funds. All such applications shall be processed within 24 business hours;
If a Customer applies after the 6th of December or later than 24 business hours prior to the 6th of December, 2015, then his/her account shall not be credited with additional money;
Only after bonus money is credited to the Customer's trading account, he/she is allowed to transfer this money to his/her personal account and withdraw it;
Thanksgiving promo is not compatible with any other bonus program provided by the Company;
The Company bears no responsibility if a Customer has no access or limited access to his/her personal computer or under any other reason fails to submit an application for bonus funds;
A Customer may be refused in promotional funds crediting with no explanations on the behalf of the Company;
If a Customer performs unclear or misleading trading manipulations, the Company shall cancel additional money from his/her account at any time;
The Company may change conditions of this Forex offer at its sole discretion or stop it at any time without notifying a Customer. New conditions take effect after they are posted on the Company's official website.
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Restablecimiento de contraseña
In Washington’s current hyper-partisan climate, a law with strong bipartisan support is worthy of notice. Yet one such law, which had the further distinction of creating a new financial planning option for individuals with disabilities and their families, may have flown under your radar as 2014 wound to a close.
Before Congress finished the year, it passed the Achieving a Better Life Experience (ABLE) Act, which President Obama promptly signed. Among other provisions, the act created the brand-new 529A account, sometimes also called a 529 ABLE plan or simply an ABLE account. Like the 529 college savings accounts with which many Americans are already familiar, 529A accounts will provide tax-advantaged benefits. Instead of helping families save for educational expenses, however, 529As will help families support loved ones who have special needs.
Since the law only passed in December, it is too early to say with precision how these accounts will look or how valuable they will be. To some extent, we will have to wait until the accounts are available to the public. Most likely, however, the new accounts will prove useful in at least some situations, even if they are not a perfect fit for everyone.
To qualify for a 529A account, a beneficiary must meet the Social Security definition of disability, which excludes short-term or partial disability. Further, a beneficiary must have developed or been diagnosed with the disability prior to age 26. In practice, the Internal Revenue Service will verify eligibility in one of two ways. First, an individual who qualifies for Supplemental Security Income (SSI) before the age threshold will automatically be eligible. If an individual does not receive SSI benefits, he or she may still qualify if a doctor submits a letter to the Treasury secretary certifying that the individual is blind or has a “physical or mental impairment which results in severe functional limitations.” The letter must also confirm that the condition has lasted, or is expected to last, at least 12 months continuously.
While beneficiary eligibility will be confirmed at the federal level, 529A programs will be state-run. As such, the programs may not roll out rapidly everywhere. Some states, including Pennsylvania, Maryland and California, are already looking into setting up 529A programs; other states may take longer to get started. As with 529 college savings plans, states will be able to impose their own additional rules and conditions when they set up such programs. States may choose to provide tax benefits for contributions, such as tax deductions, but are not required to do so.
Assets in 529As will grow tax-free, and distributions will not be taxed as long as they are used to pay for qualifying expenses. The definition of qualifying expenses for a 529A account is broad. Not only will it cover health and wellness expenses, but also housing, transportation, education, employment training and legal fees. If withdrawals are made to pay for nonqualified expenses, however, they will be taxed at ordinary income rates, plus a 10 percent penalty. The beneficiary, or a person able to make legal and investment decisions on his or her behalf, will make investment choices within the plan’s options, and can alter these elections twice every year. (This is a change from the previous once-a-year limit on existing 529s, and it applies to both 529 college savings accounts and 529A accounts.)
Perhaps most important, assets held in a 529A plan do not disqualify the beneficiary from federal and state aid, such as SSI benefits or Medicaid, as long as the total account balance does not exceed $100,000. This is a significant change, since previously, individuals with more than $2,000 in available assets were disqualified from SSI. In addition, if the 529A account balance exceeds the $100,000 limit, SSI benefits are suspended, but not terminated; if the balance falls below the threshold, SSI benefits resume. Because of this limit, 529A balances will be effectively capped at $100,000 for many beneficiaries.
While a 529A is similar to a 529 college savings account in many ways, there are some important differences in addition to the implied $100,000 funding limit. The 529As will have a yearly contribution limit that matches the federal gift tax exclusion. For 2015, that limit is $14,000 – per beneficiary, not per donor. While friends or relatives can make one-time or recurring contributions to a 529A, the account holder must be the beneficiary, and each beneficiary may hold only one account.
Further, that account must be established with the program offered in the beneficiary’s state of residence. This is a major difference; a 529 college savings account holder often shops around for a plan that offers an appealing mix of tax benefits, investment options and cost-effective administration. A 529A beneficiary will be stuck with his or her state’s plan, even if it does not compare well with those offered in other states. For states that do not offer 529As, an eligible participant may be able to seek out another state’s plan, but only if both states have set up the arrangement in advance. If the beneficiary moves, he or she will need to roll over the account into the new state’s plan.
Importantly, because the account holder must be the beneficiary, family members such as parents or grandparents will lose the option of withdrawing contributions to meet personal needs. Gifts to a 529A will be irrevocable. The accounts will not be eligible for the five-year accelerated gifting provision that applies to 529 college savings accounts, either.
The requirement that the account holder be the beneficiary may prove a complicating factor, since many beneficiaries may be minors or adults with diminished capacity. In cases where the beneficiary is not well-equipped to direct his or her own investments, careful planning will be necessary to make sure that someone with custodianship or power of attorney is positioned to manage the account.
It is also worth noting that one of the appealing features of a 529 college savings account is the ability to change the beneficiary. With 529A accounts, changes in beneficiary to a sibling or step-sibling are permitted, but would presumably necessitate a change in the account’s ownership as well, making it more complicated. This scenario may require regulatory clarification.
The 529A accounts come with one major downside, which may be a dealbreaker in certain situations. Any beneficiaries who receive Medicaid will need to proceed with caution, because the accounts include a provision allowing states to make reimbursement claims on 529A assets that remain unspent at the beneficiary’s death. The beneficiary’s estate must repay any Medicaid benefits received after the account was created out of the remaining account balance. This provision could wipe out a 529A’s balance if a beneficiary dies unexpectedly or 529A assets are not spent down over time.
Before Congress created 529A accounts, the main financial vehicle families used to provide for those with disabilities was the special needs trust. While 529As will fulfill many of the same purposes – most notably preserving state and federal benefits while providing for an individual’s other financial needs – some families may find a trust is still the better option, or may wish to consider a combination.
While a trust lacks some of the benefits of a 529A, it also comes without many of the restrictions. Allowable trust contributions are unlimited, and if structured properly, trust assets will never affect the beneficiary’s eligibility for government benefits. In addition, a 529A can only receive cash contributions, while contributions to a trust may take other forms, including securities, life insurance or tangible property. Trusts also carry the advantage of avoiding the Medicaid payback requirement to which 529A accounts are subject (as long as the trust was not funded with the beneficiary’s own savings). Families who think there may be money left over beyond a beneficiary’s lifetime, or who wish to provide for expenses that would not be considered qualified for 529A spending, may prefer a trust that grants additional security and flexibility.
On the other hand, the tax-exempt growth that 529A accounts offer will be attractive to anyone planning for someone with special needs. In addition, a 529A will almost certainly be simpler and cheaper to set up and administer than a trust, no matter what particulars a state’s plan eventually involves. A properly created special needs trust involves legal fees at the outset, along with ongoing administration expenses. This puts such a solution out of reach for many.
As states begin to roll out their 529A offerings over the next few years, individuals with disabilities and their families will be better able to evaluate whether these vehicles are worthwhile in their particular situations. While Congress has shown an inability to agree on even small matters, it has managed to come together to create what is likely to prove a solid, useful option in the future.
One of the biggest misconceptions about foreign currency exchange is that it’s just like trading stocks. That couldn’t be further from the truth. Although these two types of trading share similarities in process, the stock and Forex markets are much different, and each market has its own unique quirks.
If you’re entering Forex trading with a background in equities, it’s important to recognize these differences. The reason: Due to these differences, the trading styles for stocks and foreign currency are very different. Here’s a quick look at some of these major differences:
The Foreign Exchange market is the largest in the world, and it’s estimated as much as $4 trillion changes hands each day. It’s an entirely global marketplace too. There are traders and investors taking part in the market all over the world. This is different than stock markets – which are limited by market volume, the country of origin and market activity.
The stock markets are prone to hitting down periods, and this can be detrimental to traders. Shrinking volumes and a decline in activity can make it much more difficult to open or close a trade. With Forex, traders can profit in up and down markets, because of the massive liquidity and huge volume of market participants.
The Forex markets are primarily concentrated on 8 currency pairs – four major pairs, as well as the commodity pairs. Many traders focus their efforts on these currency pairs, often concentrating on just a couple. This greatly reduces the amount of time that needs to be spent on analysis. The stock market, though, is made up of 1000s of stocks. It’s more difficult for traders to locate fast-moving stocks, research all the options available to them, and determine trading positions because there are so many more stocks to look at.
Another difference: Leverage is much higher in Forex trading due to the high liquidity in the markets. That means margin-trading is more possible. For example, in stock markets, leverage is typically about 2:1. That means a trader must put up at least 50 percent of the trade amount to enter a position. In Forex, leverage can be 50:1 up to 500:1, meaning the trader can make larger trades with fewer funds in their margin account.
Finally, the Foreign Exchange market is a truly global marketplace. It’s open 24 hours a day and it moves in cycles based on the market opens in different regions. What’s more: It is an over-the-counter market, which means that it takes place between brokerages, traders and investment banks. Stock markets though are open for set hours and they are carried out in specific locations like the New York Stock Exchange.
Charts are one of the most widely used tools by traders to analyze price movement. Yet, there are many different types, and in general, traders tend to stick with a specific chart type to conduct their technical analysis.
In general, charts there are three major types of Forex charts: Bar charts, candlestick charts, and line charts. Plus, the data is also represented by timeframe. For example, you can choose to look at data during many different timeframes, including:
Monthly Weekly Daily Intra-Day (Four-Hour, One-Hour, 15-Minute)
The type of trader you are usually determines the timeframes that you look at. For example, long-term traders tend to look at monthly, weekly and daily charts. Day traders, on the other hand, tend to look at intra-day and daily charts. One common type of technical analysis – multiple timeframe – requires a trader to look at three different timeframes – for 4-hour, 1-hour and 15-minute – to determine the overall trend and narrow it down to find specific entry/exit points.
What’s The Difference between Forex Charts?
It’s important to choose a chart type and learn how to properly read it. Bar charts and candlestick charts, for example, deliver the same information, but it’s displayed much differently. As a beginning day trader, it’s important to learn how to read each type. Here’s a quick look at the 3 major types:
Bar Charts: The bar chart displays four pieces of information: The open and close prices, as well as the highest and lowest prices during each time frame. So for example, if you were viewing a four-hour bar chart, each vertical bar would represent a 4-hour period. The top of the vertical bar would be the highest price, while the bottom would be the lowest price during the four hours. Plus, each bar would have a short horizontal notch on the right and left. These notches represent the opening (on the right) and closing (on the left) value for the currency pair.
Candlestick Charts: Like bar charts, candlestick charts show the open/close and high/low prices for a currency pair for a specific time frame. In these charts, there’s a much wider vertical bar that’s either red or green/blue, as well as a smaller line projecting up and down. The short line represents the highest/lowest price. Now, for open and close price, the color of the bar is important; red means the opening value was higher than the close, while blue/green means the closing price was higher. For red bars, the top of the bar represents the opening price and the bottom is the close price. For blue/green bars, it’s the exact opposite. The top is the closing price, while the bottom is the opening price.
Line Charts: Line charts are much different than candlestick or bar charts. The big difference is that line charts only show the closing price for a particular period of time. Thusly, they’re used primarily to show the overall direction of a trend, rather than help the trader pick specific entry/exit points.
It’s critical that traders learn to read charts, but the type that you choose depends on what works best for you. Some prefer candlestick charts, while others choose bar charts. They both show the same data. Additionally, the time-frames you analyze will also be determined by your trading style.
The value of a currency pair doesn’t trend in one direction; there is no uptrend or downtrend. Rather, the currency pair has specific fluctuations over a week or day that are fairly predictable. Simply put, the currency pair’s value zigzags between a high and low.
Range trading is a Forex strategy that takes advantage of these regular fluctuations. For example, a range trader first determines a range, and then might buy into a currency pair at the low end of the range and sell when the currency pair reaches the high end of the range. A reverse trader can also short the range, buying in at the high value and selling at the low value.
To begin, a range trade must first analyse the currency pair. The majority of currency pairs have somewhat predictable swings throughout specific periods of time – it may be over a 4-hour window, 24 hours, or a week. Your technical analysis will give you a better idea of the average time between a high and low. Plus, to determine the range, you must find the currency’s signal and resistance prices.
The signal is the current floor for the currency pair, while the resistance is the current ceiling. So for example, if you were examining a GBP/USD pair that fluctuated between 1.5000 and 1.4950; 1.5000 would be the resistance price and 1.4950 would be the signal price. And there would be a 50-pip range for this pair.
Setting Up a Range Trading Strategy
Once the range has been determined – in our example the range is 1.5000 to 1.4950 – you can think about entering and/or exiting trades for the specific currency. With this strategy, the trader would set an entry order for the signal price of 1.4950, and the trader would make a trade at the low end of the range.
Secondly, the trader would set a sell order for the top end of the range, the resistance price of 1.5000. Plus, there’s also the possibility of short selling the range, by entering at the high point and selling at the low point.
Using trading software, these orders can be automated based on specific rules. Of course, the currency pair will likely trend out of this range, either above or below. Because of this, it’s beneficial for traders to use stop orders above and below the sell or buy order points.
What Are the Benefits of Trend Trading?
One of the biggest advantages of range trading is making profits in a sideways-moving market. Often, day traders prefer to trade trends, as there is greater profit potential with larger movements in one direction.
Yet, although the profit potential in range trading might not be as significant, it does allow traders to profit when currencies aren’t trending in one direction, which is happens quite frequently in the Foreign Exchange markets. The general assumption is that 80% of the time the markets trade within a range, rather than trending in one direction.
Another advantage is the simplicity. Once a range has been determined, the trader can set specific entry and exit points. The process is fairly straightforward. Additionally, compared to trend trading, the risk/reward parameters of range trading are much more defined.
Want to learn more about day trading? Consider taking the Learn Forex course from Learn to Trade. It’s a low-cost option for learning Forex trading fundamentals and specific Forex strategies.
My credit card recently managed to be two places at the same time.
One place was in my wallet, where I expected it to be. But according to my monthly statement, the card also visited a variety of stores in an Atlanta mall without me.
Welcome to the reality of modern credit card fraud.
I can’t know what happened for sure, but since I never lost my physical card, I can make an educated guess. Most likely, the card data had been compromised from a vendor. That data was probably sold on the black market and cloned onto a different card. It may have even changed hands again at that point, sold on the street to someone with the sense to use the card on only a single shopping spree before disposing of it.
Because my accounts are regularly reviewed, I reported the fraud to American Express and the company promptly cancelled that card and issued me a new one. This way, no one can resell my compromised data and start the process over again.
While it is possible for thieves to get their hands on your credit card info through a compromised gas pump or ATM, massive data breaches are a much more likely culprit these days. Proper precautions, such as using secure payment websites, keeping an eye out for phishing attempts that ask for credit card information and avoiding the temptation to store credit card data in your browser (especially on a laptop or mobile device), are smart tactics to lower your risk. But security is not only up to the credit card holder.
No one should be foolhardy with their Visa or MasterCard information, but it is unrealistic to expect to 100 percent effectively prevent theft on the front end. If you use a credit card at all, the security of your data will routinely be in the hands of people other than you. This isn’t news to most of us. A 2014 Gallup poll put credit card information theft at the top of the list of crimes Americans worried about on a personal level – which is maybe not that surprising when 27 percent of those polled said that they or a member of their household had experienced such theft.
Retailers could certainly be doing more to help. My stolen American Express card has a chip, which makes it harder to spoof – or it would, if more stores offered the technology necessary to read the chip at the cash register. But most American retailers have not implemented that technology yet. This is almost certainly why a new Barclays report said that the United States represented 47 percent of the world’s credit card fraud, despite accounting for only 24 percent of global credit card volume. The chip, often called EMV for Europay, MasterCard and Visa, increases security and has been largely adopted in Europe, Canada, Asia and Australia. A chipped card isn’t foolproof, but as merchants and banks slowly start to transition to deploy them ahead of an October deadline to make the switch, the U. S. should catch up in reduced fraud levels.
Even now, credit card fraud is not the monster it might seem to be in many consumers’ minds. Mark Nelson, the senior vice president of risk products and business intelligence at Visa, recently said that even in a widespread data breach, issuers typically only see 2 to 5 percent of the compromised data actually turn up in fraudulent transactions. And the Wall Street Journal reported that while the number of victims remains a serious problem, actual monetary fraud losses have decreased, suggesting that banks and other card issuers are catching fraud earlier. These days, automated systems flag unusual purchases in milliseconds, leading issuers to proactively get in touch if something seems suspicious. And while unauthorized charges are undoubtedly a hassle, nearly all major card issuers have a $0 fraud liability policy for cardholders. The law also limits liability for a stolen card to $50, and you have no responsibility for any charges after you report the card’s loss or fraudulent use.
Ultimately you know best whether you made a particular transaction, so it is still important to closely monitor your card. Online banking platforms make it easy to check in on your accounts regularly. Depending on how you use your credit card, transaction alerts – available from most issuers – may also give you an early warning system.
In general, credit cards are a relatively secure payment method, and they are becoming more so as technology advances. There is no reason to go running back to cash, despite emotional impulses to do so. But my tale about a card that managed to be in two places at once is a reminder that responsible stewardship, like responsible parenting, requires you to know where your charges are.
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UK lowers interest rates Phuong, 0935196766 Britain recently became the first developed country in two years to lower interest rates, guiding its repo rate downward to 4.5%. However, representatives from the Central Bank effectively dismissed speculation that other rate cuts would follow, calling the move “economic fine-tuning.” They will continue to target inflation, which is likely to resurface once Britain’s economy resumes its expansion. Many analysts believe policy-makers in other developed regions will soon follow suit, ushering in a period of tight monetary policy. Those analysts may be forced to wait, however. The Financial Times reports: The European Central Bank maintained its main interest rate at 2 per cent. Recently, evidence from business surveys appeared to back its view that conditions in the eurozone were improving
0903930134 SG
Hedge Funds play currency markets 0903930134 Huong SG As the number of new hedge funds grows, existing funds have found themselves in a continuous search for new investments. The latest fad among hedge funds is currency trading. The forex markets are the largest and most liquid in the world, and are largely unregulated. Because the ability to buy and sell multi-million dollar positions is paramount, hedge funds have piled into the markets. Industry experts now feel hedge funds moving in tandem are able to single-handedly defend or move currencies, which is a scary thought for those who though currency markets were immune to manipulation. Hedge funds, however, have argued that they function as a positive force in the markets. The Globe and Mail reports: “I think that the more players that are out there, it's going to improve liquidity and lead to less misalignments because there should be more money on both sides of the markets.”
0907657139 SG
Will UK continue to lower rates?
0907657139 Phuong SG
Last week, the UK Central Bank voted to lower interest rates for the first time in two years, to 4.5%. Economists and analysts are already mooting the possibility of another decline before year-end, in anticipation of lower-than-expected UK economic growth. Several UK policy makers, however, are reluctant to lower rates any further, lest they incite another housing bubble. Rising home prices have already fuelled excessive borrowing and a proportionate rise in consumer spending. Officials, however, are worried that these spending levels have reached dangerous levels, rising twice as fast as wage growth statistics would seem to imply. The upshot is a very low likelihood of continued rate cuts. The Economist reports: It is unlikely that Britons are in for a series of interest-rate cuts. The Bank of England knows that no good will come of re-inflating the housing bubble, which would only result in worse pain down the road, as more consumers fall into the trap of too much debt.
0914.401.609 Nhật
Currency options gain popularity 0914.401.609 Nhật Derivatives have always been an important part of forex trading. As if 200:1 leverage isn’t enough, many traders enjoy speculating on currencies through the long and short purchases of derivatives (forwards, futures, options, and swaps). Most popular among retail forex traders are currency options, in which one pays for the right to purchase or sell a currency at a fixed exchange rate at some point in the future. In fact, one firm recently introduced a new type of options trading designed in an intuitive way for forex traders. The vehicle is known as a box option and allows traders to graphically select support and resistance levels for a particular currency pair, in the shape of a box. The return depends on if and by how much the theorized levels are actually breached. Business Wire reports: This is the first and only product of its kind in the financial marketplace. "BoxOption provides…investors with a powerful new derivative for which they can do any number of things, from hedging exchange rate risk and currency positions, to direct investing in the movement of the currency markets."
Canadian Dollar linked to Oil Oanh 0983985653 It seems Canadian exchange rates are highly correlated with the price of oil. This is not surprising, as resource-rich Canada has the second largest proven oil reserves in the world. In short, as oil has soared to record highs, the Canadian Dollar has also risen. At this point, a play on the Canadian Dollar is tantamount to betting the price of oil will continue to surge. A general rise in commodity prices has also made Canadian natural resource companies more profitable and hence, more valuable. Foreign investors have poured money into Canadian resource stocks, some of which may soon be acquired by foreign firms. These investments necessitate foreign currency conversion into Canadian Dollars, which has further boosted the currency. If this were not enough, Canada’s economy is strong, its trade surplus is growing, and its Central Bank may soon raise interest rates. Bloomberg news reports: “Oil, equities and general U. S. dollar selling” is supporting the Canadian dollar, said a chief foreign-exchange strategist. The Canadian dollar may also benefit from being included in China's currency basket as investors speculate about “the Chinese putting more of their money into Canada.”
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Descargo de responsabilidad: La negociación de divisas en el margen conlleva un alto nivel de riesgo y puede no ser adecuado para todos los inversores. El alto grado de apalancamiento puede trabajar en su contra, así como para usted. Existe la posibilidad de que usted podría sostener una pérdida en exceso a su inversión y por lo tanto no debe invertir dinero que no puede permitirse perder. Antes de decidir intercambiar divisas debe considerar cuidadosamente sus objetivos de inversión, nivel de experiencia y apetito de riesgo. Usted debe ser consciente de todos los riesgos asociados con el comercio de divisas y buscar asesoramiento de un asesor financiero independiente si tiene alguna duda. Cualquier opinión, noticias, investigación, análisis, precios u otra información contenida en este sitio web se proporciona como comentario general del mercado y no constituye asesoramiento de inversión. FXCM no aceptará ninguna responsabilidad por cualquier pérdida o daño, incluyendo, sin limitación, cualquier pérdida de beneficio, que pueda surgir directa o indirectamente del uso o dependencia de dicha información.
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One of the best forex trading strategy designed around the London Close Trading Session. See detailed forex trades here of these results: Out of 560 total trades . 520 winners . 22 break even & 18 Losers. That's a 93% winning ratio.
The Best Time To Trade
* London Close session is one of the best times to trade. It overlaps the New York session and volume of trade is usually higher for the major currency pairs.
What is the best time to trade forex?
The best time to trade forex is usually around the open and close of the various trading sessions. Although the forex market is open 24 hours a day for 5 days, you will always find good trading activities around the open and the close of the normal market hours. You can focus only on this times to trade. That way, you are not sitting on your computer, watching the charts all day long. The London Close trading strategy by Shirley Hudson is an awesome example of a trading focused on one of the best times to trade. What is the London Close Strategy? It is a simple forex trading system that Shirley came up with that has proven to be very profitble. Check the London close trading system on this page. You can take this strategy an apply to any other trading session.
What are the opening and closing trading times of interest?
1. Tokyo Forex Trading Session is from 7PM-4AM EST You can trade some of these pairs during this forex trading sessions. USD/JPY, EUR/JPY, GBP/CHF and GBP/JPY short term traders opportunity. 2. New York Forex Trading Session is from 8AM-5PM EST New York is the second largest Forex marketplace. 3. London Forex Trading Session is from 2AM-12PM EST London is the most important trading center in the world. It is also the most active. It overlaps with the New York Trading Session. 4. London New York Overlap starts from 8AM-12PM EST These are the 4 best times to trade forex. Focus on this sessions and you will find some really good trading opportunities. Shirley Hudson, London close strategy is awesome. As you can see on the right of this page, her results is awesome. You can see updated results here This is an awesome time to trade. You can evaluate it yourself. Take up your chart and only focus on one session, based on your time availability and you will soon determine a reasonable strategy recurring around that particular trading session. If you want a time tested strategy and you can trade from 8am to 12 noon EST, then I suggest you go with Shirley's London Close trading strategy. I turned $202 inot $12,666 within two months. So yes there is profit in forex trading. Shirley has taken the time to record her results and the details of her strategy can be found at the London Close link on your right.
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London Close Strategy
London Close Success Strategy With this scalping strategy, you could become a consistent, self-empowered, forex success story. In 14 months of careful record keeping, Shirley has profited an astounding 5763 pips (and counting). Out of 290 total trades . a staggering 265 were winners . 10 were break even trades and only 14 trades actually lost money! That's a 90% winning ratio with an average return of 22 pips gain per trade! You will not fine a better trading strategy than this. Click : Details on London Close Scalping Strategy
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License Agreement, Terms of Use, Disclaimer and Risk Disclosure Trading foreign exchange on margin carries a high level of risk, and may not be suitable for all investors. El alto grado de apalancamiento puede trabajar en su contra, así como para usted. Before deciding to invest in foreign exchange (forex market) you should carefully consider your investment objectives, level of experience, and your personal risk. The possibility exists that you could sustain a loss of some or all of your initial investment. Usted puede perder más que su inversión inicial. Usted debe ser consciente de todos los riesgos asociados con el comercio de divisas y buscar asesoramiento de un asesor financiero independiente si tiene alguna duda. Forex currency trading has a high profit potential, but also includes a large potential risk. Usted debe ser consciente de los riesgos y estar dispuesto a aceptarlos con el fin de invertir en los mercados de divisas. The historical results of trading signals or strategies in the forex market cannot guarantee a profit in the future. The past performance of any trading system is not necessarily indicative of future results. No negocie con dinero que no puede permitirse perder. Esto no es ni una solicitud ni una oferta de compra / venta de futuros u opciones. No se está haciendo ninguna representación de que cualquier cuenta tenga o sea probable obtener ganancias o pérdidas similares a las discutidas en este sitio web. Forex Lib or Forex Port does not guarantee income or success, and examples shown on Forex Lib or Forex Port do not represent an indication of future success or earnings. Su comercio real puede dar lugar a pérdidas, ya que no se garantiza el sistema de comercio. Information contained in this product are not an invitation to trade any specific investments. Negociación requiere arriesgar dinero en la búsqueda de ganancias futuras. No arriesgues dinero que no puedas perder. 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Trading style: attempts to capture large trend movements. Currency pairs: EURUSD, EURJPY, GBPJPY Timeframe: H1 Expert Advisor price: $129 NFA compliance: full (special parameter) Refund policy: 30 days, unconditional Read more at the Forex Trend Hunter website
Note: in spite of its recent good performance, the system is no longer available for sale.
Birt’s forward test
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Developing a Successful Forex Mindset
As a priority, aspiring traders need to develop a mind-set that will allow them to trade the Forex Market successfully. They must realise that emphasis should be placed on the psychological approach to trading because it is this that will ultimately determine whether success can be achieved. The Forex techniques, tools and products will be discussed but it is their correct deployment over time that will be shown to be the most important consideration.
Why is the mindset so important and how does a novice aspire to achieve a successful one? To answer these questions, let us analyze the difference between the way beginners and experts trade. A methodology will then show you how to progress from one state to another by using an iterative process involving small increments of risk.
Your own psychology, without doubt, will be the main item that will influence the potential income you will earn from trading Forex. To understand the reason for this, consider the following background.
As you no doubt know, the Foreign Exchange Market involves the simultaneous buying of one currency and the selling of another. Many Retail Forex Brokers exist who offer individuals the opportunity for speculative trading on the Foreign Exchange Market. They and other interested parties promote heavy marketing at all times claiming how easy it is to make a steady income, if not a fortune, by Forex Trading. Amazing products are advertised informing new traders about training courses, trading strategies and tools all designed to guarantee almost certain success.
However, statistics paint a different picture indicating that 95% of all new traders lose their entire invested capital within 3 to 4 months from trading startup. Only 1% of traders actually made a significant income from Forex.
So why is there such a discrepancy between the marketing hype and the real results? Why is Forex trading so difficult and what are you not being told? What is more, you can easily gain access to this amazing market together with the many powerful Forex tools that are constantly being advertised. Surely, therefore, making a profit must be a walk in the park. Unfortunately, this is not so. This constant bombardment of publicity has undesired effects on the psychology of beginners and the unwary.
As a result, many novices start their trading careers believing that Forex can be made easy, that they can get rich quick and that they only need to apply minimum effort in order to achieve the results that they require. They can also be of the opinion that they can just jump on the bandwagon by listening to Forex Gurus or using Forex tools such as robots. However, by performing these types of actions, they do not develop the mental strength or confidence in their own trading skills and as a result give up sooner than later.
Experts, on the other hand, have a completely different mindset altogether. They are in control of their financial future because they have developed confidence and strong mental disciple from executing their trading systems over the long haul. They learn from others without mimicking.
Is it possible to evolve your psychology to that of an Expert quickly, you may ask? Yes it is because if you follow a methodology that will enable you to do just that. Do not be deluded as this process will require your time and some money as an investment but you should considered this as an educational cost. As you must agree, investing money to improve your trading mindset from the outset is far better than just gambling aimlessly on the Forex Market in an undisciplined fashion.
This article is one of a series that will show you how to do just that.
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Estrategias Forex
Currency rates are mostly set in the forex interbank market. Retail forex market is different from the forex interbank market. Retail forex brokers act as middlemen between the retail traders and the interbank market. Retail forex market is full of small traders. The trade size is usually so small that the retail forex broker is at a disadvantage. The retail forex broker is forced to act as the retail trader's sole counterpart. The retail forex broker is unable to offset the trade in the interbank market due to its small size immediately. A forex broker has to wait for a number of small trades to aggregate before offsetting them in the interbank market.
Making artificial market for their clients is not an issue for forex brokers when the liquidity is good since they simply offset their risk in the interbank market. However, this represents a great problem for the retail forex broker in illiquid times and an opportunity for the small traders.
Most of the time, the price rises or falls then reaches a critical level. As a trader, we all know every now and then the market will test a critical level. The Big Figure Trade is an example of how you can take advantage of your retail forex broker limitations.
What can be that critical level? It can be a Fibonacci level, a trendline or maybe even a big figure. The actual level is not important. The forex market will often reach a critical level where most of the traders believe that it cannot go higher during sharp, one sided intra day price moves.
Traders initiate short positions near that level. Don't forget price moves in the forex market tend to be self fulfilling. Usually there is a big round number that short sellers set their stops above. Round numbers have a certain psychological appeal for many traders. Most tend to place their stops or profit targets at round numbers.
Forex broker knows the position of all the clients. When the forex broker sees a lot of stops placed close to a certain level, this is the time when the forex dealers mount their attack on the stops. The short sellers are confident that the market is overbought enough and it will not have the energy to push past the psychologically important number.
Now this is what happens when the forex broker mount an attack on the stops. The typical price action is for the price to fail near the figure a couple of times before the forex brokers produce a quick coordinated attack on the number quickly setting off the number lying above. How do you know that an attack has been mounted on the stops? The best method is to subscribe to two different price feeds. When an attack is mounted, price action on the broker feed will be different than the other feed.
Most traders have this happen to them a number of times. In an instant the rate is below the big figure. A quick blip and your stops are busted. The price action than promptly crashes in the expected direction immediately! So beware of your forex brokers. Broker Nightmare is software that you can use that can hide your positions from the broker. The broker may never know the position of your stops. But placing stops near round number is what most traders do by instinct.
This trade works especially well for the retail forex brokers with their fixed spreads and guarantees forces them to make a market where there is none. By taking out a lot of stops instantly, forex brokers make a lot of money. Nothing is more aggravating to a trader than this setup knowing that your money was quickly taken away.
Most of this price action is taking place on the broker price feed. The action is so quick and one sided that in the interbank market virtually no trading is possible at those prices when the forex broker pushes the rate higher and trips stops above the big figure.
You can take advantage of this knowledge by placing your big figure trade. Although a true bank dealer may not be able to get the fill at those prices but you can. Spreads widen typically only the offer side of the quote runs higher since no forex dealer would want to be long above the figure.
Because of the fixed spreads and the guarantees the forex broker is forced to take the order. As long as the rate traded is there most forex brokers would fill you at those prices just as they would have if they were filling your stops instead. The round number where most of the stops are placed gives you the big figure trade.
Pulling of this trade requires identifying the setup, knowing the forex broker game plan and staying one step ahead of them. You know exactly how much you are going to lose if the trade goes wrong. The beauty of this trade is that your risk is limited and determined. Remember that money management should always be at the forefront of your trading decisions.
You now know that broker do stop hunting. You are going to use this as an opportunity to make a few quick pips for yourself. How do you identify the setup for the big figure trade? Know your forex broker's game plan. Look for one way trending market. Overbought readings and obvious targets of round numbers! You know that the forex broker wants to trip stop losses above say 1.5000 GBP/USD price level and collect some quick pips. As soon as the stops are tripped the price will quickly drop back to the previous levels.
How are you going to set your orders for the big figure trade? Set sell order lot no 1 at 1.5000. Set sell order lot no 2 at 1.5005. Set sell order lot no 3 at 1.5010. Set take profit for these lots at 5 pips below the figure or 1.4995. Set the stops for all these three lots at 20 pips above the figure or 1.520. Suppose there is no spike. Your orders do not get triggered. You are not in the market.
Suppose the spike goes beyond 1.520, your three lots get stopped out. You lose 20+15+10= 45 pips. You will want to ask at this point what happened to the money management rules that are so important for traders. It is better to take quick profit rather than risk losing it all waiting for a deeper correction because of the high probability of the trade working out in your favor.
However, the spike is momentary is nature and will not go beyond a few pips above the big figure where most of the stops are placed. Remember you are trying to take advantage of the forex broker's actions and not predicting the future. The expected price action is a spike meant to trip stops than a quick decline and that is what you are going to exploit.
The chance of the spike going 15-30 pips is remote if it is a broker initiated move and not a market initiated move. Since the brokers are bound to honor any order made at these prices, they are going to keep the spike as quick as possible. Now let's use an example to make clear how the big figure trade works. Suppose the forex broker makes a quick move beyond 1.5000. The stops go off. The price trades briefly over 1.5000, only a couple of pips to print a high of 1.5006. Only two of your orders get filled. The price quickly drops under the big figure.
How much you make with this quick spike? When the price reaches 1.4995, your profit take order for the two lots is quickly executed. You make a quick sure shot profit of 15 pips. Not bad for ten seconds of work.
Always plan your trade ahead of time. Just don't try to stumble into a trade. Be prepared ahead of time in order to trade the big figure. Get out if the trade does not work out immediately say something like 15 minutes. The price action is telling you that it is being supported by some real money demand rather than a broker in such a case.
In this trade you exploit the psychology of novice traders to place their stops close to a big figure number. This trade works best at the end of an overbought intra day trending move coupled with psychological numbers like 1.2, 1.5, 2.00 etc although the moves are similar near most round numbers,.
You have made stop hunting by the broker as an opportunity for yourself. You are only trying to ride the coat tails of your forex broker. Remember that you are not trying to predict the future like a reversal or continuation. The spike might continue higher for another 50 pips. It might top out and collapse.
This is a quick few second trade that can easily generate low risk few pips for you. Generally try to trade only close to the big figure since that is the one hiding stops. You are only in the trade for a low risk profit of 10-15 pips that the forex broker is generous enough to cough up for you.
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So, what exactly is the Simple Forex Tester?
The Simple Forex Tester is a software suite that hooks DIRECTLY into the most powerful Forex trading platform on the planet – MetaTrader 4. It utilizes the power of your computer and the data feed from your broker to very accurately re-play the market TICK FOR TICK, allowing you to place trades just like the market was live! Since the Simple Forex Tester has a very simple and intuitive GUI designed to look and feel just like MetaTrader 4 – there is no learning curve to get started! It looks and feels as if you were using a real account, except you have the ability to control time with pause, rewind, and fast-forward features. You can test any symbol/pair your MT 4 broker supports and trade in history, just like it was live! The Simple Forex Tester allows you full order placement capability including Buy/Sell orders, and pending orders such as Buy Stop, Sell Stop, Buy Limit, and Sell Limit. You can modify any order placed in real time, and use ANY MT 4 indicator in your practice sessions! So you just bought an expensive system? Check and see if it works! It is all possible with the Simple Forex Tester. We even allow you to give your orders an automatic trailing stop and breakeven level – features not currently possible on MT4 alone! The Simple Forex Tester is the ONLY tool on the market that will allow you to practice your trades with historical data using MetaTrader 4. You will not only be able to practice in history, but the amount of time it will save you is TREMENDOUS.
Simple Forex Tester Is A “Time Machine” That Can Turn 2 Days Into A Year And A Half.
Let’s take an example… “Average Joe” works a 9 to 5 job, and has to come home to 2 kids and a wife at the end of the day. Between dinner, helping little Jonny with homework and taking Susie to ballet practice, he can only squeeze in only 2 hours each day to practice trading (between 6pm and 8pm daily). Forex is closed on the weekends, so Joe is only able to trade 2 hours a day, 5 days a week – which equates to 10 hours a week. And keep in mind, he is ONLY trading between 6pm and 8pm (2 hours after work). If Joe had the strength to do this every single day for a year, he would log 520 hours for the year – which equates to about 65 days as an 8 hour-a-day full time trader. This is the MAXIMUM that poor ol’ “Average Joe” is able to do in a year given his schedule. However, if Joe spent 5 minutes installing the Simple Forex Tester, he could test the SAME AMOUNT OF TIME (520 hours) in as little as…
2 Hours!
That’s right! In just 2 short hours, our “Average Joe” has logged as much practice as an entire year on a demo account. That is one afternoon of time. Not only that, Joe is now trading over the entire 24 hour period instead of the 6pm and 8pm timeframe. This gives more trading opportunities, and allows him to practice every possible market condition. Let’s take that even further. The next day, if “Average Joe” is able to test another year in 2 hours, he has doubled his yearly time. This quite literally means that, if he keeps this up, he would be practicing 260 Times Faster. 260 Times Faster and More Productive. In one year, our “Average Joe” is able to log more trading hours than he could normally log in his entire lifetime…a couple of times over! As you can imagine, having such power over the market with this rapid education gives you an immediate advantage and catapults you that much closer to becoming a full time and successful Forex trader.
So How Exactly Does The Simple Forex Tester Work?
The Simple Forex Tester is a software program that hooks directly into your MetaTrader 4 platform and allows you to transform the MT 4 platform into a virtual “DVD Player” where you can simply re-play the markets and place virtual trades…tick for tick! Overly complicated systems are frustrating to use… so we made The Simple Forex Tester easy – right away – so you can spend less time tinkering with the software and more time focused on practicing your trades. With a simple five minute installation – you will be ready to trade. Once up and running, Simple Forex Tester allows you to utilize all of your brokers historical data to re-play the market for ANY pair, ANY timeframe, with the use of ANY indicators or strategies. The Simple Forex Tester is extremely user friendly. Most actions require only one click! But if you still can’t figure it out – we not only offer training videos to enhance your education, but also have a customer support team to guide you through any questions you may have.
In order to make money, you will have to manage your money the right way. Which means you will not trade higher than 0.1 lots for each 100$ in your account. 100 to 200 = 0.1 lots … Don’t worry, it won’t be long before you get to 200$ … 500$ … 1000$ +++
Your first deposit should be 105$ (why 105$ … you just said 100$)
Here’s why, AlertPay charges a small commission to FxOpen to process their transaction … and who ends up paying? The Client. So if you make a deposit of 100$ flat, you’ll end up with only 98$ something in your trading account. So to make sure you get that 25$ Bonus, deposit 105, and you’ll have a little more money to play with.
Now, your first 5 trades should be with a 0.1 volume … then you can double to 0.2 and so on.
With a minimum of 20 pips per trade,
1 st 5 trades @ 0.1 lot = 100$ next 3 @ 0.2 lot = 120$ next 2 @ 0.3 lot = 120$ next 2 @ 0.4 lot = 160$ next 1 @ 0.5 lot = 100$
Total after 13 trades = over 700$
Not bad for just a few hours. And keep in mind, the more you have, the more you can make. But don’t be greedy! Slow and steady wins the race.
Now, you’re probably wondering, how do I get those miraculous indicators? Well, as I mentioned at the end of chapter 2, this is how I get my piece of the pie. But don’t worry, you will not have to pay for them … I will give you those indicators for free only when you show that you are ready to trade.
What I mean is that you will have to open a real account and make a deposit before I give you the indicators.
Well, on each and every trade that you will do, I will make a profit. FXOpen will give me 1 pip worth of every trade according to the volume. Example you make a trade on the EURUSD with a 0.1 lot size, I will make 1$ … And what will it cost you?… NOTHING.
Make sure you select Standard Account.
Once this is done, you will have to fund your account. The easiest way is using AlertPay. If you don’t have an AlertPay account, Click here to open one.
I strongly recommend that you make a deposit of at least 100$ in order to get the 25$ Bonus from FXOpen.
Once you have funded your account, you will receive a confirmation email, then forward that email to chathura. fix@gmail. com and I will reply with the indicators attached in the email.
When you open an order, you will be able to set the price you want it to close at. To reduce the risk of a trade going in the wrong way and closing in a big loss, you want to set your Stop Loss just below the last Support or just over the last Resistance.
I recommend that if you are not sitting in front of your computer monitoring the market and waiting for a resistance or support to appear, set your TP at 20 pip above entry level.
Example in this picture,
Let’s say you open a buy order where the buy signal appears, you would place your Stop Loss 5 pips below the Support line, if you have time to monitor the market and wait for the next resistance, leave the TP box empty. Otherwise, set it at 20 pips over the entry level.
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I certainly hope that your first trade did close with a profit. If not, don’t worry, this is what this Blog will help you achieve. In ord.
When you open an order, you will be able to set the price you want it to close at. To reduce the risk of a trade going in the wrong way and.
In order to make money, you will have to manage your money the right way. Which means you will not trade higher than 0.1 lots for each 100$.
Now that you know how to setup your charts properly, let’s open an order. Hopefully it will be a profitable one, if not; it doesn’t matter.
Now, you’re probably wondering, how do I get those miraculous indicators? Well, as I mentioned at the end of chapter 2, this is how I get m.
If this is the first time you see the Meta Trader 4 Program, it may seem overwhelming and complicated, but once you know how it works, you w.
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Mensaje de navegación
Forex market is a place to earn good profits and at the same time the trading includes high level of risks too. Only the investors who can afford the losses are advised to invest in the Forex trading. The Trader should be capable of withstanding the high degree of leverage which may hit the account heavily. Forex market is a highly volatile market where assurance is impossible. The traders who invest should completely analyze the nook and corner of the market before investing as no one can take the responsibility for the losses they face. The brokers can only guide the traders. The brokers cannot take the responsibility for the losses. All withdrawals and deposits will be processed as per broker’s payment methods and terms. It is investor’s responsibility to move in a legal way, by submitting their proofs and investments.
Copyright 2016 © BlueMax Global Ltd. Authorized and regulated by the IFSC Belize.
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Forex Technical Outlook For EUR/USD (Daily)
Worldwide turmoil increased as more signs of global economic slowdown hit the wires this Tuesday, in the form of Markit Manufacturing PMIs.
China, the official manufacturing PMI survey declined by 0.4 point to 49.0 in February reaching its lowest mark since November 2011, while the EU reading fell to a 12 month low in February of 51.2 against previous 52.3, while in Japan, it declined to 50.1 from the previous 50.2.
European data was no better; the EU reading fell to a 12 month low in February of 51.2 against previous 52.3.
The rest of the major European economies, with the exception of Germany, printed readings below expectations, and neared the 50.0 mark.
The only positive news came from Germany, as unemployment in the country decrease by 10,000 in February, leaving the unemployment rate unchanged at 6.2%.
In the US, the ISM manufacturing index rose to 49.5 from 47.8 in January, still in contraction territory, while construction spending rose 1.5% in January, with increases in private and public spending.
The EUR/USD did not attract investors, slowly sliding towards its daily low, weighed by speculations the ECB may take some aggressive easing measures in its March meeting.
Technically, the 4 hours shows that the price bounced some from the low, while the Momentum indicator heads North within Bearish territory, recovering from oversold readings.
The fact that price did not follow the technical indicator suggests that Bears are still in control. In the same chart, the RSI indicator consolidates near oversold readings, and the 20-Day MA maintains a sharp Bearish slope above the current mark, all of which supports a test of the Key 1.0800/10 region, where buyers have been defending the Southside since last December.
Should the single currency trigger the large stops suspected below this region, the decline should extend South to the 1.0700 region.
Support marks:1.0810 1.0770 1.0730 Resistance marks: 1.0890 1.0925 1.0960
Technical analysis is a method of forecasting price movements by looking at purely market-generated data. Price data from a particular market is most commonly the type of information analyzed by a tech trader.
Pattern Recognition Analyst, equities, commodities, forex
Paul Ebeling is best known for his work as writer and publisher of “The Red Roadmaster’s Technical Report” on the US Major Market Indices™, a highly-regarded, weekly financial market letter, where he enjoys an international audience among opinion makers, business leaders, and respected organizations. Something of a pioneer in online stock market and commodities discussion and analysis, Ebeling has been online since 1994. He has studied and worked in the global financial and stock markets since 1984.
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Corporate Management Varengold Bank AG is registered at the Federal Financial Supervisory Authority (BaFin, Graurheindorfer Str. 108, 53117 Bonn, Germany; Fon: + 49 (0) 228 / 4108 – 0) under no. (109 520) 100 and published on the website www. bafin. de.
Varengold Bank AG's corporate purposes Varengold Bank AG conducts deposit business in the sense of §1 section 1 sentence 2 No.1 KWG, lending business in the sense of §1 section 1 sentence 2 No. 2, the purchase and sale of financial instruments in their own name for third parties (principle broking service) in the sense of §1 section 1 sentence 2 No.4 KWG, safe custody business in the sense of § 1 section 1 sentence 2 No. 5 as well as guarantee business in the sense of § 1 section 1 sentence 2 No. 8. Moreover the Varengold Bank AG holds permission for investment and contract brokerage according in the sense of §1 section 1a sentence 2 No.1 and No.2 KWG, investment advisory in the sense of §1 section 1a) sentence 2 No. 1a KWG, investment management in the sense of §1 section 1a) sentence 2 No. 11 KWG, financial portfolio management in the sense of §1 section 1a sentence 2 No.3 KWG, as well as the permission for own account trading in the sense of §1 section 1a) sentence 2 No. 4 KWG, own business in the sense of §32 section 1a) KWG, factoring in the sense of §1 section 1a) sentence 2 No.9 KWG and finance leasing in the sense of §1 section 1a) sentence 2 No.10 KWG.
Deposit guarantee Varengold Bank AG belongs to the Compensatory Fund of German banks (EdB) www. edb-banken. de.
Publisher of this website Marketing of Varengold Bank AG, Grosse Elbstrasse 27, 22767 Hamburg, Germany
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A sample forex strategies table for major pairs
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Updated tables will be emailed to you at least twice a day. If anything extraordinary happens, we will send an additional update!
It is usually reasonable to divide your portfolio into two parts: the core investment part and the satellite speculative part. The core part is the one you would want to make profit with in the long-term thanks to the long-term trend in price changes. Such an approach is a clear investment as you are bound to keep your position opened for a considerable amount of time in order to realize the profit. The speculative part is quite the contrary. You would open a speculative position with short-term gains in your mind and with the awareness that even though potentially more profitable than investments, speculation is also way more risky. In typical circumstances investments should account for 60-90% of your portfolio, the rest being speculative positions. This way, you may enjoy a possibly higher rate of return than in the case of putting all of your money into investment positions and at the same time you may not have to be afraid of severe losses in the short term.
How to read these tables?
1. Support/Resistance - three closest important support/resistance levels 2. Position/Trading Idea: BUY/SELL - It means we are looking to open LONG/SHORT position at the Entry Price. If the order is filled we will set the suggested Target and Stop-loss level. LONG/SHORT - It means we have already taken this position at the Entry Price and expect the rate to go up/down to the Target level. 3. Stop-Loss/Profit Locked In - Sometimes we move the stop-loss level above (in case of LONG) or below (in case of SHORT) the Entry price. This means that we have locked in profit on this position. 4. Risk Factor - green "*" means high level of confidence (low level of uncertainty), grey "**" means medium level of confidence, red "***" means low level of confidence (high level of uncertainty) 5. Position Size (forex) - position size suggested for a USD 10,000 trading account in mini lots. You can calculate your position size as follows: (your account size in USD / USD 10,000) * (our position size). You should always round the result down. For example, if the result was 2.671, your position size should be 2 mini lots. This would be a great tool for your risk management! Position size (precious metals) - position size suggested for a USD 10,000 trading account in units. You can calculate your position size as follows: (your account size in USD / USD 10,000) * (our position size). 6. Profit/Loss on recently closed position (forex) - is the amount of pips we have earned/lost on recently closed position. The amount in USD is calculated on the assumption of suggested position size for USD 10,000 trading account. Profit/Loss on recently closed position (precious metals) - is profit/loss we have earned/lost per unit on recently closed position. The amount in USD is calculated on the assumption of suggested position size for USD 10,000 trading account.
But our service is not only a strategies table - you will get much more, including commentaries, analyses and forecasts from our economists.
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GCI Trading ensures the worldwide investors for better industry standards, customized superior spreads and suitable product offerings and trading conditions.
GCI Forex is a securities and commodities trading firm, specializing in online Foreign Exchange (“Forex”) brokerage. In addition to Forex, GCI is a primary market maker in Contracts for Difference (“CFDs”) on shares, indices and futures, and offers one of the fastest growing online CFD trading services. GCI has over 10, 000 clients worldwide, including individual traders, institutions, and money managers. GCI provides an advanced, secure, and comprehensive online trading system. Client funds are insured and held in a separate customer account. In addition, GCI Financial maintains Net Capital in excess of most minimum regulatory requirements.
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Exención de responsabilidad de los gobiernos de los Estados Unidos - La negociación de divisas en margen conlleva un alto nivel de riesgo y puede no ser adecuada para todos los inversores. El alto grado de apalancamiento puede trabajar en su contra, así como para usted. Antes de decidir invertir en divisas debe considerar cuidadosamente sus objetivos de inversión, nivel de experiencia y apetito de riesgo. Existe la posibilidad de que usted podría sostener una pérdida de parte o la totalidad de su inversión inicial y por lo tanto no debe invertir dinero que no puede permitirse perder. Usted debe ser consciente de todos los riesgos asociados con el comercio de divisas, y buscar el asesoramiento de un asesor financiero independiente si tiene alguna duda. Clearly understand this: Information contained within this course is not an invitation to trade any specific investments. Negociación requiere arriesgar dinero en la búsqueda de ganancias futuras. Esa es tu decisión. No arriesgues dinero que no puedas perder. Este documento no tiene en cuenta sus circunstancias financieras y personales. Está destinado únicamente a fines educativos y NO como asesoramiento individualizado de inversión. Do not act on this without advice from your investment professional, who will verify what is suitable for your particular needs & circumstances. Failure to seek detailed professional personally tailored advice prior to acting could lead to you acting contrary to your own best interests & could lead to losses of capital.
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taiwoakin : Anigold, when are you starting the signals for 2015 The moderator has been deleting/hiding my post. I made a signal post yesterday at 11:29pm but that post has been deleted, this has been happening I dont know the reason behind that..
But u can follow my signals on FOREX PEACE ARMY FORUM just Google "Horlique2/forexpeacearmy"
The last signal just gave a 210pips profits
Trade 102 Sell Eurusd at 1.18912 stops=55pips targets=150pips risk 1%
Sell Audusd at 0.80871 Stops= 55pips targets=200pips risk 1% here
we are risking just 2% here Goodluck to all..
Sell Audusd at 0.81574 stops=65pips targets= 165pips risk 1% here ________________________________ Sell GBPJPY AT 179.571 stops= 65pips targets= 200pips risk 1% here (____(__________________________ Sell Eurjpy at 140.051 stops= 65pips targets= 200pips risk 1% here ============================= Total risk=3% Goodluck to all
Sell Audusd at 0.81574 stops=65pips targets= 165pips risk 1% here ________________________________ Sell GBPJPY AT 179.571 stops= 65pips targets= 200pips risk 1% here (____(__________________________ Sell Eurjpy at 140.051 stops= 65pips targets= 200pips risk 1% here ============================= Total risk=3% Goodluck to all So TRADE UPDATE: Trade 103 results= 107 pips profits.
i)Sell GBPJPY+Sell EURJPY=90pips profits ii)Sell AUDUSD=17pips profits
Trade 104 SELL USDJPY AT 117.920 Stops=60pips Targets=165pips Risk 1% _____________________ BUY GBPUSD AT 1.51593 Stops=60pips Target=165pips Risk 1% ================== GOODLUCK TO ALL Total risk=2%
U are really doing a good job, just keep it up and don't be discouraged for you have helped many in different ways.."FX IS SWEET".
anigold : Trade 104 SELL USDJPY AT 117.920 Stops=60pips Targets=165pips Risk 1% _____________________ BUY GBPUSD AT 1.51593 Stops=60pips Target=165pips Risk 1% ================== GOODLUCK TO ALL Total risk=2% Trade 104= 170pips profits
Trade 105 SELL Goldusd at 1231.05 Stops=90pips Targets=200pips Risk 1% here ____________________ SELL Nzdusd at 0.77199 Stops=55pips Targets=150pips
Copied from talk naira. com
Sell GBP/USD From 3:25AM Till 7:25AM Sell at 1.5236 Take profit at 1.5202 Stop loss at 1.5282
Sell EUR/USD at 1.1789 From 4:35AM to 8:35AM Take profit at 1.1752 Stop loss at 1.1842
Buy USD/CAD at 1.1959 From 4:35AM Till 8:35AM Take profit at 1.1988 Stop loss at 1.1918
Sell NZD/USD 0.7721 From 4:39AM to 8.39AM Take profit* at 0.7682 Stop loss at 0.7772
Sell Nzdusd at 0.77804 stops=40pips targets=120pips risk 1% here ________________________________ Sell Gbpusd at 1.51149 stops=60pips targets= 160pips risk 1% here ________________________________
Buy Usdjpy at 117.520 stops=55pips targets=150pips risk 1% here /////////////////////////////// So we are risking 3% here.
Goodluck to all
Sell Nzdusd at 0.77804 stops=40pips targets=120pips risk 1% here ________________________________ Sell Gbpusd at 1.51149 stops=60pips targets= 160pips risk 1% here ________________________________
Buy Usdjpy at 117.520 stops=55pips targets=150pips risk 1% here /////////////////////////////// So we are risking 3% here.
Goodluck to all TRADE 106 results= 210pips profits.. congratulation to all who took this trade.
BUY GOLDUSD AT 1293.68 Stops=75pips Targets=200pips Risk 1% here _____________________ BUY GBPUSD AT 1.51434 Stops=55pips Targets=150pips Risk 1% here //////////////////////// Goodluck to all Total risk=2%
BUY GOLDUSD AT 1293.68 Stops=75pips Targets=200pips Risk 1% here _____________________ BUY GBPUSD AT 1.51434 Stops=55pips Targets=150pips Risk 1% here //////////////////////// Goodluck to all Total risk=2% Trade 107 results= 101 pips profits. another big win in the bag.
TRADE 108 BUEURJPYPY AT 136.834 Stops=60pips Targets=200pips Risk 1% here _____________________ BUY GBPUSD AT 1.51410 Stops= 55pips Targets= 150pips Risk 1% here /////////////////////// TOTAL RISK=2% GOOD LUCK..
anigold : TRADE 108 BUEURJPYPY AT 136.834 Stops=60pips Targets=200pips Risk 1% here _____________________ BUY GBPUSD AT 1.51410 Stops= 55pips Targets= 150pips Risk 1% here /////////////////////// TOTAL RISK=2% GOOD LUCK. Trade 108 results= 55pips profits
TRADE 109 Buy USDJPY AT 118.460 Stops=55pips Targets=200pips Risk 1% here _____________________ SELL USOIL at 46.44 Stops=80pips Targets=200pips Risk 1% here ================== PLEASE NOTE IF YOU ARE TAKING ONLY usdjpy trade risk 2%
anigold : TRADE 109 Buy USDJPY AT 118.460 Stops=55pips Targets=200pips Risk 1% here _____________________ SELL USOIL at 46.44 Stops=80pips Targets=200pips Risk 1% here ================== PLEASE NOTE IF YOU ARE TAKING ONLY usdjpy trade risk 2% Good day bro pls help me out I am a newbies and I have pass through babypips but I still never get many things in trading forces, I will be happy if somebody can help me out, and I just open demo account with insta the and xml. pls help me
anigold : TRADE 109 Buy USDJPY AT 118.460 Stops=55pips Targets=200pips Risk 1% here _____________________ SELL USOIL at 46.44 Stops=80pips Targets=200pips Risk 1% here ================== PLEASE NOTE IF YOU ARE TAKING ONLY usdjpy trade risk 2% Trade 109= 2% loss
anigold : Hello guys, I have been trading forex for a while now, i just wanna share some of my trading signals free for all. I have made some decent profits/monies from Forex trading. Due to the huge amount of scams online its very difficult to know who is actually a good forex trader. --------------------------------------------- 1)WHEN TO GET MY SIGNALS; My signals will be posted at the end of the daily candle close which may be 10-20 minutes after the daily candle close or NEW YORK CLOSE(please if you dont know whats new york close google it thanks). ------------------------------------------ 2)RISK MANAGEMENT; The signals are pretty accurate but i plead you utilize my signals risking just 2% per trade. Risk/money management and Market psychology are very vital to trading success. ------------------------------------------ 3)MY RECOMMENDED PAIRS; Here are the currency pairs i trade(i dont trade jpy pairs); EUrusd, Gbpusd, Audusd, gbpcad, audcad, goldusd, nzdusd, gbpnzd, eurcad, euraud and gbpaud. I dont trade ''YEN PAIRS AND CHF PAIRS'' cos they are too unpredictable. I trade using Price action strategy. -------------------------------------------- So stay tune for my signals. I mainly trade on the Daily chart and rarely go to the 4hours chart. if your favourite pair is not in my currency list please just bear with me. 4)MONEY MANAGEMENT; I risk the same dollar amount per trade(s), and I risk 3% for 3 positions(1% per trade). 2% for 1 position or 2% for 2 positions(1% per each).. ------------------------------------------ 5)TRADE MANAGEMENT STYLE; Ya theres no perfect Trade management approach one have to choose a method that suite his/her personaliy, this is how i manage my open trades - once price move atleast atleast 60% of my stoploss value i will move my stops to breakeven(+2pips) in other to minimize losses. Thats is if my stop loss was 50 pips once price moves 30pips profits and above i will move stops to breakeven, sometimes price will stops me out in breakeven or price will continue moving in my prefered direction either way am always happy to end with breakeven than a loss ----------------------------------------- 6)THE HONEST TRUTH ABOUT FOREX; Irrespective what you have heard about forex, the truth is that one can consistently make money from forex but its easy said than done. To make money consistently one has to consistently do many things right during trading. Making money consistenly involves having more wins than losses thereby ending a trading month or trading year with profits. Making money consistenly in the forex market is very very difficult but also its very possible. According to some statisitics 96.6% traders are consistent lossers(i dont know how they came about that statistics but its somehow true). If you are still struggling to make money from forex you need to learn from someone who is actually trading prpfitably live with 100% honest proofs, forget about all the rubbish system sellers online 95% of all these system vendors are very poor traders(some dont even have live forex accounts), they only make money selling their poor systems to novice. ******************************* So stay tune and learn from my signals. I will also be posting some excellent forex articles.
MOD; I hope am posting on the right folder. ========================== for any question about forex mail me @; brinegold(at)gmail(dot)com i will reply immediately. my brother and my friend I dnt quite agree with your risk reward ratio, risking 55pips for 200pips is nt good enough. ur gonna loose in the long haul. I trade the jpy, I dnt understand why u dnt trade it. don't dissaude people from trading it.
na true i just dey tell you no deceive people anigold :
TRADE 110 Buy GBPAUD AT 1.90350 Stops=65pips Targets price=1.92000 Risk 1% _____________________ SELL NZDUSD AT 0.74230 Stops=50pips Targets price=0.73000 Risk 1% ================== GOOD LUCK TO ALL
kurupt1 : my brother and my friend I dnt quite agree with your risk reward ratio, risking 55pips for 200pips is nt good enough. ur gonna loose in the long haul. I trade the jpy, I dnt understand why u dnt trade it. don't dissaude people from trading it. trading is a personal thing. Nobody needs to agree with anybody. Even the experts do disagree on key issues But when you disagree, do so with good points Choice of currency pair is totally dependent on which pairs perform best with your trading system and risk appetite. risking 1 pip to gain 4 pips is in fact a textbook method of trading. its difficult to lose in the long run
And by the way, he hasnt adviced you to trade or not trade any particular pair H is just posting his signals, if you like them, follow and trade.
Trade 108 results= 55pips profits I dont understand the calculaions here How did you end up with 55 pips profit if you lost 1 trade and won 1 trade. 200 - 55 = 145 pips 150 - 60 = 90 pips
I dont understand the calculaions here How did you end up with 55 pips profit if you lost 1 trade and won 1 trade. 200 - 55 = 145 pips 150 - 60 = 90 pips wait for me, am watching chelsea match I will reply.
anigold : TRADE 110 Buy GBPAUD AT 1.90350 Stops=65pips Targets price=1.92000 Risk 1% _____________________ SELL NZDUSD AT 0.74230 Stops=50pips Targets price=0.73000 Risk 1% ================== GOOD LUCK TO ALL Good work you are doing Anigold. You have been consistent with this service you offer more success to you Subscribe to Accurate Forex Signals
Trade 111 Buy Goldusd at 1273.89 Stops=80pips Targets=200pips Risk 1% here __________________ SELL USDCAD at 1.25730 Stops=60pips Targets=180pips Risk 1% here _____________________
total risk= 2% GOODLUCK TO ALL.
anigold : Trade 111 Buy Goldusd at 1273.89 Stops=80pips Targets=200pips Risk 1% here __________________ SELL USDCAD at 1.25730 Stops=60pips Targets=180pips Risk 1% here _____________________
total risk= 2% GOODLUCK TO ALL. TRADE 111 RESULTS= 30 net pips profits..
A good way to start the month..
Forex Blog UK, USD, and AUD Update United States Dollar: The US dollar pared losses after sinking to a near four-week low Monday as former US Treasury Secretary Lawrence Summers withdrew from the race to lead the Federal Reserve, damping bets for an early end to the central bank’s monetary stimulus program. The US […]
United States Dollar . The US dollar pared losses after sinking to a near four-week low Monday as former US Treasury Secretary Lawrence Summers withdrew from the race to lead the Federal Reserve, damping bets for an early end to the central bank’s monetary stimulus program.
The US currency ended lower across the board as Summers’ withdrawal decision fuelled speculation the Fed will go slow on ending its expansionary policy, which tends to debase the currency.
His withdrawal is likely to put Janet Yellen, the Fed’s vice chair, as the front runner for the top job.
The Federal Open Market Committee will meet tomorrow and the day-after to discuss tapering its $85 billion-a-month bond-buying program.
Yellen is seen as less hawkish than Summers and is expected to carry on the generally loose monetary policy of the current chairman Ben Bernanke, if elected.
The ICE-dollar index, a gauge of the greenback’s strength against a basket of six major rivals, fell to 81.268 from 81.520 late Friday. The index fell as low as 80.968 earlier, the lowest since Aug 21.
The WSJ Dollar Index, an alternative benchmark that measures a slightly wider basket, edged lower to 73.53 from late Friday’s 73.78.
EURO: The euro advanced versus the greenback Monday as risk appetite increased following an announcement that Summers was pulling out of the running for the Fed’s chair.
The euro traded at $1.3339, compared with late Friday’s $1.3293. Currency strategists believe it could now hit Aug 20’s high of $1.3416.
Some analysts, however, believe the euro’s gain could comer under pressure ahead of German elections this weekend. The minority anti-euro AfD party is gaining popularity and could breach the five percent vote threshold to gain a seat in the parliament. The effect is unlikely to be long-term though as they are unlikely to join the government.
Also the dollar is unlikely to weaken much as the medium-term trend in US currency and Treasury generally tracks the trajectory of the US economy, which is currently upwards.
Japanese Yen . The yen gained ground against the greenback Monday as the US unit came under pressure following recent disappointing US economic data, forcing markets to pare expectations about the Fed’s much talked-about reduction in stimulus.
The Japanese currency rose 99.09 per US dollar from Friday’s level of 99.36. It was little changed against the euro at 132.11.
Trading was thin as the Japanese stock and bond markets were closed for a holiday Monday.
The dollar has also come under pressure since Syria agreed to give up the nation’s stockpile of chemical weapons to avert a US military strike.
Pound: Sterling soared to a eight-month high against a broadly weaker dollar Monday after Lawrence Summers, perceived to be more hawkish than the other candidate for the Federal Reserve’s top job, pulled out from the race to be the next Fed chief.
Sterling surged to $1.5963, its strongest since Jan 18, before trading at $1.5935. The British unit closed at $1.5875 last Friday, up 1.5 percent for the week.
Summers’ withdrawal makes his main rival Janet Yellen the front-runner to be the next chair of the Federal Reserve though Ronald Kohn, a former Fed vice chairman, is also on President Obama’s list of candidates. Summers was seen as more likely to rapidly reduce US bond buying, if elected.
Some analysts, however, believe the pound’s gain may not be sustained if the UK economy fails to consistently produce strong data in the coming months.
Nevertheless, market participants are gearing up for the Federal reserve to dial back its $85 billion monthly bond-buying program by a modest $10 billion following the Sept. 17-18 meeting.
Canadian Dollar . The Canadian dollar rose to its strongest level in a month amid speculation the US central bank won’t rapidly wind down its expansionary monetary policy, boosting demand for riskier assets.
The loonie, as the Canadian dollar is popularly known, rose 0.3 percent to change hands at C$1.0324 per US dollar in late afternoon business in Toronto. It had surged to $1.0283 earlier, the highest level since Aug 12.
Former Treasury Secretary Larry Summers were long perceived as an opponent to the Fed’s aggressive bond-buying program, aimed at pushing down borrowing costs. The other choices for the top job, including Bernanke himself, are all considered dovish in nature.
Crude oil, Canada’s biggest export, eased Monday with the October futures contract trading $1.62 lower at $106.59 a barrel in New York.
Australian Dollar . The Australian dollar edged higher versus the greenback Monday as riskier assets, including commodity-linked currencies, rebounded following an improvement in sentiments.
The Aussie, as the Australian dollar is popularly known, rose to 93.35 US cents from late Friday’s 92.38 US cents. It touched 93.94 in early trade, a level not seen since June 19.
The Australian unit may extend its gains further as the risk of additional weakness for the greenback has increased. With the Fed expected to continue its loose monetary policy in future, which many likens to electronically printing money that weighs on the currency, the backdrop for commodity currencies are expected to improve versus the greenback.
Currency strategists believe the Aussie could move higher if the minutes of the Reserve Bank of Australia’s September meeting hint at the end of further rate cuts on Tuesday.
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