Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Forex Bb Squeeze

La estrategia Momentum Squeeze (MOMS) es una estrategia de negociación diaria. La estrategia se puede aplicar en diferentes marcos temporales. Un plazo de 30 minutos es el más popular. MOMS combina el concepto útil de "momentum & rsquo; Con una estrategia llamada BB Squeeze. BB Squeeze, y como consecuencia también MOMS, identifica intervalos de muy baja volatilidad basados ​​en la relación entre bandas de Bollinger y bandas de Keltner. La estrategia MOMS merece ser estudiada en detalle.

Algunos comerciantes utilizan la estrategia MOMS para compartir. En el caso de las acciones es aconsejable utilizar sólo la estrategia para el swing de comercio mediante el trabajo en gráficos con un marco de tiempo 1 día.

Vídeo manual o automático

La estrategia en detalle

Cuándo abrir una posición?

La estrategia MOMS combina la volatilidad (fluctuaciones de precios) y el impulso (la velocidad de los cambios de precios). Cuando la volatilidad es baja durante un período de tiempo continuo, los comerciantes asumen que una ruptura es inminente. La volatilidad se juzga por la relación entre las bandas de Bollinger y las bandas de Keltner. Sin embargo, la simple apertura de una posición sobre la aparición de baja volatilidad continua es prematura. Aquí es donde el momento entra en juego. Dado que una ruptura se caracteriza generalmente por la aceleración de los cambios de precios, el momento relevante podría indicar cuándo comienza una ruptura del intervalo de baja volatilidad.

En el gráfico los períodos con baja volatilidad se muestran como líneas rojas sólidas. El momento se muestra como un histograma verde. Las señales se producen cuando este histograma cruza la línea cero hacia arriba o hacia abajo durante un período de baja volatilidad.

En este ejemplo, el impulso cruza la línea hacia arriba. Esta es una señal de compra. El comerciante no compra inmediatamente después de la cruz. Espera la confirmación. Sólo cuando la vela A está completa se compra una posición al precio de apertura de la vela B.

Este ejemplo es similar al ejemplo anterior. Se produce una señal de compra cuando el histograma de momento cruza la línea cero durante un período de baja volatilidad. Se compra una posición al precio de apertura de la vela B.

En este ejemplo hay dos períodos de baja volatilidad. Durante ninguno de los dos períodos, el histograma del momento cruza la línea cero. Así que en ambos casos no hay señal comercial.

En este ejemplo, el histograma de momento atraviesa la línea cero al mismo tiempo cuando se identifica un período de baja volatilidad. Esto no se considera una señal para abrir una posición. Cuanto más larga sea la baja volatilidad, mayor será la probabilidad de ruptura. Por lo tanto, no es necesario actuar sobre estas señales prematuras cuando se ha identificado una baja volatilidad.

En este ejemplo, el plazo se fija en 4 horas. La primera vez que el momento cruza la línea cero coincide con el comienzo del período de baja volatilidad. Esto no es una señal. No se abre ninguna posición. La siguiente señal es una señal de compra. Esta es una señal válida.

Es posible que en el mismo período de baja volatilidad ocurran dos o más señales de compra / venta. Todas estas señales se pueden actuar con la condición de que la posición abierta basada en la última señal haya sido cerrada.

Atención . MOMS está en su mejor momento después de un período continuo de baja volatilidad. Esto ocurre con frecuencia en aquellos CFDs que cotizan 24h / 24 (CAC, DAX, AEX, Nikkei, SP 500, Nasdaq, Dow Jones en FTSE 100). Por la mañana, cuando los mercados vuelvan a estar activos de nuevo, estos CFDs de 24 horas a menudo mostrarán un agradable estallido. Esta ruptura puede ser explotada con la estrategia MOMS.

Cuándo cerrar una posición?

La estrategia MOMS utiliza un precio objetivo y una parada. Tanto el objetivo como el stop se determinan sobre la base del ATR (rango verdadero medio). El ATR refleja la volatilidad intrínseca de un instrumento financiero. Cada instrumento tiene un ATR diferente. El ATR no es constante, evoluciona con el tiempo. Al determinar el objetivo y los comerciantes deben parar objetivo para una relación de retorno / riesgo de dos o más. Si, por ejemplo, el objetivo se establece en 2x ATR 14, entonces el tope máximo es 1x ATR 14.

Este ejemplo muestra un objetivo de 2x ATR y un stop de 1x ATR. Se alcanza el objetivo. La posición se cierra con un beneficio.

Atención . La herramienta WHS_ATR_Bands calcula 1/2. 1. 1 ВЅ y 2 bandas ATR por encima y por debajo de la vela sobre la base de la alta y baja de la vela. Los comerciantes también pueden calcular sus objetivos basados ​​en ATR y se detiene sobre la base de su precio de entrada.

La estrategia comercial de MOMS detecta intervalos caracterizados por una baja volatilidad y una aceleración de los cambios en los precios. La estrategia se puede aplicar en diferentes marcos de tiempo y es adecuado para el comercio de día y swing trading. Los índices del mercado, los pares de la divisa y las partes se pueden utilizar para negociar.

En NanoTrader Full, sigue estos pasos:

Elija el instrumento que desea operar.

Abra una tabla con el estudio "WHS MOMS".

La estrategia se establece para las salidas de posición basadas en el estocástico lento.






Bb Squeeze Advanced V2 Mq4

Indicador de Forex BB Squeeze Advanced V2

Se incluyó la imagen BB Squeeze Advanced V2 que muestra la apariencia del indicador justo después de que se use en su Metatrader. Si tal vez usted cree que la imagen de arriba es lo que está buscando, puede configurarlo. Hay incluso otros indicadores de banda Metatrader que puede seleccionar. Todo lo que debe hacer es visitar nuestro grupo indicador de banda para saber mucho más de lo que está disponible para.

BB Squeeze Indicator Descargar

BB Squeeze Indicator Descripción:

Tratando de encontrar un método donde se puede descargar gratis BB Squeeze Indicator. Bueno, has llegado al sitio correcto. Ahora, posiblemente puede obtener BB Squeeze indicador mq4 para Metatrader 4 o Metatrader 5 totalmente gratis. Como se ha demostrado y probado que este indicador satisface mejor para Metatraders & # 8211; MT4 y MT4, también está seguro de que esto funciona correctamente en todas las ediciones de todos los Metatrader.

También tuvimos la libertad de incorporar una foto de BB Squeeze para que pueda ver exactamente lo que parece después de configurar. Otros indicadores de la banda Metatrader también están disponibles en nuestro sitio. Para descargar estos indicadores, lo único que tiene que hacer es revisar la categoría Indicador de banda en nuestro sitio web. Después de seleccionar un indicador adecuado, puede descargar el archivo para que pueda utilizarlo.

Es necesario tener en cuenta que este indicador es bastante popular como el volumen de descargas siguen aumentando a diario. Como prueba, hay más de 1 personas que han descargado el BB Squeeze indicador, sumando tanto como un promedio de 19 descargas. Descargar este indicador es tan fácil, simplemente haga clic en el botón de descarga y guárdelo en su escritorio.

Realmente valoraremos si tomas algún tiempo en calificar el indicador. Además, estaremos muy contentos si haces opiniones positivas. Haciendo esto, permitirá a otros usuarios ser conscientes de la eficiencia de estos indicadores. Al hacer clic en el botón de compartir nos ayudará a llevar estos indicadores personalizados para mt4 a diferentes foros en línea. Muchas gracias por visitar www. downloadindicators. com, gracias por su tiempo en descargar nuestro BB Squeeze.

Indicador BB Squeeze

BB Squeeze Indicator Descripción:

Si está buscando una descarga gratuita de BB Squeeze Indicator. Entonces usted está explorando el sitio web ideal. Este indicador es perfecto para ambas versiones de Metatraders-MT4 y MT4 y sin duda funcionará en todas las versiones de Metatrader. Este es el BB Squeeze indicador mq4 para Metatrader 4 o Metatrader 5. Esto se ofrece totalmente gratis para su descarga.

BB Squeeze foto fue incluida que revela la apariencia del indicador inmediatamente después de que se utiliza en su Metatrader. Si te atraen junto con la imagen de arriba y también te resultan útiles, no dudes en instalarla. También hay algunos otros indicadores de banda Metatrader que puede seleccionar. Todo lo que quieres hacer es ir a nuestro grupo indicador de banda para saber más de lo que está en la tienda para.

Más y más personas están descargando este indicador. Hasta la fecha, hay aproximadamente 1 personas que descargaron el BB Squeeze acumulando un total de 138 descargas. Todo lo que debe hacer es hacer clic en el icono de descarga y guardar este indicador en su computadora.

Estamos muy agradecidos de que elijas descargar BB Squeeze desde nuestro sitio web. Por favor comparta ForexIndi con sus amigos cercanos si cree que nuestros indicadores gratuitos para el catálogo mt4 le han sido de ayuda. Puede hacer esto simplemente haciendo clic en el botón de compartir. Recuerde que las calificaciones que usted da ayudarán a otros usuarios de metatrader a tomar una decisión si nuestro indicador es la mejor opción accesible.

Descarga gratis BB-Squeeze-Indicator. mq4

Artículos Relacionados:

BB Squeeze V2 Indicator Descargar

BB Squeeze V2 Indicador Detalle:

Puede obtener un indicador de BB Squeeze V2 Indicador mq4 que descargará sin costo alguno para Metatrader 4 o Metatrader 5. De hecho, está en el lugar correcto si la causa que está comprobando Es descargar el BB Squeeze V2 indicador de comercio de divisas sin la necesidad de gastar sólo un centavo. Además, no tiene que preocuparse por la versión de Metatrader que tiene principalmente porque este indicador puede funcionar bien en ambas variaciones y también en otras versiones de Metatrader.

Para proporcionarle una idea de lo que precisamente lo que el BB Squeeze V2 aparece como parecerá poco después de que se pone, una imagen de ejemplo se muestra arriba. Si esto agarra su interés, a continuación, descargarlo sin demora. Además, si desea cambiar el indicador de banda con uno nuevo, puede elegir en el grupo Indicadores de banda de Metatrader. Por lo tanto, comenzar la búsqueda.

Podrías tener esto dentro de un par de minutos. Todo lo que necesitas hacer es siempre hacer clic en el enlace de descarga, así como guardar el archivo en su computadora. Usted absolutamente se sorprenderá con el rendimiento de la BB Squeeze V2 indicador tan pronto como terminado de configurarlo. Absolutamente, estarás disfrutando de las mismas emociones que las otras 1 personas han experimentado con este indicador. De hecho, estas descargas aumentan dramáticamente, disparando casi 31 descargas.

Su acto de descargar el BB Squeeze V2 a través de nuestro sitio de Internet nos trae orgullo y deleite. Y será genial si usted lo hará saber a sus amigos que nuestra colección de indicadores de comercio de divisas a través de www. downloadindicators. com ha sido una buena ayuda para usted. Hay un botón de la parte en esta página del Web que puedes chascar encendido para lograr esto. Recuerde que las clasificaciones que usted proporciona ayudará a otros comerciantes fx en tomar una decisión si nuestro indicador es la mejor opción accesible.

Mtf bb squeeze mq4 indicador es Forex indicador personalizado para MT4 y MT5. Puede descargar este indicador de forma gratuita y utilizarlo en su estrategia comercial. El mtf bb squeeze mq4 Forex indicador personalizado está construido para todos los comerciantes de Forex que utilizan metatrader 4 y metatrader 5 software comercial. Podemos simplemente trazar este indicador a nuestra carta de negociación. También puede revisar y calificar el indicador mtf bb squeeze mq4. Puede guardar este indicador de archivo mq4 en su trading de metatrader y utilizarlo de forma gratuita para mejorar su estrategia comercial.

Antes de trazarlo en su gráfico, primero tiene que descargarlo a través de este enlace. Mtf bb squeeze indicador mq4.

Cómo utilizar mtf bb squeeze mq4 indicador personalizado?

1. Descargar mtf bb squeeze mq4 indicador en el enlace anterior 2. Guardar mtf bb squeeze mq4 en la carpeta. 3. Abra o reinicie su software Metatrader 4. Elija un gráfico en el que desee trazar mtf bb squeeze mq4 Indicador 5. Haga clic en el botón "Indicadores" en su barra de herramientas 6. Apunte el cursor sobre "Personalizado" 7 8. Busque y haga clic en mtf bb squeeze mq4 Indicador en la lista "Custom" 8. Ajuste los ajustes o presione el botón OK 9. Ahora mtf bb squeeze mq4 indicador personalizado está disponible en su tabla de operaciones.

Cómo eliminar mtf bb squeeze mq4 indicador de su gráfico de comercio? 1. Elija la tabla de negociación donde está el indicador mtf bb squeeze mq4 2. Haga clic en el botón "Charts" en la barra de menú 3. Elija "Indicator list" 4. Elija mtf bb squeeze mq4 Indicador y delete

O 1. Elija la tabla de negociación donde se encuentra el indicador mtf bb squeeze mq4 2. Haga clic en Ctrl + i 3. Elija mtf bb squeeze mq4 Indicador y elimine

Nuestro blog tiene miles y más de Forex indicador personalizado para su actividad comercial. Usted puede buscar y descargar más Forex indicador personalizado. Todos los indicadores de este blog son totalmente gratuitos. Por favor use y pruebe de nuevo mtf bb squeeze mq4 indicator. Usted puede hacer la contribución para otros comerciantes de la divisa para encontrar la mejor estrategia para mtf bb squeeze mq4 indicador personalizado.

Título Puesto: mtf bb squeeze mq4 indicator Evaluación: 100% sobre la base de 99998 calificaciones. 5 opiniones de los usuarios. Autor: Herman Sucipto

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Bb squeeze indicador forex

Inicie una entrada BUY cuando el 8 EMA cruce el EMA 21 hacia arriba y al mismo tiempo el BB Squeeze debe estar en llamas (es decir, los puntos medios son de color verde, no azul). Una señal de entrada larga del indicador BB Squeeze muestra el momento de compresión hacia arriba (color azul claro).

Coloque la pérdida de stop debajo de los cruces de entrada EMA después de haber considerado completamente sus técnicas de administración de dinero.

Exit Strategy / Take Profit:

Aproveche el beneficio de la próxima cruz de EMA.

EMA y BBSqueeze ForexTrading Estrategia Comprar Señal

Nuestro gráfico muestra las condiciones para nuestra entrada LONG, con el 8 EMA cruzando el 21EMA hacia arriba. Después de esto vimos el impulso de BB Squeeze en el lado ascendente y estaba en llamas (es decir, los puntos intermedios aparecieron en verde). Estas eran las condiciones para una entrada de COMPRA. El punto en el gráfico con la estrategia de salida muestra dónde esperamos que los inversionistas tomen ganancias o cierren posiciones abiertas, en base a las condiciones de salida indicadas anteriormente.

Por otro lado, se puede iniciar una entrada SELL cuando el 8 EMA cruza el EMA 21 hacia abajo y el BB Squeeze está en llamas (es decir, los puntos medios son verdes y no azules). El impulso BB Squeeze debe estar en el lado negativo con barras de color rojo claro.

Coloque la pérdida de stop por encima de la entrada inicial EMA cross, considerando su técnica de administración de dinero.

Exit Strategy / Take Profit:

Tome ganancias en la próxima cruz EMA.

EMA y BBSqueeze ForexTrading estrategia vender señal

La gráfica muestra el 8 EMA cruzando el EMA 21 hacia abajo y el impulso BB squeeze en el swing hacia abajo, así como las barras de color rojo claro. Esta es una venta clara y el gráfico de actividad muestra lo anterior.


Hola He recibido anteriormente alguna ayuda con respecto a los indicadores utilizados en TTM Squeeze video, he creado 2 capturas de pantalla; Uno que muestra el período BB: 20, BB Squeeze Indicador para TradeStation (TTM Squeeze concepto) ES sp emini y ec / 6e análisis de futuros del euro, el análisis técnico de los mercados financieros, las estrategias de ... MTF BB-Squeeze - MQL4 Código Base: Para MT4 Aquí está el BB Squeeze Indicator para NinjaTrader. El indicador BB Squeeze se basa en uno de los indicadores de Carter. Contiene elementos de keltner

Indicadores de opciones binarias & # 8211; Instrucciones para descargar

Bbsqueeze es un indicador de Metatrader 4 (MT4) y la esencia del indicador de divisas es transformar los datos acumulados de la historia.

Bbsqueeze proporciona una oportunidad para detectar diversas peculiaridades y patrones en la dinámica de precios que son invisibles a simple vista.

Sobre la base de esta información, los comerciantes pueden asumir más movimiento de precios y ajustar su estrategia en consecuencia.

Cómo instalar Bbsqueeze. mq4?

Descargar Bbsqueeze. mq4

Copie Bbsqueeze. mq4 a su directorio Metatrader / expertos / indicadores /

Inicie o reinicie el cliente de Metatrader

Seleccione Chart y Timeframe donde desea probar su indicador

Buscar & # 8220; Indicadores Personalizados & # 8221; En su Navegador en su cliente Metatrader

Haga clic derecho en Bbsqueeze. mq4

Adjuntar a un gráfico

Modifica la configuración o presiona ok

El indicador Bbsqueeze. mq4 está disponible en su gráfico

Cómo eliminar Bbsqueeze. mq4 de su Metatrader Chart?

Seleccione el gráfico donde está el indicador en ejecución en su cliente de Metatrader

Haga clic con el botón derecho en el gráfico

& # 8220; Indicadores de la lista & # 8221;

Seleccione el indicador y elimine

Haga clic aquí para descargar los Indicadores de Opciones Binarias:

Tema: Squeeze Play

El Squeeze Play

The Squeeze Play es una evolución en mi comercio. Mi blanco típico del comercio es cerca de 20 pips. The Squeeze Play en no original, sino más bien una combinación o fabricación de una serie de estrategias que he leído y probado en los últimos años.

Básicamente es una consecuencia de un desglose nocturno del GBP / JPY, GBP / CHF y el GBP / USD. La hora aproximada es 23:00 EST o para mí en la costa oeste a las 8 pm. Las 3 divisas mencionadas parecen dar la mejor oportunidad para un movimiento. Otros funcionan bien también, pero estos tres pares de divisas parecen dar el mejor resultado. Otras veces del día trabajan también, pero no tan consistente.

Indicadores Los canales de Donchian fijados en 30 (no requerido). 50 SMA (no es necesario) RSI14 35/65 (recomendado)

Cualquiera o. Bandas de Bollinger y canales de Keltner o. TTM Squeeze en ThinkorSwim o MT4 Squeeze Trend Trade @ Forex Factory

El concepto es un comercio de ruptura. Estos mercados a menudo se consolidan en la noche. Cuando el BB cae con el KC que es el apretón. El indicador ThinkorSwim Squeeze muestra puntos rojos cuando hay un Squeeze. A continuación, el comercio se diseñó ruptura de los canales. Normalmente establezco un objetivo de 20 pips y una parada a unos 22 pips. Yo uso la DC para ayudar a establecer los niveles de ruptura y para establecer paradas. El 50 sma ayuda a determinar la tendencia. El comercio a menudo funciona mejor cuando el RSI está saliendo de las condiciones de sobreventa o sobreventa. Sobreventa de largo y overbought de corto.

Un ejemplo con el indicador TTM Squeeze

Un ejemplo con la Banda de Bollinger dentro del Canal Keltner

Yo en su mayoría el comercio de estos tres pares, pero ayer por la noche me cogí un buen USD / CAD de largo para 35 pips. Si establezco un comercio a las 11 pm EST a menudo comprobaré más tarde y ajustar el objetivo y se detiene. El gráfico incluido aquí de la GBP / CHF es un comercio muy típico.

He empezado este post simplemente con el propósito de discutir y compartir. Encuentro el comercio de una experiencia solitaria. Siempre he sido un comerciante de ruptura, comprar la combinación de la "Squeeze Concept & quot; Y la sincronización y los tres pares han hecho este trabajo para mí.

Estas instrucciones son bastante incompletas. Intentaré contestar preguntas y publicar cartas de operaciones. Hay mucha delicadeza en el manejo de esta estrategia. Sé que la gestión comercial es crítica. Cuando el mercado es salvaje y las barras de precios no son consistentes es mejor quedarse fuera.

Última edición por Greg Jones; 10-23-2012 a las 12:34 PM.


Estábamos tan sorprendidos al determinar que el Bbsqueeze Forex Indicator para Metatrader se ofrece de forma gratuita. Sí, es real que viene sin costo. Este Bbsqueeze realmente agarró nuestra atención después de experimentar un indicador tan extraordinario que se vendió de forma gratuita. En última instancia, creemos que este es un indicador de moneda totalmente libre.

Más que probable que este archivo mql trabajará con todos los diversos tipos de MT por ahí, después de probarlo adecuadamente con MT4 y Meta Trader 5. Usando los datos acumulados de las pruebas. Podríamos ser positivos no habrá problemas con la compatibilidad con el producto

En el caso de que hayas intentado hacer uso de este Bbsqueeze, deberías tomar tiempo en calificar este indicador especialmente si lo encuentras como un indicador altamente efectivo para Forex. No desalentamos ninguna revisión ni respondemos al desempeño del indicador Bbsqueeze. Principalmente debido a tales comentarios y calificaciones el trabajo de seleccionar el mejor indicador para la tarea será mucho más fácil.

Nosotros, los inversores en moneda extranjera están constantemente buscando mejores indicadores para un comercio más preciso. Y deseamos que usted será asistido por este indicador de Bbsqueeze en encontrar un comercio aún más exacto o incluso tomar mejores decisiones para el comercio y generar mejores ingresos. Ponemos mucho esfuerzo en encontrar los mejores indicadores Forex como Bbsqueeze. Después de lo cual, podemos tenerlos subidos en nuestro sitio web que a cambio dar a los individuos la oportunidad de descargarlo sin cargos de dinero y añadir mucho más grandes comerciantes.

Por favor comparta este indicador. Si está interesado en conocer las actualizaciones más recientes, disfrutar de nuestra página de Facebook o seguirnos en nuestra cuenta de Twitter es una buena acción. En un abrir y cerrar de ojos, recibirá las últimas actualizaciones y noticias sobre el nuevo indicador.

Descargar bbsqueeze. mq4 Metatrader Indicator Free


Hola, he recibido anteriormente alguna ayuda con respecto a los indicadores utilizados en el video TTM Squeeze. He creado 2 capturas de pantalla; Uno que muestra el BB Period: 20, BB Squeeze Indicador para TradeStation (TTM Squeeze concepto) ES sp emini y ec / 6 e euro análisis de futuros. Análisis técnico de los mercados financieros. Estrategias de negociación y ... MTF BB-Squeeze - MQL4 Code Base. Indicadores personalizados para MT4 Aquí está el Indicador BB Squeeze para NinjaTrader. El indicador BB Squeeze se basa en uno de los indicadores de Carter. Contiene elementos de keltner

Opciones Indicadores Binarios & # 8211; Instruciones para descargar

Bbsqueeze es un Metatrader 4 (MT4) indicador y una esencia de indicador forex é convertidor de datos del histórico acumulado.

Bbsqueeze proporciona una oportunidad para detectar diversas peculiaridades y patrones en la dinámica de precios que son invisibles a simple vista.

Derivada información, los comerciantes poden asumir aínda máis o movimiento de los prezos y axustar a súa estratexia nese sentido.

Cómo instalar Bbsqueeze. mq4?

Descargar Bbsqueeze. mq4

Copia Bbsqueeze. mq4 a tu directorio de Metatrader / expertos / indicadores /

Iniciar o reiniciar el cliente Metatrader

Seleccione Gráfico y calendario donde quere probar su indicador

Busca & # 8220; Indicadores Personalizados & # 8221; No seu Navigator principalmente a la izquierda no seu cliente Metatrader

Haga clic derecho en Bbsqueeze. mq4

Achegar un un gráfico

Modificar una configuración o prema Aceptar

El indicador Bbsqueeze. mq4 está disponible en su gráfico

Cómo eliminar Bbsqueeze. mq4 de su Metatrader Chart?

Seleccione gráfico donde se ve el indicador que no funciona en su cliente Metatrader

Botón dereito del ratón no Gráfico

& # 8220; Lista de indicadores & # 8221;

Seleccione indicador y eliminar

Prema aqui embaixo para descargar como Opciones Indicadores Binarios:


Oscilador simétrico no normalizado basado en el algoritmo de regresión lineal mostrado como un histograma de color con el indicador de potencia de tendencia más simple en forma de puntos de color a lo largo de la línea central cero del histograma. El color de las barras de histograma corresponde a una dirección de tendencia. El momento en que el histograma cambia de color es la mejor señal de entrada al mercado. Los puntos grises muestran que la tendencia es menor que su valor efectivo. Puntos azules muestran que la tendencia es fuerte.

El algoritmo de suavizado se puede seleccionar entre las diez versiones posibles:

SMA & # 8211; Promedio móvil simple;

EMA & # 8211; Promedio móvil exponencial;

SMMA & # 8211; Media móvil suavizada;

LWMA & # 8211; Media móvil ponderada lineal;

JJMA & # 8211; Promedio adaptativo JMA;

JurX & # 8211; Suavizado ultralineal;

Parma & # 8211; Alisamiento parabólico;

T3 & # 8211; El suavizado exponencial múltiple de Tillson;

VIDYA & # 8211; Suavizado con el uso del algoritmo de Tushar Chande;

AMA & # 8211; Suavizado con el uso del algoritmo de Perry Kaufman.

Cabe señalar que los parámetros de fase para diferentes algoritmos de suavizado tienen un significado completamente diferente. Para JMA es una variable de fase externa que cambia de -100 a +100. Para T3 es una relación de suavizado multiplicada por 100 para una mejor visualización, para VIDYA es un periodo de oscilador de CMO y para AMA es un periodo de EMA lento. En otros algoritmos, estos parámetros no afectan al suavizado. Para AMA, el período EMA rápido es un valor fijo y es igual a 2 por defecto. La relación de elevación a la potencia también es igual a 2 para AMA.

El indicador utiliza las clases de biblioteca SmoothAlgorithms. mqh (debe copiarse en la carpeta terminal_data \ MQL5 \ Include). El uso de las clases se describió minuciosamente en el artículo Serie de precios promedio para cálculos intermedios sin usar tampones adicionales & # 8221 ;.

Este indicador fue implementado por primera vez en MQL4 y publicado en la Base de Código 01.10.2007.

Instrucciones para descargar el indicador MetaTrader 5

BBSqueeze es un indicador de Metatrader 5 (MT5) y la esencia del indicador de la divisa es transformar los datos acumulados de la historia.

BBSqueeze proporciona una oportunidad para detectar diversas peculiaridades y patrones en la dinámica de precios que son invisibles a simple vista.

Sobre la base de esta información, los comerciantes pueden asumir más movimiento de precios y ajustar su estrategia en consecuencia.

Cómo instalar BBSqueeze. mq5?

Descargar BBSqueeze. mq5

Copia BBSqueeze. mq5 a tu directorio de Metatrader / expertos / indicadores /

Inicie o reinicie el cliente de Metatrader 5

Seleccione Chart y Timeframe donde desea probar su indicador

Buscar & # 8220; Indicadores Personalizados & # 8221; En su Navegador en su Metatrader 5 Client

Haga clic derecho en BBSqueeze. mq5

Adjuntar a un gráfico

Modifica la configuración o presiona ok

El indicador BBSqueeze. mq5 está disponible en su carta

Cómo eliminar a BBSqueeze. mq5 de tu Metatrader 5 Chart?

Seleccione el gráfico donde está el indicador en ejecución en su cliente de Metatrader

Haga clic con el botón derecho en el gráfico

& # 8220; Indicadores de la lista & # 8221;

Seleccione el indicador y elimine

MetaTrader 5 Indicador de descarga a continuación:

BBSqueeze Dark Indicator para MetaTrader MQL4

En algunos últimos posts, he mencionado uno de los poderosos indicadores BBSqueeze Dark. Hoy en día, publico este indicador para la plataforma MetaTrader junto con sus instrucciones de uso y un gráfico de muestra. Colocación debajo de la carta técnica de plata en el marco de tiempo H1.

El indicador comienza debajo de la ventana principal del gráfico y es muy simple de usar. Hay dos pasos para recibir señales a través de este indicador.

Paso 1: Ver la línea cero. Consiste en un punto rojo o un punto verde. Si es un punto verde, es hora de actuar. Ahora, la acción (compra o venta) se ha definido en el paso 2 siguiente. Si su punto rojo, no hacer nada y permanecer lejos. Sólo mantén tu posición.

Paso 2: Si ve el punto verde en la línea cero, es hora de comprar o vender. Para ello, vea las líneas del histograma, que están sobre la línea cero (líneas azules) o debajo de las líneas cero (líneas rojas). Sólo comprar en el histograma azul y vender en el histograma rojo.

En un resumen, tome la posición larga cuando vea el punto verde en la línea cero Y las líneas de histograma azul.

Y vender su posición, cuando usted ve el punto verde en la línea cero Y las líneas rojas del histograma.

Ahora, para aquellos que quieren entender la lógica detrás de este indicador. Este indicador se basa en señales dadas por combinaciones de bandas de Bollinger y canales de Keltner. No voy a entrar en más detalles. Usted puede encontrar acerca de estos 2 indicadores en otro lugar también.

Por último, pero no menos importante, no soy el desarrollador de este indicador. Simplemente compartiendo con usted desde mi biblioteca de indicadores. Por lo tanto, todos los derechos de autor y créditos van al desarrollador original.

Lo he probado en diferentes pares de divisas y plazos. Trabaja en todas partes pero da mejores resultados en el marco de tiempo alto como H4. Siempre es mejor negociar en el marco de tiempo H4 para evitar la volatilidad del mercado y señales falsas.

Descargar BBSqueeze dark indicator desde aquí.

Tiene dudas, comparta sus pensamientos en la sección de comentarios de abajo.

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(Visitado 1,133 veces, 1 visitas hoy)

Si publicas algún código puedo ayudarte con preguntas / problemas específicos.

Gracias por la oferta de asistencia. Estoy fuera de mi alcance aquí, realmente no sé por dónde empezar.

Si pudiera saber qué parte del código original es específico para el histograma, entonces supongo que podría añadir el código Bar. Color allí?

O tal vez es mucho más complicado que eso?

01-17-2009, 02:28 PM

BarColor cambia los colores de la barra de precios. Este enlace le ayudará a: http://www. ninjatrader-support. com/HelpGuideV6/BarColor. html

Estudie el indicador PercentB2 que se encuentra en el siguiente enlace para ver cómo se realiza un cambio de color de histograma: http://www. php? catid=1&sort=N&pp=15&page = 2

Tienes que agregar () los tipos de trazado y luego usar si y los demás para cambiar los colores. Este enlace le ayudará con Añadir (): http://www. ninjatrader-support. com/HelpGuideV6/Add. html

01-17-2009, 02:34 PM

Gracias por la oferta de asistencia.

Si pudiera saber qué parte del código original es específico para el histograma, entonces supongo que podría añadir el código Bar. Color allí?

01-17-2009, 02:38 PM

BarColor cambia los colores de la barra de precios. Este enlace le ayudará a: http://www. ninjatrader-support. com/HelpGuideV6/BarColor. html

Estudie el indicador PercentB2 que se encuentra en el siguiente enlace para ver cómo se realiza un cambio de color de histograma: http://www. php? catid=1&sort=N&pp=15&page = 2

Tienes que agregar () los tipos de trazado y luego usar si y los demás para cambiar los colores. Este enlace le ayudará con Añadir (): http://www. ninjatrader-support. com/HelpGuideV6/Add. html

Thx de nuevo. 1. Primero necesito superar el error en la línea 13 que sigue apareciendo independientemente si devuelvo el código a su original (es decir: si agrego la escritura y después la suprimo pero todavía consigo un error en la línea 13 según lo descrito en anterior Post)?

2. No entiendo los enlaces a los que usted se refiere. Pressumably el guión ya tiene el código para trazar y colorear el histograma. Lo que quiero hacer es colorear las barras de precios en el gráfico de acuerdo con el histograma verde / rojo.

Tal vez estoy missunderstanding su puesto?

01-17-2009, 02:44 PM

1. Primero necesito superar el error en la línea 13 que sigue apareciendo independientemente si devuelvo el código a su original (es decir: si agrego la escritura y después la suprimo pero todavía consigo un error en la línea 13 según lo descrito en anterior Post)?

& Gt; & gt; & gt; Siga las instrucciones a continuación para ver de dónde vienen los errores después de compilar el indicador. Esto le permitirá depurar el indicador / estrategia o eliminarlo de su PC. Si se está preguntando por qué recibe un error al compilar un solo indicador, es porque NinjaTrader compila todos los indicadores y estrategias, no sólo uno.

Abrir NinjaTrader Desde el Centro de control seleccione el menú Herramientas - & gt; Seleccione el elemento de menú Editar NinjaScript - & gt; Seleccione Indicador Seleccione un indicador y haga doble clic en él. Aparecerá una nueva ventana y necesitará hacer clic con el botón derecho del ratón en la ventana y seleccionar Compilar para compilar los indicadores. En la parte inferior de la ventana aparecerá una nueva sección en la que podrá encontrar las ubicaciones de error. De ahí tienes la opción de eliminar el indicador o depurarlo. Si eso no funciona, necesitarás reinstalar completamente NT. Siga los pasos que se indican a continuación para desinstalar completamente y reinstalar NinjaTrader:

Cierre todas las aplicaciones en ejecución. A continuación, en el menú Inicio, seleccione - & gt; Panel de control - & gt; Agregar y quitar programas. En Agregar y quitar programas, seleccione NinjaTrader 6.5 y haga clic en Quitar. A continuación, elimine manualmente la carpeta & quot; NinjaTrader 6.5 & quot; Ubicado en Inicio - & gt; Mis documentos. Elimine cualquier archivo de instalación de NinjaTrader. Esto se puede hacer en Iniciar - & gt; Mi PC - & gt; Botón de búsqueda - & gt; Buscar (NinjaTrader *) - & gt; Seleccione Local C Disk y, a continuación, pulse Buscar. A continuación, tendrá que borrar el caché del navegador de Internet y el historial. Usted borrará esto desde su navegador de Internet (con IE, Herramientas - & gt; Opciones, elimine cookies y archivos, elimine el historial). Reinicie su máquina. Una vez que estos pasos se hayan completado, descargue NT6.5 desde el siguiente enlace: Descargue (http://www. ninjatrader. com/webnew/download_download. htm)Por favor, háganos saber si usted es capaz de ponerse en marcha después de la reinstalación.

2. No entiendo los enlaces a los que usted se refiere. Pressumably el guión ya tiene el código para trazar y colorear el histograma. Lo que quiero hacer es colorear las barras de precios en el gráfico de acuerdo con el histograma verde / rojo.

& Gt; & gt; Oh, ya veo. Te malentendí. Este es el enlace que desea utilizar: http://www. ninjatrader-support. com/HelpGuideV6/BackColor. html Intente incrustar los cambios de BarColor dentro de las condiciones para los cambios de indicador o cree su propia lógica.

01-17-2009, 02:44 PM

Thx de nuevo. 1. Primero necesito superar el error en la línea 13 que sigue apareciendo independientemente si devuelvo el código a su original (es decir: si agrego la escritura y después la suprimo pero todavía consigo un error en la línea 13 según lo descrito en anterior Post)?

2. No entiendo los enlaces a los que usted se refiere. Pressumably el guión ya tiene el código para trazar y colorear el histograma. Lo que quiero hacer es colorear las barras de precios en el gráfico de acuerdo con el histograma verde / rojo.

Tal vez estoy missunderstanding su puesto?

Estás intentando guardarlo bajo otro nombre?

01-17-2009, 02:45 PM

Estás intentando guardarlo bajo otro nombre? Sí, lo guardo bajo un nombre diferente mediante "guardar como". Pero como crea el error en la línea 13, no puedo compilar.

He eliminado el archivo recién nombrado a través del Explorador de Windows cada vez.

01-17-2009, 02:49 PM

Sí, lo guardo bajo un nombre diferente mediante & quot; guardar como & quot ;.

En la parte superior usted tiene tal código:

Público enum SqueezeStyle BBSqueeze, PBFSqueeze, CounterTrend>

comment it out or delete it in your newly saved code before compiling (don't touch it in original RSqueeze code)

01-17-2009, 02:51 PM

Hello, >>Oh I see. I misunderstood you. This is the link you want to use: http://www. ninjatrader-support. com/HelpGuideV6/BackColor. html Try embedding the BarColor changes within the conditions for the indicator changes, or build your own logic.

Thx for your reply Ben. So I'm back to trying to understand where in the original script to embed the bar. color code.

01-17-2009, 02:53 PM

Post the code after OnBarUpdate() in your next post and I will assit you.

By the way, its BarColor, not Bar. Color.

01-17-2009, 02:56 PM

At the very top you have such code:

public enum SqueezeStyle BBSqueeze, PBFSqueeze, CounterTrend >

comment it out or delete it in your newly saved code before compiling (don't touch it in original RSqueeze code)

roonuis excellent, thx . I merely deleted the one word "Squeeze" form "SqeezeStyle" and that's solved it. That will now, at least, allow me to play around with the code.

Any clues as to where in the script to add the Bar. Color code would be much appreciated.

01-17-2009, 03:00 PM

01-17-2009, 03:08 PM

So delete ALL the following ?

public enum SqueezeStyle BBSqueeze, PBFSqueeze, CounterTrend >

Well I recommend to comment out - put // at the begining of each line. If you modify the code to your needs, and later on you delete original RSqueeze indicator, your renamed and modified indicator will stop working and again you will not be able to compile anything. In that case (if you delete original RSqueeze) you will have to uncomment back those lines in order to be able to compile.

01-17-2009, 03:10 PM

So delete ALL the following ?

public enum SqueezeStyle BBSqueeze, PBFSqueeze, CounterTrend >

Make it look like this:

// public enum SqueezeStyle // // BBSqueeze, // PBFSqueeze, // CounterTrend // >

01-17-2009, 04:48 PM

Make it look like this:

// public enum SqueezeStyle // // BBSqueeze, // PBFSqueeze, // CounterTrend // >

roonius thx, I've commented out as you describe.

Unfortunatley I'm unable to make any progress regards the BarColor.

Hopefully someone more knowledgable may be able to sort it out, I think it would be a very usefull addition to the good work you've already done.

01-18-2009, 02:17 PM

I was looking at this indicator and trying to compare it to how it works on the video on TTM's site here: http://www. tradethemarkets. com/products/item5.cfm

Is it me or are the BBSqueezeAlertColor and Normal Color Labels Reversed? It seems to me the Squeeze color should be Blue and the Normal Color is Red? The dots dont appear to coincide with the alerts on the histogram the way they do on the TTM video and I am not sure what adjustments need to be made, if any? Am I just interpreting this chart wrong?

01-18-2009, 07:01 PM

I was looking at this indicator and trying to compare it to how it works on the video on TTM's site here: http://www. tradethemarkets. com/products/item5.cfm

Is it me or are the BBSqueezeAlertColor and Normal Color Labels Reversed? It seems to me the Squeeze color should be Blue and the Normal Color is Red? The dots dont appear to coincide with the alerts on the histogram the way they do on the TTM video and I am not sure what adjustments need to be made, if any? Am I just interpreting this chart wrong?

BB Squeeze is the market state, when Bolinger Bands are inside Keltner Channel. When this condition occurs, dots are red (squeeze) by default (you can change color in indicator's parameters). When Bolinger Bands break out of Keltner channel, dot changes it's color back to "normal" color and that means that there could be a possibility for a biger move.

TTM uses the same logic

02-02-2009, 12:12 AM

roonius - Thank you very much for generously providing this indicator free of charge to the Ninjatrader community. I had quite a lot of fun with it yesterday testing out various ideas. I have a question few questions for you & everyone else.

Does this indicator work with multi-timeframe or multi-instrument strategies? I tried adding it to my multi-instrument strategy and I had problems, which could be in my code. I spent a while trying to figure it out and couldn't so I thought I'd ask about this.

Second, I really liked the TTM video where they show how to use their indicator. I tried using BBSqueeze in the same way and the results were not positive. I'm wondering if Carter cherry-picked his examples or if I should be using some other criteria to filter out bad trades? Has anyone successfully developed a strategy with this indicator?

If I have more time I will try to post some of the ideas I came up with and the results. Maybe others could contribute and we could build a working strategy.

02-08-2009, 03:01 AM

Carter advises not to take all squeezes blindly. He looks at higher time frames and does not go if against direction of longer term trends. Due to increased volatility at the moment in the indexes, he now uses the squeeze as a 'heads up' for a box play. Ie squeeze occurs during price moving in a range. Before it changes back to green he will draw a line above and below trading range and buy/sell the breakouts as by he time squeeze fires a lot of the move may be over. Also he looks at direction of momentum. Ie if negative momentum but is decreasing this is an indication of an upwards breakout. Another tactic he will use is to wait for a pullback to the 8 EMA. And then of course you should check the Market Internals ie Tick, Trin, Put Call Ratio, Volume etc and maybe a quick check of what the dollar/yen is up to.

02-23-2009, 09:25 AM

Carter advises not to take all squeezes blindly. He looks at higher time frames and does not go if against direction of longer term trends. Due to increased volatility at the moment in the indexes, he now uses the squeeze as a 'heads up' for a box play. Ie squeeze occurs during price moving in a range. Before it changes back to green he will draw a line above and below trading range and buy/sell the breakouts as by he time squeeze fires a lot of the move may be over. Also he looks at direction of momentum. Ie if negative momentum but is decreasing this is an indication of an upwards breakout. Another tactic he will use is to wait for a pullback to the 8 EMA. And then of course you should check the Market Internals ie Tick, Trin, Put Call Ratio, Volume etc and maybe a quick check of what the dollar/yen is up to.

Thanks MicroAl (http://www. php? u=2808) for sharing your knowledge of Carter's use of the BB Squeze. I found your post very helpful. Sorry for the late reply but I haven't had time to look into this. I'd like to try using these ideas for a strategy, I'll report back the results.

02-23-2009, 12:21 PM

You may wish to know that he is now suggesting that you look at the last ten squeeze signals on a market/timeframe and if less than 7 squeezes have worked then look at another market/timeframe and check again. Sounds like good advice.

02-23-2009, 03:49 PM

You may wish to know that he is now suggesting that you look at the last ten squeeze signals on a market/timeframe and if less than 7 squeezes have worked then look at another market/timeframe and check again. Sounds like good advice.

This is a good idea.

Are you a subscriber to his site? How do you like it? Do you find his methods profitable?

07-22-2009, 07:09 AM

Could you change your code a little bit to accommodate values between 0 and 1 for "Bolinger Bands Std. Devs from Average" and "Keltner Channel ATRs from Average"?

I think changes need to be made here: set

and set

07-22-2009, 09:25 AM

Could you change your code a little bit to accommodate values between 0 and 1 for "Bolinger Bands Std. Devs from Average" and "Keltner Channel ATRs from Average"?

I think changes need to be made here: set

and set

When I have a spare minute will do and repost

07-30-2009, 05:13 PM

I'm confused about the RS squeeze. You show three diverent versions on your chart. do we have the option of showing which one we want, or is your version all of them contained in one indicator. Plus the PBF version does not use the BB and keltner channel logic, but it appears the RS does. Just want to clear up if it is like the PBF version on the PBF site. Gracias.

When I have a spare minute will do and repost

08-07-2009, 08:17 PM

Could you change your code a little bit to accommodate values between 0 and 1 for "Bolinger Bands Std. Devs from Average" and "Keltner Channel ATRs from Average"?

I think changes need to be made here: set

and set

The newest version can be found here: http://www. tradingstudies. com/downloads/squeeze. html

08-27-2009, 12:03 AM

The newest version can be found here: http://www. tradingstudies. com/downloads/squeeze. html

Roonius, when I import to NinjaTrader, the only one I see in the indicators is the RSqueeze and when put on the chart it is the BBSqueeze. I can't find the PBF Squeeze or the counter trend squeeze.

One other question, did you replicate any more of the PBF indicators such as the paint bars and scalp dots?

08-27-2009, 09:43 AM

Roonius, when I import to NinjaTrader, the only one I see in the indicators is the RSqueeze and when put on the chart it is the BBSqueeze. I can't find the PBF Squeeze or the counter trend squeeze.

One other question, did you replicate any more of the PBF indicators such as the paint bars and scalp dots?

You have a parameter which switches between modes

08-27-2009, 10:06 AM

04-15-2010, 08:45 AM

Poor choice of words on my part. The other changes I made had to do with unrelated code. Were you not able to compile using what's posted?

Well, yes and no. I've added using RSqueeze. Utility; to the #region Using declarations section as suggested earlier, and I added Add(RSqueeze(SqueezeStyle. PBFSqueeze)); to the Initialize() section. Just doing this results in a successful compile.

Thing is, I like instantiating my indicators thusly:

CCI myCCI = CCI(BarsArray[0], 45, 200, -200);

so that later I can just do this:

So my problem here is with instantiating the RSqueeze indicator. I don't have any idea what the variables are (equivalent to the CCI's 45, -200 and 200) that need to be added to this:

RSqueeze myRSQ = RSqueeze(BarsArray[0], RSqueeze(SqueezeStyle. PBFSqueeze) );

If I try to compile with that line in there, I get these error messages, none of which point me towards anything that really helps:

Strategy\Strat768.cs 'RSqueeze' is a 'namespace' but is used like a 'type' CS0118 - click for info

Strategy\Strat768.cs The best overloaded method match for 'NinjaTrader. Strategy. Strategy. RSqueeze(NinjaTrade r. Data. IDataSeries, RSqueeze. Utility. SqueezeStyle)' has some invalid arguments CS1502 - click for info

Strategy\Strat768.cs Argument '2': cannot convert from 'NinjaTrader. Indicator. RSqueeze' to 'RSqueeze. Utility. SqueezeStyle' CS1503 - click for info

Alguna sugerencia? If you could paste a snippet of your strategy code showing how you use the RSqueeze in some sort of a conditional statement, I'd be most grateful.

04-15-2010, 08:53 AM

Unfortunately, most of what you just said is over my head. However, this is what I have:

&& RSqueeze(SqueezeStyle. BBSqueeze).PMomentumDown[2] > 0 && RSqueeze(SqueezeStyle. BBSqueeze).PMomentumDown[2] != Close[2] && RSqueeze(SqueezeStyle. BBSqueeze).PMomentumUp[1] > 0 && RSqueeze(SqueezeStyle. BBSqueeze).PMomentumUp[1] != Close[1] && RSqueeze(SqueezeStyle. BBSqueeze).SqueezeOn[2] == 0 && RSqueeze(SqueezeStyle. BBSqueeze).SqueezeOn[1] == 0

I added the RSqueeze Utility to declarations just like you did but did NOT anything to the initialize section. Everything works fine here. Let me know if this helps.

04-15-2010, 08:56 AM

06-22-2010, 06:41 PM

I'm brand new to Ninja Trader (literally 1 hour), and I hope you can help me out!

I'll be using NJ on Forex. com, and I was wondering if the BB Squeeze can be used through NJ on Forex. com? If so, is it viewed on NJ's charts or E-Signal (which I have on Forex. com as well)?

Moreover, I have the ELD code (Tradestation) the Squeeze, and I was wondering if it can work on NJ through Forex. com, or do I have to figure out how to write the script/code myself?

Thank you in advance for your input!

06-23-2010, 05:14 AM

JC, welcome to NinjaTrader and our forums - you could connect to Gain / Forex. com's data in NinjaTrader and then apply the Squeeze indicator developed here in this thread to your charts. The TradeStation indicator code would need to be converted to our NinjaScript programming language first -

06-23-2010, 03:01 PM

It seems that some of the other clients may have already converted it to Ninja Script; I've yet to see the code, but it may not be 'exactly' what I'm looking for. i. e. identical to the TTM version.

Two more question's for you, or anyone else trading NT on Forex. com: I'll also be using E-Signal on Forex. com, can I trade the NT ATM on an E-Signal chart, or indicators like the Squeeze on E-Signal? And, are the NT charts a direct feed from Forex. com (like E-Signal). I'm curious to see if when opened at the same time, both NT and E-Signal price action are identical.

06-23-2010, 03:31 PM

JC, I believe a NinjaTrader version of TTM is floating around the internet somewhere; unfortunately I'm not exactly sure where.

To answer your questions: 1) No, NinjaTrader's ATM's work on NT's charts, not on eSignal's charts. 2) NT displays and charts the exact information it receives from the data provider. It behaves as a radio receiver, more or less. So if Forex. com is your data provider, then yes, NT's charts are a direct feed.

06-23-2010, 04:51 PM

Thanks, Austin. I'll find it sooner or later. If anyone has a lead, I'd greatly appreciate it.

07-18-2010, 08:01 PM

is this MT4 code for BB squeeze with momentum by john carter code available in NT?

// This indicator is based on a strategy mentioned in John Carter's book, Mastering the Trade. The basic idea // behind the strategy is that markets tend to move from periods of low volatility to high volatility and // visa versa. The strategy aims to capture moves from low to high volatility. For gauging this he uses two // common indicators - Bollinger Bands and Keltner Channels (ok, not so common!). He also uses the Momentum // indicator to provide a trade bias as soon as the Bollinger Bands come back outside the Keltner Channels. // // The Squeeze_Break indicator combines this into a signal indicator and has the following components: // 1. A positive green histogram means that the Bollinger Bands are outside the Keltner Channels // and the market is lightly to be trending or volatile. The stronger the histogram the stronger // the directional price move. // 2. A negative red histogram means that the Bollinger Bands are inside the Keltner Channels // and the market is lightly to be consolidating. The stronger the red histogram the tighter // price action is becoming. // 3. Incorporated into the indicator is a Momentum indicator. According to the strategy J. Carter // goes long when the Bollinger Bands break outside the Keltner Bands and the Momentum indicator // is above the zero line. He goes short when the Momentum indicator is below the zero line on the // break. // 4. I've also added other indicator info in the top left hand corner to give a broader idea // of current market conditions. // 5. The indicator provides audio alerts when a potential breakout is occurring. // // This indicator tends to be better with the larger timeframes. Personally I don't trade on an alert // signal alone. It's just a handy tool for warning me of potential breakout trades. // ================================================== ================================================== =======

#property copyright "DesORegan" #property link "mailto: oregan_des@. & Quot;

// ==================== // indicator properties // ==================== #property indicator_separate_window #property indicator_buffers 3 #property indicator_color1 ForestGreen #property indicator_color2 Red #property indicator_color3 Blue

// =================== // User Inputs // =================== extern int Boll_Period=20; extern double Boll_Dev=2.0; extern int Keltner_Period=20; extern double Keltner_Mul=1.5; extern int Momentum_Period=12; extern int Back_Bars=1000; extern bool Alert_On=true; extern bool On_Screen_Info=true;

// ========================= // Buffer Array Declarations // ========================= double Pos_Diff[]; // Pos Histogram double Neg_Diff[]; // Neg Histogram double Momentum[]; // Momentum Indicator

// =========================== // Internal Array Declarations // =========================== double Squeeze[]; // Used to track which "i" (index value) is above // and below zero line. 0 followed by 1 triggers alert

datetime Last_Alert_Time = 0; // Used to prevent continuous alerts on current bar

IndicatorDigits(4); // indicator value precision

//====================== // Indicator Setup //====================== SetIndexStyle(0,DRAW_HISTOGRAM, EMPTY,3); SetIndexBuffer(0,Pos_Diff); SetIndexStyle(1,DRAW_HISTOGRAM, EMPTY,3); SetIndexBuffer(1,Neg_Diff); SetIndexStyle(2,DRAW_LINE, STYLE_DOT); SetIndexBuffer(2,Momentum);

// =================== // Indicator Labels // =================== IndicatorShortName("Squeeze_Break (Boll:"+Boll_Period+","+DoubleToStr(Boll_Dev,1)+";Kelt:"+Keltner_Period+","+DoubleToStr(Keltner_Mul,1)+";Mom:"+Momentum_Period+")");

// ==================== // Array Initialization // ==================== ArrayResize(Squeeze, Back_Bars); // Stores whether histogram is above/below zero line ArrayInitialize(Squeeze, 0); // initialises array with 0's

ObjectsDeleteAll(); Comment(" ","\n", " ","\n", " ","\n", " ","\n", " ");

//======================= // Indicator Optimization //======================= int Counted_Bars = IndicatorCounted(); if(Counted_Bars < 0) return; if(Counted_Bars > 0) Counted_Bars = Counted_Bars - Keltner_Period; int limit = Bars - Counted_Bars;

//======================= // On-Screen Information //======================= if (On_Screen_Info == true) double ATR =iATR(Symbol(),PERIOD_D1,14,0); double Todays_Range = iHigh(Symbol(),PERIOD_D1,0) - iLow(Symbol(),PERIOD_D1,0); double ADX = iADX(Symbol(),0,12,PRICE_CLOSE, MODE_MAIN,0); double RSI = iRSI(Symbol(),0,12,PRICE_CLOSE,0); double MACD_Main = iMACD(Symbol(),0,12,26,9,PRICE_CLOSE, MODE_MAIN,0); double MACD_Signal = iMACD(Symbol(),0,12,26,9,PRICE_CLOSE, MODE_SIGNAL,0 ); double Sto_Main = iStochastic(Symbol(),0,10,3,3,MODE_SMA,1,MODE_MAIN ,0); double Sto_Signal = iStochastic(Symbol(),0,10,3,3,MODE_SMA,1,MODE_SIGN AL,0);

Comment("----------------------------------------------------------", "\nDaily ATR(14): ",ATR," Todays Range: ",Todays_Range, "\nADX(12): ",NormalizeDouble(ADX,2)," RSI(12): ",NormalizeDouble(RSI,2), "\nMACD(12,26,9): ",MACD_Main,", ",MACD_Signal, "\nStochastic(10,3,3): ",NormalizeDouble(Sto_Main,2),", ",NormalizeDouble(Sto_Signal,2), "\n----------------------------------------------------------"); >

for(int i = limit; i >= 0; i--) //main indicator FOR loop

// ====================== // Indicator Calculations // ====================== double MA_Hi = iMA(Symbol(),0,Keltner_Period,0,MODE_SMA, PRICE_HIG H, i); double MA_Lo = iMA(Symbol(),0,Keltner_Period,0,MODE_SMA, PRICE_LOW, i); double Kelt_Mid_Band = iMA(Symbol(),0,Keltner_Period,0,MODE_SMA, PRICE_TYP ICAL, i); double Kelt_Upper_Band = Kelt_Mid_Band + ((MA_Hi - MA_Lo)*Keltner_Mul); double Kelt_Lower_Band = Kelt_Mid_Band - ((MA_Hi - MA_Lo)*Keltner_Mul); double Boll_Upper_Band = iBands(Symbol(),0, Boll_Period, Boll_Dev,0,PRICE_CLOSE, MODE_UPPER, i); double Boll_Lower_Band = iBands(Symbol(),0, Boll_Period, Boll_Dev,0,PRICE_CLOSE, MODE_LOWER, i);

Momentum[i] = (Close[i] - Close[i+Momentum_Period]);

if (Boll_Upper_Band >= Kelt_Upper_Band || Boll_Lower_Band <= Kelt_Lower_Band) Pos_Diff[i] = (MathAbs(Boll_Upper_Band - Kelt_Upper_Band)+MathAbs(Boll_Lower_Band - Kelt_Lower_Band)); Squeeze[i] = 1; > else Pos_Diff[i] = 0; >

if (Boll_Upper_Band < Kelt_Upper_Band && Boll_Lower_Band > Kelt_Lower_Band) Neg_Diff[i] = -(MathAbs(Boll_Upper_Band - Kelt_Upper_Band)+MathAbs(Boll_Lower_Band - Kelt_Lower_Band)); Squeeze[i] = 0; > else Neg_Diff[i] = 0; >

// ====================== // Trigger Check // ====================== if (Squeeze[i] == 1 && Squeeze[i+1] == 0 && Momentum[i] > 0 && i == 0) // a cross above zero line and Mom > 0 if (Last_Alert_Time != Time[0]) if (Alert_On == true) Alert("Alert: Possible Breakout - "+Symbol()+" - "+TimeToStr(TimeLocal())); Last_Alert_Time = Time[0]; ObjectCreate("Breakout"+Time[0],OBJ_ARROW,0,Time[0],Ask); ObjectSet("Breakout"+Time[0],OBJPROP_ARROWCODE,1); ObjectSet("Breakout"+Time[0],OBJPROP_COLOR, Blue); ObjectSet("Breakout"+Time[0],OBJPROP_WIDTH,2); >>

if (Squeeze[i] == 1 && Squeeze[i+1] == 0 && Momentum[i] < 0 && i == 0 ) // a cross above zero line and Mom < 0 if (Last_Alert_Time != Time[0]) if (Alert_On == true) Alert("Alert: Possible Breakout - "+Symbol()+" - "+TimeToStr(TimeLocal())); Last_Alert_Time = Time[0]; ObjectCreate("Breakout"+Time[0],OBJ_ARROW,0,Time[0],Bid); ObjectSet("Breakout"+Time[0],OBJPROP_ARROWCODE,1); ObjectSet("Breakout"+Time[0],OBJPROP_COLOR, Red); ObjectSet("Breakout"+Time[0],OBJPROP_WIDTH,2); >>

> // end of main indicator FOR loop

No support by the author.

This is an interesting indicator re-created by other traders on the TS forum. Known as the BB Squeeze Indicator, its concept is based on capturing breakout moves by using the Bollinger Bands and the Keltner Channels.

Whenever the Bollinger Bands fall inside the Keltner Channels the indicator will fire a signal. This signal is represented by a red dot on the lower pane.

When the Bollinger Bands breakout of the Keltner Channels the indicator fires a squeeze indicated by a blue dot on the lower pane. The trading signal is taken when the blue dot appears after the red dot in the direction of momentum. Momentum is plotted as a histogram. If the momentum is green (up) on a squeeze, this is a long signal. If the momentum is red (down) on a squeeze, this is a short signal.

See attachment for a screenshot.

Note: Please refer to the tradestation Forum for the owner of this indicator.

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This modification may not be copied, reproduced or published elsewhere without the author's permission.

Re: BB Squeeze Indicator For Tradestation

This is a big subject and something you will have to follow up on due to the vast nature of the trend line, but if you want a good book on the subject look at Tom Demark, The Science of techical Analysis. If you are not using trendlines you will experience hugh problems determining trendline support and resistence. We have tested all these indicator, but most of the time there late, with a signal to trade so you need a trendline to confirm break out on the 15m and the 60 min. The best example is in choopy market. You must have s/r line and trendlines to confirm breakout. We have wrote our own indicator to avoid this problem. Most of the MACDS are 3 to 5 bars late and the trades are long gone in Most cases.

If the macd is turning(not confirmed) you have a trend line break, the trendlline confirmed the move your ready to go what are you going to do wait for the macd that is four bar behind.

The biggest mistake a trader can make is not draw fibonacci and trendlines on there chart. Long term and short term DY, WKLY, 240m, 1HR, 15m

You dont do what feels good, you do what has to be done! Let the market determine where it will go.

I made the mistake last week of determining direction, the direction was correct but it went down 500 dollar before it started to rally. A simple 60 min trendline would have solved the problem.

Always look at the 60 and 15 min trendline!

Dont get lock into a direction, let the market tell you the rest of the story.

Something i learned if the market moves, (days range 700 points) or more (ER2 Dow SP) the next days volitility is very high and expect major swing in the market the next day. This is the reason the market went down 300 more than expected!

Last edited by FLX; 02-25-2007 at 10:24 AM.

Dovee you will have to create an indicator ( name it. _BB Squeeze )and paste this formula, then verify it. try if it works, if it doesnt please tell me. you may need some functions. should work. cheers Walter.

//Updated by TradingDude, fixed "division by zero error"

Well, I have been working in this indicator. I have made a couple of changes: (1) that if the momentum changes direction, it changes color. (2) I have taken out the plotting of the alertline (3) have the dots plotted along the axis (4) Have changed the name of the indicator to BBSqueeze (cuts down on confusion).

I think that you will find that it resembles what is on the TTM indicator.>

For anyone interested I made a small change to the indicator(s) above. I found that the indicator displayed fine for ES, YM etc but screwed up for FX - this is due to the number of decimal places used by the symbol. I just added a multiplier so the indicator is normalised across all symbols.

Add the following lines. Vars: LHMult(0); if ( barnumber=1 ) then Begin LHMult=pricescale/minmove; fin;

And modify the following line so that it includes the LHMult variable.

Plot3(value2*LHMult, "NickmNxtMove", color);

This code creates an indicator that plots the ratio of BB width to KC width. When BB and KC widths are the same, the ratio (BBS_Ind)is equal to one (1). When the BB width is less than the KC Width (i. e. BB fit inside KC), the BBS_Ind is less than one and a breakout is indicated.

An Alert Line is provided to indicate the level at which the trader considers that the "sqeeze is on" and a breakout is eminant.

Coded by Kahuna 9/10/2003

Added by eKam: 9/10/2003 The average of where price has been relative to the Donchian mid line and Exponential average of the same length is also plotted as an attempt to predict the direction of the breakout.

Added 2/1/2005 For decreasing Delta bar. darker colors to highlight the change.>

if ( barnumber=1 ) then Begin If minmove <> 0 then LHMult = pricescale/minmove; fin;

if barnumber = 1 and alertTextID = -1 then alertTextID = Text_New(date, time,0,"dum my");

Denom = (nK*ATR); If Denom <> 0 then BBS_Ind = (nBB * SDev) /Denom;

If BBS_Ind < Alertline then SetPlotColor(1, NormalColor) else SetPlotColor(1, AlertlColor);

var:color(0); color = yellow;

if value2 > 0 then if value2 > value2[1] then color = green else color = darkgreen;

if value2 < 0 then if value2 < value2[1] then color = red else color = darkred;

if BBS_Ind crosses below AlertLine and Text_GetTime(alertTextID) <> time then begin text_setLocation(alertTex tID, date, time, 0); Alert("Check for Squeeze Setups on " + SymbolName); fin;

if BBS_Ind crosses above AlertLine and Text_GetTime(alertTextID) <> time then begin text_setLocation(alertTex tID, date, time, 0); Alert("Squeeze is Over on " + SymbolName); fin;

if BBS_Ind crosses below AlertLine then SetPlotColor(1, Green);

Re: BB Squeeze/EM Dow 4 trades!

Place a momentum indicator over top, the Choas A/O, when it break below. above the zero line on the Mom ZERO line look to enter off the 5 min Chart. You want the Choas to change Green first or red and moving up/dwn in that direction of the trade at the same time. You can place an order out side the range of the last 5 bar to enter! You had 5 trades on the Em dow on friday! Tell me what you see! Alert Do not trade at 11am thur 13:00 Bad time for indicators. Unless you like Spanked. Press FLX at the left for a picture image.

Last edited by FLX; 02-25-2007 at 01:19 PM.

Short Squeeze

A short squeeze happens when there is excess demand and a lack of supply for a particular financial security.

What happens is that due to the excess demand, prices continue to rise rapidly. Traders holding short positions try to cover their positions (i. e. close their positions), which can only be done by by buying. With more and more traders looking to buy, we normally see an extended rally as prices go higher and higher. In this sense, all the “shorts” are squeezed.

In the forex market, a short squeeze normally happens after a strong sharp move and we see a reversal.

For example, EUR/USD went on a long term down trend. At a certain point, some traders may feel that the euro is undervalued, making it a good investment. As more and more buyers enter the market, traders holding short euro positions decide it would be best to close out their positions or potentially suffer losses. This leads to more and more traders buying the euro, and all the short positions getting squeezed out of the market.


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Risk Warning: Trading financial instruments, including foreign exchange on margin, carries a high level of risk and is not suitable for all investors. El alto grado de apalancamiento puede trabajar en su contra, así como para usted. Antes de decidir invertir en instrumentos financieros o divisas, debe considerar cuidadosamente sus objetivos de inversión, nivel de experiencia y apetito por el riesgo. Existe la posibilidad de que usted podría sostener una pérdida en exceso de su inversión inicial y por lo tanto no debe invertir dinero que no puede permitirse perder. Usted debe ser consciente de todos los riesgos asociados con el comercio y buscar asesoramiento de un asesor financiero independiente si tiene alguna duda.

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Risk Warning: Trading financial instruments, including foreign exchange on margin, carries a high level of risk and is not suitable for all investors. El alto grado de apalancamiento puede trabajar en su contra, así como para usted. Antes de decidir invertir en instrumentos financieros o divisas, debe considerar cuidadosamente sus objetivos de inversión, nivel de experiencia y apetito por el riesgo. Existe la posibilidad de que usted podría sostener una pérdida en exceso de su inversión inicial y por lo tanto no debe invertir dinero que no puede permitirse perder. Usted debe ser consciente de todos los riesgos asociados con el comercio y buscar asesoramiento de un asesor financiero independiente si tiene alguna duda.

Forex Squeeze Indicator

Forex Squeeze Indicator

The forex squeeze indicator is based on a trading strategy found in the book Mastering the Trade, written by john Carter. The indicator moves between -0.422 (extremely bearish) and 0.1611 (extremely bullish).

Buy signal: Go long at the first blue bar.

Sell signal: Go short at the first red bar.

Use in conjunction with an oscillator (stochastic, momentum, macd) to pinpoint your entry and exit levels.

Currency pairs: any

Time frames: any

Trading sessions: any

Opciones de indicadores configurables

EUR/USD Weekly Chart Example

Valoración media: [0]

Bbsqueeze forex indicator

Bbsqueeze forex indicator

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I’ve attempted in order to place the PURCHASE or MARKET Purchase perform within the plan however cannot appear to realize the actual format within C++… Simply possess a small understanding within VB as well as ESPRESSO that is just about all. The actual sign by itself is not appropriate in order to bottom a good EA upon. Observe screenshot for example. A lot of indicators. Exactly what this particular sign essentially will is actually deliver the MARKET transmission once the candle lights avoid top of the bollinger music group. This really is harmful once the marketplace is within a significant uptrend. The actual indicators might be great if you’re able to verify this by having an additional sign or even indications.

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Mensaje de navegación

Bbsq-OsMA combines bbsqueeze and OsMA indicators. OsMA oscillates around the zero level and determines the trend while Bbsq indicator detects consolidations, tight range price bounces. This indicator helps forex traders to catch the big movements when a breakout happens after a consolidation period.

How to Trade With BbSq – OsMA:

Buy Signal: Wait for BbSq – OsMA indicator to cross above the zero level. In order to get more accurate signals and jump in the big waves, you can wait for green dots to appear first.

Sell Signal: Wait for BbSq – OsMA indicator to cross below the zero level. In order to get more accurate signals and jump in the big waves, you can wait for green dots to appear first.

//+——————————————————————+ //| BbSq-OsMA. mq4 | // | Copyright © 2011, Remyn. | // | | //+——————————————————————+ #property copyright “Copyright © 2011, Remyn.” #property link “http://codebase.” //—- indicator settings #property indicator_separate_window #property indicator_buffers 4 #property indicator_color1 SteelBlue #property indicator_color2 MediumBlue //#property indicator_color3 Blue #property indicator_color4 Lime //—- indicator parameters extern int bolPrd=20; extern double bolDev=2.0; extern int keltPrd=10; extern double keltFactor=1.2;

extern int FastEMA=12; extern int SlowEMA=26; extern int SignalSMA=9; extern int Histo=2;

//—- indicator buffers double upOsMA[]; double downOsMA[]; double OsmaBuffer[]; double upK[]; //+——————————————————————+ //| Función de inicialización del indicador personalizado | //+——————————————————————+ int init() //—- 2 additional buffers are used for counting. IndicatorBuffers(4); //—- drawing settings SetIndexStyle(0, DRAW_HISTOGRAM, STYLE_SOLID, Histo); SetIndexStyle(1, DRAW_HISTOGRAM, STYLE_SOLID, Histo); SetIndexDrawBegin(0,SignalSMA); IndicatorDigits(Digits+2); //—- 3 indicator buffers mapping SetIndexBuffer(0,upOsMA); SetIndexBuffer(1,downOsMA); SetIndexBuffer(2,OsmaBuffer); SetIndexStyle(3,DRAW_ARROW, EMPTY); SetIndexBuffer(3,upK); SetIndexEmptyValue(3,EMPTY_VALUE); SetIndexArrow(3,159); //—- name for DataWindow and indicator subwindow label IndicatorShortName(“OsMA(“+FastEMA+”,”+SlowEMA+”,”+SignalSMA+”)”); //—- initialization done return(0); > //+——————————————————————+ //| Moving Average of Oscillator | //+——————————————————————+ int start() int limit; int counted_bars=IndicatorCounted(); double diff, d, std, bbs; //—- last counted bar will be recounted if(counted_bars>0) counted_bars–; limit=Bars-counted_bars; //—- macd counted in the 1-st additional buffer for(int i=0; i<limit; i++) OsmaBuffer[i] = iOsMA(NULL, 0, FastEMA, SlowEMA, SignalSMA, PRICE_CLOSE, i); //+——————————————————————+ for(i=0; i<limit; i++) if (OsmaBuffer[i] > OsmaBuffer[i+1]) upOsMA[i] = OsmaBuffer[i]; downOsMA[i] = 0; > else if(OsmaBuffer[i] < OsmaBuffer[i+1]) downOsMA[i] = OsmaBuffer[i]; upOsMA[i] = 0; > else upOsMA[i] = 0; downOsMA[i] = 0; > diff = iATR(NULL,0,keltPrd, i)*keltFactor; std = iStdDev(NULL,0,bolPrd, MODE_SMA,0,PRICE_CLOSE, i); bbs = bolDev * std / diff; if(bbs<1) upK[i]=0; > else upK[i]=EMPTY_VALUE; > > //—- done return(0); > //+——————————————————————+

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USD/JPY has been ranging for almost 2 months now. Markets trend for 70% of time and range for the other 30%. That ranging time period is almost up, and this pair can jump either way. Although it did a Bollinger Band squeeze which i talk about in the previous USD/JPY article, it did not continue the downtrend due to the strong doji candle that formed.

The downtrend would’ve continued had even a remotely bearish candle formed. However, the doji with the long lower shadow prevented any chance of that. After the second bullish candle formed, the whole thing basically turned into a BB breakout with reversal. The black horizontal support/resistance line was valid until broken through. Not it is a fairly strong support. Already 3 hours into the new candle, it is strongly bullish, and that may be the case for the pair, depending on what candles form. I would wait for a clear signal, what may happen is a bearish candle will form, forming a BB breakout and reversal. Then, next week, it may drop to the support line. From then it depends which way it goes. If it closes below it will go to the 20 MA or even the lower BB. If it bounce up then the uptrend will continue.

An update will be posted next week when something significant forms, so check back!


Tag Archives: pbf squeeze indicator mt4

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Forex technical analysis: Even AUDUSD has a squeeze…

The RBA semi-surprise cut in rates sent the AUDUSD sharply to the downside in trading today (lowest level since May 2009) .

As pointed out in the post from after the cut last night (see:Forex technical trading: AUDUSD tumbles to new lows going back to May 2009 on RBA cut ). the move lower was pushing to new extremes with little in the way of support except the lower trend line on the hourly chart. Bien & # 8230; the lower trend line held support (see chart below). When risk can defined and limited, traders will tend to give it a shot.

AUDUSD tumbled but found support against the lower trend line.

The after holding a key support target, the focus turns to the correction and resistance above.

Looking at the 5 minute chart below, the price for the AUDUSD has been able to extend above the 100 bar MA (blue line and stay above). In the early NY session, the price came right down to the line and bounced. The subsequent move higher, has taken the price to the 38.2% retracement of the move down from today’s high to today’s low (at 0.7704). The 0.7700 level was the old low going back to July 2009. The low from last week came in at 0.7719. The 200 bar moving average is currently at 0.7711. So with all that overhead resistance, we are now seeing some sellers re-enter against this area. Stay below the 0.7719 level, and the sellers will breathe a sigh of relief.

Having said that there still is the question of getting back below the 100 bar moving average on the 5 minute chart. That level currently comes in at the 0.7668 level. A move below this level will be needed to show that the sellers are back in control. Given the action by the RBA, this level should give way at some point. The caveat is traders can get offsides and the dollar is not having a great day as GBPUSD, EURUSD rebound, and even USDCAD moves a bit lower. So a battle is on for the rest of the trading day with the 100 bar MA on the downside and the 38.2%, 200 bar MA and 0.7719 level on the upside.

AUDUSD has corrected up to a cluster of resistance from 0.7704-19.

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Bollinger Squeeze

I must apologize for my complete absence all Friday. As some of you know I am running another (non-trading related) company and I needed to go down to take care of urgent business. But in the rush I completely forgot to let you guys know – my only excuse is that I’m a bit overwhelmed lately. Have only taken seven days of vacation this year and it’s starting to take its toll – of course this crappy market is not helping to relief the stress.

Anyway, I’m actually about to dash out of the door again but this place needs a comment cleaner – so here are a few quick charts that jumped out at me:

I think the point I’m making here is quite clear. We are looking for consolidation periods followed by a drop and a BB squeeze. Last year almost every squeeze heralded another drop lower. This year it’s been the other way around – every squeeze meant that the bulltards were getting ready for another push higher. As you can see we are getting squeezed quite a bit right now.

It’s even more pronounced on the VIX. So, the question is – are we going to drop or are we pushing higher? Personally I think the wave count permits for another push up, but then there’s this:

This is a simple 14 hour ATR slapped on my medium term wave count chart. As you can see the ATR fluctuates wildly lately and there is a distinct pick up when we drop – followed by a drop when we push up. I’m sure the tinfoil hats among you will interpret this in adventurous ways but to me it’s nothing but another tool to gauge the potential for a trend change.

According to the ATR drop the bulltards are attempting to push this thing higher but it’s not really working as they have run into a wall. Now, volatility has been pushing up again late last week and that could mean we drop from here. The wave count however would look very strange without a resolution, so even if we drop from here it would be better/cleaner to see a push higher before a big turn. That turn would most likely happen around the 1045 mark, so if we drop on Monday take at least partial profits there.

Please bear in mind that the odds for any resolution ahead of the new year are bad bad bad. So, do yourself a favor – play long term – play very short term – or don’t play at all. We are at the cusp of a trend change IMNSHO but it’s taking its merry time – and as option traders that is when we should step away and wait for some type of resolution. Long term however – and I need to throw that in – bear in mind how low Mr. VIX is right now – and if we ever get a hard drop the spike in vega will do wonders for any put holders – enough said but trade at your own peril – these are crazy times. Surviving as a trader is all about probabilities and the odds right now are not in your favor unless you are holding a crystal ball as all inflection points (bearish or bullish) are miles away.

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Eur/Usd Marketplace company – cost retraced however because experienced sufficient candlestick lighting beneath ProEMAGain Indication. Eu/rJPY company – Perfect setup: cost retraced (as all of us are likely additionally because candlestick owner close beneath the specific indication + all of us actually have sufficient home for just about any remunerative marketplace company. Gbp/Usd company – cost retraced 2nd quantity, however didn’t see a expected direction - totally absolutely nothing in order to worry, just about all people may have shedding offers however because we’ve obtained to locate a method to strategy them all. Eur/JPY Several MARKETPLACE company – 3 perfect offers specifically where ever cost retraces, candlestick owner close beneath indication (as all of us are likely additionally once we actually have sufficient home for that offers. Just about all people close the 2nd 1 or 2 associated with buy because the worth have been really in relation to TP it also produced the littlest phase – a sign it will retrace in order to indication. Usd/Cad company – apprehensively anxiously waited along with regards to cost in order to go away indication area however because became a member of the specific company. Suggestions from this 7 days: Don’t company on Comes to an end you have experienced practical offers all through awfully first occasions in the 7 days – much better remove this, continue however because relax, value a few free time.

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What To Do With EUR Squeeze? & # 8211; BNPP

After EUR/USD surged over 450 pips on the Draghi disappointment. what’s next?

The team at BNP Paribas examines:

Aquí está su opinión, cortesía de eFXnews:

Thursday’s squeeze higher in EURUSD and other EUR cross can be considered quite violent relative to history . with the only time over the past 10 years that EURUSD has rallied more than 3% being on the day being on the announcement of Fed QE purchases of Treasuries back in March 2009, notes BNP Paribas.

“We had expected to see EURUSD squeeze moderately higher following the ECB meeting and had been avoiding short exposure heading into the event. However, the extent of the move seems disproportionate both to the degree of disappointment delivered by the ECB and to positioning heading into the meeting. The theme of ECB and Fed policy divergence still remains very strong with the ECB having announced new measures on Thursday.

Meanwhile, our BNP Paribas FX Positioning Analysis indicates that while EURUSD was trading at its year lows, the market was holding only light short EUR positions with a score of only -4 out of +/-50,” BNPP argues.

“We therefore expect to see good interest to sell EUR into this latest move higher as we head into year-end, particularly if the Fed delivers a rate hike in December as we expect. Our 1.06 year-end target, which seemed perhaps too conservative just 24 hours ago, continues to look appropriate to us ,” BNPP advises.

Para más transacciones FX de los principales bancos, inscríbase en eFXplus

By signing up to eFXplus via the link above, you are directly supporting Forex Crunch.

sobre el autor

Yohay Elam - Fundador, Escritor y Editor

He estado en el mercado de Forex por más de 5 años, y comparto la experiencia que tengo y el conocimiento que he acumulado. Después de tomar un curso corto sobre forex. Al igual que muchos comerciantes de forex, he ganado la parte significativa de mi conocimiento de la manera difícil. La macroeconomía, el impacto de las noticias en los siempre cambiantes mercados de divisas y la psicología comercial siempre me han fascinado.

Antes de fundar Forex Crunch, he trabajado como programador en varias empresas de alta tecnología. Tengo un B. Sc. En Ciencias de la Computación de la Universidad Ben Gurion. Dado este fondo, el software de la divisa tiene una parte relativamente mayor en los postes.

Artículos Relacionados

Forex Trading: Weekly Squeeze Breakouts, how to play the moves

by Joe Oliver, Forex Trading-Pips

Forex Trading: With GBP breaking out of the weekly squeeze. now is a good time to discuss how to play breakout moves from the weekly squeeze.

Squeeze high / low bracket: One strategy is to bracket the highs and lows of the squeeze with stop orders: sell stop below the low, buy stop above the high. Exit 1/2 the trade once 1 unit of risk has been gained for a risk free trade, then slow trail the stop on the remaining unit.

Forex Trading, GBP weekly squeeze bracket

One of the problems with bracketing weekly highs / lows is that stops can be extremely wide: in the above example on GBP the stop is over 900 pips. Wide stops are good for keeping outside market noise but can also be problematic for small account holders seeking to minimize their risk exposure. An alternative is to drill down to daily bars and trade counter trend moves in the direction of the trend.

Lower time frame, reversion trades. Whilst the downside move on GBP is just starting on the weekly time frame, note below how the daily time frame has become quite oversold: 2 period RSI is just above 7.

Forex Trading, GBP daily bars

Nimble traders can use the weekly squeeze as a direction filter and time entries using daily bar counter trend swings to sell bounces.

How do you know where to ‘sell rallies in a downtrend’?

One of the best ways is to use an 8 and 20 period EMA (exponential moving average).

The 20 day EMA acts as a short term trend filter: If price is below the 20 day EMA and the 20 day EMA is downward sloping, rallies are to be sold.

The 8 day EMA is a useful indicator for timing retracement entries in the direction of the trend:

In a down trend, rallies to the 8 day EMA are to be sold.

Trades can thereafter be scaled out using Forex exit strategies .

Squeeze RA V1 – Indicador para MetaTrader 4


My model of Squeeze Indicator for MetaTrader 4. This indicator is predicated on a technique talked about in John Carter’s ebook. Mastering the Trade. It can also be a totally improvised model of Squeeze_Break indicator by Des S’Regan.

The important enhancements embrace plotting squeeze values (some BB/KC calculation modifications) on the zero-line after which to smoothen the momentum values as rising/falling constructive/destructive histograms to match those bought on business web sites. This is straightforward on the attention. Uses a few of the Linear Regression code from Victor Nicolaev aka Vinin’s V_LRMA. mq4 for smoothening the histograms.

This model DOES NOT have any alerts performance and in addition doesn’t have inputs to vary. The cause is — that is V1 and usually no one modifications the BB and KC values.


On a D1 timeframe under:

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This entry was posted by ReinaAFTUnco on October 4, 2015 at 10:30 pm, and is filed under MQ5. Follow any responses to this post through RSS 2.0.You can skip to the end and leave a response. Pinging is currently not allowed.

BBSqueeze Dark Indicator

The indicator starts below the main chart window and is very simple to use.

There are 2 steps to take signals via this indicator.


Step 1: See the zero line. It consists of either Red dot or Green dot. If it is Green dot, it’s time to take action. Now, action (buy or sell) has been defined in step 2 below. If it’s Red dot, do nothing and stay away. Just hold your position.

Step 2: If you see Green dot in zero line, it’s time to either Buy or Sell. For that, see the histogram lines, which are either on above zero line (blue lines) or below zero lines (red lines). Just buy on blue histogram and sell on red histogram.

In a summary, take long position when you see green dot on zero line AND blue histogram lines.

And sell your position, when you see green dot on zero line AND red histogram lines.


Please note that I’m not the developer of this indicator. Just sharing with you from my indicators library. So, all the copyrights and credits goes to the original developer.

I’ve tested it on different currency pairs and time frame. It works on everywhere but gives best results on high time frame like H4. It’s always better to trade on H4 time frame to avoid volatility of the market and false signals.

You can check more examples of this indicator on my website.


Indikátor využívá dle autora kombinaci Bollinger Bands a Keltner Channels. Zelený histogram značí long, červený short, pokud je kulička na zero line modrá. Pokud je fialová do trhu nevstupujeme, pokud jsem v pozici tak ji držíme.

#property indicator_separate_window #property indicator_buffers 4 #property indicator_color1 Lime #property indicator_color2 Red #property indicator_color3 Magenta #property indicator_color4 Aqua //---- input parameters extern int bolPrd=20; extern double bolDev=2.0; extern int keltPrd=20; extern double keltFactor=1.5; extern int momPrd=12; //---- buffers double upB[]; double loB[]; double upK[]; double loK[];

int i, j,slippage=3; double breakpoint=0.0; double ema=0.0; int peakf=0; int peaks=0; int valleyf=0; int valleys=0, limit=0; double ccis[61],ccif[61]; double delta=0; double ugol=0; //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| Función de inicialización del indicador personalizado | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ int init() //---- indicators SetIndexStyle(0,DRAW_HISTOGRAM); SetIndexBuffer(0,upB); SetIndexEmptyValue(0,EMPTY_VALUE); SetIndexStyle(1,DRAW_HISTOGRAM); SetIndexBuffer(1,loB); SetIndexEmptyValue(1,EMPTY_VALUE);

if (counted_bars<0) return(-1); if (counted_bars>0) counted_bars--; limit=Bars-31; if(counted_bars>=31) limit=Bars-counted_bars-1;

for (shift=limit;shift>=0;shift--) //d=iMomentum(NULL,0,momPrd, PRICE_CLOSE, shift); d=LinearRegressionValue(bolPrd, shift); if(d>0) upB[shift]=d; loB[shift]=0; > else upB[shift]=0; loB[shift]=d; > diff = iATR(NULL,0,keltPrd, shift)*keltFactor; std = iStdDev(NULL,0,bolPrd, MODE_SMA,0,PRICE_CLOSE, shift); bbs = bolDev * std / diff; if(bbs<1) upK[shift]=0; loK[shift]=EMPTY_VALUE; > else loK[shift]=0; upK[shift]=EMPTY_VALUE; > > return(0); > //+------------------------------------------------------------------+

double LinearRegressionValue(int Len, int shift) double SumBars = 0; double SumSqrBars = 0; double SumY = 0; double Sum1 = 0; double Sum2 = 0; double Slope = 0;

SumBars = Len * (Len-1) * 0.5; SumSqrBars = (Len - 1) * Len * (2 * Len - 1)/6;

for (int x=0; x<=Len-1;x++) double HH = Low[x+shift]; double LL = High[x+shift]; for (int y=x; y<=(x+Len)-1; y++) HH = MathMax(HH, High[y+shift]); LL = MathMin(LL, Low[y+shift]); > Sum1 += x* (Close[x+shift]-((HH+LL)/2 + iMA(NULL,0,Len,0,MODE_EMA, PRICE_CLOSE, x+shift))/2); SumY += (Close[x+shift]-((HH+LL)/2 + iMA(NULL,0,Len,0,MODE_EMA, PRICE_CLOSE, x+shift))/2); > Sum2 = SumBars * SumY; double Num1 = Len * Sum1 - Sum2; double Num2 = SumBars * SumBars-Len * SumSqrBars;

if (Num2 != 0.0) Slope = Num1/Num2; > else Slope = 0; >

double Intercept = (SumY - Slope*SumBars) /Len; //debugPrintln(Intercept+". "+Slope); double LinearRegValue = Intercept+Slope * (Len - 1);

Keltner Channel Strategy

Really easy strategy which you can master with just the basic knowledge. It provides really good risk / reward output and Keltner Channel Strategy gets really high winning rate.

TimeFrame: 5 min

Symbol: any major currency preferred EURUSD, GBPUSD

Risk: MAX 2% of account equity per order


Keltner Channels Indicator set to 40 Periods

Exponential Moving Average set to 8 periods

Keltner Channel Strategy Overview:

When you have the chart setup with Keltner Channel Indicator and Exponential Moving Average you are all set to go. You should use this strategy only on 5min timeframe. As well as you should have a good Broker with really small spreads like HotForex. Once you are all set you watch the market and wait for the EMA to be inside the Keltner Channel. Now you wait for the PA (Price Action) to move outside the Channel and then wait for EMA to break the Keltner Channel which should happen right after PA. Once EMA has broken the channel you should SELL (if channel is broken downside) and you should BUY (if channel has broken to upside).

Keltner Channel Strategy entry and exit rules:

BUY order should be placed when EMA crosses upper Keltner channel

SELL order should be placed when EMA crosses bottom Keltner channel

SL (Stop Loss) should be set right on the middle of Keltner Channel Indicator

TP (Take Profit) Option 1: should be fixed at 10 PIPs. (remember you are on 5min chart)

TP (Take Profit) Option 2: you can set BE (Brake Even) when you reach 10pips profit and let the profits run. Exit the trade when Price Action hits back the Keltner channel or you can use Support & Resistance lines for your exit.

Usually this will get you 1:1 or 1:2 risk / reward return which is good.

How to install Keltner Channel Strategy Template in MetaTrader 4 / MT4:

Download/Copy/Save the TPL file into your C:\Program Files\MetaTrader 4\templates folder (or change the folder to your installation sometimes forex broker name)

Restart your MetaTrader 4 application (assuming it’s currently open) … or Launch your MetaTrader 4 application

Open the Template with Charts/Template

Locate the Template which you have just downloaded into the folder stated in Step 1

TADA and your done!

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[…] There are couple of strategies you can use Keltner Channels Indicator with. One of the more popular ones is Keltner Channel Strategy […]

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Trend Manager Construction plus some fundamentals: (Not vital that you appreciate this component to create pips from it ). Pattern Supervisor to become easy is actually a simple cost bust out design to determine bull or even bear bias associated with market path or even Cost bias. This technique merely and building plots distinction between your midpoints from the Higher Reduced variety within the intervals associated with pubs utilized in piece computation and also the default club utilized in computation is actually 7 in whose worth is actually in contrast to the worthiness associated with most recent pubs along with selection of two club old or even final pubs merely,

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Therefore depending on this particular quite simple formula this isn’t any kind of complex or even unexplainable program, therefore when the cost in the event that techniques over the actual middle type of variety club in contrast indicates this iasis the cost remained over the number pubs we. at the cost leaped upward versus the actual ideals utilized in computation. And also the numerous duplicate whenever TM had been away suspected Pattern Supervisor Sign utilized the actual higher higher and also the reduced reduced from the time period because evidently. Rather it’s unique is actually while using typical from the Greatest Reduced and also the Cheapest Higher to create the actual starting place from the outlines. The actual midpoint method and also the 7 time period presumption each seem to be in line with the actual pubs the initial and building plots.

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What To Do With EUR Squeeze? & # 8211; BNPP

After EUR/USD surged over 450 pips on the Draghi disappointment. what’s next?

The team at BNP Paribas examines:

Aquí está su opinión, cortesía de eFXnews:

Thursday’s squeeze higher in EURUSD and other EUR cross can be considered quite violent relative to history . with the only time over the past 10 years that EURUSD has rallied more than 3% being on the day being on the announcement of Fed QE purchases of Treasuries back in March 2009, notes BNP Paribas.

“We had expected to see EURUSD squeeze moderately higher following the ECB meeting and had been avoiding short exposure heading into the event. However, the extent of the move seems disproportionate both to the degree of disappointment delivered by the ECB and to positioning heading into the meeting. The theme of ECB and Fed policy divergence still remains very strong with the ECB having announced new measures on Thursday.

Meanwhile, our BNP Paribas FX Positioning Analysis indicates that while EURUSD was trading at its year lows, the market was holding only light short EUR positions with a score of only -4 out of +/-50,” BNPP argues.

“We therefore expect to see good interest to sell EUR into this latest move higher as we head into year-end, particularly if the Fed delivers a rate hike in December as we expect. Our 1.06 year-end target, which seemed perhaps too conservative just 24 hours ago, continues to look appropriate to us ,” BNPP advises.

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sobre el autor

Yohay Elam - Fundador, Escritor y Editor

He estado en el mercado de Forex por más de 5 años, y comparto la experiencia que tengo y el conocimiento que he acumulado. Después de tomar un curso corto sobre forex. Al igual que muchos comerciantes de forex, he ganado la parte significativa de mi conocimiento de la manera difícil. La macroeconomía, el impacto de las noticias en los siempre cambiantes mercados de divisas y la psicología comercial siempre me han fascinado.

Antes de fundar Forex Crunch, he trabajado como programador en varias empresas de alta tecnología. Tengo un B. Sc. En Ciencias de la Computación de la Universidad Ben Gurion. Dado este fondo, el software de la divisa tiene una parte relativamente mayor en los postes.

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Premier sitio de noticias de comercio de divisas

Fundada en 2008, ForexLive. com es el primer sitio de noticias de comercio de divisas que ofrece comentarios, opiniones y análisis interesantes para los verdaderos profesionales de comercio de divisas. Obtenga las últimas noticias de cambio de divisas y las actualizaciones actuales de los comerciantes activos diariamente. Las publicaciones del blog de ForexLive. com cuentan con análisis técnicos de vanguardia, consejos gráficos, análisis de divisas y tutoriales de negociación de pares de divisas. Descubra cómo aprovechar las oscilaciones en los mercados de divisas globales y ver nuestro análisis de noticias de divisas en tiempo real y las reacciones a las noticias del banco central, los indicadores económicos y los eventos mundiales.

2016 - Live Analytics Inc v.0.8.116(s)

ALTO RIESGO ADVERTENCIA: El comercio de divisas conlleva un alto nivel de riesgo que puede no ser adecuado para todos los inversores. El apalancamiento crea un riesgo adicional y una exposición de pérdidas. Antes de decidir intercambiar divisas, considere cuidadosamente sus objetivos de inversión, su nivel de experiencia y su tolerancia al riesgo. Usted podría perder parte o la totalidad de su inversión inicial; No invierta dinero que no puede permitirse perder. Infórmese sobre los riesgos asociados con el comercio de divisas y busque asesoramiento de un asesor financiero o fiscal independiente si tiene alguna pregunta.

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The forex squeeze indicator is based on a trading strategy found in the book Mastering the Trade, written by john Carter. The indicator moves between -0.422 (extremely bearish) and 0.1611 (extremely bullish).

Buy signal: Go long at the first blue bar.

Sell signal: Go short at the first red bar.

Use in conjunction with an oscillator (stochastic, momentum, macd) to pinpoint your entry and exit levels.

Currency pairs: any

Time frames: any

Trading sessions: any

Opciones de indicadores configurables

Bar colors, …

Forex Squeeze Indicator. 10.0 out of 10 based on 3 ratings

What is Squeeze?

A contraction of the Bollinger Bands inside the Keltner Channel reflects a market taking a break and consolidating, and is usually seen as a potential leading indicator of subsequent directional movement or large oscillation movement.

When Bollinger bands leave Keltner Channel it means markets switching from a low volatility to high volatility and high volatility are something all traders are looking for.

What I was missing in some indicators is possibility of monitoring many timeframes at once. Thanks to this indicator in form of expert advisor you can monitor up to 10 timeframes at once and get information in forms of alerts and cell phone notifications! You don't have to monitor many timeframes using KC/BB, you just need to sit and relax and get info every time market is getting more volatile.

PRO version also allows you to activate it 12 times so you won't have to worry if you are using many terminals to trade.

PRO also allows custom settings of Keltner Channel/Bollinger Bands for each time-frame! (10 different timeframes for PRO version vs 5 timeframes for normal version).

How many different timeframes

Custom KC and BB settings for each timeframe

Number of activations

Cell phone alerts

Check the comment tab for most recent PDF instruction.

The River trades the EURUSD with a risk/reward ratio of 1/15, risking around 3% of account balance per trade and making it an aggressive Expert Advisor. Although 1:15 is a.

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This Expert Advisor is designed for mechanical (manual) trading strategies. Manual trading! Muholov: MULTI Likhovidov Folding rule automatically finds Likhovidov Folding rule pattern on 276 trading symbols (can be changed in.

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I've developed this EA many years ago to automate my trading on AUDJPY. Today I'm still using this and have made many improvements to control the drawdown and increase profit. Features Variable.

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CrocodileEA is based on EURUSD, GBPUSD and EURGBP - three currencies to clutch relationship in three directions on the Market. It uses small stop loss, larger take profit, profit protection.

"Expert X" Expert Advisor using the Martingale system (grid). Only the basic parameters are used: tp - Take Profit from the average price of all the opened orders in one direction; paso.

Forex technical analysis: EURUSD squeeze continues

Premier sitio de noticias de comercio de divisas

Fundada en 2008, ForexLive. com es el primer sitio de noticias de comercio de divisas que ofrece comentarios, opiniones y análisis interesantes para los verdaderos profesionales de comercio de divisas. Obtenga las últimas noticias de cambio de divisas y las actualizaciones actuales de los comerciantes activos diariamente. Las publicaciones del blog de ForexLive. com cuentan con análisis técnicos de vanguardia, consejos gráficos, análisis de divisas y tutoriales de negociación de pares de divisas. Descubra cómo aprovechar las oscilaciones en los mercados de divisas globales y ver nuestro análisis de noticias de divisas en tiempo real y las reacciones a las noticias del banco central, los indicadores económicos y los eventos mundiales.

2016 - Live Analytics Inc v.0.8.116(s)

ALTO RIESGO ADVERTENCIA: El comercio de divisas conlleva un alto nivel de riesgo que puede no ser adecuado para todos los inversores. El apalancamiento crea un riesgo adicional y una exposición de pérdidas. Antes de decidir intercambiar divisas, considere cuidadosamente sus objetivos de inversión, su nivel de experiencia y su tolerancia al riesgo. Usted podría perder parte o la totalidad de su inversión inicial; No invierta dinero que no puede permitirse perder. Infórmese sobre los riesgos asociados con el comercio de divisas y busque asesoramiento de un asesor financiero o fiscal independiente si tiene alguna pregunta.

AVISO ADVISORY: FOREXLIVE ™ proporciona referencias y enlaces a blogs seleccionados y otras fuentes de información económica y de mercado como un servicio educativo para sus clientes y prospectos y no respalda las opiniones o recomendaciones de los blogs u otras fuentes de información. Se aconseja a los clientes y prospectos considerar cuidadosamente las opiniones y análisis que se ofrecen en los blogs u otras fuentes de información en el contexto del análisis individual y la toma de decisiones del cliente o prospectos. Ninguno de los blogs u otras fuentes de información debe considerarse como un historial. El rendimiento pasado no es garantía de resultados futuros y FOREXLIVE ™ aconseja específicamente a clientes y prospectos revisar cuidadosamente todas las reclamaciones y representaciones hechas por asesores, bloggers, administradores de dinero y vendedores de sistemas antes de invertir fondos o abrir una cuenta con cualquier distribuidor de Forex. Cualquier noticia, opinión, investigación, datos u otra información contenida en este sitio web se proporciona como comentario general del mercado y no constituye asesoramiento de inversión o comercialización. FOREXLIVE ™ renuncia expresamente a cualquier responsabilidad por cualquier pérdida de capital o beneficios sin limitación que pueda derivarse directa o indirectamente del uso de o de la confianza en dicha información. Al igual que con todos estos servicios de asesoramiento, los resultados anteriores nunca son una garantía de resultados futuros.

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Forex Trading Analysis

Prices tend to pick up slightly after reversal up indicators with EMA lines, NonLagMA are all still below middle band of Bollinger. BB Stops is stiil with its down indication. Indicators like RSI(10), Trend Continuation and Kuskus_Starlight are still moving below their level lines. Chances the price to move up further if it can break middle band.

The prices are at the up trend area of Bollinger. The indicators are all above level lines indicating that the prices are still in strong up area. The price move further down if it could break the middle band line.

This indicator is based on a strategy mentioned in John Carter's book, Mastering the Trade. The basic idea behind the strategy is that markets tend to move from periods of low volatility to high volatility and visa versa. The strategy aims to capture moves from low to high volatility.

For gauging this he uses two common indicators - Bollinger Bands and Keltner Channels (ok, not so common!). He also uses the Momentum indicator to provide a trade bias as some as the Bollinger Bands come back outside the Keltner Channels. The Squeeze_Break indicator combines this into a signal indicator and has the following components:

A positive green histogram means that the Bollinger Bands are outside the Keltner Channels and the market is lightly to be trending or volatile. The stronger the histogram the stronger the directional price move.

A negative red histogram means that the Bollinger Bands are inside the Keltner Channels and the market is lightly to be consolidating. The stronger the red histogram the tighter price action is becoming.

Incorporated into the indicator is a Momentum indicator. According to the strategy J. Carter goes long when the Bollinger Bands break outside the Keltner Bands and the Momentum indicator is above the zero line. He goes short when the Momentum indicator is below the zero line.

I've also added other indicator info in the top left hand corner to give a broader idea of current market conditions.

The indicator provides audio alerts when a potential breakout is occurring. This indicator tends to be better with the larger timeframes. Personally I don't trade purely on an alert signal alone. It's just a handy tool for warning me of changes in price action and potential breakouts.

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La actual estrategia de comercio 200 EMA es en realidad un simple, así como muy simple de seguir junto con la estrategia de comercio de divisas que puede ser realmente atractivo y tiene la posibilidad real de crear sus propios pips innumerables por mes. Usando la Estrategia de Comercio de 200 EMA, usted está negociando usando el patrón así como comprando con éxito reducido así como promoviendo más alto. La cuestión es que uno de los mayores problemas que se ocupan de los nuevos inversores de divisas es en realidad cómo se puede determinar la principal tendencia-si el mercado es sin duda va hacia arriba o incluso hacia abajo? Muy bien, el actual 200 EMA es en realidad un signo de divisas que le ayudará. Por qué 200 EMA? Por qué no utiliza EMAs adicionales como 100 EMA o incluso 50 EMA o incluso 20 EMA o incluso 10 EMA?

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Simply because 200 EMA is actually 1 extremely popular foreign exchange sign utilized by plenty of investors as well as that’s the reason why all of us make use of 200EMA. Here’s what you ought to learn about the actual 200 EMA: whenever cost is actually beneath the actual 200 EMA, that’s the downtrend whenever cost is actually over the actual 200 EMA, that’s a good uptrend. THE ACTUAL 200EMA Trading Strategy AS WELL AS EXACTLY HOW THIS FUNCTIONS The actual 200EMA Strategy is really a multi-timeframe foreign exchange Strategy and that means you require the actual every day graph, the actual 4hr graph and also the 1hr graph. Listed here are the actual actions in order to Trading this particular foreign exchange Strategy very first, location 200EMA in your every day graph. Observe in the event that it’s as well as uptrend or perhaps a downtrend. The actual every day graph decides the primary pattern.

Entonces usted swithc hacia el gráfico 4hr y averiguar en el que el 200EMA es en realidad de acuerdo con el costo, podría estar dentro del mismo patrón, ya que el gráfico de cada día. Si ese es el caso, el siguiente es en realidad un cambio de persona hacia el gráfico de 1 hora, así como examinar cuando el gráfico de 1 hora está exactamente dentro del mismo patrón desde el día y también los gráficos de 4 horas. Se encuentra dentro del gráfico de 1 hora exactamente donde sus propios registros de la industria tienden a realizarse una vez que el patrón dentro del gráfico de 1 hora es equivalente a los gráficos reales de 4 horas y también todos los días. Exactamente lo que quiere realizar aquí con el fin de "comprar las inmersiones reales", así como "vender los mítines reales" en el plazo de 1 hora.

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Squeeze Alert - Candlestick Reversal Pattern

Squeeze Alert Definition

The squeeze alert pattern can occur in both bull and bear markets. This pattern consists of three candlesticks, where one candlestick has a long body, followed by two candlesticks that have smaller high low ranges than the previous bars. The squeeze alert is extremely effective day trading morning reversals.

Bearish Squeeze Alert - Charting Example

The first candlestick in the formation is a long white (green) candlestick that closes near its high with an increase in volume. This candle must be preceded by either a lengthy uptrend, or a large gap up. The second and third candlestick have lower highs and lower lows than the previous candlesticks. This pattern shows that the upside momentum is stalling out. Traders should wait for the low of the second candlestick to be broken prior to taking any short positions.

Bullish Squeeze Alert - Charting Example

The first candlestick in the formation is a long black (red) candlestick that closes near its low with an increase in volume. This candle must be preceded by either a lengthy downtrend, or a large gap down. The second and third candlestick have lower highs and lower lows than the previous candlesticks. This pattern shows that the downside momentum is stalling out. Traders should wait for the high of the second candlestick in the squeeze alert pattern to be broken prior to taking any long positions.

Squeeze Breakout

This Trading Method Sqeeze Breakout was created to trade on stock markets and commodities at the Daily Time Frame. I think that for forex market is good also by 30 min. ime frame. Time Frame 30 min or higher Markets:any

The Squeeze Play Breakout is a volatility setup. En realidad, comienza con una inusual falta de volatilidad para el mercado que está negociando. In other words, a market is trading with much less volatility than is usually the case judging by the market’s historical data. Punto clave: Squeeze Play se basa en la premisa de que las acciones y los índices fluctúan entre períodos de alta volatilidad y baja volatilidad. Cuando se producen períodos de baja volatilidad, un mercado eventualmente volverá a su nivel normal de volatilidad. My strategy uses two indicators applied to Daily Bars: The well-known Bollinger Bands and… …the much less well know Keltner Channels. With both the Bollinger Bands and Keltner Channels, I use the standard default settings that are used on vast majority of trading platforms that I’ve seen: Bollinger Bands: Length 20, Standard Deviation, 2 Keltner Channels: Length 20. There are two versions of the Keltner Channels that are commonly used. I use the version in which the bands are derived from “Average True Range.” When I have looked at how Keltner Channels are configured in different charting programs, I’ve noticed that there can be some minor variations. You should not only be sure that you’re using the formulation that uses Average True Range, but also that the center line is the 20-period Exponential moving average. Okay, let’s get into the guts of of both of these indicators so that you’ll understand why the combination of these two indicators is so effective. Las vendas de Bollinger fueron hechas famosas como herramienta que negociaba cerca John Bollinger en los años 80 tempranos. Una banda de Bollinger le dice la cantidad de volatilidad que hay un mercado dado en relación con el pasado reciente. Cuando un mercado es muy volátil en relación con el pasado reciente, la banda de Bollinger se expandirá. When a market is going through a period of low volatility relative to the recent past, the Bollinger band will contract

Different parameters in the Bollinger Band can be adjusted such as the period of the simple moving average and the number of standard deviations used. Use parameters that are usually the standard default setting. Bollinger Bands: Length 20, Standard Deviation, 2 Now, the statistical term that you don’t commonly hear in normal conversation is “standard deviation.” Understanding this term is the key to understand how a Bollinger Band detects and displays fluctuations in the degree of volatility. En inglés simple, la desviación estándar está determinada por la medida en que el precio de cierre actual se desvía del precio de cierre medio. The formula for computing standard deviation is rather complex and I’m running the risk of oversimplifying (and offending math Phds) but the general concept is that the farther the closing price is from the average closing price the more volatile a market is deemed to be. Y viceversa. That is what determines the degree of contraction or expansion of a Bollinger Band.

At point 1 the Red arrows are indicating a Bollinger Band Squeeze. At point 2 the Red arrows are indicating another Bollinger Band Squeeze. What’s hard about this situation is you do not know how to qualify this squeeze. What we need to do is to quantify how narrow is narrow so that you can determine when a potential trade is triggered. The way we do this is to add the Keltner Channel to the chart.

Bollinger Bands=Blue Keltner Channel=Red

In chart 2 now that we have the Keltner Channel overlaid on top of what you saw in Chart 1, we can qualify the Squeeze. You only take a squeeze play that meets the following criteria: You only consider taking a squeeze play when both the upper and lower Bollinger Bands go inside the Keltner Channel. Points 1 and 2 show examples of the Bollinger Bands (blue lines) going inside the Keltner Channel (Red lines). At those points, you know the squeeze has started. When the Bollinger Bands (BOTH blue lines) start to come out of the Keltner Channel (red lines) the squeeze has been released and a move is about to take place. Bollinger Bands and Keltner Channels tell you when a market is transitioning from low volatility to high volatilty. Using these two indicators together is a valuable technique in itself and I would imagine that some of you would be able to make use of it. In additional of this 2 super indicators, add momentum + Volumn and apply the knowledge of candlestick will further enchance your power in Squeeze Play Breakout. Squeeze Play Breakout in Forex Market

Buy When a Bollinger Band Squeeze is formed wait that upper Bollinger Band crosses upward upper Keltner Channel and wait that the price broken the upper band for entry long. Sell When a Bollinger Band Squeeze is formed wait that lower Bollinger Band crosses downward lower Keltner Channel and wait the price broken the lower band for entry short.

Squeeze Break Mq4

Forex Squeeze Break Indicator

In order to demonstrate just what the Squeeze Break will look like once it has been set up on your Metatrader, a photo is also included. In case you aren’t yet persuaded to download the indicator, then you will be once you’ve seen the image. Are you not pleased with this kind of indicator? Then you need to go to our Breakout indicator section for a lot more Metatrader Breakout Indicators which you can choose from.

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TTM Indicators for Amibroker

TTM Indicators for Amibroker

Can someone please share the following indicator AFLs here

The TTM Squeeze Indicator

The TTM Squeeze indicator can be applied to the Stocks, Options, Futures and Forex markets. The TTM Squeeze Indicator works in conjunction with Tradestation, eSignal, Sierra Charts, and now it is also available for Ninja Trader!

The TTM Squeeze Indicator: A Few Key Points:

the TTM squeeze indicator was developed to keep from going cross eyed from looking at all of the line crosses. The TTM squeeze indicator visually represents what is happening with all of the lines. The TTM Squeeze Indicator is very easy strategy to learn and works on all time frames. We like the Two Minute and Five Minute time frames the best. The TTM Squeeze Indicator normal signal is red dots, no trade. When green dots appears, it means that the TTM squeeze indicator is on. When a green dots is followed by a red dot, it means that the TTM squeeze indicator has fired, volatility is expanding. The histogram(the vertical lines) is a measure of momentum; If it is blue we go long, if it is red we go short

TTM Auto Pivots Indicator

The TTM Auto Pivots Indicator can be applied to the stock trading, options trading, futures trading and Forex trading markets. The TTM Auto Pivots Indicator works in conjunction with Tradestation, eSignal, Sierra Charts, and now Ninja Trader!

TTM Auto Pivots Indicator - A Few Key Points:

The good news about this day trading strategy, the auto pivots indicator, is that the day trades are clearly setup before the day begins. With the TTM Auto Pivots Indicator the majority of the time is spent waiting for a particular price level to be reached in order to initiate a trade. The TTM Auto Pivots Indicator very useful especially if your weakness as a trader is making "impulsive trades".

TTM Hourly Rolling Pivots Indicator

Note: You must have the TTM Auto Pivots Indicator for the TTM Hourly Rolling Pivots Indicator to work. This day trading indicator is compatible with Tradestation, Sierra Charts, and now Ninja Trader!

TTM Hourly Rolling Pivots Indicator - A Few Key Points:

TTM Hourly Rolling Pivots are great for Sideways Chop TTM Hourly Rolling Pivots Indicator updates new pivots every hour

TTM Trend Indicator

The TTM Trend indicator can be applied to the stock trading, options trading, futures trading and Forex trading markets. The TTM Trend indicator works in conjunction with Tradestation, eSignal, Sierra Charts, and now Ninja Trader!

TTM Trend Indicator - A Few Key Points

TTM Trend indicator is a visual technique that eliminates irregularities from a normal chart TTM Trend indicator offers a better picture of trends and consolidations

TTM Bricks Indicator

The TTM Bricks Indicator can be applied to the stock trading, options trading, futures trading and Forex trading markets. The TTM Bricks Indicator works in conjunction with Tradestation, eSignal, Sierra Charts, and now Ninja Trader!

TTM Bricks Indicator - A Few Key Points

TTM Bricks Indicator: 3 consecutive higher closes = up TTM Bricks Indicator: 3 consecutive lower closes = down

TTM Indicators (Squeeze, AutoPivots, Hourly Pivots, Trend, Brick) for Amibroker

TTM Auto Pivots. afl TTM Brick. afl TTM Hourly Rolling Pivots. afl TTM squeeze. afl TTM Trend. afl

Re: TTM Indicators for Amibroker

I was able to find these 2. Can senior members pls. comment on them!

HaClose = (O+H+L+C)/4; HaOpen = AMA( Ref( HaClose, -1 ), 0.5 ); HaHigh = Max( H, Max( HaClose, HaOpen ) ); HaLow = Min( L, Min( HaClose, HaOpen ) ); barcolor = IIf(HaClose >= HaOpen, colorBlue, colorRed);

SetChartOptions(0,chartShowArrows|chartShowDates); _N (Title = StrFormat (& gt; -> & gt; Open% g, Hi% g, Lo% g, Cerrar% g (% .1f %%) Vol & quot; + WriteVal (V, 1,0) + & quot; , O, H, L, C, Valor Seleccionado (ROC (C, 1)))); Plot( C, "Close", barcolor, styleNoTitle | styleCandle | GetPriceStyle() ); ToolTip=StrFormat("Open: %g\nHigh: %g\nLow: %g\nClose: %g (%.1f%%)\nVolume: "+NumToStr( V, 1 ), O, H, L, C, SelectedValue( ROC( C, 1 )));

_SECTION_BEGIN("Unnamed 6"); /* BB Squeeze (conversion for TS code)

Instructions Insert Linked to new chart pane Periods can be selected in Param window

For swing trading: I scan the EOD stock data using the ZigZag indicator for buy/sell signals and confirm the following for the buy decision: . The close is just crossed the 8 day MA (or close to it) and 20 day MA is moving up direction (on a daily price chart) . The stochastic indicator shows "oversold" condition is improving . TTM Sqeeze shows up momentum. * /

nK = Param("Channel ATRs",1.5,0.1,2,0.1); // //from Average > nBB = Param("BB Std Devs",2,0.1,3,0.1); // //Devs. from Average > AlertLine = Param("AlertLine",1,0,3,1); // //to issue alerts >

Denom = nK*AvgTrueRange; BBS_Ind = Nz((nBB * SDev) /Denom);

SetPlotColor = IIf( BBS_Ind < Alertline, NormalColor, AlertlColor); BBcrossDown = Cross(AlertLine, BBS_Ind); BBcrossUp = Cross(BBS_Ind, AlertLine);

SetChartOptions( 0, chartShowDates|chartWrapTitle ); GraphXSpace=10; //_N(Title = " > - > > "+_DEFAULT_NAME()+" : // > >"); //+"\nALERT: "+WriteIf(BBcrossDown,"BB Squeeze Alert",WriteIf //(BBcrossUp,"BB Squeeze Is Over","")) );

// value2 = LinearReg( price-((HHV(H, Lenght1)+LLV(L, Lenght1))/2+ MA (C, Lenght1))/2, Lenght1); color = IIf( value2 > 0, IIf( value2 > Ref(value2,-1), colorGreen, colorDarkGreen), IIf( value2 < 0, IIf( value2 < Ref(value2,-1), colorRed, colorDarkRed ), colorYellow ));

Plot(value2*LHMult, "NickmNxtMove", color, styleArea ); Plot(value2,"BB Squeeze",color, styleArea ); // //"ALERT"; //Write alerts to Interpretation window //Ticker = Name(); //WriteIf(BBcrossDown, Ticker + " " + "BB Squeeze Alert",WriteIf //(BBcrossUp, Ticker + " " + "BB Squeeze Is Over",""));

//Write alerts to Alert Output window AlertIf(BBcrossDown,"","BB Squeeze Alert",0); AlertIf(BBcrossUp,"","BB Squeeze Is Over",0);

//Sound alerts //AlertIf( BBcrossDown, "SOUND //C:\\Windows\\Media\\RINGIN. WAV", "Audio alert", 2 ); //AlertIf( BBcrossUp, "SOUND C:\\Windows\\Media\\RINGIN. WAV", "Audio //alert", 2 );

//Write text to screen /* for(i=1;i<BarCount;i++) if(BBcrossDown[i]) PlotText("BB Squeeze Alert",i,-6,colorWhite); > if(BBcrossUp[i]) PlotText("BB Squeeze Is Over",i,-3,colorWhite); > > */ PlotShapes(shapeUpArrow*BBcrossDown, colorBrightGre en,0,0); PlotShapes(shapeDownArrow*BBcrossup, colorBrightGre en,0,0);

Re: TTM Indicators for Amibroker

I've found this one. Espero que ayude.

John Carter's TTM Squeeze Indicator

// Description: Bollinger Bands AND Keltner Channel define the market // conditions, i. e. when BB is narrower than KC then we have // a market squeeze. When BB break Outside the KC then trade // in the direction of the smoothed Momentum(12). // Parameters: // * chanPeriod - Bollinger Bands AND Keltner Channel length // * bolBandStdDev - width of the Bollinger Bands // * keltStdDev - width of the Keltner Bands // * momPeriod - # of bars for Momentum indicator // * momEMA - EMA of the Momentum indicator // //

// Source. John Carter, www. TradeTheMarkets. com // Interpretation. Kris Tokarzewski, Johannesburg, 15-Dec-2006 // AmiBroker Conversion: Levent Pancuk, 22 Feb-2008 // lpancuk@yahoo. com //

function Momentum( array, period ) return array - Ref( array, - period ); >

chanPeriod = Param("Channel Period", 20); bolBandStdDev = Param("Bollinger Band StdDev",2); keltStdDev = Param("Keltner Band StdDev",1.5); momPeriod = Param("Momemtum Period", 12 ); momEMA = Param("Momentum EMA Period", 5);

highBBChl = BBandTop( C, chanPeriod, bolBandStdDev); lowBBChl = BBandBot( C, chanPeriod, bolBandStdDev);

centerLine = MA( C, chanPeriod ); highKeltn = centerLine + keltStdDev * ATR(chanPeriod); lowKeltn = centerLine - keltStdDev * ATR(chanPeriod);

momHist = EMA(Momentum(C, momPeriod),momEMA);

BBUp = IIf(highBBChl > highKeltn AND momHist > 0, momHist, 0); BBDo = IIf(lowBBChl < lowKeltn AND momHist < 0, momHist, 0); BBMid = IIf(BBUp == 0 AND BBDo == 0, momHist, 0);

Buy = BBUp; Sell = BBDo;

Buy = ExRem(Buy, Sell); Sell = ExRem(Sell, Buy);

Plot(BBUp, "TTM Squeeze - Momentum Up", colorBlue, styleHistogram | styleThick); Plot(BBDo, "Momentum Down", colorOrange, styleHistogram | styleThick); Plot(BBMid, "Momentum Mid", IIf(BBMid > 0, colorLightBlue, colorBrown), styleHistogram | styleThick);

PlotShapes( shapeSmallCircle*Buy, colorGreen,0, 0, 0); PlotShapes( shapeSmallCircle*Sell, colorRed,0, 0, 0);

The Healthcare Squeeze

About the Article:

Title: The Healthcare Squeeze Author: The Economist Date of Publication: 25th Mar 2010 Source: Schumpeter: The health-care squeeze | The Economist

Summary of the Article:

This article explored how the Obamacare plan affect small businesses. The effect is largely bearish. It increases costs for businesses and hammers international competitiveness. It also make cost-controlling difficult for them. Although there are subsidies and exemptions, and could be correct from a humanistic point of view, this socialist movement may prove to make recovery difficult.

Mindmap for the Article:

Skeleton of the Article:

The Message:

Although Obamacare has some merits, it may prove a burden for small businesses.

History of Private Health Insurance

During the second world war, the wage is fixed by the government.

Companies attract employees with health insurances.

The Healthcare Burden Nowadays:

Intense global competitions increase the cost of private healthcare insurance.

A research showed that companies with more health insurances contribution grew less than those with little or no insurances.

Political Criticisms:

Left-wing: Cost control is very difficult.

Right-wing: Cost is lower if afforded by individuals instead of companies.

The Concession of Obamacare:

Exemption from companies smaller than 50 employees.

Discount is offered through insurance exchange.

The Original Text

IT MAY not happen in my lifetime, Bill Clinton joked about Barack Obamas mammoth health-care bill a few days ago, or Dick Cheneys, but hopefully by Easter. The joke proved prescient: Congress passed the bill the very next day and the president signed it on March 23rd.

It is undoubtedly a momentous achievementthe biggest change in Americas welfare state since the 1960s and a determined attempt to bring health-care coverage to the countrys 46m uninsured. But amid all the celebration it is worth asking a prosaic question. What does health-care reform mean for the source of the countrys prosperitybusiness?

The answer to the question is not particularly edifying, though not for the reason that the Republicans would have us believe, with their apocalyptic warnings about nationalisation, socialisation and death panels. The most striking thing about Obamacare is not what it does, but what it fails to do.

Obamacare has taken the most idiosyncratic feature of American health carethe fact that the onus for providing health insurance falls first and foremost on companies rather than on individuals or the governmentand set it in concrete. Companies with more than 50 employees will now be legally obliged to provide health insurance for their workers or else face fines.

Critics from both the right and the left have long argued that putting business at the heart of the health-care system is not a must but a bug. Left-wingers point out that employer-provided health care fails to control costs while leaving the government with a huge bill (Uncle Sam pays about half the cost of health care). Conservatives argue that costs would come down if individuals rather than companies were responsible for their own insurance. But Mr Obama insisted from the first that Americans who liked their existing cover would be able to keep it.

America is the only rich country that makes use of this halfway house of a system. It is an historical accident: employers began offering health insurance during the second world war as a way of attracting workers at a time when wages were fixed by the government. It became ever more elaborate and expensive during the post-war boom when big companies ruled the roost and when international competition was muted. Mighty unions added new features to their Cadillac plans with the same enthusiasm that Detroit added tail fins to real Cadillacs.

Today that world has vanished: global competition has intensified dramatically, the life expectancy of companies has shrunk, and General Motors complains that providing health care adds $1,500-2,000 to the cost of every car it produces in America. The system seems designed to inflate costs. Employees feel no compunction about undergoing expensive treatments, since the company pays. The fact that employer-provided insurance is untaxed blunts employers incentives to control costs.

Researchers at the RAND Corporation have made a brave attempt to gauge the impact of Americas health-care system on business. They analysed the performance of 38 industries over the 19 years after 1986. They also compared the performance of Americas industries with their Canadian equivalents to make sure that they were not simply measuring global trends. They found that industries with a high proportion of workers enrolled in company-provided health-care schemes grew more slowly than those with a lower proportion.

From Main Streets point of view the Obama administration has done too little to control the costs of this flawed system. True, the non-partisan Congressional Budget Office estimates that the reform will leave the federal budget deficit $143 billion lower in 2020 than it would otherwise have been. The administration has also talked endlessly about bending the cost curve downward. But the $143 billion estimate is based on the fairy-tale assumption that Congress will not increase the level of reimbursement it pays to doctors for Medicaid. And almost all of the curve-bending measures have been abandoned in the fight to pass the bill.

The most reasonable assumption for Main Street is that health-care costs will either continue to grow at the same pace as for the past decadeor accelerate. This is a looming disaster for American business. The proportion of GDP devoted to health care has grown from 5% in 1962 to 16% today. Rising health-care costs appear to have suppressed wages, as firms seek to make up for the expense. America spends 53% more per head than the next most profligate country and almost two-and-a-half times the rich-country average. With health-care costs rising much faster than general inflation and 500,000 baby-boomers now becoming eligible for Medicaid every day, health-care spending is likely to hit 20% of GDP by 2017 and 25% by 2025.

The health-care reform is not without its merits from businesss perspective. The administration has tried hard to lighten the burden on small businesses, the engine of American job-creation. The bill exempts companies with fewer than 50 employees from the obligation to provide health insurance. It also creates insurance exchanges that allow small companies to buy insurance at a discount (because the clubs pool risks and administrative costs). But even such sensible changes hardly make up for the bills failure to control costs. The share of three - to nine-person companies offering health insurance declined from 58% to 49% between 2002 and 2008 for the simple reason that it was too expensive.

The Republicans are promising to repeal and replace the bill. But a glance at the history of big welfare reforms demonstrates two things. The first is that new entitlements are almost impossible to repeal. The second is that overhauls of something as complicated as Americas health-care system only come once in a generation. Harried business people will be dealing with the consequences of Obamacare for years to come.

Last edited by Ganglion; 04-29-2010 at 07:24 AM.

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Forex Volatility Indicators

Volatility indicators show the size and the magnitude of price fluctuations. In any market there are periods of high volatility (high intensity) and low volatility (low intensity).

These periods come in waves: low volatility is replaced by increasing volatility, while after a period of high volatility there comes a period of low volatility and so on.

Volatility indicators measure the intensity of price fluctuations, providing an insight into the market activity level.

Forex Volatility Indicators:

The methodology of using Volatility indicators

Low volatility suggest a very little interest in the price, but at the same time it reminds that the market is resting before a new large move. Low volatility periods are used to set up the breakout trades. For example, when the bands of the Bollinger bands indicator squeeze tight, Forex traders anticipate an explosive breakout way outside the bands limit.

A rule of thumb is: a change in volatility leads to a change in price. Another thing to remember about volatility is that while a low volatility can hold for an extended period of time, high volatility is not that durable and often disappears much sooner.


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La actual estrategia de comercio 200 EMA es en realidad un simple, así como muy simple de seguir junto con la estrategia de comercio de divisas que puede ser realmente atractivo y tiene la posibilidad real de crear sus propios pips innumerables por mes. Usando la Estrategia de Comercio de 200 EMA, usted está negociando usando el patrón así como comprando con éxito reducido así como promoviendo más alto. La cuestión es que uno de los mayores problemas que se ocupan de los nuevos inversores de divisas es en realidad cómo se puede determinar la principal tendencia-si el mercado es sin duda va hacia arriba o incluso hacia abajo? Muy bien, el actual 200 EMA es en realidad un signo de divisas que le ayudará. Por qué 200 EMA? Por qué no utiliza EMAs adicionales como 100 EMA o incluso 50 EMA o incluso 20 EMA o incluso 10 EMA?

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Simply because 200 EMA is actually 1 extremely popular foreign exchange sign utilized by plenty of investors as well as that’s the reason why all of us make use of 200EMA. Here’s what you ought to learn about the actual 200 EMA: whenever cost is actually beneath the actual 200 EMA, that’s the downtrend whenever cost is actually over the actual 200 EMA, that’s a good uptrend. THE ACTUAL 200EMA Trading Strategy AS WELL AS EXACTLY HOW THIS FUNCTIONS The actual 200EMA Strategy is really a multi-timeframe foreign exchange Strategy and that means you require the actual every day graph, the actual 4hr graph and also the 1hr graph. Listed here are the actual actions in order to Trading this particular foreign exchange Strategy very first, location 200EMA in your every day graph. Observe in the event that it’s as well as uptrend or perhaps a downtrend. The actual every day graph decides the primary pattern.

Entonces usted swithc hacia el gráfico 4hr y averiguar en el que el 200EMA es en realidad de acuerdo con el costo, podría estar dentro del mismo patrón, ya que el gráfico de cada día. Si ese es el caso, el siguiente es en realidad un cambio de persona hacia el gráfico de 1 hora, así como examinar cuando el gráfico de 1 hora está exactamente dentro del mismo patrón desde el día y también los gráficos de 4 horas. Se encuentra dentro del gráfico de 1 hora exactamente donde sus propios registros de la industria tienden a realizarse una vez que el patrón dentro del gráfico de 1 hora es equivalente a los gráficos reales de 4 horas y también todos los días. Exactamente lo que quiere realizar aquí con el fin de "comprar las inmersiones reales", así como "vender los mítines reales" en el plazo de 1 hora.

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Currency at a glance:

Hora. = 4:38 pm = 8.00 + GMT Currency pairs. EURUSD H1

Market situation. Prices in sideway market. Price location. In the up trend areas with down bar. Price movements. Showing up. Comments. Trade when prices break away from the squeeze area. ================================= 2.

Time = 4:39 pm = 8.00 + GMT Currency pairs. GBPUSD H1

Market Situation. Prices in up trend market. Price location. Prices in the up trend areas with down bar. Price movement. Prices moving up with reversal down indicator. Comments. Not at the best sitution to enter the trade. ================================= 3.

Time = 4:39 pm = 8.00 + GMT Currency pairs. USDJPY H1

Market situation. Prices in sideway market. Price location. Prices are in down trend areas in the up bar. Price movement. Showing down with reversal up indicator. Comments. Could make a small temporary reversal. ================================= 4.

Hora. = 4:40 pm = 8.00 + GMT Currency pairs. USDCHF H1

Market situation. Prices are in down trend. Price location. In down trend areas with up bar. Price movement. Prices in down trend areas but making a reversal. Comments. Wait for a clear trend to enter the market. =================================

Tuesday, 26 February 2013

Currency at a glance:

Hora. 1.01pm = 8.00 + GMT Currency pairs. EURUSD H1

Market situation. Prices are all in small squeeze in a sideway market. Price location. In down trend areas Price movements. Up movement Comments. Wait for breakout.

Time 1.02 pm = 8.00 + GMT Currency pairs. GBTUSD H1

Market Situation. Prices in small squeeze in down market. Price location. In down trend areas. Price movement. Up movement. Comments. Wait for break out.

Time 1.03 pm = 8.00 + GMT Currency pairs. USDJPY H1

Market situation. Prices in small squeeze in sideway market Price location. In down trend areas. Price movement. Up movement Comments. Wait for breakout.

Hora. 1.03 pm = 8.00 + GMT Currency pairs. USDCHF H1

Market situation. Prices in in sideway market Price location. In up trend areas Price movement. Up move ment Comments. Not worth entering the market

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Charles: Your last statement is completely untrue, is 100% conjecture and borders on slander.

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2012-05-16 2Star I bought this system with expectation, that it will be understandable. And tried almost for one month. I regularly asked Sebastian and Simon for help, but they were really slow to respond. Also IMHO they have problems with gift of teaching. They just made hidden advertising of fapwinner. com. They organized access to trading room, but at trading room I just can observe their signals, but I want to understand the system, not just follow to signals of somebody. So mine recomendation is like this: if you can afford for yourself 2000$ for system, and 5000 $ for courses, you are welcome. But if you have only 2000 to give for system, then better stay away, as you'll encounter losses

2012-04-19 4Star I've bought this system, and partially satisfied. System works quite good, with early indication when to enter the market. But I'm not happy with their support. I submitted mine questions, and still didn't get answer for two days.

Hi, this is Charles,

I am responding to this post as it involves both FAPWINNER, and Paint Bar Forex. I have included the original post, so that I may address each point, line by line.

Yuriy I bought this system with expectation, that it will be understandable.

Response Paint Bar Forex is NOT a trading system. It is a set of indicators.

Yuriy And tried almost for one month. I regularly asked Sebastian and Simon for help, but they were really slow to respond. Also IMHO they have problems with gift of teaching.

yuriy They just made hidden advertising of fapwinner. com .

Response PAINT BAR Forex has no HIDDEN advertising. I have publicly stated that Paint Bar Forex are the only indicators that I use, I also have endorsed them on their website, and I have remodeled the MESA Method to use their indicators exclusively. There is NOTHING hidden.

Yuriy They organized access to trading room, but at trading room I just can observe their signals, but I want to understand the system, not just follow to signals of somebody.

Reply Paint Bar Forex did NOT organize the FAPWINNER Trading Room. FAPWINNER made a business decision to open a live trading room, and in the room, we trade a proprietary manual trading method that uses the Paint Bar Forex indicators.

I told you previously that the trading room is for signals only. The trading room is not designed to provide education, it is designed to do exactly what it does - provide trading signals and trade calls - nothing more.

Yuriy So mine recomendation is like this: if you can afford for yourself 2000$ for system, and 5000 $ for courses, you are welcome. But if you have only 2000 to give for system, then better stay away, as you'll encounter losses

Reply Your last statement is completely untrue, is 100% conjecture and borders on slander.

There are two courses that are offered. One course is $1,000.00 with runs for 13 sessions and includes 6 trading strategies, and the other course is the MESA Trading Method which costs $3,000.00. We also offer courses that are just $99.00 each, so there are options to fit the budget of any serious trader looking for training.

If you want to trade, them learn to do so. We can help you. What you are looking for is free information, which I explained I would not provide because it would not be fair to the people that paid for the information.

Finally, to state that one will take losses on a course that you have not taken, and know nothing about is simply wrong. By visiting the FOREX Peace Army review of FAPWINNER. com, you will find testimonials of those that have paid for and taken the course. All of their reviews are positive and more importantly, factual.

If anyone would like to ask questions about the Forex trader training programs FAPWINNER offers, a honest appraisal of Paint Bar Forex Indicators, or The Mesa Training Method, please email me directly at support@fapwinner. com

Charles A. Floyd, II CTA, CPO President & CEO FAPWINNER. com

My experience with Paint Bar Forex started out well. I was told by Simon that the indicators work well with Renko MT4 charts. I asked for more information and was sent a link for free Renko charts. I had trouble getting the new charts to load and asked for help. I have now asked for assistance on 4 occasions and have gotten no response. I finally figured out on my own how to use the MT4 Renko charts and when I attached the PBF template everything locked up. I tried on another computer and the same thing happened. My experience with this marketer has been very bad. I cancelled my monthly subscription and am moving on.

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I purchased Paint Bar Forex a week ago as well as operating four sets along with FinFX we composed the actual cost within 3 times. I like this technique and also the solution in order to lucrative deals by using it (as it’s along with any kind of system/strategy) is actually waiting around before powerful setups exist before a person. You might get a couple of each day — or even not one. In the event that not one appear it is because problems tend to be as well dangerous! It is among the best guide techniques I have actually observed or even utilized, as well as during my seventeen many years within buying and selling foreign exchange I have observed as well as utilized many of them!

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There is a number of unique indications included — however they tend to be therefore distinctive they nearly go back a person to as being a newbie using the believed which “the much more indications I’ve upon my personal graphs the greater precise it will be. Mixed they will definitely become the magnetic and obtain the cost to visit exactly where I’d like this! inch I believe everyone knows exactly where which perception ultimately prospects all of us. However the Paint Bar Indicators tend to be genuinely distinctive as well as effective!

I will consist of their mixed PDF FILE guide right here therefore the technique gets just a little better. Because the indications can’t end up being packed lower from this We don’t think I am traversing any kind of collection right here We really should not be. If that’s the case We believe in the moderator may take it off! Whenever you buy the program you receive this particular “Quick Start” PDF FILE Along with a much more in-depth description PDF’s with regard to Each one of the indications.

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Estrategias Forex Estrategia Forex, Estrategia simple, Estrategia Forex Trading, Forex Scalping

Forex Strategy OZFX Squeeze is designed for intra-day trading on forex, and more precisely on the interval H4 ;

On the schedule for the chosen currency pair must be placed the following indicators for Forex:

1) Awesome (AO) — Bill Williams oscillator with default settings

3) Accelerator (FC) — oscillator Bill Williams as the default settings.

4) Indicator Stochastic — it must be imposed on the indicator AC 5,3,4 with the settings (if you do not know how to do it, then can just download the end of this forex strategy template for MT4 ).

Description forex strategy OZFX Squeeze :

1) The 4-hour pricing schedule allows the trader to take a big enough movement in the market — from 100 to 1,000 pips. But it is possible to trade and to a smaller time periods. but for a 30-minute charts, for example, the size of the trend will be Ryan 30 — 50 points.

2) Oscillator SA allows us to determine the status of the current trend in the market. As soon as oscillators AO and AC are painted the same color, it indicates a strong trend on the market. Oscillator AO responds to changes in the trend is slightly slower than the oscillator AC.

3) Oscillator AC indicate a change in trend garazdo faster than the oscillator AO and thus gives a good trading signals for market entry and exit. Oscillator AC — perhaps the only indicator forex. which allows the trader to open a forex trading positions as close as possible to the top or bottom of the trend movement.

4) Stochastic indicate oversold and overbought market. And it is quite important to determine the points of entry and exit.

Entering the market for forex strategy OZFX Squeeze — aggressive (more risky) .

1) We get a strong signal at the entrance to the market as soon as the Stochastic% K and% D intersect the upward or downward level 80 or level 20, and two oscillators Bill Williams, AC and AO are colored red or green at the same time.

2) As soon as the Stochastic crosses up or down level 80 or level 20 . We wait until the indicator light will turn red AC or green. Open a trading position at the opening of the same price bar.

Entering the market for forex strategy OZFX Squeeze — Conservative.

As soon as the Stochastic crosses up or down level 80 or level 20, wait until the indicator crosses the zero line Stochastic oscillator AU.

Do not open a trading position. If the Stochastic crosses up or down level 80 or level 20, but the oscillator does not change AU vsoy color at the next price candle.

Examples of transactions (click on picture to enlarge — opens in new window):

Risk management and capital management, when trading forex strategy OZFX Squeeze :

1) Open a trading position with 3 lots with a safety stop-loss at 50 points (if you have 3 lots of a lot — you can open a position respectively 0.3 Lot or Lot 0.03).

2 ) Close the profit on the 1 st open lot at 50 pips from entry into the market, thus shifting the safety stop-loss order to breakeven .

3) Close the gain on 2 nd open lo t at a distance of 100 points from entering the market.

4) The last part of trading positions are closed as soon as was received by the opposite trade entry signal to the market.

You should not leave the trade position . if not crossed Stochastic its level of 80 or 20. We wait until an intersection with the zero line oscillator AU, and only then out of the market. It is important for forex strategy, if you want to catch the big trend movements in the market — from 100 to 900 points.

Remember . Once the bars of the oscillator crosses down the AU level 20 or up level of 80, while crossing the Stochastic indicator — this is a very strong signal !

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OZFX Squeeze

p class = "head"> Forex Strategy OZFX Squeeze

Forex Strategy OZFX Squeeze is designed for intra-day trading on forex, or rather the interval H4;

On the schedule for the chosen currency pair, you must put the following indicators for Forex: 1) Awesome (AO) - Bill Williams oscillator with the default settings 3) Accelerator (AU) - Bill Williams oscillator as the default settings. 4) Indicator Stochastic - it needs to be put on display with the AU settings 5,3,4 (if you do not know how this is done, then simply download at the end of the forex strategy template for MT4).

Description forex strategy OZFX Squeeze: 1) The 4-hour pricing schedule allows the trader to take a big enough movement in the market - from 100 to 1000 pips. But it is possible to trade and to a smaller time periods, but for a 30-minute charts, for example, the size of the trend will be Ryan 30 - 50 points. 2) Oscillator SA allows us to identify the current trend in the market. As soon as oscillators AO and AC are painted the same color, it shows a strong trend in the market. AO oscillator responds to a change in trend is slightly slower than the oscillator AU. 3) Oscillator AC indicate a change in trend garazdo faster than the oscillator AO and, thus, gives a good trading signals for market entry and exit. Oscillator AU - perhaps the only indicator, forex, forex trader that allows trading positions open as close to the top or bottom of the trend movement. 4) Stochastic indicate oversold and overbought market. And it's important enough to determine the points of entry and exit.

Entering the market of forex strategy OZFX Squeeze - aggressive (more risky).

1) We get a strong signal to entry into the market . as soon as Stochastic% K and% D cross from the bottom up or top-down level 80 or level 20, and two oscillators Bill Williams AC and AO are colored red or green in the same period of time. 2) As soon as the Stochastic crosses up or down level 80 or level 20. We wait until the indicator light will turn red AC or green. Open trading at the open of the same price bar.

Log into the market of forex strategy OZFX Squeeze - Conservative.

Once Stochastic crosses up or down level 80 or level 20, wait until the indicator crosses the zero line Stochastic oscillator AU.

should not open a trading position: If the Stochastic crosses up or down level 80 or level 20, but the oscillator does not change AU vsoy color on the next candle price.

Example transactions (click on picture to enlarge - opens in new window):

Risk management and capital management, when trading forex strategy OZFX Squeeze:

1) Open a trading position 3 units with a safety stop-loss of 50 points (if you have a lot of 3 lots - can be opened position respectively Lot 0.3, or 0. 03 Lot). 2) Close the profit for the 1st open lot at 50 pips from entry into the market, thus shifting the safety stop-loss to breakeven. 3) Close the profit of the 2nd open lot at a distance of 100 points of entry into the market. 4) The last part of the close of trading positions, as was obtained opposite trading signal for entry into the market.

Do not leave the trade position . if not crossed Stochastic their levels of 80 or 20. We wait until an intersection with the zero line of the oscillator of the AU and only then leave the market. It is important for forex strategy, if you want to catch the big trend movements in the market - from 100 to 900 points.

Note: As soon as the bars of the oscillator crosses down the AC level 20 or level 80 upwards, while crossing the stochastics indicator - this is a very strong signal!


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Oliver andrees forex

Oliver andrees forex

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Bollinger bandas medida cuadrada mercantilismo técnica herramienta creada por John Bollinger dentro de principios de 1980 & # 8217; s. Surgen de la necesidad de bandas de mercantilismo adaptativo y también de la observación de que la volatilidad era dinámica, no estática como se creía en su momento.

Haga clic aquí para descargar una nueva herramienta de comercio y estrategia GRATIS

Una banda premeditó 2 desviaciones normales lejanas de una media móvil directa, desarrollada por el reconocido mercader técnico John Bollinger. Como resultado de la variación puede ser un vivir de la volatilidad, Bollinger Bands ® se regulan a las condiciones del mercado. Una vez que los mercados se vuelven volátiles, las bandas se ensanchan (se alejan más de la media) y, a través de períodos menos volátiles, las bandas se contraen (se acercan a la media).

La modificación de las bandas es usualmente empleada por los comerciantes técnicos como una indicación anticipada de que la volatilidad está cerca de aumentar fuertemente. Esto es a menudo uno entre el principal en técnicas de análisis de estilo técnico. Cuanto más cerca de los costos se mueven a la banda más alta, el mucho de la sobrecompra en el mercado, y también cuanto más cerca de los costos se mueven a la banda inferior, la gran cantidad de oversold el mercado.

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Estrategia de comercio de la gama bollinger

The 200 period EMA is perhaps the most influential tool to use in technical analysis and trading systems. It is the ultimate mark or line in the sand separating the bulls and the bears. This system suitably works with the 4 hour, 1 hour as well as 15 minute time frames. The Price should be on top of the 200 EMA on the 4 hour and 1 hour. Otherwise it can range from below to above the 200 ema on the 15 minute graph. At what time it raises a couple of pips higher than the previous reaction high, this will be activated.

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It commonly uses only one indicator – the 60 period Simple Moving Average (SMA) more than three dissimilar time frames – the 4 hour chart, the 1 hour chart and the 15 minute chart. The initial step is to come across the 4 hour chart and observe whether price is above or beneath the 60 period sma. When it is above it you should try to buy and if it is below it you should try to sell. The next step is to seem to be at the 1 hour chart. But price was higher than the sma on the 4 hour and price is on top of the sma on the 1 hour this provides us bullish confirmation.

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Like most traders in the U. S. my first experiences involved stock trading. After a rough start, I built a track record that I was able to parlay into a job on Wall Street.

The fact that I didn’t live in New York at the time was a minor detail, and soon I was getting up at around 4:00 AM to begin the trek to work. I would exit my train beneath the World Trade Center, meet up with some co-workers for coffee, and prepare for the all-out war that would begin every day at 9:30 AM.

Eventually I was lured away by another firm, and began working on another trading desk in Manhattan. I moved to New York City, shortening my daily commute from two hours each way to two blocks.

One of the many benefits of living and working in New York City is exposure to people and cultures from around the world. One of the “new” concepts (at least it was new to me) to which I was exposed at this time was the currency market. Once I learned about the advantages of forex trading, I was hooked.

I like to focus on market tendencies that are easy to identify and rooted in logic. One of the more dependable recurring market tendencies is the cycle of volatility — the concept that periods of high volatility are usually followed by periods of low volatility, and vice versa.

This cycle can be observed in almost any trading market, but it’s most closely identified with options trading. Options traders write put and call contracts during periods of high volatility, to collect the “premium” — the cost of the contract. The premiums attached to these contracts tend to be fatter when markets are volatile.

The option writer assumes volatility will return to normal levels in the future, allowing him to buy back the contracts at a reduced premium. In the world of options, this concept is referred to as “selling volatility”. This cycle of volatility can also be observed in the Forex market.

There’s a simple reason for this. When a market is trending, as the Forex market often does, the participants have a definite opinion as to the direction of the trade. When a currency pair begins to trend, traders are showing a strong preference for one currency over another.

During strong trends, the market is volatile because the price is on the move. The perception of value has changed and the price must move to reflect this change of opinion.

After a while, a currency pair will reach a point where traders feel that the exchange rate is fairly valued. The bulls and the bears reach an agreement — at least temporarily — that the pair is reasonably priced. At this point, the trend pauses and the pair will enter a period of consolidation.

But the pair can’t stay trapped in these doldrums forever. The bulls and bears may have reached a temporary truce, but eventually new information will be introduced into the market, and the perception of value will change as this news is digested.

Moving averages can be used as one indication of volatility. In Figure 1, the 20-period exponential moving average (EMA) bounces wildly during a volatile period. As the pair transitions from high to low volatility, the 20- period EMA begins moving sideways. The flat 20- period EMA is one indication that the trend has paused, at least temporarily, and the price has entered the consolidation phase

Figure 1 — On the daily chart, GBP/USD consolidates after a volatile period

In order to confirm that a trade is setting up, let’s add two indicators that measure volatility. If these indicators are falling, volatility is falling. Once volatility contracts, the currency pair has settled into a period of consolidation, which could lead to a powerful breakout.

The first of these indicators is average true range (ATR), which measures the average trading range of a pair over a given period of time. In this case, we are measuring the range based on the daily chart, using the default parameter of 14-periods. As we can see in Figure 2, the ATR indicator is falling, meaning that the average daily range is shrinking, and volatility is decreasing.

Bollinger bands also measure volatility. Bollinger bands split open when volatility is high, and converge when volatility falls. Instead of using the bands themselves, we can use the Bollinger band width indicator, which is simply a measure of the space between the Bollinger bands. We can see in Figure 2 that the Bollinger band width indicator has fallen to near its lows, again confirming that we are in a period of consolidation.

Figure 2 ATR and Bollinger Band Width indicate that volatility is falling

We have confirmed that volatility is falling, but this doesn’t give us an indication as to the direction of any potential breakout. This is because volatility has no directional bias; we don’t know the direction of the next move, we only know that a move is imminent. So, we need to prepare for a breakout in either direction.

We can do this by adding trendlines to the chart, and by targeting a break above or below a trendline as an entry point for a directional trade. If the upper trendline breaks, we’ll go long and if the lower trendline breaks, we’ll sell short.

To guard against a false breakout, place a stop below the upper trendline in the case of a long trade, and above the lower trendline if we enter a short trade. Note that the two trendlines form a symmetrical triangle, a common formation during times of low volatility (Figure 3).

Figure 3 Symmetrical Triangles are common in low-volatility markets

When determining our exit points, we want to consider price areas that have previously acted as support or resistance, as well as major Fibonacci retracements and round numbers (see Figure 4).

For example, if the price breaks down past the lower trend line, initiating a short sale, the level of 1.7150 is one choice for a potential exit, because of prior support in that area. A further area of support would be 1.7050, which is the approximate low of the downtrend.

Figure 4 Use of support/resistance, round numbers and Fibonacci to determine exits

What if the price breaks the upper trendline, indicating that we should enter a long trade? For resistance levels, we can draw a Fibonacci retracement of the major downward move from 1.8500 to 1.7050. The 50% retracement of this downtrend, located near 1.7775, makes a compelling exit point.

The 61.8% Fib retracement of the same downtrend could be used as an additional exit. If we reach the first exit point, we can exit part of the position and raise the stop to the breakeven point on the remaining portion of the trade.

The round number 1.8500 is the peak of the prior trend and a previous resistance level, so this could be used as an additional exit point. It would also represent a 100% retracement of the downtrend.

The longer the amount of time spent in the consolidation phase, the stronger the breakout tends to be. Why would this be true? During the time that the price is trading in a narrow range, there are buyers and sellers taking positions. Because the price is not moving very much, these traders have little reason to exit their trades.

But if a breakout does occur, a large number of traders will be caught on the “wrong side” of the market, regardless of the direction of the breakout. As these traders cover their positions, they provide fuel for the breakout, helping to push the price further away from the consolidation area.

Figure 5 Volatility returns with a vengeance

Finally, the GBP/USD pair blasts out of the triangle and races to reach its targets, as volatility returns with a vengeance. This forceful move carried cable all the way to 1.9000, a move of nearly 1500 pips (see Figure 5).

Although this example takes place on the daily chart, similar setups occur in other time frames. The logic behind the setup, and the forex market’s tendency to break out after a period of consolidation, holds true in both long and short time frames.

Traders will see this setup occur over and over again. It works well because the recurring cycle of volatility is made constant by human behavior. Markets may change and traders may come and go, but human nature essentially remains the same.

Ed Ponsi is the President of FXEducator. com and is the former Chief Trading Instructor for Forex Capital Markets. An experienced professional trader and money manager, Ed has advised hedge funds, institutional traders, and individuals of all levels of skill and experience. He is a regular contributor to SFO Magazine, The Pristine View, and FX Street, and is currently writing his first book for Wiley Finance. Ed’s new DVD series, “FXEducator: Forex Trading with Ed Ponsi” is now available at www. fxeducator. com and from select distributors worldwide. For more information, email us at info@fxeducator. com .

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The concept is actually to produce a None-trading Zone, to avoid repeated Trades upon comparable cost range. I am utilizing MA mix in order to key in my personal Trade, as well as generally throughout sideways, there are many entered with no substantial price action.

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My personal earlier signal proved helpful and then avoid Trades when the cost is actually beneath OR EVEN over my personal Zone collection, however Not Inside the Zone collection.

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Bienvenido a Yahoo Groups.

Think or Swim Thinkscript programmer is a Restricted Group with 3212 members.

You should be aware the scan ONLY functions in a daily timeframe (apparently),

so while the squeeze may be firing during the day, it's only the end of day status

that counts (unless you're trying to anticipate, but being early can be costly).

Presumably you could change the "(1) above to "(2)" and the "()" to "(1)" and run in the morning

to see yesterday, or run the code at night, and you'd get "end-of-day" results, BUT I can't confirm

"how" the TOS "scan clock" works, so you'd have to play around to figure out exactly when.

Further, someone here or at the referred site gave the code ONLY for BULLISH squeezes,

but it works both ways. See the John Carter explanation video here:

btw: forget the Cramer video, it's NOT helpful (except that that squeeze signal failed?)!

Finally, I have attached a picture of a chart showing "everything". I ALWAYS check my code

by examining BOTH the study and the SCAN indicator (which I call A01_TTMsqueeze cause

I want all my scans sorted together when working with scripts).

From: gal_ashour_02 <gal. a67@. & Gt; To: TOS_thinkscript@yahoogroups. com Sent: Sunday, August 28, 2011 12:20 AM Subject: [TOS_thinkscript] Re: John Carter's squeeze

Hi Bob, From what I saw, other than the nifty visualization, the squeeze is basically triggered when the bollinger bands are crossing the Keltner channel.

TOS studies are applicable for specific tickers (rather than 'a list'), so they will not give you the functionality you seem to be looking for (unless you open a chart for each symbol you wish to cover and apply the study to it - but I doubt you can cover too many this way).

Custom formulas in principal could be used to give such indication, but TOS implies (too) strict limitations on the length/complexity of such scripts (just very few lines of code) - since they wish to avoid the performance implications (although I suggested to them many times that they can make the custom formulas to be run on the client side computer rather than the server side, it is currently on the latter, and since custom formulas can be applied to watchlists - containing quite a few tickers - I can understand their concern).

The available platform to achieve what you want is probably through Prodigio, and deply to trade-optics to give you the triggers.

Espero que esto ayude.

--- In TOS_thinkscript@yahoogroups. com. "trader1_bob" <trader1_bob@. & Gt; Escribió: & gt; & Gt; & Gt; & Gt; & Gt; Hey Richard & Everybody, > & Gt; I am aware Of the TTM squeeze chart study which is helpful but how can you or would it be possible or better to be able to scan for for stocks, future, forex that are giving the squeeze signal. Or maybe I misunderstood what everyone was talking about. & Gt; & Gt; Bob > & Gt; & Gt; & Gt; & Gt; --- In ymailto="mailto:TOS_thinkscript%40yahoogroups. com">TOS_thinkscript@yahoogroups. com, "Richard Houser" rhouser@ wrote: > & Gt; & Gt; & Gt; You don't need to code it, it is now a built-in chart study called, oddly > & Gt; enough, TTM_Squeeze. & Gt; & Gt; & Gt; & Gt; & Gt; & Gt; & Gt; & Gt; From: TOS_thinkscript@yahoogroups. com > & Gt; [mailto:TOS_thinkscript@yahoogroups. com ] On Behalf Of Dwight Grosse > & Gt; Sent: Wednesday, August 24, 2011 3:10 PM > & Gt; To: TOS_thinkscript@yahoogroups. com > & Gt; Subject: [TOS_thinkscript] John Carter's squeeze > & Gt; & Gt; & Gt; & Gt; & Gt; & Gt; & Gt; & Gt; & Gt; & Gt; & Gt; on 8/17/11 John Carter said that there might be a scan for the "squeeze > & Gt; play", does anyone know the code? & Gt; & Gt; & Gt;

On 5/19 I responded to a similar thread regarding scans for the TTM_Squeeze. I generated a couple of questions so I thought I'd answer those first and get them out of the way. The TTM_Squeeze, as I state below, is made up of three actions 1) the set, the BB crosses inside the KC, 2) the trigger, the BB crosses outside the KC, and 3) the confirmation, which is the TTM_Squeeze histogram being greater than zero. If you were looking at the study on a chart you would see, 1) dots go from green to red (get set), 2) dots go from red to green (get ready), and 3) the histogram is above the zero line (go!). But when you're doing scans you're waiting expectantly for the green light and all you're concerned with is go-no-go. In response to several other email, you don't have to check both the high and low bands as the action of one is a mirror image of the other, and it doesn't matter which set you test, lower or upper the crossover points occur at the same point in time. Also, since you can't cross to the outside without having already crossed to the inside for the scan you can safely eliminate that condition and work on finding stocks that are giving both new signals #2 & # 3. The details of how to do that is in the copy of my 5/19 email, below, with a couple of small updates:

TTM Squeeze scan

The scan for ttm_squeeze has two parts, 1) the squeeze, and 2) the histogram confirmation. Unfortunately I couldn't get both in the same script, I kept getting the dreaded script too complicated message. It's not a problem really, you just have to have two study filters, one for each part. NOTE: you can't use the built-in TTM_Squeeze study as the squeeze plot has a constant of value of zero and the colors are changed according to a non-plotted criteria. This is no problem as the squeeze is just the union of Bollinger Bands and Keltner Channels. When the BB moves inside the KC the signal is set, when the BB move back outside of the KC the buy is triggered, except that you also have to have confirmation by the TTM Squeeze Histogram; it needs to be greater than zero.

1) TTM Squeeze study.

declare lower; plot ttmSqueezeScan = BollingerBandsSMA().LowerBand[1] > KeltnerChannels().Lower_Band[1] and BollingerBandsSMA().LowerBand < KeltnerChannels().Lower_Band;

You can take the logic statement (everything after the = sign and before the terminating ;) and paste it directly into a study filter. If you name it appropriately (like TtmSqueezeScan) you can then save it. Saves you from doing a study.

2) TTM Squeeze Histogram, just paste this directly into a study filter, as before, name it appropriately (like TtmSqueezeHistoScan) and save it.

TTM_Squeeze().Histogram > 0 NOTE: you must have both study filters active to get the full TTM Squeeze alert. If you're going to use only one make it the TTM Squeeze scan, though I think the confirmation is a crucial part of the strategy.

From: TOS_thinkscript@yahoogroups. com [mailto:TOS_thinkscript@yahoogroups. com] On Behalf Of Bob Porter Sent: Sunday, August 28, 2011 2:58 PM To: TOS_thinkscript@yahoogroups. com Subject: Re: [TOS_thinkscript] Re: John Carter's squeeze

From: gal_ashour_02 <gal. a67@. & Gt; To: TOS_thinkscript@yahoogroups. com Sent: Sunday, August 28, 2011 12:20 AM Subject: [TOS_thinkscript] Re: John Carter's squeeze

Hi Bob, From what I saw, other than the nifty visualization, the squeeze is basically triggered when the bollinger bands are crossing the Keltner channel.

TOS studies are applicable for specific tickers (rather than 'a list'), so they will not give you the functionality you seem to be looking for (unless you open a chart for each symbol you wish to cover and apply the study to it - but I doubt you can cover too many this way).

Custom formulas in principal could be used to give such indication, but TOS implies (too) strict limitations on the length/complexity of such scripts (just very few lines of code) - since they wish to avoid the performance implications (although I suggested to them many times that they can make the custom formulas to be run on the client side computer rather than the server side, it is currently on the latter, and since custom formulas can be applied to watchlists - containing quite a few tickers - I can understand their concern).

The available platform to achieve what you want is probably through Prodigio, and deply to trade-optics to give you the triggers.

Espero que esto ayude.

--- In TOS_thinkscript@yahoogroups. com. "trader1_bob" <trader1_bob@. & Gt; Escribió: & gt; & Gt; & Gt; & Gt; & Gt; Hey Richard & Everybody, > & Gt; I am aware Of the TTM squeeze chart study which is helpful but how can you or would it be possible or better to be able to scan for for stocks, future, forex that are giving the squeeze signal. Or maybe I misunderstood what everyone was talking about. & Gt; & Gt; Bob > & Gt; & Gt; & Gt; & Gt; --- In TOS_thinkscript@yahoogroups. com. "Richard Houser" rhouser@ wrote: > & Gt; & Gt; & Gt; You don't need to code it, it is now a built-in chart study called, oddly > & Gt; enough, TTM_Squeeze. & Gt; & Gt; & Gt; & Gt; & Gt; & Gt; & Gt; & Gt; From: TOS_thinkscript@yahoogroups. com > & Gt; [mailto:TOS_thinkscript@yahoogroups. com ] On Behalf Of Dwight Grosse > & Gt; Sent: Wednesday, August 24, 2011 3:10 PM > & Gt; To: TOS_thinkscript@yahoogroups. com > & Gt; Subject: [TOS_thinkscript] John Carter's squeeze > & Gt; & Gt; & Gt; & Gt; & Gt; & Gt; & Gt; & Gt; & Gt; & Gt; & Gt; on 8/17/11 John Carter said that there might be a scan for the "squeeze > & Gt; play", does anyone know the code? & Gt; & Gt; & Gt;

Tag: squeeze stock trading system

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13 of the Best Squeeze Page Examples on the Internet

This post is for Internet Marketers (and bloggers) who cannot figure it out (yet) how to build high-converting squeeze pages that turn as many visitors into subscribers and they want to see real-life examples of the best squeeze pages. If you like list building on steroids then this article is for you because…

We’re going to take a look at 13 of the most highest-converting squeeze page examples – analyze what makes them powerful – so you have a “what works” model in front of you, ‘copy-cat’ ready!

Before we dive in, let’s answer some of the most common questions…

What does squeeze page really mean?

If you’ve been online for at least a month, you’ve heard about terms such as…

Lead capture page (or lead capture magnet)

Teaser page

Name squeeze page

These terms are referring to a web site (or blog) page that has a very specific objective.

*** “Capturing” visitor’s name & email address. Sometimes even their phone, snail, or zip code.

So you want to build a squeeze page to attract leads (potential customers) you can start building relationship with and SHARE more about you, your specialty (skills or knowledge) and what you have to offer (or recommend) – a product, a service or maybe a training program.

This is an ethical and honest method; we’re not talking about spam practices nor taking hostages!

Why should someone give you their email address?

Do you remember: when was the last time you subscribed to a list or newsletter?

Por qué lo hiciste? More than probably, it was because it got your attention and offered something of true interest to you: a mouth watering sample, a desirable freebie item or maybe a how-to info-packed report that you found good enough that you had to enter your email and snatch it up.

Definition of a high-converting squeeze page

What makes some landing pages convert as high as 65% while the most struggle for 5%?

There are 3 key ingredients I want you to consider:

#1 – Overall Offer (HEADLINE) – the simple, the better (it should be reader benefit-oriented)

“On the average, five times as many people read the headline as read the body copy. When you have written your headline, you have spent eighty cents out of your dollar.”- David Ogilvy

#2 – Email opt-in field – the higher positioned within the page, the better

#3 – Design – the simpler, the better (it helps load your page fast)

If you want to uplift your conversions, you should also uplift your email form and its call-2-action. Give visitors the option to scroll their mouse to find your form, and you lose most of them. Make it quick to subscribe to your list and you’ll add more leads than before. guaranteed.

What does “high-converting” mean?

Don’t make the assumption that a newsletter is a squeeze page. You have to put that offer into a dedicated page on your site or blog. Show no other distractions!

MindValley Labs split testing fanatics have proven… “Tests have shown that landing pages with too many navigational links consistently under-perform”

I spent 3 and half hours researching facts and statistics on the topic and I still couldn’t find any reliable I could share. My opinion is that newsletters convert on average anywhere between 1% and 10% while top squeeze pages can get 25% and even 65% conversions.

What counts the most is the quality of the traffic (visitor) reaching your landing page combined with the speed of your page, the overall offer (headline) and the position of your email form.

Before you create your first landing page . you should always perform in depth RESEARCH: understand what is being offered on the market and what is really demanded.

Then ask yourself these 3 cardinal questions:

1. What is my target audience (client) having problems/challenges with?

2. Are there any products (free and paid) on the market solving that problem/challenge yet?

3. How to make my headline reader-oriented while sounding hype-free (credible)?

“Advertising people who ignore research are as dangerous as generals who ignore decodes of enemy signals.” – David Ogilvy

A winning headline fills the gap between your target audience #1 need and your offer (solution)

13 Squeeze Page Examples and what makes them powerful

# 1. Stupid Simple Squeeze Page

What makes this powerful?

This is the most effective, simplest “design”, no distractions, just “enter your email” landing page I’ve ever seen. If you do a split (or multivariate) test with all the other 12 examples you’ll read next, you might be amazed to see this one WINNIG in 9 out of 10 cases!

# 2. Header Squeeze Page

What makes this powerful?

There’s a tight debate on industry-related blogs and forums: “Should you have a header or no header on a landing page?” and the answer is: NEVER. if you have an amateurish-looking graphic, or one which doesn’t emphasize your offer in 3 seconds or less.

Take a look at this winning header instead: it embeds the headline (promise), eCover and brand. ¡SÍ!

# 3. Video Squeeze Page

What makes this powerful?

It’s the headline promise: intriguing and reader-oriented. No doubt.

It has been said this was (one of the) most often “copy-cat” landing pages for many years, when it had no graphics and no video. Eben has now modernized it and I assume these elements gave a quick boost in conversion. The original page had high subscription rates already!

# 4. Audio Squeeze page

What makes this powerful?

Instant audio grabber is the key here. I’d prefer a video on that landing page though, as they’re offering a video presentation on their software. This is more like a disguised “pre-sale” landing page. It works if you do a product launch or want to share a demo of your program.

# 5. Graphic Squeeze Page

What makes this powerful?

I forgot to count the numbers of how many times I’ve stumbled upon bloggers with mailing list offers (the numbers of bloggers not having a list at all is even higher!) but no graphic representation.

Don’t they have $20 for a pro-looking eCover? This has been tested and proven to double and even triple email subscriptions!

#6. Random Draw Squeeze Page

What makes this powerful?

If you had the chance to sit down and talk with a blogger making $40k a month, and having real proof, would you download his free ebook showing you his “secrets”? For most aspiring bloggers, this claim would sound BALLONEY. But let’s not forget who’s behind this – John Chow – and how long it took him to reach this exposure, popularity and income. No pain, no gain!

Plus, I like his promise: “Just for signing up, you will be entered to win an Apple iPad!“

Think how you could implement this in your landing page strategy. Act as a product launcher!

#7. Try-It-Free Squeeze Page

What makes this powerful?

You cannot neglect their niche-oriented product: email marketing software for designers and their clients. If more people would be client-focalized and not “all things to all people”, businesses would convert more visitors into loyal customers, guaranteed.

You will find these kinds of pages in the software/web hosting related industry where try before you buy is the standard, yet not all comply.

#8. Blog Integrated Squeeze Page

What makes this powerful?

The mailing list offer is presented in the blog’s sidebar and they’ve also built a dedicated squeeze page for it. I like the “REASON WHY” title (headline) – it attracts struggling freelancers who cannot sleep at night thinking…

Why Some Freelancers Thrive while They’re Barely Surviving…

#9. Discount Squeeze Page

What makes this powerful?

In my opinion, this is the most profitable list one can setup because it mostly attracts buyers with card on hands. You won’t join such a list unless you’re interested in the niche products, and looking to save some money down the road, right?

If you advertise this page only to paid customers or private clients, you’d expect to receive super-high conversions, potentially 80% or more. Just test it and see how it goes!

#10. Newsletter Squeeze Page

What makes this powerful?

A free newsletter for smart Internet Marketers, coming from Brian Clark and CopyBlogger team? Who wouldn’t join that? Plus, the headline says…

“You don’t have to be a genius to master Internet Marketing”. Great USP! Also, notice the 20-part ecourse integrated into the subscription offer, smart!

#11. Sales Letter Squeeze Page

What makes this powerful?

It’s not the video, although it increases conversions, but what makes this page powerful is its unique sales letter style. It packs more elements than a simple squeeze: credibility-building testimonials and social proof graphics.

Although this might not get 60% conversion (let’s ask Yaro and find out!), I presume the quality of people joining in is top-notch because it takes a few scrolls to reach the sign-up form.

#12. eCourse Squeeze Page

What makes this powerful?

The 7-day quickstart email course offer: straight to the point; 3 bullet points. Unique strategy.

#13. eBook Offer Squeeze Page

What makes this powerful?

The eBook offer in itself. Daniel claims the content to be unique, in other words, he writes from personal experience, so it must be good as you’re learning from someone who runs pro blogs such as DailyWritingTips. com , DailyBits. com and TechCult. com

You want to split test your squeeze pages and see what squeeze page example or method works for your particular niche or industry. You don’t have to make all your pages stupid simple oriented unless you want to, nor add heavy design and slow your page loading time.

Testing will make the difference. You don’t have to upload video just because it’s the rage; maybe your visitors are not YouTube fanatics.

Now, what landing page idea do you like the most? Por qué? Let’s continue the conversation.

Send all your comments, questions and suggestions below…

PD A top quality squeeze page is KEY, but without traffic it is just a page. Here’s how to attract 100+ leads a day to your page.


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